

Clint keeps his eyes on his work. “Oh, just checking out a few of these hoses, and sparkplugs…getting some of the fluids changed…” He sees Wendy leaning in for a closer look. “Maybe Wes can hire you as an assistant to the assistant,” he teases.

Leaning down, he rests his elbows on the front of the open car, scanning the engine. “Never though I’d get involved with mechanics,” he muses. “Course…I never thought I’d meet someone like you before either.” His eyes stay focused on the car, his tone carrying all the implication it wants on its own.

Carson chuckles at Misty, his arms going around her waist. “Mm…I’m not sure. But how about I try repeating it so I can get the same results?” His eyes twinkle with mischief, but he doesn’t wait for Misty, instead initiating his own kiss, pulling her even closer to himself and letting it linger for several moments. Drawing away, he nods. “Okay. I think the neglect is gone. But you better see me before I leave today just to make sure I’m really cured.”

Con gives Jamie’s hand a little squeeze, appreciating her support. Finally entering the main floor, his eyes scan the room. It feels different than it has before…like he’s a stranger…but not.

He looks to Jamie with a little nod. “I’m gonna go see Laura, then get a few things taken care of. I’ll catch up with you in a bit.”

Heading his own way, he aims for his sister’s cubicle…

“Oh, Con.” Laura gets up from her desk and throws her arms around her brother, standing on her tiptoes.

Con grins and returns the hug affectionately. “Hey you.”

Laura pulls away and looks up into his eyes. “How ya doing?”

“Good.” Con nods. “I needed the time out.”

“I know.” Laura smiles. “How is everyone?”

“Great. I had a real good time with them, and we had a blast when Jamie came along too.”

Laura’s smile widens. “That’s good to hear.” She allows a short pause. “Sticking around today?”

“Um…” Con hesitates. “For a bit.” He refrains from saying what he really wants to. It was best if he just got things over with, and he didn’t want to endure any arguing. He forces a smile. “I’ll catch you later, alright?”

“Alright.” Laura watches her brother walk away, and gives a little sigh. He had peace again…of that she was thankful.

Con makes his way through the cubicles, waving at several people. He glances around at the desks, his eyes landing on the one that had been empty the last time he’d been here. He instinctively knew whose it was now. But it was empty. Heading down the hall, Con passes Jason’s office and pauses, a sadness filling him for his friend who wasn’t there. After a moment though, he moves on, willing himself to complete his mission.

He hesitates as he reaches the infirmary. He can hear voices. He knows he’s hit the right place. Opening the door, he steps inside, spotting Carson and Misty together. Noting they don’t hear him, he clears his throat.

Carson takes his time shifting his gaze from Misty, but suddenly realizes just who was watching. Letting Misty go, he quickly takes several steps backward, his eyes widening. The big man was the last person he’d expected to see, and he wasn’t ashamed to admit that he was afraid of him.

Con sees Carson’s fear and for just a moment enjoys it. But he suppresses it, pursing his lips in solemn thought. “Carson.”

Carson swallows hard, his eyes not leaving the larger man. “Con?”

“That’s right.” Con nods slowly. “I heard you’re part of the team now.”

“Uh, yeah…I guess I am.” Carson realizes he better not act wishy-washy around Con, and shifts his wording. “I mean, yeah…helping Reese get some stuff on the Agency.”

After an awkward pause, Con crosses his arms. “Look, Carson…I’m not gonna say I like you, because that wouldn’t be the truth. But I know you’re on our side now and just for the record, I’m not gonna come after you. I don’t like what you did, and I still get angry when I think about what happened. But every man deserves a second chance, so…you got it.”

Carson lifts an eyebrow skeptically. “Why the change of heart?”

“Time has a way of healing wounds,” Con replies evenly. “Lets just leave it at that.” He steps forward, extending his hand. “Truce?”

Carson looks at the hand, then back up to Con’s face. He wasn’t quite like the others around here, but it was evident he was really trying…once again, Carson is confused as to why. Con, of all people… Bewildered, but not one to pass up a truce when he was on the losing side, Carson accepts the handshake firmly. “Truce.”

Con breaks the handshake and throws a glance in Misty’s direction, giving her a slight nod. “Misty.” Not allowing time for conversation, Con turns around and leaves.

Carson turns to Misty, his eyes still wide. “Okay…that was…a relief.”

Con walks to his own office, letting out a deep sigh, but not allowing himself time to stop and think. Entering, he pulls the folded papers from his back pocket, spreads them on his desk, and picks up a pen, adding his signature to the bottom. Pausing just a moment, he folds them back up, exits the office and heads back to the main floor, aiming for Reese’s office…

…”Con, don’t do this!” Reese stands at his open door, calling after Con. “Come on!” He holds up the papers with exasperation.

Con doesn’t turn around, but continues his route back towards the hall his jaw set firmly, keeping himself from returning. Reaching his office once again, he moves without taking time to think about it…he’d thought about it enough, and had made up his mind.

Picking up an empty box from the corner, he sets it on his desk and begins to take pictures off the wall.

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