
Early morning

With just a bit of trouble, and leaning some on Katie, Jason is able to scoot up onto the couch, settling back with a sigh. He chuckles a little and nods. “Mom used to have night lights all over the place and I thought she was silly.”

He looks ahead into the darkness as Katie speaks, admitting only to himself that despite any embarrassment, he’d missed her helping him, too. He hated the mental torment he experienced, but it had provided the two of them with something only they could share.

When there’s a pause, Jason can feel Katie looking at him, and he turns his head to barely make out her eyes in the dark. A grin plays at the corner of his mouth. “Unless you can get me a new batch of memories, no.” He gives her shoulder a light squeeze. “But thanks. I appreciate all you’ve done.” He reaches over to the end of the couch to grab a couple blankets and tosses one on Katie’s lap. “Now, you might not have to work in the morning, but I do, and the next couple hours are ‘bout all I’ve got.” He knew he should go change his clothes and even get into his own bed, but at this point, his body was too exhausted to attempt getting up. Instead, he simply leans over to curl up on the couch, tucking his bare feet in next to the cushion Katie’s sitting on, and pulling his blanket up over himself.

The rest of the night isn’t much easier on Jason. Despite the reprieve, the terrifying images continue to haunt his mind. Sleep comes only in minutes at a time, and each time he wakes, it’s to a racing pulse and shaking hands. Only at five in the morning does he finally drift off into a sleep deep enough to hold him in rest.

Laura yawns and stretches before forcing herself out of bed, almost stepping on Henry who whines for his breakfast. “Alright, alright, come on.” She trudges to the kitchen to give him some food before heading for the shower. Something on the table catches her eye though, and she stops, picking up Katie’s not. “Strange…” She didn’t even know when Katie had left. Oh, well. She shrugs. If it had been an emergency, surely Katie would have woken her.

Its good

*Katie lets out a laugh as she trys to help Jason up. She was happy Jason broke the silence and the tention. Katie had felt is akwardness start to build. An Akwarkness she was not ready for. Katie was happy for Jason and his friendship. She has felt lost without his friendship.* "Maybe next time you should keep a small light on so YOU dont kill yourself eh." *For a moment everything is silenet than Katie turns to Jason.* " It was good being able to help you Jason. I missed it. Even if you feel embarssed. We all need help in our lifes. With something like this I wouldent blame you for having a hard time with this day. I probley would too." *Kaite smiles. As Trooper licks her hang Katie giggles again.* " Well I think your dog likes me. I must not be all that bad." *As Katie glances at Jason again she cant make our his silowet in the moonlight. He had changed since she last saw him. He was even more charming now. Katie was glad it was dark in the room as her cheeks turned red.* "Can I get you anything J?"

*As Rosetta flips through the files more. her eyes slowly start to close. Decieding it best she head to bed herself Rosetta puts the file back and makes a mentil note to look more in the morning and shair with Mick what she found out. Rosetta exits the mess all and shuts the light off. Once geting to her house and cralws back into bed and instintly falls asleep.*