

*Katie lets out a long tired sigh as Jason doges and leaves the room once again. How long would this strangeness go on? Would it be like this forever?*

"Anything but hospetil good would be wonderful. I cant stand this stuff. I mean I know there pashents are sick but we havent lost our tast for food."

*Katie gives a small laugh as everyone exits the room. Keeping up the light chat with Jen for alittle bit untill Jason returns and she gives a nod trying to ignore the mixed feelings she felt.*

"Yeah I should be ok for now. I just want to get up and go home..."

*Katie is about to say more but stops and smiles as she see Scott in the doorway. He looked differnt than he did yesterday he was back to what Katie new as normal.*

"Hey Hey Scott. This is a treat second day in a row huh?"

*Katie offers a smile, and gives Jason a side long glance with a smerk.*

"Hey no one alse will give me a hug around here can I get one from you?"

*Katie sticks her toung out at Jason before turning back to Scott to receve the hug.*

"I'm doing ok. Just frustrated and want to go home. Other than they things seem good. How are you today?"


Carson just takes a moment to simply look into Misty's eyes. Ever to admit only to her that he melted under her touch.

Reaching up to take her hand, he kisses it, then throws her a wink. "I gotta get back to work... I'll catch you later." Backing away, he slips back into the kitchen to work alongside Herb.

Jason cringes. He'd forgotten Katie didn't know about his knee. "Oh, it's nothing much." He shrugs, once again not realizing that Katie wouldn't know anything about Carson other than he was part of the Agency. "Carson and I just had a little go-around and my bad knee lost out. I'm fine though."

Phil can't help his frown as he listens to Jason. Ever time he'd seen him lately, he'd been favoring that knee. He wasn't surprised Reese hadn't let him go out like that. The last he had heard, Rick had been giving Jason shots for the pain, but as far as Phil knew, the doctor was no where near signing a release.

Jason catches Phil's look and tosses out his own, signaling that he really didn't want to get into it right now and have Katie worry more than she already was.

Turning back to her, Jason freezes at her question of a hug. It was bizarre that he did. He gave her hugs all the time as friends. But right now, he felt extremely awkward about it. Feeling the emotions start to rise again, he stamps them back down, desperate not to let Katie see them. Not now...not yet.

As he gives Katie a crooked grin, showing he'd be glad to give her a hug, his cell phone rings. "Aw, drat." Taking the phone off his belt he scans the number and hesitates. "Sorry. I'll be right back," he apologizes. He tosses a wink to Katie. "Don't go anywhere."

As he exits the room, Mike's hand slides from his pocket where his own phone rests. "Hey, I got an idea. How about the boys and me go pick up lunch a Mom and Pop's and sneak some back in here?"

Kyle's arms shoot into the air. "Mike gets the prize for best idea of the day! Let's go!"

Phil laughs and shakes his head. He gives a wave to Katie. "We'll see you in a little bit. Don't let Jen talk your ear off."

"Oh stop," Jen chides. "Behave yourselves while you're out. Without me around, who knows what kind of trouble you'll get into." As she and Katie are left alone, she giggles. "You gotta love them."

Jason leans up against the wall in the hallway and lets out a long sigh. This shouldn't be this hard. This was ridiculous. He couldn't even give Katie a hug? It was absurd. He glances down to his phone to see Mike's number again. Though Jason was glad for the interruption, it was unfortunate that apparently his body language had been obvious enough for Mike to catch on that quickly. Surely Katie had sensed the odd atmosphere as well. How long could Jason keep this up? How long could he keep pretending everything was fine so he didn't hurt her feelings?

"You alright?"

Jason turns quickly, feeling Mike's hand on his shoulder. "Yeah...no...I don't know."

"We're going out for a bit, then coming back. Need anything?"

Jason shakes his head. "Thanks. I'll stick around here a bit then get back to work."

Kyle salutes him as they head on out, then throws a wink to the nurse before exiting.

Jason watches them leave, and takes a deep breath. Jen was there...he could rely on her for any help he needed. Finally turning back to the room, he enters again, expertly pulling on one of his masks that smiles with bright eyes. Forcing himself not to limp, he goes back to Katie's bedside, sitting down next to her once more. "Sorry. I gotta be getting back to work here pretty soon." He reaches out to brush Katie's cheek with his hand. "You be alright for a while?"

A knock on the door interrupts them once more. Jen looks around and raises an eyebrow, a little surprised at the appearance of the visitor. But she thought she understood, and offers a warm smile. "Hi, Scott."

Scott's hands are stuffed in his pockets, his walk slow as he timidly enters the room. "Hey, Jen. Jason."

Jason gives him a nod. "Hey." He looks to Katie with a grin. "Aren't you the popular one today. Pretty soon Reese himself will be in here."

Scott manages half a smile, his hair, attire and glasses what Katie would have been used to seeing at the time she now remembered. "How's the patient?"

Hate seeing you...

*Katie cant help but laugh again. It was nice to have friends there to cheer her up.

Katie lifts her head a little higher as she hears Jason's voice. A bigger smile spreads across her face as she waits for a morning hug only to receve non as Jason sits on the end of the bed.

Katie looks a bit confused at Jason for a moment.*

"Why does Rick have to release you? Did you hurt yourself again? And where is my morning hug?"

*Katie looks to Jason with a bit of confustion. She could tell something was wrong. Something was differnt but she just dident know what. Why did she have this sickly feeling in the stomach.*

" I'm doing ok. Just cant wait to get out of here I think. Can't wait to remember too everything seems so strange and just funny feeling I guess."

*Katie looks to Jason her eyes forming a little hint of confustion.*

*Misty looks down at the plate and smiles. There were so many times Carson did the little things that saprised her and made her happy. Those were the times she loved the most.*

"Why thank you kind Sir. It looks like my food is happy to see me too."

*Misty looks up at Carson again searching his eyes and seeing his sinsarity. Giving a soft nod she caress his face again.*

"I'm glad its ove now. I hate seeing you hurt."

*Jamie gives a small nod to Scott and gives a pat to his arm once again. She only hoped Scott would be ok and he wouldent let this one bump bring him down. He really was more than what he made himself to be. *

"Ok, well if you need anyone I am a phone away. I'll help when and if I can Scott. Your strong I know you will do whats right."

*Offering another friendly smile she turns and makes her way out of the office and to her own. Life has a funny way of working out sometimes. One heart could be broken and than healed in the strangest of ways. Sometimes it would be unexspected but in the end things worked out.*


Kyle snorts at Katie's comment, picking up his twin's cue as if it had all been planned. "A burden? You? Good grief, Katie. You ought to know better than that. Not THAT much has changed." He gives her a silly grin. "You know we think the world of you."

Phil slaps him upside the head. "Now you're gonna embarrass the poor girl."

"Naw, just myself."

"So what else is new?"

"What is this? Pick on Kyle day?"

"It always is," Mike quips. "You're just too easy to pick on."

Kyle grimaces and looks at Katie again. "See what I have to deal with? Pretty soon I'm going to need you as my own personal body guard to fend off these guys. My sister doesn't even help me anymore."

Jen gives him a shocked look. "I defend you when I think you deserve it."


A new voice breaks in. "Kyle, shut up before you dig a hole so deep no one's ladder will be tall enough."

Kyle's head whips around to see Jason. "My friend...my dear friend...he won't even take my side."

Jason grins and comes up behind him, hooking his foot under his chair leg and pulling so the chair tips and Kyle is forced to stand so he doesn't fall over.

Phil laughs and shakes his head. "Hotshot is in the house. How's it going?"

"Fair. Busy day." Jason rolls his eyes. He flops down on the edge of Katie's bed, as the spare chairs are taken up already. "I'm busting my britches to get a project done for Reese. He isn't letting me back out on cases yet, but if he doesn't let me soon, I'm gonna go stir crazy. It's just getting Rick to sign that stupid paper to release me." He sighs, and switches subjects, looking to Katie. "So. How's Hero today? You're looking good."

Carson lets Misty run a finger over his fresh bruise, knowing that she's wondering what happened. When she doesn't ask though, his gratefulness is apparent on his face.

He grins at her comments of good looks at trust, and is about to answer, but he's taken in by her kiss instead. Returning it, he doesn't care who's in the restaurant. Showing his affections in public never had bothered him, and he wasn't about to give up one of Misty's kisses. She did something to him he never had been able to explain.

Receiving Aerith's whack to his arm, he straightens up feigning an injury. "Hey, watch it! I only got two good arms! Herb, control your employees!"

Swiveling back to Misty, he gives her a wink and a nod. "Eggs, toast and bacon, it is." Heading back through the doors, he takes his towel and rolls it up, snapping it on Aerith's back before scooting out of reach.

It's not too long before Carson brings Misty her food himself, setting her plate down to reveal a smiley face made out of the eggs and bacon. "Madam...breakfast is served." He pauses a moment, growing serious again. Looking Misty in the eye only confirmed that he didn't want to hide anything from her. He gestures to his eye. "The detective thought I'd look good in purple." He shrugs. "But it's over now."

Scott focuses his eyes downward as Jamie speaks. Everything she said made sense...it really did. And he wanted to feel that hope...it just felt so...impossible right now. Katie HAD done a lot for him...she really had flipped his world upside down and helped him see life from a new perspective. It was just...without her...he felt like he'd been catapulted backward in time to when all he'd done was hibernate and live in his own little world where it was safe. Without a hero by his side, he didn't know how to walk anymore.

He swallows hard and forces himself to look up at Jamie. "Thanks. I, um...I'll think about seeing her."