

Alice smile as she stands as well placing her money on the table and gather her things.

"I wouldn't miss a fun time with Wacky Wild Child Kyle for the world you know. Hey that's it...I am calling you W.W.C.K.!"

Alice throws her arm around Kyles shoulder and around his neck almost dragging him out of the restraint.

"I'll follow you hows that, lets get this show on the road."

And the night rolled on...for some it was excitement and for others there was only pain. The night came and offered shelter to some, while other stood lonely. The concert started though some didn't want it to and it didn't feel the same with out a few friends. But time did move on.

There's another world inside of me that you may never see,
There's secrets in this life that we can't hide,

Well somewhere in this storm there's a rainbow that I can't find,

Well maybe it's too far away,
Or maybe I'm just blind,

Maybe I'm just blind.

Sitting outside the concert hall Jess just sits in her car. She could hear the noise from inside and how she would of liked to go in and hear the music.
No, she was ment to be at the concert tonight with Axel. She would of been helping him on sound, and now her friendship the person she had put so much trust in layed in peaces. The cold world had slapped Jess in the face again and pulled her down to the bottom. Axel, her last hope her rainbow gone, how she was missing him already and how she hurt. She had been fooled again, how many times would this happen. Who was she fooling nothing would ever change for her and she would always be alone. No matter how she changed fate new what it had planed for her and it was never to be happy.

So hold me when I'm here,
Right me when I'm wrong,
Hold me when I'm scared,
Everything I am,
And everything in me,
Wants to be the one you wanted me to be,
I'll never let you down,
Even if I could,
I'd give up everything If only for your good,
So hold me when I'm here,
Right me when I'm wrong,
Hold me when I'm scared,
You won't always be there,
So love me when I'm gone,
Love me when I'm gone.

Pulling away from the concert hall Jess just drives in a familure direction to a place her once spent almost her whole life at. She found her way to the Bullseye. Finding a parking spot Jess just sits for a moment. How she wished Carson was around. He was someone like her and she new she could trust him, but he was so far away so this place had been her friend that never turned her out, and was always standing in the same spot. She didn't want to get drunk, she just wanted to forget just a little and let her mind go. A distraction was all she needed, and maybe a few beers and a few games of pool was her ticket for now.


"Yeah, I know..." Kyle mulls over Alice's words. "It's not something you just go around talking about if that's the kind of life you've left behind. Guess I just hope he really has left it behind, ya know?"

Finishing off his second taco, he leans back in his chair, listening for a moment. "Yeah, I'm sure we'll hear his side of the story. Cryptic is too good not to let Axel say his peace - we're just all kinda in shock at the moment. And Rocky... well, he mighta lost his temper there, but I know he and Axel were pretty close, so I know he'd give him a second chance."

He shrugs. "If Axel is truly a different man than he used to be, then we got a bunch of people here willing to look past that. It's just the question of whether he's different or not."

Thinking about Jess, he gives a little nod. "Yeah, I don't know her very well myself, but from what I observed too, Axel was the reason she was out and about with the band. I bet it was a bit of a shock for her too."

Kyle lets out a deep breath, then sips on his pop. "I was the one who said we should go ahead tonight, but I really don't want to go," he admits. He shakes his head and looks at his watch. "But unfortunately, the guys will be loading up in about half an hour. If you're up for an adventure, feel free to tag along. Otherwise I guess I'll see you at the concert. You better be there too, 'cause I'll need someone to keep me sane at this one."

Scott watches Hope for a moment as he pets Domino, a faint smile visible. "Maybe I'll bring her to my next appointment."

He lays a hand on the doorknob, but hesitates. He looks back to Hope, that same strange look in his eye that had been there for such a brief moment earlier. The question was on the tip of his tongue, but he finally just lets it go.

"Thank you... I'll see you soon." Getting out, Domino is quick to follow, and Scott shuts the door, backing away before turning to head for the TJY door.

"What do you want me to do?!" Axel throws a shirt into his duffel bag, his phone to his ear. "It isn't worth it. They've already made up their mind about me, Derek, I know it." He sighs in frustration. "No. Look, the damage is done. I know I've lost my friends, I've all but lost my job, and along with that my place to live too. I've got nothing. And you want me to go and beg them to listen to me? No... I'm not going to do it. They've made up their mind, so be it. Let them find the truth later on then realize their mistake. But I'm not going to stand around just having to defend myself all the time."

Listening to his elder friend, he grits his teeth, throwing another pair of jeans into his bag. "I knew this would happen eventually. I don't know who found out first, but it doesn't matter. I can't be part of the band with this reputation, and I'm not gonna be able to stay around here either."

Little Missy

Hanging up the phone Alice makes her way home to clean up before meeting Kyle. Getting home and taking a shower Alice gathers a few things with her before she is out the door again throwing on one of her more comfortable hoodies and making her way to the restront...

...giving a thoughtful nod Alice takes a sip of her juice as she listens to Kyle. She had been quiet through most everything just taking in all the information. She didnt really know Axel except for seeing him with the bands but that was it.

"I cant blame you guys. I probley would be pretty leery myself ya know. I'd never want any of my friends hurt at all."

Alice stops and thinks for a moment thinking about Axel's side of the the coin as well. She DIDNT know him but from what she saw he seemed ok even if looks could be deceving in Alice's line of work she had to look deeper at people.

"I guess I can kind of see Axel's point for not saying anything too. I mean, would you want to tell everyone something like that? Its probley super embarassing, and yes he should of because he was your friend, but I can see why he didnt too."

Taking another bit of her food Alice is silent again still continplating everything that was said. How had this had to be for everyone she couldnt even imagen.

"Are you guys gonna give him a change to talk to you all? I mean that one girl Jess she must be pretty hurt too huh? It seemed like she really only trusted Axel."

Though the talk had been a more searous matter today Alice was still having a nice time with Kyle and she had smiled the whole meal and her energy still ran though she keep it at a low knowing this was not the time for it.

Following Scott's directions Hope gets him back to TJY and just sits there in the car for a moment before looking over to Scott. Just watching him for a moment a smile spreads on Hope's face as sensarity shows in her eyes again.

"Thank you Scott for coming to lunch with me I had a great time."

Looking down at Domino Hope brings her hand to the small dog's head and scratches her ears.

"And you little missy, you keep up the good job with this one huh? and I hope to see you again."

Giving a smile again Hope gives a nod.

"Have a good night Scott and if you need anything let me know."

A wish

Though not in the most upbeat mood, Kyle can't help but grin as he hears Alice. "Mm... I'm feeling adventurous. How about Taco Town? Meet you there in..." He glances down at his watch. "...Forty-five minutes. I gotta stop home first to see Phil, make a call to Jen, then I can scoot on down there."

Winding up his call, he heads for the apartment. Phil needed to know about Axel, and so did Jen. He really didn't want to deal with it right now, but they needed to know before tonight...

"...So yeah... that's that." Kyle swirls his straw around in his drink, having just finished telling Alice what was going on. When he sat and talked with her, he so easily forgot about her being a journalist, trusting her character that she would never write about the negative things he was relaying.

"We're all sorta just trying to figure out the most Christian way to respond, ya know?" He takes another bite of his taco, chewing for a moment before saying more. "Rocky knows he shouldn't have gone in guns blazing like he did, but I think he was just scared and I guess I can't blame him. I just don't know how to feel. I mean... we all have skeletons in our closets... we're all sinners in God's eyes, no matter the crime. It's just... hard to trust somebody like that. Not to mention, I'm not sure Cryptic could survive if that kind of word got out, and it might."

Kyle shakes his head and takes a couple moments to squirt some hot sauce on the remainder of his taco. "I liked Axel... he seemed alright... but he was keeping his past a secret, which I guess just makes me wonder if he's really different than he was... has he really changed? Who knows. But I wouldn't want to let Jen be alone with him. And quite honestly, I'd expect him to understand that, whether he's not that way anymore or not"

He rolls his eyes, tired of going around in circles, so he pauses to finish his taco and head for his second one. "So we don't know what Axel will do now, but after Rocky's reaction, we know he won't show up for the concert. So that leaves the rest of us. Here we are, me singing, and Jen said she'd run sound. I don't know if we're JetStream or Cryptic or Jeptic or CrypStream."

Kyle stops, quirking an eyebrow at his tongue-tangler. He looks over at Alice and gives a little grin. "Or something like that."

Scott is smart enough to figure out that Hope was responding to his mood shift, but he appreciates it more than feeling badly. This was her job, after all. Her job... For just a moment, he looks at her with a different kind of thought in his eye. There was something he hadn't thought of before, and for a split second, a wish passes through his mind.

Shaking his head, he gets up from the table. "Um... I guess... TJY would be good since I'm still staying there." His sigh reveals that he's tired of not feeling strong enough to live in his own house yet.

He snaps his fingers and Domino responds immediately, coming to his left side so he can pick up her leash.

Scott picks up his leftovers to throw in the nearby trashcan and aims for Hope's car. Getting in, he waits for Hope, burying his face in Domino's fur until he hears Hope start the car. Looking up, he points to the right. "Do you know how to get there?"


Exiting the office Alice answers her phone seeing the number she cant help the smile.

"Well if it isnt the Wacky Wild Child Kyle."

Hearing the more seriousness tone in Kyle's voice Alice calms down just a little but not enough to make to much of a diffrince. Something had happend and though the reporter side of her wanted to know what she remembered this was her friend and something are best left unreported on.

"You know I am the mast of long storys, so fast food sounds great and if you'd like to vent ya got me and I am off duty. Where should I meet you?"

Feeling the suddon change in Scott again Hope looks up not letting the smile move from her face so Scott would think she was uncomfortable. Taking the styrafome tray that her her food in it Hope closes the top after throwing her napkin inside.

"Well that was a nice meal."

Hope's eyes give a tiny sparkle as they prove that what she said really was the truth. She did have a fun time.

"Thank you so much for having lunch with it. It was nice to have someone to talk with for once."

Giving a strech Hope leans on the table and than looks around the part as it starts to get a little bit busyer.

"Well we have some chooses now. We can stay and play with Domino a little more, we can go back to the office or I can take you back to TJY. Anything is good with me so we can do whatever you want."

Fast food

Scott look up at Hope, giving a little nod. "I've had her a few years now. I wanted some company at home, heard about some puppies for sale and there she was." A grin surfaces. "She was a little furball. I kept tripping over her 'cause she was always under my feet. Never did grow out of being the runt of the litter, but I think she's cuter smaller anyway."

A shout of someone nearby causes Scott to jump, and he looks over his shoulder quickly. Though the people nearby had not been aiming any speech at Scott, he's suddenly brought out of his own little world of peace, as if thrown back into reality. He'd been distracted up until now.

Pulling himself in tighter at the table, his eyes drift downward and he bounces his leg nervously. A car horn makes him look swiftly in the other direction, now his half-blindness creating a fear of what he didn't see.

Domino had been chewing her stick, quite content, but all of a sudden, she looks up at her master, sensing the mood change. Dropping her makeshift toy, she trots over to him and puts a paw on his leg. Though not having seen her, Scott doesn't flinch, knowing that it's her. He reaches down with a hand to stroke her head, not realizing that his fingers had begun to shake.

He doesn't ask to leave though... Hope wasn't finished eating... he couldn't ask to go yet.

Kyle sighs and leans back in his seat as he drives. He shouldn't be making a call while on the road, but he wanted to. Holding the phone to his ear, he waits until he hears the now-familiar voice. "Alice, it's Kyle..." He pauses. "Um... I know you were planning to come to the Cryptic concert tonight and... I just wanted to give you a heads up that things are gonna be a little tense. We probably shouldn't even be playing... long story..."

He grimaces. "You wouldn't want to grab some fast food for supper would you? The concert's not until seven..."

As the fun continues and Ryder once again gets Katie in his lap this time she can feel a little bit of color come to her face as she thinks about his comment though it was fun in games she couldntadmit still the day before with there distraction had taken her off guard but was good thinking in a tight situation and if Katie had to do it again to save there hides she would.

Katie is about to say something when she can hear Jason and Carson at it again in the other room. Being brought to her feet again and pushed towards Jason before she can even react her arm automatically go around Jason's neck as she is taken into the dip. Once Jason is done with the kiss Katie eyes twinkle ever so bright as she looks back at him giving a small giggle.

"They say I am your hero but I'll always say yours mine."

Katie leans in and gives Jason another kiss before being turned up right and heads to look in the fridge herself. Trying to scout some of the ingredient.

"We cant have just steak so, Carson you make the steaks, I am going to make some Macaroni salad to go with it and that should be a nice meal for all of us."

Smiling Hope looks back to Scott and concentrates on her own food. Without moving or look up though she took note that Scott had pushed his plate away though was happy he at least took the 4 bits he did. Giving a wipe to her mouth and a sip of her water Hope looks at Domino playing and bends down to take the stick once again throwing it into the grass for the small Dog to catch. Turning back to Scott Hopes gives a nod.

"She is a very smart dog, and I think she fits good as being yours. Have you had her for a long time now?"

Though Scott didnt say much Hope liked making small talk with him and finding out more about him. It was nice to get to know one of her pashents on a more personal level as friends. Even if some people would frown on it. Hope didnt think she was doing anything wrong and did not find a problem with making friends.