

*Katie looks up as Wyatt sits down. A bit of releaf comes over Katie it was nice having someone there. Leting out a long sigh she looks at the ground.* " Wyatt its a horrable feeling when you know someone is hurting there own selfs. Not phiscly but mentaly. Its Jason. When he was in Texas he was doing so well. He let go of his masks, he changes and when he first got back I saw it. Now Wyatt..." *Katie trys to hold in her tears.* "...He's gone back to his oldself. Puting on masks, hiding. He's not being true to himself." *Katie lets out a long sigh and figures now it the best time to tell Wyatt about what Reese said.* " Before we left TJY you dad asked me to be Jason's bodyguard too. I couldent say no. I just...feel lost. We just started growing more together and I dont want that to fall apart Wy. I enjoy being around you and I dont want to lose it. I know Jason is not going to be very happy about this desition and its going to be rough. Am I doing the right think?"


Laura purses her lips grimly at Katie’s statement, hoping she wasn’t right. When Katie leaves the room a short time later, Laura looks after her with a little bit of worry. What was that all about? She turns back to Jason. “How about you? Hungry?”

“Yeah, but last time I ate today it didn’t end well. Got any Advil though? I got a killer headache.”

“Sure.” Laura goes to the bathroom medicine cabinet, coming back out with the small bottle. She looks at Wyatt. “How about you? …That is, food, not Advil.”

Wyatt grins and shakes his head. “Guess we’re all okay at the moment. Thanks though.” His eyes linger on the sliding doors and finally he excuses himself.

Jason swallows the pills with a glass of water and returns to the living room, finding Laura looking at her wall of photographs. He joins her quietly, staring at all of the memories.

“We had some good times didn’t we?” Laura muses.

“Yeah…” Jason reaches out to finger one of the pictures. “Seems like a lifetime ago.”

“I know it…”

Wyatt slips outside and slowly eases down next to Katie, allowing her space, but making himself available. “Anything I can do for you?”

Taking a step backwords

*Katie thinks for a long moment. weaghing all the outcomes in her head. She had just started up a relationship with Wyatt she wouldent get to see him much but he seems pritty understanding. Than Jason...would would he think. He dident want to do this before what would want him to now. Well since his life was in danger maybe it had changed his outlook a bit. Katie gives a nod to Reese.* " I accept. I understand this is going to be a long hard road. I just hope everyone is pashent. Thank you Reese it means alot you picked me for this." *Katie smiles and stands exiting the office.*

~*~A bit later~*~

*As Laura asks if Jason will be ok her eyes follow him down the hallway.* " No...I dont think he will be." *Katie lets out a long sigh as her heart breaks. Weather Jason relized it or not him forming walls was a way of hurting himself and she could feel it. After Jason comes back out a tear rolls down her face as what she felt was now confermed.* " No thank you Laura I dont have much of an apatite." *Katie stands finding it hard to deal with her own emotions and Jason's too. Walking out the back sliding door to the deck Katie sits down on the steps. Her heart acked so much.*


Wyatt and Jason make their way out to the jeep, avoiding anyone on the main floor lest anyone ask questions. They only stop at Jason’s office briefly to pick up Trooper.

Reese looks up from his desk as Katie enters, and he smiles, offering her a seat. “I just wanted to talk to you about a new assignment I’d like you to accept.” He pauses in thought. “I don’t take death threats lightly, and when one of my men is threatened, I make no bones about getting someone to watch their back.” He leans back in his chair. “To get straight to the point, until we find out who’s after Jason, I want you to be his bodyguard. That means going with him everywhere he goes outside of this building and knowing where he is at all times. It means you probably won’t get on any other cases for a while, unless he’s needed for one, then you’d be a team… Now, I’m not going to force you to do this – I know there’s a history between you two. But I am requesting that you accept this. You’re the best person I’ve got for this job. ….what do you say?”

Not much later…

Laura glances out her window and sees Wyatt’s jeep pulls up. She rises from her seat and meets all three of them at the door. Her face fills with compassion as she sees Jason. “Oh, Jase.” She goes to him to give him a hug. “I’m so sorry. How are you holding up?”

Jason forces half a grin and shrugs. “You know me. I’m always alright.”

Laura smiles and shakes her head. “Listen, after I talked to Wyatt, I got to thinking and I remembered that in one of the closets I still had some of Con’s and your stuff from that time you two were staying over here.” She goes into the living room, coming back with a set of clothes. “I think these are yours.”

Jason can’t help a slight chuckle as he accepts the clothing. “Yeah, these are mine all right. Guess I own two sets of clothes now.”

Laura laughs. “Three. There’s another pair of jeans and another t-shirt in there. I could give you Con’s too since your heights aren’t all that different, but I’m afraid you’d need a belt for the jeans.” She throws him a teasing grin. “I’d say to put some weight on your bones, but I don’t think you could do much to improve on that physique of yours.”

Before getting too red in the face, Jason gives her a light backhanded slap upside the head. “While you go look for the brain you apparently lost, I’m going to use your shower.”

Laura giggles and gestures to the hallway. “Have at it, Hotshot. Towels are where they’ve always been.” She shakes her head and sighs as he disappears down the hall. “Is he going to be okay?”

Jason closes his eyes, just letting the water run over him. It’s the first peaceful moment he’s had since yesterday and yet his mind was still in the middle of a war. He had to fight…he was being backed into a corner and the only thing he knew how to do was battle back. His flashback had caught him off guard, throwing a money wrench into his plan of action, but he didn’t want to back down. Adam’s words come back to him, but he shakes them off. He couldn’t relive the events this time. He didn’t have the energy to put himself through that this time…not with so many other things going on. He had to try to conquer this another way. He had to try his way for once.

Jason slowly dresses and gives himself a long stare in the mirror, his jaw set with determination. Not only did he have to remain focused for himself, but he couldn’t continually be putting Katie through this. Not anymore. From here on out, their being together was required of their job, not a social event…especially with Wyatt in the mix now. Jason had to assume the inner stance he had so long ago… his conscience begged him not to… but in an instant…he lets go. Like a veil, apathy descends upon him to create the firs layer of his invisible mask. Next was a cool hardness, designed to thwart sorrow and grief. And on top was the final touch of an expertly designed layer that could manipulate others into believing what he knew they wanted to see from him.

Walking back into the living room soon after, Jason is walking a little straighter…a little taller. His eyes are bright. He’s wearing a smile at the corners of his mouth.

“Well you certainly look and smell better,” Laura comments.

Jason quirks an eyebrow and cocks his head. “Keep it up and I’ll hide those old clothes of mine under your couch for you to smell all the time.”

Laura laughs. “Anybody hungry? I got stuff in the fridge.”

You's not alone

*Katie stairs back at Jason.* " You know you cant tell me just want I want to hear J. It dosent work with me. I know you better than you think." *Katie smiles.* " I'll be here to help you again I promise. You wont be alone."*Standing with Jason KAtie nods to Wyatt.* " Ok I will go see him now if you can take Jason to the jeep and I will catch up with you guys." *Katie smiles at them both, and gives Wyatt's arm a squeeze. Making her way to Reese office Katie stratens her dress and knocks on the door entering.* "Wyatt said you wanted to see me?"


Wyatt relaxes just as little, trusting Katie that everything is okay. His reflexes beg him to draw near and help, but something holds him back. This is something the two of them have gone through before, and Wyatt doesn’t want to interfere.

Jason takes a deep breath, trying to stabilize himself. He knew Katie was right. By so many things going wrong, and by him allowing himself to dwell on them, he’d left the back door open to the past again. He’d been so focused on other things that he’d forgotten to watch his back. But now the nightmares were here again. He’d conquered them once. Could he a second time?

He finally lifts his head, attempting to compose himself. He wants to tell Katie yes, but he’s not sure what he can do anymore of what he’s even capable of. He takes a swipe at his eyes with the back of his hand, drying them, though he is still pale, his hands still shaking as his body reacts to the sudden shock it experienced.

Swallowing hard, Jason finally turns his head to look at Katie. For just a moment, he allows his eyes to lock with hers. The pain courses through his stare, and he knows she feels it. For but an instant, he regains the connection he’d missed since he’d been gone. But he blinks, quickly breaking it.

He’s not sure he can do this, but he tries to give Katie what she wants to hear. “I’ll be okay, Katie….” He draws in a shaky breath. “I was just caught off guard was all.” He shifts his weight, attempting to stand, and suddenly he sees a hand offered. Looking up, he sees Wyatt.

Wyatt gives him a nod, and in but one look, conveys that nothing seen goes any further, and nothing has changed. He’s simply here to help.

Jason hesitates, but finally accepts the hand up, needing to lean on Wyatt just a bit as his knee buckles on him.

Wyatt stuffs his phone back in his pocket. “Laura’s expecting all three of us…how about we get to her place and have some peace and quiet for a while.” He glances at Katie. “On my way down I saw Dad for just a second and he said he wanted to see you. You can talk to him now or tomorrow when you come in.”

Get through this

*Katie sits down on the ground across from Jason. Her heart broke to see her friend go through this all ove ragain.* " Your geting to depressed J. Thats why. You need to remember what Adam told you Jason. You cant do this to yourself. Your in controll." *Katie lets out a sigh and nods to Wyatt leting him know Jason is ok.* " Now your going to be strong right and get through this insed of moping around right?"*Katie holds her smile.*


Wyatt glances at Katie with a little bit of concern for the fear in her eyes. “Okay…” As he pulls out onto the street, he tries not to allow negativity rule his thoughts. But a part of him begins to realize that spending time with Katie may not be all that easy if Jason continued to have problems. This might be harder than he thought.

He drives quickly to TJY, and isn’t even out of the jeep when Katie takes off. He follows quickly, but paces himself, unsure how to react. How big of an emergency was it? Did Katie sense little things, or just big things? Should he stay out of the way or help? Wyatt loved Katie’s insight and keen sixth sense, but it was just a little confusing.

He follows her at a distance through TJY, seeing her disappear into the elevator. He follows, having to wait several minutes to catch the elevator again and not wanting to take the stairs.

Jason is too dazed to have even heard Katie come into the room, and as she touches his shoulder, he lurches violently, turning with hands raised in defense. His face is pale, his eyes full of a hated fear, his body still trembling – there is no doubt what just happened. Bringing Katie into focus, he lets out his held breath, finally pulling himself completely back into reality. “Aw, Katie.” He pulls himself up to sit cross legged and buries his face in his hands, not wanting her to see his tears. It was happening all over again. “Why? Why now?” He whispers. “I can’t go through this again…I can’t.”

Wyatt pauses in the doorway, unsure what’s happening, but Katie seems calm. He decides to wait, though feeling awkward.

Hero on the move

*As Katie gets into Wyatt Jeep she is content and happy. Katie is about to agree to Wyatt to take her back to Laura's when a suddon feeling comes over her. Its a feeling she has felt before it was Jason...but this feeling had not been felt in a long time. Something had happend to Jason that had to do with the past. A fear corses through Katie.* " Actully can you take me back to TJY? Its Jason. Something is wrong."

*After a short drive they finally make it to TJY, Once the car is stoped Katie jumps out and sprints into the building. Looking around round Katie makes her way to Jason's office not seeing him there Katie feels her panic come on. Seeing Jamie Katie walks over to her.* "Hey Jamie, where is Jason?"

*Jamie looks up at Katie.* "Last time I saw him he was in the break room eating. But about an hour ago I heard gun fire so I am guessing he was practicing. Everything ok?"

*Kaite nods and heads for the elavator making her way to the bottom floor. Seeing Jason on the floor and his gun a ways away afear panic rushes over to him. Could Jason have been that depressed and stupid. Katie runs over to him and places a hand on his sounder.* "Jason..." *Seeing he is ok and not shot Katie relaxed a bit.* "Jason are you ok? what happend?"

Emotional Barrage

Jason’s heart aches as Jamie talks, the melancholy setting in, even though she is speaking with hope. He’d had a unique friendship with Con and Laura…he’d wanted to be with them…they’d worked well together, and he missed those times. But had something been missing? He can’t help but remember when meeting Katie, he’d thought of her as on of his very few real friends…if he felt so strongly about Con and Laura, what was different? He lets his thoughts drift away as Jamie continues.

As Katie is mentioned, Jason’s eyes shoot up to meet Jamie’s, questioning what she’s heard, but he doesn’t ask. He can imagine. Is she right? Did people always get the chance to gain back something lost?

He sits lost in thought as Jamie rises and speaks of his mother. He wasn’t sure if he could talk to her about it or not. Did his mom really need him anymore? Was it really true? He wasn’t sure.

Seeing Jamie leave, he offers half a smile, though his mind is already formulating a strategy to deal with all of this. “Thanks, Jamie…for everything.”

After she’s left, Jason looks up at the clock. He needed to go buy some clothes and food, but didn’t have a ride at the moment, and Reese would have a fit if he went out alone right now. Sighing, he stands up, making up his mind. He heads down the hall and hits the elevator, going to the lower level. It’s quiet and dark. No one is down here today, not even Hal.

Jason flips on the lights, their quiet hum giving an eerie sound to the room. He heads to his locker and retrieves his handgun. He had to get his mind off of these things. He had to spend some of his pent up emotions on something.

He loads up and takes his stand, stretching out his arms, pistol in hand. Firing a shot, he hits the target dead center. Another shot. By eight rounds, the bullseye’s hole is barely bigger than one bullet’s width.

Loading up again, Jason takes aim, the shots echoing through the lower level of TJY. His mind wanders. He resists the emotions. He replays the fire. Another target is down. He thinks about his mother. The gun recoils in his hands. His eyes zero in on the bullseye, taking out another invisible enemy.

Time doesn’t exist as Jason fights to regain control, taking his frustrations out on bullets and targets. He’s not even sure how long he’s been on the range.

All of a sudden, as the shots reverberate in his head, Jason is taken completely off guard. His gun is aimed toward the silhouette of a man, and he’s no longer at TJY. He’s in a dark alley, hiding behind a building. His gun is stretched out to the shadowy form, fear and anger filling his veins. Suddenly the form moves into the dim light. It’s a policeman. Relief sweeps over Jason and he lowers his weapon. But a shot whizzes past his ear, a bullet ripping into the police officer’s chest. He falls. Jason cries out and lurches towards him, but something holds him back. A hand. A strong, brutal hand, digging into his wrists to yank him back behind the building. Tears streaming down his face, Jason turns and looks up to his captor. Alex. He screams.

…Jason’s eyes fly open. His body is shaking uncontrollably, sweat pouring down his neck. He tenses and sits up in fear, taking several moments to realize where he is. His eyes bounce around wildly for a minute. He’s alone. He’s at TJY. His gun is lying several feet away. He has no idea how long he’s been out, or what he’s done between target practice and being on the floor. Fear grips him as he recognizes the flashback and he tries to calm his racing pulse. This couldn’t be happening. “Not again.”

Wyatt draws Katie closer to swing his arm around her shoulders. “I’d love to pick you up again my dear damsel without distress.” He grins as he gets into his jeep. “Where to, melady? Back to Laura’s, right?

Helpful Hint

*Jamie nods as Jason talks.* "Thats life Hotshot and growing up. Growing up dosent mean growing apart though. You, Laura, and Con you guys will always be that Tro even if you dont hang out as much. Your always going to be there for eachother. I am sure its as hard on them as it is for you." *Jamie thinks for a moment before trding on dangerous ground, but decieds she has always been one to speak her mind.* " Just like take that new girl for instince. Katie I think her name is." *Silence lingers in the room for a moment as Jamie searchs Jason's eyes connected with the name.* " I hurd tall tails about why she is here, and what not and I dont believe one of them. After everything is said an done no matter the reson it must of been hard and quite the change for her to leave everything behind. See...everyone goes through the times when they arnt as close with someone as they once were but there is alwas comfort in the fact of knowing that they will be there for you in rough times no matter what, and when time alows you will all hang out and be close once again."*Jamie stands and puts her glass in the sink and rinses it out.* "As for your mom, she will always need you Hotshot. You cant and wont be replaced by anyone. I know its gonna be a hard thing to deal with, but maybe talking to you mom about it might help." *Jamie smiles and starts to head for the door.* " I better get back to work. If you need anything dont hesatate to give a yell." *Jamie exits the room and heads back ro her desk.*

*Kaite slips her hand into Wyatt's as they walk back to his Jeep.* " I did have a nice time thank you for asking. And if you can pick me up next week I would like to come back with you. It was really intresting."


Jason doesn't try leaving the sink until he's sure his stomach is empty, and attempts to clean up after himself, taking Jamie's advice and drinking some water.
Though he doesn't respond immediately, he tries to let Jamie's words sink in, despite his resistance to feeling any more emotional pain. Feeling just a little shaky, he sits back down at the table, thinking for several minutes. "I know Reese's reasoning for wanting someone to watch my back...I guess I've always been the one to do it...it's just different I suppose." He again thinks of Katie, trying not to dwell on it long, lest he put himself through even more than he wants at the moment. "As for my mom...I want her to be happy...and I know she's been lonely..." He shrugs, his eyes glued to the table. His walls are lowered if only for a brief instance, allowing him to speak what he really feels. "I guess ever since I felt old enough, I've tried to take care of her... I was always the man of the house, and since high school I helped out with the house, big decisions or whatever...I just felt...needed." He leans back in his chair, putting his hands on his head as the headache persists. "And now...everything's changing and I have no control over any of it." He forces a slight laugh. "I remember a few years ago...things were hectic here at TJY, but I was happy... Laura, Con and I were the inseparable trio at work and away from work...thing were good at home...Austin and I were getting along... and then things started falling apart. It just got worse when I was sent on the Agency case to Texas... now I'm back around Laura, but Con was the glue... so even our trio isn't the same anymore. Everything is different...everything."

Wyatt smiles down at Katie, enjoying seeing her here with him more than she'd ever know. Enjoyment shown in her own eyes, giving him an even greater hope.
Once the service ends, some people leave, but many stay, busily getting the food ready in the fellowship area down the hall. The smell of home-cooked food wafts through the air, making everyone hungry.
More people welcome Katie like she's a part of the family, several inviting her back the next week.
The time is all too quickly over, and Wyatt is once again walking with Katie, this time back to his jeep. "Thanks for coming with me this morning, Katie. I hope you had a good time."


*Jamie's heart goes out to Jason. It wasent so long ago she went through the same thing as he has. Jamie's life had been torn away, her parent killed, her home burned, her brothers and sister devided up and never seen again.* "Its gonna be ok Hotshot. Drink some water if will help calm your tummy." *Jamie sits down again thinking about the words Jason has said.* " I know it feels like Reese is saying you cant take care of yourself, but thats not really it Jason. Your grandfather has a body guard, Carter has a bodyguard. Its for your protection. Sometimes 2 set of eyes can be better than one. they can see more angles. And as for you mom, I know its herd to see her move on. But its not without you. She still wants you in her life. She loves you more than anything Jason. Your her son. But its not fair for you mom to be lonly right? Everything happens for a reson. God has a plane for everything even if we cant see what."

*As the serman plays on Katie listens intently. The words being spoken move something inside her. Yet there is not much understanding. Katie trys to follow along in Wyatt's bible with him geting lost a few times and asking for help. Katie cereosity starts to grow, wanting to know more Katie is sad when the service ends. Standing Katie starts to try and sing along smiling up at Wyatt.*


With Wyatt's prediction canceled out, hope is restored, and his smile remains. "Good." He shakes his head and looks at her with reassurance. "Don't worry - we have plenty of extra Bibles if you want to follow along. You can borrow mine too if you want."
Within minutes, they pull into the parking lot of a large church. Wyatt gets out and waits to walk with Katie, offering her his arm to proudly walk her inside.
Several men and women greet Wyatt with enthusiasm and handshakes, treating Katie just the same, welcoming her warmly despite being strangers. Wyatt introduces her to several more people as his very good friend, and finally shows her into the sanctuary filled with rows and rows of chairs before a stage.
They find a seat somewhere in the middle, and the service starts with songs of praise lifted up by voices all around. Wyatt starts to sing along with the words on the screen, then pauses to lean down and whisper in Katie's ear. "Now promise me that you'll not make fun of my singing," he teases before straightening again to resume his slightly out-of-tune singing.
It's not long before the sermon begins, all eyes on the friendly minister.

Jason sets his fork back down and sighs, putting his face in his hands. "I'm sorry, Jamie. I just can't handle it right now. I appreciate the thought though." Feeling her hand on his shoulder, he looks up, pursing his lips grimly. "I know... I guess if any of this were my own fault I'd have someone to blame. But as it stands, it's just all crumbling into little pieces all by itself. My home is gone, I've lost everything I owned, my dog is getting taken away from me, any pride I had left for being able to take care of myself has just been ripped out of my grasp by Reese, and my mother is heading down a path that doesn't include me anymore." He forces a short scoffing laugh, not having intended on saying all that, and not wanting any pity. "Depressed? What reason would I have?" He shakes his head. "I know everyone here cares..." His voice trails off as he experiences a sudden lurch to his stomach. Standing quickly, he only has enough time to make it to the sink before throwing up what little food he'd had. "Okay...so maybe breakfast is a bad idea at this point." He leans on the counter as his stomach gives way again, his body rebelling against the strain he's created with his own emotional turmoil.

A new friend?

*Katie shakes her head and smile.* " No, I'd like to stay for it. Reese new I was going out with you today. I can go back after I spend some time with you." *Katie cant help but hold her smiles. She was excited about spending time with Wyatt even if she dident like going to church.* "mmm...I dident have a bible or anything to bring with me. I hope thats ok." *A bit of embarssment shows in Katie's face.*

*Jamie sits down at the table with Jason. Not wanting to have him feel like she is intruding she says.* " Hotshot you dont have to eat it if your not hungry. I know its not my place but, its hard and I understand that. Before I came to TJY my life was in shambles." *Jaime stands and places a hand on Jason's shoulder.* "But thats why we have friends to lean on and put faith in. Dont let yourself get to depressed Hotshot. You have lost of people here who care for you. Remember that."

Phone Call

Wyatt grins, throwing Katie a wink. "If I may be so bold, you're looking quite lovely yourself this morning."
He pulls away from the curb and takes route to the other side of town where his church is. On the way, he doesn't let silence rule. "Talked to Laura on the phone this morning - she told me about Jason's place." He shakes his head. "That's too bad...it's never something easy to go through. I, um, heard you took him over to TJY and kept an eye on things per Reese's request. If he wanted you to come back pretty quick, we don't have to stay after church for the potluck if you don't want..." Willingness embraces his tone, though a disappointment flickers in his eye.

Jason stops for a moment, taken by surprise by Jamie's gesture. He has to shift his thoughts to remove the scowl from his face in order to show his gratefulness, even if his stomach doesn't feel like accepting any food. "Thanks, Jamie. I really appreciate it." He heads to the break room that adjoins the kitchen. Just as he takes his first bite though, a page comes over the intercom with Susanne's voice. "Jason, you've got a call on line two."

Rolling his eyes, Jason stands up, trying to swallow his mouthful before picking up the phone on the counter. "Yeah, this is Jason." He raises his eyebrows. "Mom...hi..." He glances in Jamie's direction, not wanting her to feel the need to leave, despite the private call. "Yeah..." His tone grows quiet. "I'm okay. Trooper got me out..." He leans his back on the counter and crosses one arm across his chest, still holding the phone to his ear. "No...nothing could be saved. If I would have woken up sooner maybe..... yeah, okay... no, I'm going to grab a hotel until I find something, and I'll be meeting with the insurance too, to get things settled there. Uh-uh....yeah, that'll work.... I'm sorry, Mom..... no....really, I'm fine, don't worry about me, alright? .....So what......" Jason pauses as he's interrupted. "You were what? I...I didn't know that...who....well no, I guess I didn't expect you to want to sell. I....I figured.... well no, no, it's just... well what else were you going to do? I figured you'd come back home after a while." Jason grows silent, his eyes shooting up from the floor. "What do you mean? No, I....you mean Wes? Oh." He swallows hard, a strange feeling hitting him in the gut, though he tries to keep it out of his voice. "I didn't realize that...oh...okay....I guess it's good you already had some of your stuff with you there then... yeah..." After a few more minutes, he straightens to end the call. "Okay...yeah, thanks. Alright. Talk to you later. Bye."

Jason hangs up the phone and leans on the counter for a moment. He shouldn't have asked himself if things could get worse. In a matter of less than twenty-four hours his entire world had crashed down around him. Everything he'd deemed stable in his life was being torn from his grasp. Even his own mother.

He sinks down in a chair, feeling sick to his stomach as a throbbing headache continues to pound in his temple. But he doesn't want Jamie to feel badly. He picks up his fork, forcing himself to eat a little bit more.

On our way

*As Jamie see Jason storm by she stands and runs after him.* " Hey Hotshot. I made you some breakfest in the kitchen. Its not much cuz I new you probley wouldent be to hungry but its something at least." *Jamie smiles as she walks along side Jason.*

*As Kaite finish puting her hair up and puting a bit of makeup on to hide her tired eyes she looks out the window Wyatt was waiting outside. Glancing at the clock she relizes that she is running late.* "Crap." *Kaite finishes flying around the bathroom and than runs into her bestroom as she enters Henry is laying on her bed just looking up at her. He lets out a soft Meow.* "Ya ya I know I am running late Henry." *As Katie heads downstairs she looks around for Laura and relizes she must have gone already. Katie grabs a glass of OJ and downs it. Strating her black dress (The one she wore to the winterball) she heades out. Geting into Wyatt's jeep she gives him a hug.* "Morning. Sorry I am running late. You look very nice." *Katie beams.*

Final decision

Jason half rolls his eyes at Katie, but takes the blanket back, knowing that arguing is futile. He sits awake for a long while, until early morning he drifts into a light sleep.
He thinks he hears movement a couple hours later, but he keeps his eyes closed, hoping that maybe by sheer will his headache will subside if he just rests a little longer. Feeling Katie close and hearing her voice, he starts to become more fully awake, but by the time he opens his eyes, she’s gone. He drifts in and out of sleep a while longer before convincing his body to get up.
Yawning and stretching, he glances at the clock. Reese should be in by now…
Finally rising, he cleans up the best he can, and heads to Reese’s office, avoiding the main floor for now…

“What?” Jason hoped he wasn’t hearing correctly. He stands in front of Reese’s desk, having intended on informing his boss what he would be doing in the near future, but instead, was receiving orders and new information himself.

Reese sighs, having known it would be a battle. “Look, Terry needs a good dog for the job, and Trooper would be perfect.”


“It’s what you trained him for, Jase.” Reese’s tone grows a little more stern. “I want him ready to be picked up tomorrow, and he’ll be back when Terry’s case is closed.”

Jason’s body stiffens as he resists the urge to refuse. Trooper belonged to TJY, whether Jason was the one who took care of him or not. He had known from the beginning that the dog would have to be available for cases other than his own.

Reese reads Jason’s body language and frowns. ‘I’m sorry, Jason. I know it isn’t the best time. But I can’t help it.”

Jason crosses his arms and glances at the floor. The dog meant more to him than he’d care to admit, and letting him go was harder than he thought it would be. “He’ll be ready.”

“Good.” Reese folds his hands on his desk. “Now, about where you can stay until you get on your feet again…”

“Thought I’d grab a hotel until I could get an apartment or something.”

Reese nods. “Sounds okay, though there’s several of us around here who wouldn’t mind giving you a spare room.” He shrugs, knowing Jason will refuse. “It’s whatever you want, but as far as I’m concerned, you shouldn’t be alone.”

Jason quirks an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

“I said I don’t think you should be alone.”

“What, suddenly I’m incapable of taking care of myself?”

“Someone is trying to kill you!” Reese exclaims. “They’ve tried three times now, and don’t try to deny it. Until we find out who or why, I want you to have a bodyguard.”

Jason’s eyes widen. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“I’m not. I’ll be speaking to Katie about it tomorrow.”

“Katie?!” Jason can’t believe it. How much worse could it get? “Please don’t do that.”

“Well who would you pick?” Reese challenges. “I can’t give up Wyatt, he’s on too intense of a case. I can’t use Laura – you two are like siblings, but you know when it comes down to it, you two would butt heads over decisions. I could give you Con, but I doubt you’d want to leave Austin vulnerable.”

Jason racks his brain for an alternative. “Look, just don’t use Katie, please.”

Reese frowns. “If this has anything to do with your ideas of her liking you, or whatever it was the last time, I don’t want to hear it. She’s good, she’s like a bloodhound when it comes to you, and she’s by far the best pick to be your bodyguard.”

Jason throws his arms in the air. “Oh come on!”

“What’s your problem? Is it that she’s a woman or what?”

“No!” Jason groans and starts to pace. “It’s just…” The words are on the tip of his tongue, but still have a hard time in coming. “I don’t want her to get hurt, Reese.”

Reese raises his eyebrows. “Are you implying she would be?’

“Are you implying she’s invincible?”

Reese sighs. “She took on the job, Jase. My decision is final.”

Jason leaves Reese’s office feeling like he’s been trampled on all over again. Could this not get any worse? Trudging across the floor, he avoids the few employees who have come in, and makes his way back towards his office, passing Jamie’s desk on his way.

Wyatt taps his hand on his steering wheel to the beat of the music playing on the radio, and pulls his jeep up to the curb. He’s dressed more nicely than normal in his good jeans, collared shirt and blazer, his hair pulled back. He glances out the window, not sure if he should go in, or if Katie would have seen him pull up.


*As Katie looks up at Jason huvering over her she feels a chill run down her spin. After he throws the blanket over she she looks over to him as he shives alittle. Leting out a sigh she throws the blanket back at him.* " You need one too, dont try to argue. I'll be fine." *Rolling over on her tummy she rests her head on her coat again watching over Jason. As the night drags on sleep dosent comes to her.*

*At about 6 am Katie can hear someone out in the other room. Standing her heads out and looks around. She see Jamie at one of the desks. Going over to her she says good morning and gives Jamie alittle but of a run down on what happend. Leting Jamie know she need to go out and to keep an eye on Jason till she got back or Reese got back. Jamie agrees. Katie heads back into Jason's office and grabs her coat. Before leaving she gives Jason who seems to be sleeping in peace for now a hug.* "I'll be back soon J." *Katie heads out and heads for home to return Laura's car and get ready for Church with Wyatt.*

*As Jamie sits at her desk she sifts though papers. Today was Sunday and there were no meeting to go to. She was use to being in the office by herself working on files and checking invintory. Today she had an even more important job, watching Hotshot. Jamie stanns and heads to the breakroom to prepare some breakfest for when Jason woke up.*


Jason eyes the bottle and once Katie is settled on the floor, he takes the pills, dumping a couple out into his hand. He exits his office to go to the nearby water fountain, downing the pain killers. Leaning on the fountain, he angrily smacks his palm on the rim, upset with the situation, and upset with himself. He didn’t feel well, and was emotionally drained. It was a bad combination and he knew it. He was miserable, and he was acting like it, taking it out on Katie, who was only trying to help.
He trudges back to his office and looks down where Katie is lying. “It’s gonna get cold in here,” he comments. Grabbing the second blanket, he spreads it out on top of her. Not wanting to sit at his desk, he takes up a spot on the floor several feet from Katie, sitting up against the wall and drawing his legs up to keep himself warm.


*Katie takes some Advil out of her pocket and slids them to Jason not saying anything. Going back over to the blankets Katie lays down on top of them using her coat as a pillow. Katie stairs up at the celling for a long while not being able to sleep.*


Jason keeps himself from sighing. “Look, Katie, thanks, but I really don’t feel like doing anything right now. If you must know, my knee feels like it’s going to explode and I have a jackhammer working on my head. I don’t think games are going to help.” He slides his feet back off his desk and leans forward to resume his posture of using his arms as a pillow on his desk. “All I need now is either a bottle of pain killers or someone to put me out of my misery.”


*Katie lets out a sigh as she looks down at the blankets thrown at her. Jason's words hurt, stung alittle but the smile from Katies face does not fade. She knows and relized Jason is upset and its understandable. Katie stand and walks to Jasons desk.* "Well my adrenalen is running and I cant think about sleep now. How about a few games of darts or pool to work out of frustrations?"

If you insist

Jason’s barriers fight back for all they’re worth, despite Katie’s words piercing so deeply.

He finally allows his gaze to shift without moving his head, looking at her out of the corner of his eye. “I’m fine, Katie… The best thing you can do for me right now is not to make a big deal out of this.”

He stands and takes blanket he’d grabbed on his way to his office, and he opens his door. He tosses the blanket into her lap. “If you insist on spending the night, at least keep yourself warm.” He moves around his desk to sit in his chair, and leans back, propping his feet up on his desk. He stares at the ceiling, signaling that he is far from allowing himself to sleep.


*For a moment Katie is shocked by what Jason said but soon it pass. Katie looks Jason in the eyes not denying anything.* " If Wyatt beleaves some rumers than thats his problem Jason and he dosent know me as well as he has said. No one can tell me I cant be with my friend. If there is no trust than there is nothing." *Katie shifts her weaght off her knees as they crack alittle from being in one position for to long.* " Also I promised Reese I would watch over you. In the morning when someone alse comes in I will go about my day. But till that I have a promise to keep to you and to Reese. I'm not one who makes habbit of breaking there promise. I'm not worryed about someone bad geting to you right now J. I am worryed about you geting your ownself." *Katie smiles to let Jason know she means what she says but she is not angry. Only love, and friendship can be seen in the young girls eyes.*