
Helpful Hint

*Jamie nods as Jason talks.* "Thats life Hotshot and growing up. Growing up dosent mean growing apart though. You, Laura, and Con you guys will always be that Tro even if you dont hang out as much. Your always going to be there for eachother. I am sure its as hard on them as it is for you." *Jamie thinks for a moment before trding on dangerous ground, but decieds she has always been one to speak her mind.* " Just like take that new girl for instince. Katie I think her name is." *Silence lingers in the room for a moment as Jamie searchs Jason's eyes connected with the name.* " I hurd tall tails about why she is here, and what not and I dont believe one of them. After everything is said an done no matter the reson it must of been hard and quite the change for her to leave everything behind. See...everyone goes through the times when they arnt as close with someone as they once were but there is alwas comfort in the fact of knowing that they will be there for you in rough times no matter what, and when time alows you will all hang out and be close once again."*Jamie stands and puts her glass in the sink and rinses it out.* "As for your mom, she will always need you Hotshot. You cant and wont be replaced by anyone. I know its gonna be a hard thing to deal with, but maybe talking to you mom about it might help." *Jamie smiles and starts to head for the door.* " I better get back to work. If you need anything dont hesatate to give a yell." *Jamie exits the room and heads back ro her desk.*

*Kaite slips her hand into Wyatt's as they walk back to his Jeep.* " I did have a nice time thank you for asking. And if you can pick me up next week I would like to come back with you. It was really intresting."

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