

*For a moment Katie is shocked by what Jason said but soon it pass. Katie looks Jason in the eyes not denying anything.* " If Wyatt beleaves some rumers than thats his problem Jason and he dosent know me as well as he has said. No one can tell me I cant be with my friend. If there is no trust than there is nothing." *Katie shifts her weaght off her knees as they crack alittle from being in one position for to long.* " Also I promised Reese I would watch over you. In the morning when someone alse comes in I will go about my day. But till that I have a promise to keep to you and to Reese. I'm not one who makes habbit of breaking there promise. I'm not worryed about someone bad geting to you right now J. I am worryed about you geting your ownself." *Katie smiles to let Jason know she means what she says but she is not angry. Only love, and friendship can be seen in the young girls eyes.*

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