
Greasy job

Scott looks up at Katie, knowing that she was worried... knowing that she had moved close for his benefit. And he did appreciate it... he did... it Was just... still so... hard.

His gaze drops. "N...no, I'll be fine. You and Jason can go." He thinks for a moment, then shakes his head a little. "I... no... I mean..." He hadn't thought about going to be with Sapphire before, but... he wasn't sure that was the right choice either. He loved his sister, for sure, but... he wasn't sure he should pick that option.

Not even able to decide what to do, Scott looks back up at Katie, trying so hard to be brave... trying so hard to be strong, even though inside he was screaming in fear. "I'm okay. Rick will be here soon and... then he can decide if I can leave or not."

Scott drops his eyes again, his thin fingers fidgeting with his blanket. He was so scared. Of what, he didn't even know. It was just... of people. Of the Agency. Of Austin. He was scared he would wake up and find that all this had been a dream and he was still in that dark cell. It just all hurt so bad, but there was no place for the pain to go. "I'm fine," he mumbles again.

Jason looks on, worried and angry.

I guess I'm not all that upset about getting suspended either. I'm just.... angry. And you're right. We need to make sure Scott is going to be okay.

Reese sighs, watching his three agents. "I need to go get started on some things... Jason, Katie, you can't work, but don't be strangers. And Scott... hang in there. Let me know what you decide to do." Turning to the door, he pauses one more time, but still can't think of what else he could say, so he leaves quietly.

The door falling shut makes Scott flinch. He hadn't seen Reese move. It was bad enough every sound startled him, but having only half his vision just multiplied the fear.

Domino whimpers a little and crawls up closer to Scott, confused about all the tension she sensed.

Scott lays a hand on her head, both calming her down, and finding comfort in her fuzzy warmth too.

Jason sighs. "Let's stick around, Hero, until Rick comes at least."

Scott is unresponsive, and draws his legs up close. He was so confused about where he belonged... where he fit... where he was supposed to go.

The infirmary remains quiet for a short while, but Rick shows up on time, ready to take over his duties, and quite prepared to fend off anyone who was not out for Scott's best interests. He anticipated Misty would as well, and was confident that at least for now, there would be no more incidents...

Jason sucks in a breath of fresh air as he hits the parking lot, taking his time as he trudged out of TJY with Katie.

Now what, Katie? How do we battle this? I can't just sit back for two weeks and do nothing. I know Scott is safe in Rick's hands but... there's got to be something we can do.

Scott comes out of the bathroom slowly, having changed into the clothes that Susanne had brought him. He was grateful for her kindness and generosity... At least now he could feel halfway normal... almost.

Rick looks up from his desk and smiles a little. "Hey, you clean up pretty well."

Scott forces a small grin. "Yeah, but I got a problem."

"What's that?"

Scott looks down, emphasizing the fact that he has to hold up his jeans to keep them from sliding down.

Only now does Rick realize just how much weight Scott lost. Those had been his jeans before, and now they were just hanging on him, along with the t-shirt. He could only hope Scott pulled through and regained what he'd lost. "Looks like you need a belt."

Rick scoots his chair across the floor to a small closet where he retrieves one and tosses it to Scott. "Try this."

Scott misses catching the belt and has to lean down to pick it up, but once on, it helps. "Thanks." He wanders around the infirmary for a few minutes, bored and feeling a bit lost.

"Feel free to take a walk," Rick suggests gently.

Scott trudges to the open door and looks out, but stops before entering the hall. It just seemed...so...big. Swallowing hard, his hands shake slightly, and he reaches out to touch the doorway, then the hallway wall. He knew that Austin couldn't do anything during the day when there were so many people around. But that knowledge didn't seem to curb his fear at all.

Walking slowly, he reaches what used to be his office again. But this time the door was open, and he could hear someone inside. Mustering up any courage he had left, he approaches the doorway and looks inside, spotting Dalton.

Clint whistles to himself as he skips down off the porch steps and heads to the shop for the day. Wes was out for the morning, so he'd have everything to himself for a while. His goal was to find out what was wrong with that car before Wes showed up... He'd need a bit of luck, but maybe he could pull it off.

Getting inside, he flips on the lights, tosses his jacket on a hook and rolls up his sleeves, ready for the greasy job.


*Opening her eyes Katie slowly sits up. Her body acked from sitting in the chair all night but it was worth it. Hearing the fighting herself Katie sits up straghter and is about to go to the door when out of the courner of her eye she see Scott moving. Changing her direction she walks a little closer to Scott's bed. Giving him a friendly smile.*

"Hey Scotty."

*Letting Scott and Jason talk for a moment Katie just watches Scott. Studying his moments and his words. Katie wanted to know how he was really, she wanted to help or at least look into his soul and see him.*

"Its not a problem Scotty. We'd do anything for our friend."

*Before more can be said the door opens and Katie wherls around exspecting anyone to come through the door and ready to protect Scott again. Seeing Reese Katie relaxes just a bit. Listing a little more to what Reese said Katie couldnt help but feel her own anger start to flair again though trying to still keep it in check. Completely ignoring the fact that Reese just told her she was saspended as if she didnt even care Katie goes to Scott's side seeing him upset.*

"Scotty its gonna work out dont you worry and dont you blame yourself ok. Now, are you going to be ok staying here withouOr would you like to go stay with your sister?"

*For a moment Katie moves her emotions to Jason relaying a message to him.

I'm sorry you got saspended. Me I really don't care at the moment. I just want to make sure Scott will be ok.*

* Wendy slowly opens her eyes as she grones. Why was it morning already, why did she have to get up, couldnt she just stay in bed forever. Knowing better than that Wendy turned the covers back on the bed swings her legs around. Slowly making her way to the bathroom she starts to clean up for the day as her mind started to curn reliving what had been discovered lastnight.

Once finished Wendy heads out of the bunk house slowly making her way to work. She still wasnt sure what to do. She was scaired and even scaireder to tell Clint, but she new she had to it was just trying to figure out how.*


Carson just holds Jess for several long minutes, letting the silence take over the room. How he wanted to return another kiss. How he wanted to laugh and tease and have fun with Jess. But it was that lingering shadow at the back of his mind that kept him from it. It was that name in the fog that wouldn't let him. But how could he ever say that?

"Of course I like you the way you are," he whispers.

Finally withdrawing, he sits up straighter, allowing himself to look Jess in the eye. He finds himself putting a hand to her cheek and staring into her gaze, as the words fall from his mouth. "Don't you ever let anyone try to change who you are, Jess. No matter who disappoints you, or lets you down... don't ever lose that spark... don't ever trade your heart for sorrow again. You're strong. You're brave. And you can make it through anything if you just believe in yourself."

Running his thumb down to her jaw, he leans in for a last tender kiss on her lips before standing up, forcing her to slide to the floor too. "Now... since I've wasted almost all our time tonight with my stupidity when working with hot peppers... let's go see if there's a late movie."

Jason listens to Nate, and gives him a nod before he leaves. "Thanks, Nate. See you tomorrow."

After a moment, his eyes follow Katie's gaze, and his own grin forms. "Cards it is." Getting up to grab the deck, the dialogue continues silently.

I don't think we'll ever not be together... Even when we were apart... we weren't really.

He turns around and catches Katie's eye, giving her that patented stare.

The world's a little more bearable knowing you're in it.

Finally dropping his gaze, he goes to swing his chair around near the little table and stares to shuffle the cards quietly, keeping one eye on Scott.

"You can't do this! They're my best agents!"

"They're not yours! They're TJY's, and what they did was irresponsible, totally uncalled for, and I will not stand for it!" Austin's face grows red as he raises his voice against Reese, out on the main floor.

Reese himself was angered after hearing what had happened the night before. He felt like he was missing details from Austin's side of the story, and it had been quite a shock to be greeted in this manner by someone he'd known so well. "I'm sure they were just being over-zealous," he argues more calmly. "There may be call for a reprimand here, but you can't suspend them. Not when we've got so many cases on our plates."

"Two weeks," Austin growls. "They have two weeks leave, and that's final."

"What right have you, anyway?" Reese counters. "Last I looked, that would be up to me."

"Not last I looked." Austin lifts his chin a little higher. "You can take this to Carter if you want, but I guarantee you that he'll be seeing things my way, so don't waste your breath. In the meantime, I'll say now that some changes are going to take place around here, starting with my position."

Reese doesn't know how to react, and swallows hard. "Carter giving me the shaft?"

"Nope. But you better get used to my ideas. Jason and Katie are out for a week. Then after that, as soon as he's physically fit, Scott goes."

Reese loses it. "You can't do that!" he shouts. "Not to him! I won't stand for it!"

"Then go to Carter!" Austin points to the back offices. "Be my guest! But I'm running late as it is, and I'll not stand here arguing with you about it anymore. It's done."

Reese stands helplessly as Austin walks away. All he can do is just stand...shocked. Glancing around, he sees the few others that were already there that morning, looking on at the loud argument. For once... he didn't care. He felt his emotional reaction was justified.

Then lowering his eyes to the floor, he turns and heads down the hall, instead of to his office.

Jason shifts in his chair, lifting his head and wincing, the crick in his neck having formed after sleeping in this awkward position for hours. Yawning, he glances to the chair next to him, and gives Katie's leg a light backhanded swat.

Rise and shine. It's reality time. I... aldkt aejfkwj ewkrj.....

His thoughts all collide like a train wreck as his ears pick up shouting down the hall, and he loses his concentration.

What the...

He recognized Austin's voice and....Reese? Great.

Well, I guess the boss now knows. Sounds like we're in for it.

Jason's eye catches movement and he looks to the bed where Scott is starting to stir.

Looks like our patient is up too.

Scott manages to get an eye open and looks around the room for a moment, his brain trying to figure out why Jason and Katie were there. Glancing down, he realizes that Domino is under is his hand as well, looking back at him with her bright, expectant eyes.

What had... where was....

"Welcome back." Jason offers him a weary smile.

Scott swallows hard, trying to find his voice. "What happened?"

"You don't remember?"

Scott frowns, thinking. It was foggy.... but the more he thought, the more pieces he could put together. "I... I got into trouble and... you guys came?"

"Something like that."

Scott bites his lip. "Is he... is he still here?"

Jason thumbs toward the door. "I heard him a minute ago. But don't worry. He's not going to bother you anymore. I promise."

Scott isn't so sure he believes him, but he tries. His fingers absentmindely stroke Domino's head. "I... thanks, guys."

"Hey, no sweat. What are friends for?"

Scott manages a weak grin, then pulls himself up so he's sitting, and yawns, trying to wake up. Physically, he felt better than the day before... mentally... he didn't want to think about it. He couldn't remember all that had gone on the night before, but trying to think about it didn't feel good.

Before much else can be said, the door opens, making Scott jump a little. But seeing it was Reese, he relaxes again.

Reese forces a smile to the surface. "Well hi, Scott. Good morning."

"Hey, Reese."

Reese looks down to see Jason and Katie. "And good morning to you two. I was looking for you. Can I see you guys in my office a minute?"

Scott frowns. He could feel the tension. He could hear the stress in Reese's voice. And he could feel that this had something to do with him too. "Don't leave on account of me," he asks quietly. "It has to do with me doesn't it?"

Reese sighs and folds his arms, trying not to let the anger show on his face. "A little bit, yeah." He pauses, finally deciding that if Scott wanted to hear it, then so be it. He looks to Jason and Katie again. "I guess you two are officially suspended from duty for two weeks. My hands are tied. There's nothing I can do... I wish there was. I heard about what happened, and I'm not happy about it either. My advice is to just roll with the punch so you can be back here in two weeks where I need you."

"Suspended?" Scott is confused. "Why?"

Jason grits his teeth.

Because we were protecting somebody. Because we were after justice, not brutality. Because we stood up to somebody who doesn't have a heart, nor does he care.

"We had a bout with Austin last night."

Scott's mixed and confused emotions are written all over his face. "Because of me, wasn't it?"

Jason shrugs. He didn't want Scott to feel badly. "No, it was because of him. And it stays that way."

Scott looks back up to Reese, fear filling his eyes. "Am I... am I gonna lose my job?"

Reese opens his mouth, but he cannot answer. He can't lie, and he hates the truth. What could he say? What could he possibly say?

Scott reads into his silence, and his uncontrolled emotions cause his lower lip to tremble. "Please don't fire me." Tears fill his eyes. "I'll try to get back on my feet... I'll try to do a good job again... I'm sorry that I got people in trouble just... please..." His eyes beg Reese. "This is all I got."

"Aw, Scott." Reese has a hard time himself, controlling the emotions that pool in his own eyes. He cared for each and every one of his agents here, and Scott had always been a special one.

Reese moves forward to the bed, and gives Scott's shoulder a pat. "Don't worry, okay? Just let things settle and it'll all work out. I promise."

Scott swallows hard again, trying to believe, though his voice still wavers. "Okay."

"Good morning!" Susann bursts through the door, her smile like sunshine on a rainy day. No doubt she had heard what was going on, but no one could tell. She grins at Scott. "Hey, there, Mr. Johnson. And... Katie and Jason, and Reese! Looks like all the important people are here."

Reese smirks at her. "We may be good, but we're all the best."

She smiles back at him, and takes a brown paper bag out from under her arm, approaching Scott's bed. Pulling out some items, she speaks absentmindedly. "I found these... somewhere... don't ask why they stuck around, but they did." She sets a shirt, a hoodie and a pair of jeans on the table by the bed. "They're yours... it'll at least give you something to wear other than the infirmary garb. And..." She pulls out a pair of new tennis shoes. "They were your size, on sale, and I knew you liked the brand. So at least you don't have to stay in your bare feet. I can't stand knowing you're walking around here with cold feet."

Scott's eyes are wide and he opens his mouth, but Susanne cuts him off again.

"Oh, and I almost forgot...." She pulls out a couple cans of Mountain Dew, and a couple packages of beef jerky. "Don't tell Rick, 'cause he's sure to say you shouldn't have this now, but... thought it might spark your tastebuds."

Scott can't help his small smile. He was hurting, he was depressed... but Susanne helped. "Thanks, Susanne."

"Don't worry about it." She crumples up the bag and heads back for the door. "Now I'm off to work for the big grouch." She throws a hand over her mouth, sarcasm starting. "Oh, did I say that?" Rolling her eyes, she exits, letting the door fall shut again.

Jason lifts an eyebrow. "Hmm. News of Austin's mood travels fast."

Reese smirks. "That it does. So what are you two doing? Katie? What say you?"

In it together

*As Jess gets taken into the kiss her arms find there way to Carson's back the one sliding to the back of his head to run her fingers through his hair. The passion, and warmth of Carson running through her. Jess heart beats faster as Carson draws her closer as her own arms tighter around him. Taking in the moment, soaking in the attachen, feeling the feeling of being with someone that ment so much to her.

As Carson lets Jess go but pulls her into a hug she rests her head on his shoulder. Keeping her arms around him in an embrace.*

"Thank you for liking me the way I am."

*Katie looks between Jason and Rick as a smile spreads on her lips.*

"How do you know when we are talking or not?"

*Katie can't help the small laugh but becomes more searouse listing to Ricks words. They might as well not start anymore trouble as long as no one messed with them or Scott for now. Watching Rick leave Katie lets out a long sigh.*

*Standing himself Nate throws his jacket on and looks between his two friends. He wasnt sure what to think about this whole thing.*

"I don't mind getting dragged into anything. What happend was wrong but there has to be an explanationg better than the one Austin is giving us somewhere. Just stay low for now, and maybe we can find out more later."

*Letting out a sigh Nate runs a tired hand over his face. Somewhere there was a reason for this. Weather it was a good reason or not there had to be something. Making his way to the door he calls over it shoulder.*

"I'm going to head home if you guys need anything you know who to call."

*Being left alone in the room again Katie is quiet for a long moment. Than seeing a deck of cards she smiles.*

"Want to play some cards to pass the time?"

*Katie can't help the smile that grows bigger on her face. She was scaired of what the morning would hold, but she wasnt going to let it bring her down or make her back out on what she believed in.

Thanks J. At least I know if anything happend we are in it together.*