
Greasy job

Scott looks up at Katie, knowing that she was worried... knowing that she had moved close for his benefit. And he did appreciate it... he did... it Was just... still so... hard.

His gaze drops. "N...no, I'll be fine. You and Jason can go." He thinks for a moment, then shakes his head a little. "I... no... I mean..." He hadn't thought about going to be with Sapphire before, but... he wasn't sure that was the right choice either. He loved his sister, for sure, but... he wasn't sure he should pick that option.

Not even able to decide what to do, Scott looks back up at Katie, trying so hard to be brave... trying so hard to be strong, even though inside he was screaming in fear. "I'm okay. Rick will be here soon and... then he can decide if I can leave or not."

Scott drops his eyes again, his thin fingers fidgeting with his blanket. He was so scared. Of what, he didn't even know. It was just... of people. Of the Agency. Of Austin. He was scared he would wake up and find that all this had been a dream and he was still in that dark cell. It just all hurt so bad, but there was no place for the pain to go. "I'm fine," he mumbles again.

Jason looks on, worried and angry.

I guess I'm not all that upset about getting suspended either. I'm just.... angry. And you're right. We need to make sure Scott is going to be okay.

Reese sighs, watching his three agents. "I need to go get started on some things... Jason, Katie, you can't work, but don't be strangers. And Scott... hang in there. Let me know what you decide to do." Turning to the door, he pauses one more time, but still can't think of what else he could say, so he leaves quietly.

The door falling shut makes Scott flinch. He hadn't seen Reese move. It was bad enough every sound startled him, but having only half his vision just multiplied the fear.

Domino whimpers a little and crawls up closer to Scott, confused about all the tension she sensed.

Scott lays a hand on her head, both calming her down, and finding comfort in her fuzzy warmth too.

Jason sighs. "Let's stick around, Hero, until Rick comes at least."

Scott is unresponsive, and draws his legs up close. He was so confused about where he belonged... where he fit... where he was supposed to go.

The infirmary remains quiet for a short while, but Rick shows up on time, ready to take over his duties, and quite prepared to fend off anyone who was not out for Scott's best interests. He anticipated Misty would as well, and was confident that at least for now, there would be no more incidents...

Jason sucks in a breath of fresh air as he hits the parking lot, taking his time as he trudged out of TJY with Katie.

Now what, Katie? How do we battle this? I can't just sit back for two weeks and do nothing. I know Scott is safe in Rick's hands but... there's got to be something we can do.

Scott comes out of the bathroom slowly, having changed into the clothes that Susanne had brought him. He was grateful for her kindness and generosity... At least now he could feel halfway normal... almost.

Rick looks up from his desk and smiles a little. "Hey, you clean up pretty well."

Scott forces a small grin. "Yeah, but I got a problem."

"What's that?"

Scott looks down, emphasizing the fact that he has to hold up his jeans to keep them from sliding down.

Only now does Rick realize just how much weight Scott lost. Those had been his jeans before, and now they were just hanging on him, along with the t-shirt. He could only hope Scott pulled through and regained what he'd lost. "Looks like you need a belt."

Rick scoots his chair across the floor to a small closet where he retrieves one and tosses it to Scott. "Try this."

Scott misses catching the belt and has to lean down to pick it up, but once on, it helps. "Thanks." He wanders around the infirmary for a few minutes, bored and feeling a bit lost.

"Feel free to take a walk," Rick suggests gently.

Scott trudges to the open door and looks out, but stops before entering the hall. It just seemed...so...big. Swallowing hard, his hands shake slightly, and he reaches out to touch the doorway, then the hallway wall. He knew that Austin couldn't do anything during the day when there were so many people around. But that knowledge didn't seem to curb his fear at all.

Walking slowly, he reaches what used to be his office again. But this time the door was open, and he could hear someone inside. Mustering up any courage he had left, he approaches the doorway and looks inside, spotting Dalton.

Clint whistles to himself as he skips down off the porch steps and heads to the shop for the day. Wes was out for the morning, so he'd have everything to himself for a while. His goal was to find out what was wrong with that car before Wes showed up... He'd need a bit of luck, but maybe he could pull it off.

Getting inside, he flips on the lights, tosses his jacket on a hook and rolls up his sleeves, ready for the greasy job.

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