
Mass Tango

*As Jason's lips touch Kaite's her heart starts to race. The sweetness of the kiss washing over her. Pulling away for a moment Katie looks Jason in the eyes as her own are lite with happyness. Coming in the opisite way for another kiss Katie press her lips to Jason's again as her one arm find his back and rubs gently and her other combs his hair.

Word need not be spoken the emotions of how they both felt were there and thats all they needed. Words spoken would only mess up the bliss they both felt and so...the kiss lingered.*

*Receving Bret's kiss on more time Charlotte can't help the smile that cross her face as the happyness, love and passion flow through her.

Hearing the coin hit the table and having Bret back away she looks him in the eye as he speaks. Kicking her bear foot up to where the coin was Charlotte kicks it off the table so it rolls off and under the coutch. Looking deep into Bret's eyes again she reply.*

"Looks like to me we are staying in to enjoy eachothers company. We can go out later tonight."

*Turning Bret a little bit so he lines up with the coutch Charlotte back up so he lowers on to it. Smiling she sits on his lap wrapping her arms around his neck again Charlotte returns to continue kissing her husband.*

Try again

Jason shakes his head a little as Katie talks, and gives her hand a squeeze. "It's okay...I understand. It's not like I helped you much." He cringes a little. "I know circumstances weren't my fault, but...I could have been there for you more, and I wasn't. So...I guess I'm sorry for that too."

A grin surfaces. "I guess that makes us even."

Jason curls a finger to tap Katie's chin. "We make a fine couple, don't we?" He shakes his head again. "Come on... we can stay up here a while, but... I'd recommend scooting on down below before anything else happens. I might have worried a few others too..."

He offers a look of apology. "Well...maybe just your aunt and Mick."

Jason gets to his feet and offers Katie a hand up as well. Standing near the edge of the cliff, he looks out and puts an arm around Katie's shoulders. It felt right. Finally... it felt right.

Quiet for several moments, he finally turns his head to look down at Katie, a small grin quirking the edge of his mouth. Taking off his hat, he cocks his head, and leans down close to her.

Since I messed up so badly the last time, how about we try this again?

Leaning in closer, his lips brush against hers for just a moment, before he stops and looks her in her eyes again. His eyes glinting, he returns again, letting out the passion he's denied for so long. His fingers gently comb through Katie's hair, the moment too sweet to ruin with words. Only emotions, blissful emotions were given.

Bret takes Charlotte close and swings her around, his eyes shining with the happiness he felt. He couldn't remember a time he'd felt like this... with Charlotte it was just different... and he felt complete.

"Mm... I've got a pocket full of quarters. Personally I'd rather give them to fate than a slot machine."

Grinning, he reaches into his pocket to pull out a coin. "Heads north, tails south. And if it falls under the couch, we just stay here all day and enjoy each other's company."

The coin is tossed, but before it can land, Bret has Charlotte in another kiss, hearing the quarter land on the table. "Rats." His eyes dance. "Guess we have to go."

Reese walks down the hall, opening up Scott's old office. Giving a sigh, he switches on the light. He didn't want to put someone else in here... but he didn't have much of a choice. Life moves on.

Sighing, he goes to sit down behind the computer, and flip it on again. He had to find enough files and information for when the new tech guy came.


*Katie smiles as Jason pulls away.*

"I'm ok. Well a took a tumble down a moutain and almost fell off a cliff but I'm ok."

*Katie looks down for a moment. She owed Jason an explanation on what happend that much she new.

Trying to gather her thoughts Katie looks back up meeting Jason's eyes.*

"I'm sorry I lift like I did J. I just thought it was for the best. I new I was in a down werd slope and I just didnt want to drag anyone with me."

*Katie lets out a long sigh.*

"I know it was wrong now, I just...I'm wanted to be alone to wallow but I didn't want to be alone. I was so confused it was hard to straten everything out. I'm sorry J, I really am. Thank you for coming for me."

*After the warm meal is eaten and Charlotte has showered she comes back into the room and wraps her arms around Bret not being able to help but grin at the ring she now wore on her finger. Giving him a kiss she finally pulls away.*

"So, how about a little bit of exploring. We have a whole new world out there to flip coins with."

*Charlotte can't help but smile giving a chuckle.*

Ready and willing

Katie's hand to Jason's face sends a shiver down his spine as hope builds. And as he receives her words of acceptance, the hope turns into a blissful relief.

As she embraces him and buries herself against his chest, he wraps his arms around her in a protective hold, not wanting to let go. "Oh Katie..."

A deep sigh doesn't signal disappointment or sorrow, but a simple relief, and the feeling that he knew it wouldn't be easy from here on out. But he was willing.

Jason rests his head against Katie's breathing in her sweet smell as he hugs her gently. There were so many unknowns... but Con was right. Life was about learning as they go.

After a few moments, Jason pulls away, bringing his palm to Katie's face to wipe away any remaining tears. "I thought something was wrong... I couldn't stand not knowing. I wasn't going to come but... I realized that I wasn't just upset because I thought you were hurt... I was upset even more because I missed you... and I realized that I didn't want to let us both keep being lonely... it wasn't fair to either of us. So... I came."

Jason pauses, looking into Katie's eyes once more. "I know it won't be easy for us..." He gives a short laugh. "Nothing ever has been with us, has it?" He shakes his head. "But I'm tired of fighting this thing all the time... No matter what happens... I'm willing to start walking again."

His hands move to tighten around hers. "Are you okay?"

A silent alarm goes off downtown. Guns are waved in the air. Masked men take what they can and run. Sirens can be heard nearing. The culprits jump into their black car and burn rubber, speeding away from the scene. Bystanders stop and stare. Police cruisers screech to a halt in front of the bank. The thieves had escaped.

One step

*For a moment Katie looks down at Jason's hands as his fingers interlock with his. Than as his emotions and all he was feeling starts to flow Katie looks up and locks eyes with Jason. It had been a long time since he shaired everything with her and it felt good. Like giving water to the desert it soaks it up.

Her heart feels so many things as Jason shairs. Some of it hurts, and some makes her smile, while other stuff makes her understand why was so scaired to show feelings again. Taking them in Katie feels good but drained, and a tear forms in her eye.

As the emotions starts to end and the one last one comes Katie is a bit saprised. The one emotion she though Jason would never feel for her again after the other night was really there and now he was shairing it with her.

Once the emotions stop and Jason sends his emotional messages and than flat out tells Katie he loves her, her head spins. She's waited for this.

Bring her hand to Jason's face she turns a finger over it maping out his face. As a smile and a glint in her eye forms.*

"I wan't to stay too. If you sure thats what you want. There is no right or wrong way. We will take it slow, and learn together. One step at a time."

*Katie finally wraps her arms around Jason just holding him. Burying her face into his shoulder.*

"I love you J."

Failure? Rejection?

As Katie lifts the walls, Jason can literally feel his body start to relax as the flow of emotions is freed again.

I’m really here…. If it were a dream, I would have been able to make it sooner.

Jason slowly withdraws his arm, enabling him to move around beside Katie. Instead of facing the cliff though, he faces her, sitting crosslegged. He cocks his head, studying her face. It looked like she had had a rough time of it…but she was okay. His reasons for coming could wait. His questioning as to what had happened to alert him to come here could wait.

Though his ballcap’s brim shades his face, it doesn’t hide his eyes, and he roams her own, searching for understanding…for answers.

I’m sorry, Hero… for everything.

Reaching out slowly, he takes her hands in his, turning them up so their palms were together, lacing his fingers through hers. He needed this…she needed this. It had been too long.

There was so much he wanted to say, but didn’t know how. There was so much he should explain and ask, but couldn’t find the words.

Slowly, gently, the floodgates are opened. Jason keeps a handle on his emotions so they don’t surge in one big wave, controlling them as they flow. Like poison being drawn from his veins, the emotions lift their burden to leave him and nourish the receiver.

Though some things hurt, Jason doesn’t hide. At first what comes is painful… his frustrations, hurt, and anger. From now…from the past. The accompanying memories date back to hurting Katie, to Camryn, to Scott. Then the fears and pain from the current time are brought out, proving the turmoil that he’s had locked inside.

Though his hands start to tremble, Jason doesn’t let go. His eyes remain on Katie’s, not breaking their gaze.

Then comes the relief… the happiness… the gratitude. Though recently things had been hard, there had been good times and good moments. And those emotions needed to be released just as badly. For even the good held inside created turmoil.

Sweat forms on Jason’s brow as he stares into Katie’s eyes. There was only one thing left he had not yet shared, and even now it was hard to pull out. The fear tried to cover it up, but he tried so hard not to let it. And finally, slowly, it is passed from his inner being to hers. Love. A love that had existed for so very long, that had seen bright days and dark days, but in truth had never left… it had only been buried deeply in the shadows, creating an unbearable battle of the heart.

As the emotions begin to fade, the physical tiredness sets in, and Jason’s shoulders drop slightly. He loosens his grip on Katie’s hands. He knew she needed his emotions, but whether or not she would have appreciated this, and how she would react to love was unknown.

Swallowing hard, Jason finally drops his gaze. Holding her hands in his lap, he rubs them gently with his thumb.

I don’t know what this means…and I can’t understand it. I don’t know what to do…and I don’t know how to go from here.

He looks up again, once more searching her eyes, as the fear pools behind his eyes. Would he fail? Would he ruin friendship? Would he be rejected?

I don’t know how to love…and I don’t know how it works. But I can no longer keep it locked away. I just can’t do it anymore.

His words stick in his throat, and come out barely above a whisper. “I love you, Katie Pent. I’ve denied that fact long enough. Please don't try to move past your feelings...I want you to stay.”


*As Jason's shadow can be seen beside her Jason can feel a bit of a pull through the small crack she had open. Still not opening up though Katie don't move surprised but not sure why Jason had some.

As he bends down behind her and brings his arms around to offer the red rose, Katie is even more amazed and shocked. Bringing her hands up to the object Katie gently take it running her fingers over the petals as if making sure this was real. A small smile spreads across her face as the tears dry up.

Before Jason's arms can retreat from around Katie she brings her hands to his arms holding the flower and he arms her herself gently and slowly Katie opens her emotions block, taking down the walls.

I'm surprised to see you. Your really here? I'm not dreaming?*

*Slowly Charlotte opens her eyes as a smile spreads across her face as she looks back at Bret. Sitting up Charlotte brings a hand to Bret's face and runs her finger over his cheek.

She couldnt deny just how happy she was. Everything had come up with Bret in the snap of a fingers. If asked when she first met him she would be married she would of said no way because it was the last thing on her mind. But now, she was so happy to be.*

"Ms. Parker would if Mr. Parker joins her."