

*Listening to Jason everything inside her said to kiss him. As Jason's thumb runs along her lips she closes her eyes. Old memories of them coming back to her. Like a wave her emotions start to run high. Scott's face enters Katie's mind his loving smile and than Camryn and how happy Jason seemed with her. Opening her eyes again she gives a smile to Jason her heart racing hard. The tears welled behind them threating to break free. Closing them once again so they cant be seen Katie leans down close to Jason giving him a kiss on the forhead and whispering.*

"I'm sorry."

*Rolling backwards Katie lands on the floor with a thud and is silent for a moment a tear finally rolling down her cheek. She had acted a fool and she new it. Trying to keep her voice strate she speaks again.*

"I thought I saw a spider on the blanket."

*Staying on the floor for along while Katie lays her head burryed into her arm. Trying to whip away her embarssment and collect herself.*


Jason closes his eyes and leans his head slightly into Katie’s hand. “You are…you do…”

Opening his eyes again, he stares into hers. Reaching up, he tucks her hair behind her ear to see her face more clearly.

Then he stops, the silence ruling again before he whispers to her. “Don’t do this to me, Katie…” His thumb runs along her lips. “I’m under the influence of drugs and if you don’t stop me, nothing will.”


*Katies grin grows as she leans alittle closer to Jason.*

"So I am Drop-dead gorgeous, have soft hands..."

*Katie runs her hand on Jason's face.*

"..you want me to shut you up, and I have nice eyes. Wait....you remember my eyes.."

*Katie looks back into Jason's own. How long it had been since she saw there depth."

*You have nice eyes yourself J, but I think you know that already*

Tell me to

Feeling Katie’s finger, Jason moves his lips to kiss it. “You have soft hands, you know that?”

He cringes again, color actually coming to his cheeks. “Please tell me to shut up. If you can’t shoot me, at least do something so I stop talking before I totally screw up.”

He blinks. “Not that I’ll remember it when these dang drugs wear off…” His eyes pass hers again. “Though I do remember those eyes…”


*Katie cant help but roar with laughter again than shakes her head.*

"I cant shoot you sorry. This is WAY to funny."

*Katie leans alittle bit closer pushing a finger on Jason mouth.*

"Your toung didnet run away J its is still in your mouth from what I can see."


Jason follows Katie’s gaze to his arm, and quickly lets it drop. “Ohhh man, I touched the sacred girl of someone else’s arms.”

Stopping and blinking, he slaps a hand over his eyes, cringing. “Shoot me, hero, just shoot me now. My tongue done gone run off away with itself and I can’t get it back.”


*Katie cant help a playful smile that cross her face. Finding this whole thing rather funny.*

"hah...Misty's not here. Its only you and me. Your at my mercy now."

*Katie gives alittle laugh and than looks at Jason's arm thats around her before looking back at Jason*

"Or I guess I should say I'm are you mercy since your holding me!"


“I have no idea.” Jason gives a mock innocent look, a small grin quirking as his arm has automatically gone around her.

For a moment, his eyes lock with Katie’s, a pause seeming to silence the entire room.

Then Jason blinks. “Have mercy. MISTY!” he shouts. “Get me off the drugs – I’m doin’ things I ain’t s’posed to do!”


*Katie looks back at Jason smiles shaking her head. This time as Jason calls out a spider Katie jumps but jumps closer to Jason her arms around his neck.*


*Looking around the room Katie relizes there is no spider. Snaping her head back to look at Jason she squints.*

"An irresistible jerk at that huh?"


“Ooh, nice one.” Jason reaches out stopping Katie from sitting up, his eyes full of a doped-up mischief. “The dropdead gorgeous meets irresistible. How cruel life can be.” His eyes suddenly widen as he looks past Katie. “Spider!”

We think

*Katie's eye widen a bit by Jason's comment.*

"Like I asked to fall here?"

*Katie shakes her head and smiles.*

"Maybe its because we think your simply irrsistable."

*Katie shrugs and starts to sit up.*

How come

Jason’s eyes widen, the magazine slipping from his grasp. He stares at Katie and blinks. “For…some reason…” He points a finger at her. “I get the feeling that you’re not supposed to be in this position.”

He throws both hands in the air, pain-free at the moment. “How come with I finally get my sights set, that’s when the girls start falling for me?”


*As Jason movies and the bed shifts Katie loses her footing. Katie starts to fall forward but shifting her own weaght so she dosent land on Jason she lands next to him inches from his face. A playful smile forms.*

"Now look what you did!"

my bad

Jason keeps squinting at the ceiling. “You sure….my bad I guess.” He looks to his side. “Well if you need to…” He reaches over to grab a magazine. “You could use this…” Turning back around, the bed moves with the shift in weight.


*Katie smiles and shakes her head. It was funny listing to Jason babble.*

"Drop-dead gorgeous girl huh?"

*Katie taps her head.*

"I think those pain killers are messing with you head because I dont see anyone fiting that description here."

*At the mention of a spider Katie's eyes widen as she jumps up looking on the sealing. Not being able to see Katie dosent even think and instinks kick in. Crawling on the bed gently over Jason she stands and looks at a spot on the sealing. Finally turning around she puts her hands on her hips standing over Jason and looking down at him.*

"Your a big jerk you know that."

*Misty sits down on the cold cemint floor having gave Carson his phone. Misty lets out a sigh.*

"I can see if I can get the stuff down here, but I dont think Sheriff Brown will let me. I dont even know where to start on convincing him. Maybe my Uncle will listen to you? I can get him."

*Misty watches Carson on the other side of the bars. Her mind still races with many things. She just wasent sure about anything right now. *


Jason laughs a little, and tries to find the clock on the wall, finally landing on it and squinting. “It’s two in the morning…and you want to find something to watch on tv?”

He shakes his head. “Not that I have any better ideas…confined to this confounded bed.” He seems to have drifted back to sleep, but then his eyes open again. Turning his head once more, he gives Katie a groggy grin. “It’s the wee hours of the morning…I’m in here alone with a drop-dead gorgeous girl and we’re trying to find something interesting on television. Is there something wrong with this picture?”

Jason winces as he tries to shift his knee. “Is there a reason I feel like I’m floating up there…” He twirls a finger in the air. “…around the ceiling?”

He squints. “Hey, is that a spider up there?”

It seems like an eternity before Misty returns with Carson’s phone, but by then, he’s composed himself, and thought long enough to try and start something. “No one will come see me,” he explains to her. “But I want to have the next call in traced… but I either need to get upstairs, or have the equipment brought down here..” He sighs. “The trouble is convincing Brown that it’s legit. He’s got it in for me now.”

We can talk more

*As Katie hears Jason's voice she is broken out of her stair. Turning her head to Jason she smiles.*

"Hey you. Pst...like you think I can really sleep at a time like this? Not on your life. Anyways I have to repay you for the time all the time you spent with me in the hospetil."

*Katie smile at Jason catching his eye. Looking away she glances around the room and spots the tv.*

"If your up to it we can see whats on tv."

*Misty stays kneeled down with Carson listing to him. She felt all mixed up now. She was still upset and still angry but now she felt bad for Carson too. His lieing wasent called for but for a bref moment she new why he did.*

"I'll do what I can to help you and I dont know how much of that I have to off but I'll do what I can. I'll start with you phone and than after you talk to Zane."

*Misty lets out a sigh.*

"We can talk more. I"ll be back."

*Misty stands and makes her way out of the station leting them know she would be back. Geting into her car and heading to Carson's Misty's mind races from one thing to the next. She dident know what to think, how to feel what to do. Misty felt so numb.*

Still here?

Bret gives Charlotte’s forehead a light kiss before letting her go, and stands in the doorway, watching long after she’d already disappeared down the sidewalk. He could hear crickets chirping, and the wind rustling the leaves in the front yard trees. A horn honked in the distance…somewhere across town a siren went off…a dog barked down the street. But the noises didn’t bother Bret tonight.

Taking a deep breath, he lets it out long and slow. Had he been so miserable these past four years? If someone had asked him two weeks ago, he would have said no. He was rid of being tied down, he was free, he could do what he pleased, he had a good job and a house of his own… But since last weekend…Bret had been reminded of two things that he’d truly been missing out on: live and love. And with that reminder came the longing to gain them back. Was it possible?”

Thinking for a few minutes, Bret finally retreats, shutting the door for the night.

Carson is grateful for Misty’s return, but all it seems to do is intensify his emotions, and he tries desperately to control him. He didn’t like publicly displaying them, least of all when fear or sorrow were involved.

Gritting his teeth, he loathes the one tear that escapes to mingle with the blood on the side of his face. “She was at my grandparents,” he manages. “Only twelve. I had her sent her away. She was told we all died in a car accident.”

Leaning his head to the side to rest against the bars where Misty’s head is, he swallows hard. “All I ever knew was that she got sent to the United States. But now…someone found her, and they’re going to kill her, or worse, turn her in to the Agency if I don’t pay. That’s why…”

He draws in a shaky breath, wincing as pain surges through his ribcage. “That’s why I did it…to get the money…I couldn’t involve the law…I don’t even know where he is or where Danni is. I can’t let the Agency get her…I can’t let them kill her…”

His fist tightens as the anger tries to overtake his sorrow. He hadn’t felt such a turmoil of emotions since being told Misty’s plane had gone down, and now it felt just as unbearable. “I have to call Zane and try to get an extension on payment or he’s going to go through with his threats.”

Carson pauses, his eyes closed, trying to stay on top of this. He was a prisoner a the worst time. “My phone is on the kitchen table.”

Jason slowly comes out of the anesthetic, groggily looking around the room, everything in a blur. He turns his head a little bit and makes out a figure, and though not able to see details, he feels that it’s Katie.

A slight grin quirks the corner of his mouth, even though it hurts. “You still here?” he mumbles. “You should be home…in bed.”


*Katie cant help but laugh again hearing Phil and Kyle go back and forth. She was happy for Kyle's enthuseasum as well. That what she was hoping for.*

"Food and the other two girls I think I can handle this. I'm not telling Jason this will be a nice saprise for him. Thank you Kyle your a Gem."

*Katie hangs up the phone and makes her way back to the infermary. Seeing Jason still resting She pulls a chair up to his bedside and just sits,waiting for him to wake.*

*Charlotte's smile is soft as Bret pulls away. For a moment as he keeps his arms around her waist she rests her head on his chest trying to catch her own breath. She new it was time to go.*

"Goodnight Bret. I'll see you tomarrow."

*Charlotte pulls away from Bret and opens the front door steping out onto the porch. The air was cool and felt good. It would be nice to walk home in the breeze. Charlotte turns again and give Bret a wave before starting to walk down the sidewalk making her way back to the hotel.*

*Misty stops and she hears Carson's words. Turning and walking back to the cell Misty just watches Carson for a moment. She was still upset but her heart softened just a bit seeing Carson huddled in the courner. She new he wasent lieing now.*

"Your...sister? But I though...You said...."

*For a moment Misty is confused. Crouching down Misty trys to work things out in her mind. She was still angry and hurt. But it could wait if there was more important things to take care of.*

"You should of said something sooner Carson. It would of saved you from this an we could of helped you. If you hadent of lied we could of helped her sooner. You try and rest to much on your own shoulders."

*Misty's lets out a sigh feeling a tiny bit of sarrow for Carson. Misty rests her head and her hands on the bars.*

"Ohhhh Carson.....I'll get your phone for you. Where is it?"

I can't let him

Kyle’s shoulders drop as he hears about Jason. “Aw no…”

Phil looks up at him with concern. “What?”

Kyle takes the phone from his mouth for just a moment. “Jason – he’s in bad shape.”

“Well is he okay?”

Kyle nods, still listening to Katie to finish out the conversation. A smile crease his lips. “I think that is one of the best ideas I’ve ever heard. You’re a doll, Katie.”

He quickly runs through things in his mind. “Tell you what… You just get in your car tomorrow and pick up Jen and Camryn – Jen knows where she lives. Phil and I will get Mike and just bring a couple guitars or something.”

Phil raises his eyebrows and reaches up to tap Kyle. “What’s going on?”

Kyle waves him off, still talking. “You and the girls can get the food – I’ll make sure Jen’s got the cash and..”

“Kyle, what’s going on?!”

“Would you just shut up and wait?” Kyle’s eyes widen. “Not you, Katie, not you…Phil’s being a pain.”

“I am not!”

Kyle steps back from the couch, but is restricted by the phone chord as he keeps talking to Katie. “Don’t forget to tell Scott to stick around too. So we’ll all be there, let’s plan on six o’clock. And hey, anyone else wants to stick around, go for it. The more the merrier!”

Bret sucks in his breath as he’s pressed up against the wall, feeling Charlotte so close to him. She evoked a strange feeling within him…one that longed for his loneliness to end…one that showed him there was still a chance he could gain back what he might have lost… one that said life was still worth living.

His hands make their way to her shoulders, then to her face, brushing back her hair, his thumb running up her jawline.

Finally pulling away slightly, his eyes remained closed, his heart beating hard within him. He rests his forehead against hers as he knows it is best for her to leave now, his arms moving down to wrap around her waist. “Goodnight, Charlotte,” he whispers.

Carson stands in his cell, stunned as Misty pours out her anger and frustration. He cringes a little at her shouting, instinctively taking a step backward.

Pain courses through his eyes at he looks at her. Her words stung. They cut him like a knife, hurting worse than the physical pain he was experiencing.

He had a reason to back up what he’d done… he had a reason for his behavior… he had a reason for not telling Misty everything. But how could she possibly understand that?

Carson’s eyes drift to the floor, signaling the brokenness he felt. He was trapped with no way out. He’d gotten caught, and like a trapped animal, he would meet hi fate now whether he wanted to or not. He was helpless against the raging circumstances around him. And he was on the brink of now not losing one precious thing, but two.

Slowly, he backs against the cell wall and slides to the floor again, numb and too weak to care. Even hearing that Misty would get his phone didn’t bring the relief he wanted to. For he had used her, and at what cost? Even if he did get the phone, it was not a guarantee that the other life would be saved.

All he wanted to do right now was curl up in a corner and bury himself in the shadows. He could feel his being drawing within himself, his heart caving in to envelop it self with hurt where he could lick his wounds.

Tears spring into his eyes for this miserable position he’d gotten himself in, but he wills them not to fall. Seeing Misty start walking away, he spoke. It didn’t matter now…secrets had helped nothing…if the one he cared for was going to die, she would die no matter if he told someone or not. It was a sorry lesson to learn, and one learned too late.

“He’s going to kill her, Misty.” His voice is cracked and quiet, his eyes glued to the floor. “I can’t let him kill my little sister.”

I am a fool

*As Brets lips return to Charlotte and she feels his passion in the kiss as she returns it. Taking a few staps forward she pushs Bret against the wall. Resting aganst him as she can feel her knees becoming weak. But she dident want to stop the kiss. All the emotions she felt were bran new. She kissed other guys before but Bret made her feel things she never had before. Pulling away Charlottes eyes sparkle and dance with emotion. A whispering escaping her lips..*

"I dont think any coin could of predicted this."

*Leaning in again Bret and Charlotte's lips meet. Each time it felt like the first kiss all over again. Charlotte's hand combs through Bret's hair and the other is wraped around the back of Bret's neck now as the kiss continues.*

*Katie cant help but chuckle as Kyle answers the phone.*

"Yes I'd like 4 t-bone steaks, 20 big macs, and to talk to the cutest Keyboard player around."

*Katie cant help but laugh again before continuing on for the reason she was calling.*

"Hey Kyle. Listen we had a case we were working on tonight and it got pretty bad. Jason is alive but got pretty messed up. His knee, a few ribs, some other bumps and burses. He’s not going to be able to make it to the party tomorrow. He’s pretty bumed and is going to need a lot of cheering up. So I was think no one will be here tomorrow except for Misty and Jason I though maybe we could move the party here. I’ll bring over one of the TJY vans we can load the gear up and bring the party to Jason. I think he’d really like that......I just want to do a nice saprise for him. You can ask Camryn to come too I think he would like that and if she needs a ride I can pick her up."

"No Carson, I'm not mad at you....I'm down right....."

*Misty stops for a second thinking about what she is going to say.*

"If I believed in cursing you would find some pretty colorful words being throws your way right now Carson Banks."

*Misty pushes herself away from the wall. Steping alittle closer to Carson's cell.*

"An innocent person, more innocent than Jason who you almost slattered. See this blood..."

*Misty points to her skin and her cloths.*

"This is Jason's blood Carson. Not to mention, I have both your faces from inside that ring implanted in my mind now. Something I'll probley NEVER be able to get rid of."

*Misty lets out a frustrated breath as she paces the floor outside Carson's cell. Giving a scoff.*

"Believe you, you want me to believe you. Guess what Carson I DID believe you. Everything told me not to because I wanted to believe that you had faith in me, and if you were in trouble you would tell me."

*A few tears stream from Misty's eyes. Her emotions becoming unbearable. Her voice raising almost screaming.*


*Misty steps closer to the cell her eyes pouring so many emotions.*


*Misty turns around and starts to walk away only to stop.*

"I'll be back with your stupid phone soon."


Bret’s pulse quickens as Charlotte brings her hand to his face, and he closes his eyes, feeling her lips on his. Returning the kiss with passion, his mind reels with emotions he thought never would surface again. Her embrace draws him closer, feeling her warmth. His hands wrap around her, rubbing her back as he drinks in the lingering exchange.

Withdrawing for just a moment, he tilts his head the other way just to return, with no current intention of ending.

Phil jumps as the phone next to him by the couch rings. He’d fallen asleep reading his magazine and it took him a moment to come back to reality. Glancing at the caller ID, he yells over the sound of the stereo down the hall. “Kyle! It’s Katie! It’s probably for you!”

Kyle comes bounding down the hall springing over the couch and almost landing in Phil’s lap.

Phil gives a wail, pulling his legs up on the couch. “Would you watch it?!”

Breathless and ignoring his brother, Kyle grabs the phone. “Kyle’s bar and grill, what cn I get ya?”

Hearing Misty’s voice, Carson snaps to attention and rises too quickly, causing him to grab his hurt sides. “Misty!”

His eyes search hers, trying to figure out her motive for coming. It wasn’t just to see him – she was distancing herself. It wasn’t to help either – her eyes were too angry. He blinks away a drop of blood from a stubborn cut above his eye.

“I do need your help.” His voice is strained and desperate. There was fear there – something not usually present. “Look I know you’re mad at me and I deserve to be horsewhipped, but if I don’t get my cell phone, an innocent person is going to die.”

He looks at her with desperation. “Please…you’ve got to believe me. No one will go to my apartment and get it. But if I don’t return a call, someone’s death will be on my hands, and I can’t live with that.”

His eyes plead with her. “Please, Misty…if not for me, then for the other life.”

A Gift

*Katie smiles at Jason a plane starting to form in her mind already.*

"Dont worry about the band, dont worry about Camryn I'll take care of everything ok. You know me, I like to be the hero remember."

*Katie makes her way out of the infermary and to her cubicle. She new it was late but she new Kyle liked to stay up later as well. Dialing his number Katie waits as the phone rings.*

*Misty looks up at her Uncle and gives a nod whiping her tears away. Sucking in a deep breath Misty conposes herself she had to be strong. She had to help Rick.

Misty heads back into the infermary and helps Rick all she can. Still learning and taking note to what was being done. Along with keeping Jason stable, and making sure he was alright.*

"Jason is strong. He'll be ok...I know he is determend."

*Misty continued handing stuff to Rick. Flinching with every word hurled at Carson. She was angry she was upset, she dident understand but the words still hurt.

Finishing Misty relized she never changed her clothing from that night and it was now stained with blood. Not that she really cared. Exiting the infermary Misty needs to get fresh air...she felt like she was suffacating. Finding Reese again she goes over to him.*

"Uncle, I'm going to the police station now. I know you wont want me to go alone but, I have to. I have to do this alone please. I'll be back."

*Misty heads out of TJY and heads to he car spinning her tired as she pulls out of the parking lot.

With in minutes Misty is at the station and heading inside. Stating her name and that she wanted to see Carson she was pointed in the right direction. Walking down the halls of many cells Misty still keeps her composure though her eyes have pain and anger in them she stands tall. Telling herself she cant break yet. Coming to the cell at the end Misty can see Carson with his back to the bars. Taking a deep breath Misty leans again the wall across from the cell. She had to be strong.*

"So, Now you want my help huh?"

*Charlotte goes to make a comment back to Bret but stops as he draws her close to him. Charlotte can feel his breath on her skin. His touch warm and soft. Charlotte's eyes lock with Bret tells him it was ok. Bringing a hand to the side of his face to cradle it Charlotte leans close into Bert pressing her lips to him. Her hand that was on his face sliping to the back of his head as her other arm wraps around embracing him. Time feels like it almost stops as the sweetness of Bret's kiss washes over her. Something about Bret was so differnt. From the first day she had met him. They had been two lonly strangers who had met in a bar and had been given the gift of happyness. Its was almost as if it was a story or even a movie. Yet the ending was hiddon yet to come. By why look to that when you could just enjoy now. Charlotte embraced Bret alittle bit tighter leting there exchange continue.*


Jason barely opens an eye at Katie, but manages a bit of a grin. “You bet. I got this one over here,” he gestures to the scar over his left eye, “And now I’m gonna have one over here,” he points to the other side. “Pretty, eh?” He stops, wincing a little at how much it hurts to talk.

He pauses, taking a few breaths and wishing for the painkillers to start working. Glancing up again, he manages to turn his head a little to see her. “Could you…call Kyle tomorrow…” He shifts his gaze to the clock on the wall. It was after midnight. “Today… and tell him that I…I can’t make it to….Mike’s thing?”

Jason cringes a little. “Aw, dang…I’s supposed to pick Camryn up for that.”

Rick listens to Misty and nods grimly. “Alright. We can get into his knee, but I want to do it right away. The more we wait, the more it will fester.” He sees that Misty is upset, so takes charge. “Let me prep and you can assist me.”

As Rick changing clothes and cleaning up, Reese sees his niece go out in the hall, and slowly follows after her. Seeing her at the water fountain, he gives a little sigh. He hadn’t liked it from the beginning that she’d fallen for Carson. But there was no point in saying ‘I told you so’ at a time like this. She was hurting, and harsh words would do no good.

Approaching her, he sets a hand on her shoulder, rubbing her back a little. “Take it easy, Misty,” he says softly. “Rick needs you in there to help him right now. Just hang in there a little while longer.”

“Mmm…” Rick frowns at what he sees after opening up Jason’s knee. With Jason sedated, it was easy to work, but the damage wasn’t what he wanted to see. “He had part of this knee replaced before when it got smashed, and there are parts here that have been ripped out of place on impact. He must have taken quite a blow.”

Shaking his head, he directs Misty to hand him several tools, beginning his work. “Oh, he’ll walk again alright, but he’s going to have some nerve to do it – this baby’s going to be pretty painful, and I don’t know if that will ever go away.” Rick sighs. “Just what he needed. Why can’t the innocent doing their job ever come out on top? It just isn’t fair…this kid has been through too much the way it is without another injury piled on top.”

He didn’t mean to be blaming Carson directly, but the implications of his words did point in that direction. Rick knew that Carson knew Jason had a bad knee, and apparently he hadn’t cared. It made Rick’s blood boil just to think about it. These people here at TJY…he took them all as his patients and friends personally, and any time one of them was hurt, it hurt him too.

Finally finished with the task, Rick closes the knee back up again with stitches and wraps it, putting the brace back on to stabilize it. “Alright…when he comes out of the anesthetic, I’d say keep him quiet so he doesn’t move, but he’s not going to with as painful as it’ll be. Hopefully the painkillers will just help him sleep through most of it though.”

She doesn’t want to come. Carson paces the cell like a caged animal, despite the pain it evoked. “Argh, Misty!” he growls. He’d been informed that he was out of luck with his request to see her.

Still pacing, he stops, hanging on the bars for a moment. He was all alone down here right now, and shouting did no good, but he didn’t care. “All I wanted was for you to get my dang cell phone!” Nobody else believed him he needed it, but he thought that Misty would.

“Come on!” He raises his voice, kicking at the bars, even though it sends pain ricocheting through his body. “An innocent person is gonna die if I don’t get my phone!”

His shouting is desperate and angry. He was so angry. Angry at this whole thing, and angry with himself. “Get me out of here!” he yells, but there’s no one there to listen.

Turning, he leans his back on the bars and slides down to the floor. The ramifications of this were horrific. Someone was going to die. It would be his fault.

Bret can't help a weary smile. He just couldn't say no. "Alright. Breakfast it is."

Standing and stretching, he stifles a yawn, then walks Charlotte to the door to bid her goodnight. Stopping before he opens it though, he turns to her. "Thanks...for just...being here when I needed company." The loneliness the he liked so much to hide couldn't avoid being reflected in his eyes. "I appreciate it..."

He reaches out a hand and brushes Charlotte's cheek. "Fate has been good to me this last week. This just doesn't happen every day to guys like me...meeting angels."

Pausing, he locks eyes with hers for several moments, just letting himself fall into their depths. "I'd flip a coin," he whispers. "But I don't want to take the risk of losing..." Wrapping his arms around her, he pulls her close to him, tilting his head until his face is inches from hers. His eyes ask her for permission.

Sit down there

"Your not going anywhere tomarrow night Jase. You have to stay here for a few days and if you do so, depending on how you are you can go to your gig on friday. I'll have to keep an eye on you Jase. If you dont stay still I'll strap you down because you need to heal."

*Misty looks at Jason sternly for a moment before her exression softens. She new she shouldent be so harsh on Jason. She wasent angrey at him, it was just her own anger and pain was surfesing not being able to hold it in. Hearing Jason talk about Katie Misty finds it off but knows about there connection who was she to judge them on it. Exiting the room for a moment Misty finds Misty.*

"Jason said go in the room with him or settle down."

*Katie looks at Misty for a moment abd than asks.*

"I can go in see him now?"

*Misty gives a nod.

Katie moves quickly into the room and next to Jason Misty following. Katie smiles down at Jason.*

"Hey you! Looks like you have a few more battle scars huh?"

*Misty continues to move around the infermary keeping Jason as comfortable as she can while Katie stands and talks to him.

As Rick and Reese enter the infermary she is changing Jason's IV. Hearing Carson wanted to see her the anger and pain courses through her eyes. It was growing hard to just keep it pushed away. Looking to Reese her gaze was as cold as her words.*

"Let him sit down there than, I'm busy right now taking care of Jason."

*Misty turns back to Jason and finishes the IV. After she is done she turns to Rick.*

"Well...His cheek bone is busterd and he has a nice bump on his head..."

*Misty goes on going over each one of Jason injorys for Rick. Telling him what she did to correct him.*

"...and finally we come to Jason knee. Its wraped and in a brace right now but it dosent look good. If he's ever going to want to walk on it again we are going to need to opagrate on it and put some pins in draining the fluid. I would of done it already becuse I know its what Jason would of wanted but I new I needed your ok before I went ahead. Not to mention maybe I shouldent be the one to do it. I'm alittle shaky and on edge at the moment."

*Misty lets out a sigh as she goes to the drinking fountain siping on the water. Trying to stedy her hands. Finally as she leans over the fountain she breaks leting a few tears fall from her eyes. Why did this happen? Why did things have to go this way?*

*Charlotte smiles as Bret wakes. He may have fallen asleep but that dident mean he wasent comapny. Charlotte had enjoyed just siting next to him as the movies played weather he was cohairent or not.*

"You're fine. I was going to wake up but, you had such a peaceful look on your face I dident want to disturbe you. I enjoyed watching the moving, and siting with you, and we had a good dinner. How can I complane."

*Charlotte takes note to the time. It was starting to get late. Charlotte dident want to leave yet but she dident want to over stay her welcome eather. Giving a nod to the clock.*

"It's geting late, I should probley get going. Breakfest in the morning? I told you I want to see you as much as I can before I leave."

*Charlotte grins at Bret.*

Only Misty

Fighting to stay awake, Jason gives a little groan at Misty’s diagnosis. “I got Mike’s tomorrow night…and…a gig… on Friday.”

He winces as she wraps his knee, beads of perspiration breaking out on his forehead from the pain. “ I shoulda…blown the whistle before…before fighting.” He takes a deep breath. “I just got so….so mad.”

Swallowing the pain killers, he eases back on his pillow, concentrating so he could block out the pain for Katie’s sake. Though successful, he feels something strange, and looks to Misty with a bit of annoyance on his face. Without thinking, he nods to the door. “Would you….please tell…tell Katie to either….come in here…or settle down?”

“No, I don’t know how he is yet.” Reese opens the door for Rick as they both enter TJY. “Carson’s not great, but he’s down at the station.”

Rick’s jaw was tight with tension, having received the news that Jason was hurt. He goes quickly to the infirmary, glances at Jason, then looks to Misty. “What’s the verdict?”

“And after you’re done telling him,” Reese interrupts, “Misty, I’m sorry, but they’ve got Carson down in a cell at the station and he’s not talking. But he keeps asking for you.”

Carson closes his eyes, leaning his head back against the concrete wall. In the lower level of the police station, it was cool and slightly damp, making him ache all the more. A medic had given him a once-over, but what he really wanted was a shot of whiskey and a smoke.

He hurt from head to toe, the most pain coming from the injured ribs that hadn’t had time to heal before tonight. Carson had known Jason was a good fighter, but experiencing it first hand tonight proved it. He hadn’t expected to have such a hard time, let alone lose. And now…everything was over.

He swipes the side of his face with his hand, withdrawing more blood. So much for the small bandage that had been put on. He needed stitches. Not to mention an ice pack would be pretty nice right about now on his shoulder. But he wouldn’t be given the luxury…he was a prisoner.

“You ready to talk?”

Carson looks out at an office and stares at him with ire. “I told you I wanted Misty Miller.” He keeps the desperation out of his voice. He needed her right now and needed her badly. She was the only one he would ask for help from.

The officer shakes his head and leaves again, giving up for the fifth time.

Bret wakes with a start as the music to the movie credits starts to play. He sits up straight on the couch and tries to get his bearings. He wasn't sure at what point he'd fallen asleep... Charlotte had stayed for supper...they'd talked...they'd put in a couple movies...and after that was a blank. "Sorry," he mumbles groggily. "I gave you great company tonight."

Your Wish

*Misty slids in the back seat with Jason resting his head in her lap trying to keep it sapported all she can in case of head or neck injories. Keeping her hand gently on his face trying to keep him away. Misty lets out a sigh at she looks down at Jason.*

"My boyfriend huh? Am I even able to still call him that?"

*Misty shakes her head not wanting to think about it right now.*

"Nah, you dont look that bad. You never look bad J. The bumps and bruses just add the the hottness."

*Katie keeps driving, as fast as she can back to TJY. Glancing at in the review mirror every once in a while. She wasent a docture but she could tell Jason wasent good. Pushing her own emotions away she stays focused. Leting out a laugh at Jason's comment of her driving.*

"You better watch there buddy or I'll drag you into TJY."

*Katie trys to force a small smile.*

*Finally arriving at TJY Katie and Misty both help Jason inside and are greeted by Nate who takes over for Katie helping with Jason, though Katie still follows close behind. Geting Jason into the infermary and laying him down Nate smile gently pating his friends shoulder.*

"Dont you worry about that boot to the head. I have a thick skull."

*Nate looks to Misty who is instinly geting to work.*

"What can I do?"

"Go bring me ice and lots of it. Katie take this cloth and start cleaning out the wounds for me. That place wasent exacly clean."

*Misty goes to the cabnit pulling out a bag of clear liquen and seting it.*

"Your gonna feel a pinch in your arm Jase. I'm seting you up on an IV to get some fluid back in you."

*Going back to the counter Misty puts some gloves on and sticks Jason with the IV also pusing some anitibiotics into the tube as well. Than Going back Misty starts as his head directing Nate to hold the Ice on his eye.

A few moment later afer the ice and cust are clean Misty directs the other to leave so she can work and have room for them both to breath. Once the room is cleared Misty starts at Jason's head examing it and talking to him aloud.*

"You got a nice pump on your head it could be a concustion. I'll probley keep you here a day or so to keep an eye on you."

*Working her way down Misty gets a needle and thread sewing up a gash on the right side of Jason's face.*

"Shesh that was pretty you have 13 stiches on that one and on your other side you have a chipped cheek bone. Its not to bad, it should heal nicly and face."

*Misty continues to work going to Jason's neck, to his chest, running her hands over every bump. Feeling his sides she cringes alittle.*

"Well you have 2 crack ribs on the right side and one on the left."

*Going to the cabnit once more Misty gets some wraps.*

"Ok, I know its gonne hurt but I need you to sit up Hun. Just lean you weaght on me."

*Helping Jason sit up Misty props him so he is leaning on her and his head is over her shoulders at she wraps his ribs night and tightly. Than gently she lays him back down continuing with her work. Finally geting to his knee Misty cringes. Being very gentil Misty looks it over.*

"Sorry this is going to hurt."

*Misty slowly bends Jason's knee watching the kneecap she dident like how it looked at all.*

"Your knee dosent look good. We are probley going to have to oparate on it. Put a few pins in and than when it heals you should be good to walk and runs and all that stuff again. I'm going to need Rick's second on that though before I can. So for now I am going to wrap it and put it in a brace. Tomarrow when Rick comes in I will talk to him and we will start right away with his ok."

*Misty wraps Jason's knee tight and slips a knee brace on. Going to the cubord she grabs some painkillers and some water.*

"Here take these. They are gonna make you loopy but they will take away alot of the pain your in."

*As Jason takes the medicen Misty gives a smile runing her hand through Jason's hair fast.*

"It looks like you got your wish and I got to docture you up huh."

*Misty turns back to head to the small sink over in the courner to wash her hands up. and than sheads her jacket to head back over to Jason and check his vitles and IV.*

* Kaite and Nate pase around the main floor there nerves sky rocket. Katie's from worry over Jason, and all his feelings being haywire right now causing her to tenst.

Nate felt anxus waiting for orders on what to do next. His anxiety, growing causing him to swet. Never had he been so up tight aboue this before to right now he was for some odd reason. Nate continues to pase till finally he heads to the break room for something to drink.*

Staying conscious

Jason tries to smile a little as Misty kisses him, though he's too weary to open his eyes. "I'm hangin'...I'm hangin'..." He swallows hard and winces. "We'll get...Carson....Carson out of here."

Hearing Katie not much later, Jason manages to get his eyes open. "Ahh, you made it..." His voice is hoarse and cracks. "I knew I could...count on you."

As he's helped up, he doesn't resist, and just tries to keep himself going, leaning on both women for support. "It went down nicely....lots of people...fight weren't too bad..." He trudges between Misty and Katie, keeping one eye squinted ahead. "Guess the case is up...done my duty..." His rampant sentences prove he's rambling just to stay conscious.

Weaving through the crowd and finally getting to Katie's car, he slumps in the back seat, laying down again. "I think I got some ribs cracked by that boyfriend of yours," he mumbles. "My knee ain't so great."

He winces as the vehicle starts to move. "Yo, Hero, take it easy, ya got an invalid back here..." He tries to wipe some blood off his lip. "Do I look....as bad...as bad as I feel?"

He starts to relax, his eyes beginning to roll back in his head, but he catches himself. "Hey, doc, I got me a blackout comin' on...I don't wanna...." He pauses, trying to figure out what he was going to say. "I don't wanna have to have... you two drag my dead weight around..."

As they hit a little bump in the road, Jason quirks a grin. "Hey, driver, do that again, I think maybe somethin' got put back in place."

Getting back to TJY, Jason manages to stay conscious enough to carry at least some of his own weight inside and toward the infirmary. Jason's head is down, his eyes falling shut again, but he keeps on talking. "Nate, ol' buddy ol' pal," he calls out. "Sorry 'bout the boot to the head..." He winces as he puts too much weight on his knee. "I think I know how it feels now."

Reese answers his ringing phone, sitting up in bed. He's hit with a little bit of fear. Jason was supposed to help take down that ring tonight. "Hello? ...Yes...good... I...what? ...Carson?" Reese's heart sinks. "You're kidding me.... You got him downtown? Yeah... alright. Thanks, Doug. I'm coming down."


*As Misty sets Jason down and Dane leaves the room. Misty slowly makes her way over to Jason. Her mind realing. Put pushing her own pain away for now that would come later. Bending down Misty starts to check Jason over. There wasent much Misty could do right now but she could check him all she could and try to make him comfortable. Hearing his comment a smile spreads across face making her chuck dispite the pain she was feeling. Leaning in Misty presses her lips to Jason softly becarful of his broken open lip. Pulling away she whispers.*

"Hang in there Hun."

*Misty keeps her fingers locked with Jason as they sit and wait. Not knowing what was going all they could do was wait.*

*Katie directs Sharif Brown and the other marking where to go in her own gun drawn she lets the other go in first and than follows. Still following her feelings to find Jason she could tell he was in a bad way. Pushing through the people, and glancing her hind her as the cops swarm, Katie looks ahead again coming to a doop. Turning the nob she can tell this was where they were. Opening the door Katie scans the room and holstering her gun for the time being she goes over to there side bending down.*

"J, Misty."

*Misty perks up as the door opens. A wave of releaf passing over her as she see its Katie.*

"Kaite we need to get Jason to the infermary so I can take care of him and fast. Can you help me get him out of here?"

*Misty stands and grabs Jason's shoes and shirt. Sliping his shoes on and ot worry about the sox or shirt Misty tucks them under her amr.

Katie gives a nod that she will help. Just seeing Jason messed up like this gave her all the stragnth she needed*

"Its ok J. I'm here. Were gonna get you out of here and fixed up in no time."

*Taking his on arm Katie pulls it over her shoulder as Misty gets the other being gentil and pulling his arm over her shoulder. Finally geting Jason to his feet they start to make there way out of the building going in and out of people. There aim Katie's car to get Jason to the infermary. Katie catches Officer Brown's eyes and nods leting him know she was geting Misty and Jason out of there.*


Jason numbly reaches out to Misty, needing her support, but also corralling her away from the chaotic scene. He didn't even want to begin thinking how she must be feeling...he didn't even want to begin thinking how he himself should be feeling either.

Dane deposits Jason and Misty in the back room and is about to say something, when the shouts rise behind them. Turning, he shakes his head. "We got some fights over bets out there. Ace, stay put so no one clobbers you. Terry will be in here with your pay and schedule...after this, he ain't gonna want to let you go."

Suddenly Misty and Jason are alone in the room. Jason sits down on the bench and finds himself leaning over to lay on his side. He knew he shouldn't be resting. The police should be here in fifteen minutes at the most. He needed to get up, get his shoes on, get ready to get out of here. But his body ached...how it ached. He could feel the blood running from several different places on his head and face, and his leg felt as though it were on fire.

Swallowing hard, he doesn't try opening his sore eyes. "How 'bout that treat 'eh?" he manages.

Carson blinks in the lights as he finally comes to. He'd been carried to a back room and was laying on a cot with Terry looking down at him.

"Whoa, Eagle, what happened out there."

Carson groans and rolls over to sit up dizzily. "How should I know..."

"That was quite a hit."

"Tell me a bout it," Carson mumbles. It hurt to talk.

"You realize we're gonna have some negotiating to do. A rematch is going to be a must now."

"Mm-hmm." Carson's head was spinning. Jason...Jason...surely he was still here... was he going to blow the whistle? Had he planned to call the cops on the joint now or later? What was his plan? For once, Carson wished he'd paid better attention back at TJY to know what would be going on.

Sheriff Brown doesn't even hesitate to follow Katie's direction. He'd been told too much about her to doubt she knew what she was doing and where she was headed.

Five police cruisers follow Katie across town with no lights or sirens, a SWAT team close behind. Arriving at the building that looked to be abandoned, it doesn't take long for the officers to find the entrance.

Chaos breaks loose. A shout is raised. A policeman's voice announces their arrival and barks orders. A gunshot rings out. People scatter. Everyone is everywhere. The police try to corral people to one side, calling for more backup. People make their way out side entrances to make their getaways. The music is cut. The noise is thunderous as people shout and yell.

Carson's eyes widen at the noise. Before he can even react, Terry is already gone. He stands and goes to the door, one arm holding his ribs. Before he can even open it, an office bursts in and aims a gun. "Get down, now!"


*As Misty watchs on she cringes with every punch to Jason and to Carson. Still confused and hurt she couldent break her cover. As the bandana goes around Carson throt Misty eyes widen in fear. The look on Carson's face as he gasps for air the look on Jason's face of pure anger. Those face would be imprinted in her mind forever. As Jason is helped out of the ring Misty's body dosent want to follow but knows she has to. Swiftly returning to Jason's side Misty puts his arm around her shoulders. Swallowing Misty quirks a sassy grin.*

"You did it Ace, you did it."

*As Katie sits consintrating she can feel emotions emotions than like a ton of bricks all of Jason emotions enter her mind causing her to bold up and scream just alittle feeling the emergincy. Bursting out of the breakroom Katie eyes scan the room.*

"BROWN....now...Jason and Misty need us...."

*Katie dosent know what comes over her put filled with the ergency make her even better of a leader throwing out directions.*

"...You side with and have the other follow...NOW."

*Katie makes her way quickly out of the station waiting for Brown and the other to join her. Katie makes her she has her own gun.*

"I'm coming J, hold on. Were coming."

Following her instincks and weaves around turns keep her mind open to Jason.*

"Come on J, where are you."

*Katie continues to drive making sure everyone is still following her. Twisiting down another street everything is dark but the outline of many cars can be seen lining the street and the feeling of Jason grows. Katie nods to the building opening her door.*

"There, thats the place. I can feel it."

Just find me

Jason picks Carson up to give him another blow to the face. Carson staggers backward into the cage, trying to recover from his shock of what was going on. He doesn’t have much time though as Jason comes at him.

Sidestepping, he gives Jason a knee to the gut and throws him into the corner. Jason falls and rolls, getting right back to his feet. Lunging at Carson, for a moment, both men are locked in a power battle until Jason finally breaks the hold, turns with Carson’s arm over his shoulder, and kneels, throwing Carson over his shoulders to land with a bang on the floor.

Carson winces as pain shoots through his ribcage. Seeing Jason coming for him again, he kicks out, planting a foot to Jason’s midsection.

Jason doubles over, giving Carson enough time to get back up and throw a punch that gets Jason’s face.

Jason is knocked to his knees, the blood pouring from his split lip. His anger intensifies, adrenaline ruling his moves. Undercover or not, he was taking Carson down.

Glaring at his opponent, he strikes back.

The fight rages on, neither man willing to back down. The crowd grows weary of shouting, but eyes remain glued to the ring, the noise continuing as the brawl drags on.

Jason is brought to his hands and knees once more, trying to catch his breath. His vision was becoming blurred, his face felt as if it had been slammed into a concrete wall. Pain was shooting all throughout, but he didn’t have time to concentrate on it right now. Looking up, he’s just in time to dodge Carson. Back to his feet again, it’s his turn to take Carson down.

On his back, Carson can feel blood trickling down the side of his face. He spies Jason, and without even thinking, swings a strong kick to Jason’s bad knee.

The pain is like an electrical shock, sending out a cry as Jason falls, grabbing his leg as he winces. But he couldn’t stop now… he couldn’t give up. Not only did he have to finish this out for the case’s sake, but he couldn’t let Carson win this.

Carson goes to pick Jason up by his shirt, but in a burst of energy, Jason twists around and trips Carson.

While Carson is still down, Jason goes behind him, and in a swift movement, he rips Carson’s bandanna of his head, takes it long, and wraps it around his throat.

Carson grabs at it, gasping for breath. “Jason, you s…” He cringes as he sits on his knees, desperately pulling at the choking tool.

Jason grits his teeth and keeps his tight hold despite Carson’s efforts to move. Keeping his good knee in Carson’s back, he maintains control. “You’re going down, Carson,” he hisses. Nothing mattered anymore. His anger had taken hold, and he wasn’t going to lose.

Carson gasps and reaches for the side ropes to pull himself up, but he’s too far away. His head starts to spin from lack of air, and his energy dwindles. “Jase…you…” His eyes start to roll back in his head, and finally his body grows limp.

Jason releases his hold and stands up, throwing the bandanna down next to Carson’s unconscious figure. They both looked liked they’d been run through the mill, and felt like it too. How on earth had this happened…and what was to happen now…

The buzzer brings Jason’s mind back out of the fog and he suddenly realizes that he can’t wait any longer. This had turned out more severe than planned, and they needed back up immediately. Katie, get the cops…now… He summons up all of his intensive pain, anger, fear and nervousness that would signal the desperate need for help, and allows it to intensify into a mass aimed at the only one who could absorb it. We need help, Katie, and we need it fast…just find me…

The crowd is on its feet whooping and hollering, some jeering their distaste, others cheering on their enthusiasm.

Several men make their way to the ring, one kneeling next to Carson, making sure he was still alive, the other starting to escort Jason out.

Jason blinks as blood stings his eye, and he leans on Dane for support. Passing the front row, he looks with desperation to Misty. He didn’t know what to say or what to do, but she had to come with him. Carson had to be left for now. They had to follow Dane to the back room again to carry this thing out until help came.

Shattered Hearts

*Katie gives a nod to Jason.*

"I'll probley head to the station. If you need me I dont want to wast any time. If I am there already I can hope in my car and show them. I think thats the smart thing to do anyways."

*As Jason and Misty are heading out Katie following to head to the station Katie stops Jason. Giving him a friendly hug she whispers.*

"Be safe. I'll be right there with you even if you cant see me. I'll be looking out for you."

*Pulling away and giving a smile Katie gets into her car and heads away from TJY and to the station.*

*Pushing through the crows with Jason Misty makes it to the back room where he was to get ready. Standing off to the side her keeps her arms crossed her chest, and her sassy look on her face. Eyeing Jason up and down at the one point her grins.*

"If you win Ace I got a treat for you."

*Misty's sassy grin grows as she makes eye contact with Jason and kiss the air twords him.

Heading out and to the front row Misty gives Jason a squeeze and a quick kiss.*

"Good Luck."

*Misty's stomach churns as she waits watching Jason pace in the ring. She only hoped this went well or they both could be in big trouble. And if it did go bad Misty only hoped Katie could get the cops here in time. Settling her mind Misty joins in the cheering with the other and hollowing.
As the other fighter makes his way to the ring Misty cant see to well at first the lights blinding, and the smoke filling the air buring her eyes. As the spotlight shines on the ring Misty's stomoch drops, and it feels as though everything inside her froze instinly Misty gets immages and voice back in her head.

"I'll remember next time to go to Rick when Terry jumps me behind the supermarket."

"I must of slept on it wrong."

"Sorry baby I am helping someone movie tonight."

"I thought you would of trusted me by now."

Carson's voice pounded in Misty's ears. Images, feeling. He HAD been lieing to her. Everything starts to spin as Misty stands up front and all she wants to do is scream as the tears well in her eyes her heart breaking. Turning Fast Misty bring a hand to her face. Remembering she was undercover she cant blow this she trys to compose herself for now pushing everything in the back of her mind. Turning back around she watches the two men in the ring as she contiuns to cheer though her voice isent quiet as strong as before. As Misty's eyes lock with Carson's the pain is known. The hurt, betrayel, shattered heart, and shatter soul.*

*As sits in the police station she kicks back and flips through the channels in the breakroom as officers come in and out. Sherif Brown coming in to check on her every once and a while himself. Katie can tell all is well, normal spike emotions here and there but nothing to worry about yet. As the night draws on Katie can feel Jason's nerves as he heads into the wrong and than as if hit in the gut a name is visable as she whispers.*


*Searching through the emotions that were now flying Katie new Jason wasent in trouble but she was trying to gather what she could about why he was there. Katie sits shuting the TV off...her eyes closed trying to consintrate more thanever now.*

No act

Bret opens his eyes, having dozed off on the couch, and quickly gets up, hearing the knock at the door. “Coming, coming,” he calls.

Undoing the deadbolt, he opens the door and looks out at Charlotte. He offers her a smile even though he doesn’t feel like it. “Hi. Come on in to the cave of wallowing.”

Jason laughs at Misty and shakes his head. “I certainly hope we’re going to win. Otherwise I’ll be spending a lot of time in that infirmary or yours.”

Heading to Katie, he grins. “Alright…we’re out of here to meet up with my contact. He’s going to take us to the right place. Now…Katie…I got a choice for you….you can either stay here, or go down to the station now. You may know when I need help, but the problem is, no one knows where we’ll be. So…I’m counting on you to be able to find me, and I know you can as long as my brain is active. You’ll have to lead the cops to the right place.”

He gives her a wink. “Between the three of us, we’ll get this mob yet.”

Within minutes, Jason and Misty are outside, getting on his bike. Jason makes sure Misty is settled before taking off out of the parking lot and speeding through town to meet Terry. It doesn’t take long, and all too soon, they’re following the car down to the far end of town in a place Jason recognized as one where not many people hung out at anymore….

…Jason wraps his hands tight and flexes his fingers, hearing the crowd shouting and stomping in the main room. He and Misty had made it inside, fought the mob to get through, and taken directions from Terry. They’d already witnessed one fight where one fighter had been taken out unconscious. There were rules about dress and weapons – no shoes, no chains, no belts and no weapons. But otherwise, it was basically a free-for-all. Now they were waiting Jason’s turn.

The man named Dane grins a little at him. “You think you can handle this?”

Jason looks at him with disgust. “Do I look scared?”

“No sire.” Dane shakes his head and give a laugh. “You sure don’t. I’m glad it’s not me in there with you, but lemme tell you, Eagle’s good. If he don’t lose, he’s got hisself a contract to stay on, and there ain’t no guys here who wanna fight him right now. You just be glad we got a doc in the house.”

“Thanks for your vote of confidence,” Jason retorts with sarcasm. “I’m here to get some quick cash, not shake in my boots.”

“Heard you took down two guys at Kelley’s.”


“So maybe you got somethin’ to ya.”

Jason’s eyes narrow. “You wanna find out?”

Dane raises his hands. “Hey, I’m just the escort, man. I tell you where to get ready and push you out that door when the…”

A knock sounds and the head man, Terry, pokes his head in. “Ace. You’re on.”

Jason swallows any nervousness and retains his cocky air. “Great.” Slinging his arm around Misty again, he makes his way out the door into the crowd. A strobe light was flashing, making it hard to see, and the cement floor felt cold on Jason’s bare feet. His mind worked overtime, but he dared not let it get the best of him, or he’d tip off Katie too soon.

Getting to the front row, Jason releases Misty to an empty space between other shouting men and women, and heads into the caged ring. He paces a little, waiting, anticipating. He only hoped his skills would pay off.

A voice comes over the sound system, just loud enough to be heard over the shouts. “First fighter in the ring is our daring newcomer Ace!”

The audience boos at Jason, already having their favorites.

“And defending his three-week reign of house champion with a record winning streak of twelve and 0, it’s Eagle!”

The crowd gets louder with cheers and whistles, proving their like and loyalty to this fighter.

Carson can’t see much as he walks down from the other side of the room. He hated fighting someone he hadn’t seen before, but it wasn’t like he had a choice. If he won this one, he’d get to stick around for more. If not, his reputation would be on the line, putting his high position in jeopardy.

Entering the ring, he sees a tall figure in the other corner with his back turned, and tries to size him up despite the flashing lights.

Finally the room becomes dark, before the spotlights shine in the ring. Thunderous shouts, calls and jeers break forth as the two fighters come into full view.

Jason turns around.

Everything seems to stop.

Carson’s blood runs cold and he freezes, staring Jason in the eye. He knew instantly. This was the case. This was the case Jason had talked about. And now he was right in the middle of it.

Jason’s eyes widen, for a moment forgetting his undercover role.

The shouts of the onlookers taunt them, booing them for not starting the fight. Trying to stay on top of things, Jason’s mind reels. How could this be happening. Carson? His friend and fellow Elite teammate? Was a favored fighter? Who had been here for weeks? Involved in this illegal ring of crime?!

Finally he moves to dance a bit around the ring, sparing off with Carson as if testing him out. He had to move or else suspicion would be raised.

Carson is finally able to get his feet functioning, and circles with Jason, his eyes remaining locked with his. What was going to happen now? Dread slowly creeps up on him. How could this have happened?

Jason throws a light punch, causing Carson to duck. “What in blazes do you think you’re doing?” he hisses.

Carson glares at him. “Fighting you, apparently.” He swings. He didn’t know what to do, but he couldn’t just stop the match. Not only was his own identity on the line, but so was Jason’s, and this mob would eat a lawman alive.

Jason ducks out of the way. “Are you crazy?!”

Suddenly, the two men stop again, in the center of the ring, face to face. Jason looks down at him. “You lying, traitor. I cannot believe you’ve been involved in this!”

Carson glares at him, his anger starting to take over his dread. “Throw this match, Jase or you’re going to be sorry.”

“You mean to tell me that you’re just gonna treat me like any other guy whose brains you’ve busted out?”

“Look, get out of here while you still can,” Carson warns. “I am not playing a game. Walk away and you never saw me.”

From the outside, the crowd was too loud to hear anything that was being said inside the ring, and anyone would think they were simply slinging trash talk back and forth.

Jason’s eyes widen. “How dare you call yourself a law enforcer! How dare you, Carson Banks!”

“Don’t push me, Jason!”

Jason’s anger boils. How could Carson have done this…how….it was just…. Pushed over the top, Jason gives Carson’s chest a shove. “Do you realize what you’ve done?!”

Carson stumbles a step, and grits his teeth. He didn’t want to fight Jason. But he didn’t have a choice. He needed money, and Jason was undercover. Each had something to lose. Stepping forward, he takes a swing.

Jason ducks once more and comes up with a quick right so hard that it knocks Carson off his feet.

And to those watching who held undercover secrets…the hard truth is known… this was no act.

Carson slams onto the ring floor, dazed by the strong fist to his jaw. Trying to pick himself up, his eyes gaze out at the crowd, and in one horrific moment, he sees the woman he’s kept this from so well. His eyes instantly lock with hers, the only message conveyed is that of being stunned.

Before he can react, Jason is on top of him, and the brawl begins.