
The Call

*Wes yells from in the shop.* "Ya...come on in I am in the back." *Wes looks out from underneath a car.*

*Katie stands.* "Thats all I needed to know Jason. But let me give you a word of addvice with your relationship with Jade. Always tell her everything no matter what. Dont ever hide anything. It hurts 10x more when they find out in the end. No matter how hard someone can be they still have feelings, and they still get hurt when you hide stuff." *Katie plays her words in her mind, and keep her tone calm with a sadness to it still.* " You hurt me the moment you dident tell me Jason. and You new what you were doing. Dont play stupid. It may work with everyone alse but not me. As for Jade, it would of been nice to know. You said I was your friend, well your friend would of liked to know. It wouldent have hurt as much to hear it from you and not find out from seeing them kiss. I'm sorry I interfeared, and I am sorry I had feelings for you." *Katie walks to the door, looking to Con again.* "I'm sorry, I cant sit here anymore or I am going to explode. I've taken alot in my life. but this cuts the cake. I'm sorry." *Katie makes her way out of the bunk house and across the lawn. Taking out her cell phone she dials Reese phone number that no one new she had. The phone rings.*


Cindy swallows hard and peaks in the shop window. Having seen Clint heading for the mess hall, she knows Wes is alone. Taking a deep breath, she knocks on the door.

Jason works his jaw muscles as Katie talks, knowing his reasoning all too well. But how many more times could he try to make her understand? Was it even possible? Would arguing even do any good?

Con cocks his head at Katie, feeling sorry for her as he realizes her misery. He turns to Jason, sensing he’s become a referee, and tosses him a look that says, “What say you, Jason?”

Jason shakes his head, letting out a short sigh. “Katie…if you truly heard everything, I’d think you’d understand.” He forces himself to keep his voice at an appropriate level, leaving out any sarcasm. “The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you - You’ve got to believe that. I wanted to do what was best, and I thought that simply telling Reese and Carter no was the best option. Letting you in on it would have just complicated things, and it did.”

“Why?” Con intervenes to prompt further explanation.

Jason catches himself from rolling his eyes. Con really was putting him in an awkward position. “Must I repeat myself?”

“Put all your cards on the table, Hotshot.”

Jason grits his teeth. “Alright. I don’t think it’s healthy for any partnership when one person has feelings for the other. It’s dangerous and it interferes in their work. Reese wants us to be a team, but he doesn’t understand our circumstances. I can’t have a partner who not only feels about me in an unhealthy manner, but is also jealous of who I have chosen to pursue.”

Con cringes a little, but can’t rebuke for lack of honesty. He swings his head back to Katie. “What do you think about that?”


*As Con wraps Katie's the pain runs through her put she hardly flinches. Looking at her hand while Con talks she says nothing. When Con turns his attachen to her she looks up at him. A new look in her eyes. A sadness....a sadeness but hardness behond anything alse. After a very long silence Katie looks out the window at the still falling rain.In a very dry sad voice she speaks.* "You should of told me! You should of told me about it all and not left me in the dark. It made me feel foolish and stupid. You should have told me."

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

* Sam finish writing her letter and put it in an envalop. On the front she writes "To whom it may concern" standing she puts the letter in her purce. Hearing little footsteps upstairs she relized BJ is up. Climbing the steps her yells for him.* "BJ, we are going to be going on a trip hun. We need to pack some stuff ok. And you need a pick out a bunch of toys you want to take. ok."

*BJ pokes his head out of his room.* "Hey...Sham how did you know i is awake?"

*Sam smiles at BJ.* "Cuz I am magic now do what I said ok and I will pack your clothing." *Sam enters BJ's room.*

*BJ runs to his toys.* " Otay. Where we going Sham?"

*Sam looks at BJ sadness in her eyes.* "Somwhere, where you will be safe and free."

*BJ looks up at Sam confused. Than goes back to picking out toys.*


Cindy finally manages a smile. “Thank you, Rosetta. I think I’ll stay here…but I would like to have a girls night out sometime – that sounds like it would be a lot of fun.”
After Rosetta leaves, Cindy sits for a long while, thinking and praying. What was she supposed to do? Her suitcase remains half-packed on the bed.
Cindy hibernates for several hours, not bothering to join everyone for lunch. Finally mustering up her courage though, she takes a deep breath and heads outside into the light rain. She aims for Wes’ garage, still unsure of what she’s going to say or how she’s going to say it.

Con looks at Katie’s hand with pity and disappointment. “Oh, Katie.” It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that she had purposely hit a solid object. He sighs, but does not reprimand, seeing she’s embarrassed enough the way it is. Instead, he asks no questions.
He reaches out to take her injured hand in order to see it more closely, and tries to be gentle, though his own hands are not used to delicate work. “Well, you did a good job of this, I’ll give you that.” He squints at the swelling, and feels the small bones. “Fractured a couple knuckles, eh?”

Jason raises an eyebrow, though sinks lower, knowing that he’d driven her into such a state as to do something like this.

Con pokes and prods for a couple minutes, then nods to a chair. “Sit down.” He goes into the bathroom, talking over his shoulder. “Nothing much to do, but let it heal – you’re gonna be hurting for a while though.” He comes back out with a clean ace bandage. Reaching under Jason’s bed, he pulls out a first aid kit and retrieves a bottle of horse liniment. He gives a slight grin. “What’s good for horses is good for humans.”
He pulls up a chair in front of Katie, and takes her hand again. “This is gonna sting like mad, so grit your teeth.” He pours the cool liquid over her hand, rubbing it in as gently as he can. “This should help with the swelling.” He then takes the bandage and wraps the injury securely so there is little movement possible. “Now, take my advice and don’t use that hand for a while. You’re gonna have to let those bones heal, no matter the size of those fractures. If you can’t handle that, get a sling from Angel so you’re forced not to use it.”

He leans back in his chair with a sigh, and looks between Katie and Jason for several moments. “Now that we’ve got you both patched up, I think it’s about time we talked.”

Jason throws him a smirk. “You don’t look so hot yourself.”

Con manages a grin, putting a hand to his swollen lip. “Yeah, well, I’ll be fine.” He crosses his arms in thought. “So are we going to put all the cards on the table, you two, or are we going to keep beating around the bush and hurting feelings?” When no one responds, he shrugs. “Alright, I’ll start.” He looks at Jason. “I’m sorry I confronted you the way I did, Jase. I should have chosen more privacy, and I shouldn’t have gotten upset before I’d heard your side of the story.”

Jason looks down and shrugs, not sure what to feel or how to respond. His emotions are still too mixed to straighten them out in order to formulate something intelligent to say.

Seeing Jason’s hesitance, Con turns to Katie. “And whether you should have been informed or not, I’m sorry you found out things the way you did – it was my fault, and I apologize.”
He quirks an eyebrow, feeding the rising tension as he moves on quickly. “Now…you two have some problems that you’ve got to work out, unless you both want to just part ways and let things fester the way they are.”


*Rosetta's smile remain. How many times has she said the same words in her own head about Mick.* " Ya know, if we always went through life worrying about hurting someone, or disapointing them, If we wouldent take chanses than we would live in a pretty boring world. and The best thing about Wes is he is the easyest person to talk to. You might be nervouse and you might be scaired. But really its something you need to do. For your own happyness. You both deserve it." *Rosetta pats Cindy's hand and stands.* "well I better get to the store before Mick thinks I got lost and sends out a search part. My offer still stands if you want to come along."

*Katie walks along with Con helping Jason to the bunk. Once there Katie trys to hide her hand. Looking up at Con she knows there is no keeping it from him. Slowly she unwraps it revealing her swallen and black and blue hand. Slowly the bruses are creeping up her fingers. Katie looks up at Con and than to Jason, than to the floor.* "Its really not all that bad. It just needs a splint and once the swelling and brusing goes down it will look like hardly nothing. Honest." *A feeling of shame fills Katie. Her actions were so not like her. There was only one other time she had reached her boiling point before this and it had been a long time since that. No she remembered why she hated it. Cuz in the end, everyone got hurt. More often than not, she never saw them again eather.*

Let me see

Cindy begins to calm down even more as her tears begin to dry. "I feel so silly...I'm thirty-seven years old and am acting like a high-school girl." She shakes her head. "I want to trust Wes...and I don't believe he'd hurt me on purpose...I've never met anyone like him, and..and I really do like spending time with him." She swallows hard. "But I made a mistake once....I've never had confidence in my judgment since. I mean, what if I'm wrong? What if I end up disappointing him? I don't want to hurt him any more than I want myself getting hurt." She heaves a sigh, feeling as though she's babbling. "I'm sorry...I just don't know what to do." She finally looks up at Rosetta. "I'm scared to talk to him about it."

Jason forces a weary grin at Katie's comment about getting away that easy, but doesn't have a comeback. He grimaces she and Con pull him up to his feet, and he automatically puts more weight on Con than Katie, not wanting to burden her physically or mentally.

Con raises a concerned eyebrow. "You alright?"

"No." Jason shakes his head miserably. "I cranked my knee good this morning, and it's swelled up pretty good now. I can't hardly move it."

"Well, we'll take it slow." Con glances to Katie. "Let's get him to his bunk."

The going IS slow, but within a few minutes they finally make it to Jason's bunk. Con helps him into a dry shirt and cutoffs, and gets him to sit on his bed with his leg propped up. Not much is said as Con looks at Jason's knee and re-wraps it after applying something that will help the swelling. When done, he looks at both Katie and Jason. "I think the three of us need to talk before things get out of hand again." He glances at Katie specifically. "But before that, I want to look at your hand. You may not want Angel or your aunt knowing what happened, but at least let me see it."


*Rosetta smiles at Cindy. No feelings over laping themself with Wes. She new it dident work with them and now they are both moving on.* "Awww...Cindy. Wes can be a pritty over whelming person. He is a good guy thought with a good heart that is big. If your scaired he will hurt you, you dont have to worry about that. I've seen the look in his eye, He truly likes you Cindy." *Rosetta thinks for a moment before speaking again.* "Maybe Cindy you should talk to him. I am sure he dosent know this is bothering you, and he would like to know. Its always good to talk to someone about a problem that way things dont get miss understood." *Rosetta holds her smile to Cindy.*

*Katie smiles at Jason, the pain trobbing in her hand still there but masked* " Your far from a loser." *Katie lets out a sigh of releaf as Jason's sugar starts to go up. Giving a laugh to his comment.* "The firing line huh? You only wish you could go out that fast and easy." *Katie manages another smile to Jason. Throwing his arm around her neck, and winces again in pain but ignors it. Katie helps Jason up.* " Come on. Lets get you out of the rain before you catch death of a cold."

Firing line

Cindy sighs deeply and looks down at her hands, finally able to compose herself halfway. "Thank you, Rosetta. You're so kind...and I love everyone here dearly....going out really does sound fun, but...it's not the situation that's gotten to me." She bites her lip, hesitating again. "It's...well...last night....Wes, he..." She swallows hard. "He wants to be more than friends, and I...I just don't know..." Another tear trickles down her cheek. "I like him...I really do, but..." She sniffs, unable to finish her sentence.

Jason stares up at Katie weakly, and manages a scoff at himself. "I'm one lucky jerk, aren't I?" His mind has slowed down, making it hard to think, and he's not 100% sure what he's saying. "Yeah, good ol' Katie...knock her down and she comes right back no matter how big of a loser someone is."

Con sprints across the clearing as Katie calls to him. He kneels down on the other side of Jason, getting out the candy bar. "Nice going, Hotshot," he scolds gently. "Didn't give me a chance to finish you off, but you wanted to do it yourself. Way to go." He breaks off a piece of chocolate, forcing Jason to eat it.

Slowly Jason's symptoms begin to lessen as the sugar hits his system. Blinking, he wipes rain from his face with the back of his hand, looking up at Con and Katie. He's not even sure what to say anymore. That morning comes back all over again, yet the anger isn't there anymore. "So what are you guys gonna do with me? Take me out back to the firing line?"

Lost and found

*Rosetta puts her arm around Cindy.* "Hey..there there now. Talk to me. I am a good listener and its been known that i give soe pritty handy addvise once an a while too." *Rosetta pats Cindy's back and sits down on the bed next to her waiting to listen to her hurting friend. A idea pops into her head.*" How about we go out to dinner tonight. A girls night out and we can talk if you want. Maybe some time away will be good. It can be over whelming being here all the time. After a while you get use to it though."

*Katie pears around the clearing. Seeing nothing she is about to leave when the sight of a body by a tree catches her eyes.* "There by that tree." *Katie does dashing across the clearing and down by Jason.* "Jason...oh Jason. Your really not smart sometimes are you. You should learn to always carry candy with you." *Looking back at Con she yells.* "CON come here with that candy bar." *looking back to Jason all anger is lost.* "Its ok J. We have something for you."

Don't know what to do

Cindy's lower lip quivers and she backs up, letting Rosetta in. "No," she whimpers, "I'm not okay." She sits down at the end of the bed by her open suitcase. "I...I just...." She buries her face in her hands, the tears flowing again. "I feel like such a fool...but I can't help it..." She sniffs and lifts her head again, not looking Rosetta in the eye. "I don't know what to do...I mean...I want to leave, but I want to stay, and I'm just so confused." She knows she's not making any sense at all, but was Rosetta really the person she could talk to about Wes? After all, it hadn't been that long ago that those two had almost been engaged.

Con breathes a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Katie. I owe you." As they go out the door, he pauses, looking down at her. "And...I'm sorry about this morning. We all need to sit down and talk about it calmly...I shouldn't have lost my temper like I did." Changing subjects quickly, so as not to distract for their current problem, he reaches in his pocket to pull out a chocolate bar he'd been saving. "If Jason's that far down, he'll need something that will act quicker than that orange. Come on."
He leads the way out into the drizzle, the thunder rolling above. Getting out behind the barn, he starts to call. "Jason! Jason were are you?!"
He heads in the directions Katie suggested, coming up empty-handed. Finally they head to the clearing where the target is set up. Con squints through the rain, scanning the area. "See anything?" he asks Katie.

Jason fights sleep, knowing he needs to stay awake. From the position he's in, he can just make out movement in the clearing to his left. He opens his mouth, but no words seem to come, and his eyes try to drift shut again.


*Rosetta smiles.* "I was heading into town and wanted to know if you needed any...." *Rosetta stops talking as she see Cindy has been crying. Worry seting in.* "Hey, are you ok?"

*Katie nods* "Ya I can help." *Geting up she throws her coat on wincing just a tad as she slips her hand through her jacket sleeve. Slowly she heads for the door. Remebering she had an orange in her back pack she grabs it and buts it into her coat pocket.* "Ok...let check the barns, than the clearing where we target practice. Than we can look behind the tool shead. There is a nice clearing there with a tree for shelter. Those should be our starting place." *Heading out with Con they starts to look.*

~*~ Somewhere Alse.~*~

* After lunch is done Sam sent BJ up to take a nap. Siting down on the coutch she lets out a long sigh. Weaghing many options in her head Sam finally come to a conclution. She new what she had to do. It was BJ's only hope at life, even though it ment risking her. Geting up Sam heads to her desk and starts to write a letter.*

Help me?

Cindy pauses in the middle of folding a shirt and placing it in her suite case. She looks at the door and hesitates, but finally goes to answer it. Her eyes are red and puffy from crying and she looks at Rosetta expectantly. "Oh, hi. You need anything?"

Con steps inside Katie's bunk, and gratefully listens to her. He glances down and sees her hand bandaged, his eyes widening just a little, but he waits to ask about it. Instead, he looks at her with desperation. "I've looked all over for him, Katie, and I can't find him. I know this isn't easy, but please...can you come help me?"

Finding Jason

*Heading out of the mess hall Rosetta aims for her truck. Stoping for a moment she looks up. She hasent seen Cindy in a while. Wanting to make sure she is ok Rosetta heads to Cindy's bunk and knocks on the door waiting for an answer.*

*Katie wakes with a starts and for a moment forgets why she is laying on the floor. Hearing the Knock on the door Katie places both her hands on the floor pushing her weaght up. He arm gives out as pain corses through it. Giving a small shreek Katie now remembers what happend. Puting her weaght on her other hand she pulls herslef up. Going to the door she looks out and see Con. Great. For a moment she dosent answer the door but at hearing Jason was missing she slightly cracks it.* "Jason's missing?" *Katie opens the door wider so Con can come in. Siting down she trys to clear the pain from her mind and search her feeling, trying to find Jason. After several minutes Katie finds the feeling again. She felt sick, but not in trouble.* "Jason is still at the ranch somewhere, He's crashing from his sugar. You'll need to find him before he goes into shock. Make sure you bring an orange with you. Katie slightly lifes her head to look at Con.*


Cindy cries softly by herself behind the mess hall for several minutes before finally heading to her and Mel's bunk. Her heart heavy, she pulls her suitcase out of the closet and stares at her clothes that were hanging up.

Jason and Con wrestle in the mud, both trying to gain the upper hand with weight and skill. Con finally manages to get on top of Jason when he hears Katie begging him to stop. He hesitates, his fist raised for a final blow as he glares at his younger adversary. It's just the break Jason needs however, and Con receives yet another uppercut, sending him off Jason's stomach into a puddle. Jason tries to get up and deliver his own punishment when his knee gives out on him completely, bringing him back down. He clutches his leg as pain surges through it, and he just lies on the ground.

Con recovers quickly and stands, his hands balled into fists, but he stops abruptly at seeing Jason writhing. The rain is still coming down in sheets, and neither notice that Katie has left.

"Aw, Jason!" Con puts his hands to his head. He never liked the feeling of losing his temper, and this time a shame followed for beating on his friend. He kneels down next to Jason, his face bleeding and stern. "Are you going to stop?!"

Jason winces and breathes through the pain. He looks up at Con, his anger still fresh, but he's unable to fight further. "Just bug off," he growls.

Con slowly and purposely turns his emotions around to feel more pity than anger, and shakes his head. "Let me help you up."

"I said bug off!" Jason's eyes fill with disgust, ire, agony, shame... He'd rather be left to his own misery than be treated like an invalid.

"What on earth is going on here?!" Austins voice roars over the sound of thunder and rain. He stares down from the porch at the two men, his hands planted on his hips.

Con gets to his feet, wiping the mud and rain from his face. "Just a little misunderstanding, Austin." He tries not to make things worse. "We're fine."

Austin's eyes narrow as he takes in the scene. He has no idea what could have started such a brawl between the two friends, but Con apparently didn't want to be specific.

Jade slips out behind Austin, and puts a hand to her mouth as she sees Jason on the ground. "Jason!" She is quick to go to him, ignoring the rain and mud, though she doesn't even have a jacket on. She reaches down, trying to help Jason sit up. "Oh, are you alright? What happened?" She looks up at Con, unable to imagine that they had been in a physical fight.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Jason takes it easy on his tone, not wanting to have Jade upset on top of everything else. "Just go back inside."

Jade looks at him with fear and sorrow. "But..."

Jason shakes his head, cutting her off, though managing to keep his voice halfway gentle. "Go back inside. I'll talk about it later."

"But you're hurt."

"I'll be fine." Jason stares at her, begging her to leave.

She finally relents and stands back up, heading back inside, worried and confused.

Austin resumes his glare. "What happened," he barks.

"I said it was a misunderstanding," Con repeats strongly, unwilling to get anyone in deeper trouble at this point. He was extremely upset with Jason, but it would do no good right now to have Austin involved. He'd find out soon enough what was really going on.

Austin eyes Con with irritation, but throws his hands up in the air. "I give up. This is ridiculous. When you're finished jeopardizing safety because you can't get along, let me know." Instead of going back inside, he steps off the porch and heads for the woods, aiming for the hideout.

Jason manages to crawl to the porch and pull himself up onto his feet, though by now, his cane is nowhere to be found.

Con folds his arms across his chest, his heart in pain for his friend, but he knows Jason will refuse any help. Gritting his teeth, he turns to leave as well. "Think about what just happened," he calls over his shoulder. "You better hurry up and get your head on straight before something happens that you'll really regret."

Jason throws him a look that could kill before limping away from the mess hall himself. A new sensation of pain courses through him, and he automatically looks to Katie's quarters. What has he done? This whole thing was his own doing. It was a mess, and all because of him. Miserable, he doesn't go to his bunk, but heads out behind the ranch yard, finding a sheltered spot to sit on the ground. He feels as if he's a dog leaving a fight to lick his wounds, and it's a feeling he wouldn't care to duplicate.

He begins to cool down and he wipes blood from his lip, gingerly touching his right eye where he knows there is a bruise. There had always been one person he didn't care to fight with, and it was Con - now he remembered why.

He replays in his mind what just happened. The look of fear in Katie's eye as he'd almost struck her. The anger that surged through her face as she'd yelled at him. His own anger resurfaces as he recalls her flippant remark about Jade.

Glaring at the ground, Jason lets the rain wash his hair and face. He had thought he was making the right decision. He'd finally been able to sort through enough things to start thinking straight, and now his judgment was being challenged once again. Would he ever get it right? Or were the others the ones who were wrong? He did think Katie had a crush on him, and he did think it was a bad idea for them to be together working on the case all the time. It was a tension that he didn't think was good or necessary. Couldn't anyone understand that? But then he recalls Con's referral to pride. Was he really taking something away from Katie because of his own pride? Was he really doing something so horrible to deserve the tongue-lashing and physical confrontation? Katie was his friend...the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. He hadn't intended for her to hear anything he'd told Con...he hadn't wanted Katie's feelings hurt. He only wanted to avoid them being partners not only because he didn't want to be uncomfortable, but because he didn't want her to be uncomfortable either. Was he wrong?

Jason leans his head back against a tree, his temper finally cooled. He'd worked so hard at coming to a point where he was thinking clearly and had a handle on things. Had he just blown it entirely, or was it just a conquerable setback? He thinks of Jade again, a sadness hitting him. He wished Katie wouldn't feel so badly about it. But he really did like Jade. She was fun, she was outgoing, she was just...different. Spending time with her evoked completely different feelings than when he spent time with Katie. Couldn't Katie accept that it wasn't something shallow he had with Jade? Reverting back to his original point, if Katie was that upset over the whole thing, how could she possibly think that she could be his partner?

He closes his eyes, drenched to the bone, but not caring. His knee burned like never before, but he ignores it, too miserable to get up.

Hours go by, and lunchtime comes and goes. The ranch functions the best it can despite the weather, and everyone assumes their normal routines. By one o'clock in the afternoon, the rain has changed to a light mist, though the thunder still persists.

Someone pounds on Katie's door. Con stands with his jacket pulled tight and his cap low. "Katie?" He listens for any movement, hoping she's there. He wants to apologize...he wants to talk to her about what happened that morning, but right now he has something more urgent. "Katie?" He calls louder. "I know you're upset, but I need your help - I can't find Jason."

Jason's eyes open, slightly glazed from the strange sleep he'd somehow assumed despite being out in the weather. As he moves his head, a wave of dizziness hits him, and he stops, leaning back against the tree. His knee has gone completely stiff and almost numb. He tries to stand, but his muscles shake under the strain. Holding his hand in front of his face, it shakes uncontrollably and he feels sick to his stomach. He fishes in his wet pockets, but comes up empty-handed. He had no sugar. A severe headache starts to form, and he knows he's in trouble. But he can't even stand, and he's not within shouting distance of anyone.
He closes his eyes again, trying to get himself through the episode, but he knows good and well that if he doesn't get some help, and fast, he's going to pass out and go into shock.

this must end

*Rosetta smiles at Mick.* "Summer is on its way thats for sure with all this rain." *Rosetta leans into Mick's arm. It was so nice to feel it around her. She could this this way the start of what they had both been waiting for, for a long time.* "We I have most of the morning stuff done. But will need some help with the afternoon stuff and you are more than welcome to help me than."

*Katie watches as Con and Jason start to go at it. What has she started. As she watches on she feels helpless not knowing what to do. As Jason crys out in pain Katie cringers, pain running through her own body. Katie drops to the ground. Managing a horse yell she says.* "Con....CON, thats enough please." *Katie manages to stand again leaning aganst the railing. Katie was happy that Con was a good enough friend to try and protect her, but seeing her other friend in pain was a hurting emotion.* "What have I done."
*Watching her two friends fight had put a new sadness into her. She had started this. It was her fault. She let her emotions get the best of her. Limping she takes off for her bunk house. Once inside anger corses through her again. This time at herself. As she thinks more and more anger fills her till finally she punches the bunk room wall. Katie can feel several cracks in her hand as fist and wall calide. Giving a sharp yell in pain she holds her hand. Looking down at it she can tell she broke a few knuckles. Grabing a ace bandage from her backpack she wraps her hand not wanting to go back outside to face everyone. She was to embarssed at her actions. Surly she had pushed her friend to far this time. Tears fill Katie's eyes once again as she slids down to the bunk house floor.*

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*Sam smiles as she sits and eats an early lunch with BJ. Sam phone rings at her side. As she looks down she see it is the "Boss" calling. Sam new it would only be a matter of time before he called. Sam stands and smiles at BJ.* " I'll be right back." *Leaving the kitchen she heads into the Living room answering the phone.*

Sam: Hello?
The Boss: Sam, I just got word from Stan about your actions of taking Jason out places. Why?
Sam: He is a growing boy. He needs to run, have friends, and not stay inside all the time..
The Boss: You know you are not to take him out Sam. Anyone could reconise who he is.
Sam: We are far enough away no one would I know...
The Boss: I am having someone come and take him away Sam.
Sam: What...
The Boss: I have warned you to many times. Jason is to important to us for you to jeprodise it.
Sam: But...

*The phone line goes dead. Sam lets out a long sigh. Slowly she walks back to the kitchen standing in the door way she watches BJ. He has a bunch of his actions figures lined up on the table. Each haveing a torn peace of napkin in front of them with a noodle from his Mac and Cheese in front of him. Sam's heart is heavy as she watches him. So innocent. She wasent given a chanse at life and now neather was BJ. Sam couldent let the Angency take BJ. Sam new if she did BJ's life would be in danger. She had to do something, but what. Sam sits back down at the table and finishes her lunch with BJ.*


Mick puts his arm around Rosetta, content, and no longer resisting. He had chosen a direction at the cross roads, and was unwilling to turn back now. “Hi. Nice weather we’re having. I was gonna come out and see if you needed help in the barn, but when I looked over there, you were already finishing up.”

Clint nods. “Yep…Wes has a few things lined up for me today. At least I’ll be in out of the rain. What are you up to today?”

Cindy looks down, trying to hide the fact that tears are lurking behind her eyes. “I…it’s just…” As a tear escapes, she turns. “I’m sorry…” Quickly heading for the door, she puts a hand to her face in the hopes that no one will see anything is wrong. Donning her jacket, she slips out the back door, to lean against he outside wall, just letting the rain come down on her to hide her misery.

Jason’s eyes hold a dead ire like burning coals as Katie pins him against the wall. Wild emotions rush at him at once as a title wave, engulfing his soul. Horror for what he almost did, anger for Katie’s words, and hurt for the entire situation. Too stunned to react immediately, he receives her threat, letting it bounce off of him for now, in an attempt to avoid further pain.

Con steps forward as Katie takes Jason on, and withholds for just a moment, seeing that Jason has backed off, allowing Katie the upper hand.

When Katie releases her hold, Jason stares her in the eye a million thoughts racing through his mind. Seeing her backing off, he takes several steps toward her, not about ready to let her get away without allowing him to speak his own mind.

Con, however, has seen enough, and takes one step to place himself between them. He glares at Jason with a warning. “Stop right there.”

“Let me go Con,” Jason hisses. “This is my battle.”

“Not any more it’s not.” Con squares his shoulders. “You take your anger out on Katie, you’ve got me to contend with.”

Jason rolls his eyes in distaste. “What are you now? HER bodyguard?”

Gritting his teeth, Con grabs Jason’s collar with one hand, and gestures with the other. “I’m THIS close to knocking your block off for your behavior. DON’T push it.”

“Just try,” Jason shoots back, his eyes daring Con to do it.

Con thinks for a moment, then lets Jason go. “No.”

Jason’s emotions are running rampant, his adrenaline giving him an energy surge that has to be released. Instead of letting Con go and letting the situation resolve itself, Jason gives Con’s jaw a quick uppercut, sending him staggering backward.

Almost falling off the porch, Con puts a hand to his jaw, his eyes wide with disbelief that Jason had just struck him, and was in his right mind. Now with a new anger, Con steps back up, throwing a jab to Jason’s stomach, and kicking his foot out from under him.

Flipped backwards, Jason stumbles off the porch into the mud and pouring rain. He cries out in pain as his knee is twisted, but Con isn’t finished yet. Ignoring the several faces that are now at the window, he picks Jason back up, only to receive a fist to the mouth and another to the ribs.

Both men go down, fists and mud flying.


*Rosetta grabs herself some coffee than walks over next to Mick siting down giving him a small hug.* "Heya you."

*Wendy smiles and takes a sip of her coffee.* "I sure did my handsome Prince. Are you going to be helping Wes later?"

*Wes places his hand one her shoulder sencing something is wrong.* "Hey...whats wrong? talk to me I am a good listner." *Wes offers a small friendly smile.*

*As Jason's fist makes its way for Katie's jaw she drops her sunglasses. With another swift moment she blocks Jason punch. Holding his one arm with all her force she pushs Jason aganst the mess hall wall with a thud her other arm under his chin aganst his throt his head tilted she look at him dead in the eyes. Her own expressing, anger and sadness. In a rough hard voice Katie spits out.* " If you ever take a swing at me again out of instince or not, and you will be taking another trip to the hospetal." *Katie hold her eyes on Jasons a while longer. Than she lets him go slowly not knowing and scaired of his next movie. She looks over her shoulder at Con. There is nothing left put pain in her eyes as slowly Katie back away to the porch steps.*


Mick grins at Rosetta, tossing her a wink as an invitation for her to sit with him when she’s ready.

Clint straightens in his seat stifling a yawn. “Hey there, Princess. Sleep well?”

Cindy offers a small smile to Wes, though her eyes this morning show some kind of a dimness that wasn’t there before. She chuckles softly, though no joy rings in her laughter. “Nothing that a bit of coffee and an afternoon nap can’t fix.” She lowers her eyes, unable to look Wes in the face.

Con takes a step backward as Katie intervenes, and a knot forms in his gut as he realizes she’s overheard everything. He opens his mouth to talk her down, but it’s too late.

Jason’s stares at Katie as she shouts at him, her words striking him like a barrage of bullets. His eyes narrow angrily as she accuses him and makes reference to Jade. Her tone stabs him like a knife, and his adrenaline starts to race, his jaw tightening with the tension.

Con stands back in shock, not even knowing whether he should intervene or not, but can’t get a word in edgewise.

Jason’s straightens, ready to give Katie a piece of his mind, when her hand makes contact with his face. His head jerks to the side with the impact of her slap. Lost in a moment of pure instinct to defend himself, his reflects react immediately, bringing his own arm up with a closed fist, aimed for her jaw.