

Clint finally smiles down at Wendy, moving one hand to cradle her face. Pulling her up out of her chair, he wraps his arms around her in a strong hug.

"I love you... you know that, don't you?" He leans back to see her face, his arms still around her. "I... I'm sorry I haven't been great company lately.

He bends to rest his forehead against hers. "I'll try harder to be here for you, okay?"

Rocky can't help but laugh as he shakes his head. "Ah, but my punctuality has nothing to do with extenuating circumstances. I am always on time. It's my vehicle that arrives late."

Tossing her a wink, he takes a sip of his water. "Never thought I'd be back in the grind of things like this after traveling with the band. But... I think I like it." He shrugs. "Not that sitting in a delivery truck and running like the dickens all day is my ideal for a job, but... it's not that bad. This is home... can't help but like it."

He cocks her head. "Enough about me though. I want to know more about Jemmm Ferchen."

Scott leans forward a little to see the pictures that Hope had separated from the others. He looks at them for a minute before shrugging and sitting back again, reaching up to rub his blind eye without even realizing it. "I don't know."

He's silent for several long moments. While some might just think he's sitting without a thought at all, those watching closely would be able to tell that his lack of body movement did not signal a lack of thinking - his mind was indeed working, and at a level that most people wouldn't even comprehend. He understood perfectly well about the pictures and Hope's methods. It wasn't a foreign concept, nor was it something he questioned - he was intelligent enough to figure it out, even if he wasn't allowing himself to let his thoughts show.

Finally though, he stands up, taking a step to Hope's desk. Looking down at the three chosen pictures, he points to the one of Misty first, his thin finger mapping it out.

"She's walking away from me," he explains quietly. "Leaving. She has a goal... a destination. But all that's left for me are shadows because..."

Scott stops. He might be able to pretend that he had no idea why he'd taken the pictures. In reality, he really had just taken them on the spur of the moment. But he couldn't fool himself. He knew good and well why he'd taken each one. "...because I'm just standing still," he finally finishes.

Moving to the next, his finger touches the one of the tree branches. "There's light up there... somewhere." The sun could barely break through the limbs. "But it's a tangled mess to get there... a maze... the tree won't open up on its own. If you want to see the light... you'd have to climb higher and higher until all the branches were behind you and you were looking at the sun full in the face, soaking in the warmth, and celebrating the triumph of making it to the top."

He suddenly stops again, his eyes still refusing to meet Hope's. A bit of color comes to his face as he realizes how much he'd just said.

Quickly he gestures to the last picture. "It is beauty. It sits alone... overlooked... forgotten... but it's there, sitting quietly... waiting to be picked up by someone who cares."

Swallowing hard, Scott backs up and sits back down in the chair, stuffing his hands into his hoodie pockets.


Putting her arms around Jason Katie returns his kiss. Her mind falling silent for a moment as she just takes in the moment. Than finally it starts back up again.

Half teasing and half meaning it Katie gives a small chuckle.

Yeah it does just don't let it go to your head.

Finally pulling away Kaite just smiles at Jason for a moment trying to put her mind to rest. Everything would work out right? She would just have to have faith in him. He never let her down before, and she always had turn in him. This was not the time to start losing it.

"Mmmm...lunch sounds good."

Smiling back at Rocky Jess face lights up with a bit of color. She couldnt help it, it was something that just happend alot more recently.

"I am doing ok. Work wasnt as busy as I though it was going to be, hence why I am here and the back roads arnt so bad at this time of day so I didnt have to deal with any of the people."

Taking a sip of her tea Jess is silent for a moment just taking in the sounds around her. A small grin forms on her lips.

"So, I though being a delivery man you would know how to get places on time?"

Jess cant help the chuckle that escaps her lips. Thinking about it she really did know much about Rocky to be able to talk with him about much more than just work. Maybe after today she would know a little more.

Looking up from her desk Hope smiles as she see Scott. It was good to see him again and nice that he came back. She had hoped he would for his own sake.

"Afternoon Scott. How are you feeling today?"

Seeing the envilop in Scott's hand Hope's face lights up. It was good to know that Scott had found the inshitive to go out, and do something other than sit inside all day. She had hoped he would, not only was it something he loves that helped open him up without even saying any words, but it help him feel a tad bit comfortable with getting some fresh air.

Gently taking the envilop from Scott Hope pulls out the pictures. Flipping through them Hope's nods her head and smiles finding each over very intersting and the moment of the picture captured to perfection. Scott had a great eye for pictures that Hope noticed. A few of her own conclutions were drawn from the pictures but she wanted Scott to tell her more.

Laying the photo's in front of her Hope studys them again for a moment before finally looking up to Scott. Pointing to the picture of the young woman and then the picture of the tree branches intertwining together, than the rose Hope questions.

"These pictures , what do there represent to you? Why did you capture them in time?"

Feeling Clint's hands on her shoulders Wendy can't help the smile that forms on her face. No matter what, and now matter how much she was scaired without her mom around Clint did make her feel better when he was around.

Putting her hand on top of his Wendy is silent for a moment. There really was nothing anyone could do. She had to deal with this and work through it the best way she could.

"How about a hug? Your good at those and I could use one!"

Wendy smiles up at Clint. The tired lines under his eyes showing. Wendy had felt bad that Clint wasnt sleeping well latly. It was hard, it was hard for them both but Wendy felt more sorry for him than she did herself.


Jason nods a little to Katie, knowing that this was something that couldn't be, and shouldn't be kept a secret. "Yeah... I'll tell everybody. I just want to let it sink in first. Get my head on straight. No use in starting out on the wrong foot."

As Katie comes around to rub his shoulders, for the first time in a long time, he relaxes, leaning back against her. There was so much turmoil going on inside of him. So much confusion. So much pain and anger he had yet to let go of. But right now... for just a few moments... there was some relief.

Grinning at her comment, Jason swivels around to pull Katie into his lap and lean his forehead against hers, looking he in the eye. Humor danced.

"You, take orders from me? That'd be the day." He laughs softly. "You telling me what to do is more like it."

Knowing there was probably a smart remark coming, he gives her a quick kiss instead to keep her silent.

Jason Stevenson, Elite Chief. Kinda has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Pulling back, he sighs, though a strange determination has formed, with an edge that one might sense as pride... perhaps a haughty pride though. "Austin thinks I can't handle this - otherwise he wouldn't have just thrown it at me like this. But I'll show him... I can do more than he thinks I can... I'm stronger than he thinks I am... I'm not the same little boy anymore. I should take advantage of this development, not let it scare me."

He nods to seal his decision. "Now, as for you..." Jason stands up, letting Katie slide off his lap. "How would you like to be the first to have lunch with the chief, hmm?"

Rocky slips into the Chinese restaurant and is greeted by a waitress. He's just about ready to go to a new table, when he spots Jess. A smile comes, and he tells the waitress he's with somebody.

Arriving at the table, Rocky slides in across from Jess and takes off his baseball cap, running a hand through his hair. "You're pretty and punctual," he teases. "That makes a good combination, but makes me look bad."

Interrupted, he orders a glass of water to drink, then looks back to Jess. "So after almost getting attacked by a dog, cut off by a stupid driver, stuck behind a slow-moving vehicle and got yelled at because someone thought their package should have arrived sooner... I think I'm ready for lunch."

His eyes dance teasingly. "How about you?"

Scott approaches Hope's desk, a small packet of pictures clutched tightly in his hands. He'd been a few minutes late for his appointment after his stop with Rick had taken longer than he'd thought it would. Being allowed to simply go into Hope's office instead of waiting, he'd been hesitant, but had gone in bravely, unsure what this session would bring.

Clearing his throat, he stands awkwardly for a moment, reaching up to push his glasses up farther on his nose. At least today he could see things a little better with his one eye.

"Hi," he greets quietly. His eyes don't settle on Hope's face. "I, um... took some pictures like... like you wanted.

Opening up the envelope, he pulls out several pictures and set them down on her desk. That had been his sole purpose for coming again. He'd set out with a goal, accomplished it, and now was presenting it to Hope. He wasn't sure what she really wanted from them, so he simply remains quiet.

Retreating, he sinks down onto the edge a chair, folding his hands in his lap and keeping his eyes busy with studying the floor or walls.

The pictures had been taken with black and white film. The first appeared to be either a sunset or a sunrise, light just barely peeking up above the horizon. Long shadows were drawn from the trees, darkening the scene.

Another picture illustrated a young woman, some would recognize as Misty. Her back turned, she walked away from the camera, her hair blowing in the wind, her own shadow going before her.

Another snapshot was simply of a closed door. It was dark, but light was shining from underneath the door, spreading a soft glow to the foot of the picture.

The next photo was one of a small window, appearing to be one up high near the ceiling - a short one, signaling that it might be from a basement. Bars kept the panes safe from being opened. The room was dark, while light awaited outside, beyond reach.

After that, was the image of a rose. It sat alone on someone's desk, brought into clear focus while the background remained blurred. Its petals were soft, almost reflecting the light, standing out as a beautiful portrait of the delicate strength it represented.

A picture of an empty parking lot came next. It evoked the feeling of emptiness, a lonely scene as a leaf blew past the barren ground.

Next was a photo that one might have trouble figuring out. But soon it would become clear that it was a shot of a tree, from the angle of one lying on their back and looking up through the branches that created a gnarled web, the sun just barely peeking through the tangled limbs.

Last was the picture of a broken mirror. The shattered, angled fragments revealed the weary photographer in pieces, multiplied by each slice of glass, but never seen in whole.

Scott fidgets in his seat. He hadn't thought a whole lot about the pictures he'd taken, but was a little leery of someone dissecting them. He was a might leery about being here again at all, though this time he hadn't balked as much, proving he really did want to try, even if he was scared.

Axel sighs a little and leans back in his seat at the pizza place. He glanced at his watch. It was a little later than he normally ate, but he'd hung out at the shop for a while longer this morning before finally venturing out to the small restaurant. The smell of pepperoni and tomato sauce wafted through the air. He'd had enough to eat already though. Several slices had been plenty, and now he was just passing the time.

Taking another sip of water, he waits, unsure if he should stay any longer or not. There was a feeling of disappointment that he was trying to shove aside. He'd already rolled his eyes at himself over it, because it was his own fault. He'd made an assumption that he shouldn't have, and had taken a statement for granted. He should have called first. And he certainly shouldn't have assumed he was so important that the casual remark hadn't been any more than that - a casual remark.

"Maybe tomorrow I can see a double rainbow at lunch. I heard that pizza place down the road is not too bad."

Oh well. His mistake. It wasn't the first time. He didn't like it that it bothered him though - it shouldn't. There was no reason for it to when it was his own silly fault for assuming things.

Standing, he grabs the bill to go pay. Next it was a quick walk back to the shop. He'd be getting his car at about two o'clock, so he at least needed to be back for that.

Clint works in the engine of a car, growing more and more frustrated with a part that he couldn't take out. His wrench slips and his hand gets jammed in a small space, sending pain through his fingers.

Letting out a wail, he withdraws quickly, his tool clattering to the floor. Muttering under his breath, he wipes the sweat from his brow. He was so tired... he couldn't concentrate on anything. He had a splitting headache and all he wanted to do was go crawl into bed. The lack of sleep was getting to him, whether he wanted to admit it or not.

Signing, Clint heads for the office to wash the welt on his hand that had started to bleed. Stepping inside, he's surprised to see Wendy. He hadn't seen or heard her come in. Of course... he was so tired, he wasn't paying that much attention to anything at the moment.

Just standing a moment, he watches her quietly, his shoulders dropping slightly. He knew she hadn't been feeling well. He knew she was scared without her mom around. It was all his fault.

He wipes the small amount of blood off onto his jeans and ambles up behind Wendy, setting his hands on her shoulders to give her a gentle massage. "Hey you," he greets quietly. He leans down to give the top of her head a kiss. "Can I do anything for you?"

How many?

Not even being able to answer before Rocky is out the door Jess just shakes her head. She didn't even know if she would have time to go to lunch today or not, but obviously Rocky didn't want to wait and hear no as the answer.

Shaking her head the smile lingers on Jess face. It was a nice break in the day to see a friendly face and if she could find the time for lunch she would replay Rocky by meeting him. Getting back work Jess cant help the tiny bit of brightness that was left on her face.

The smile stays on Katie face though in the moment she had being a little excited about now having TJY back to normal a suddon worry came over her. Not that Jason wouldnt be a good leader but a worry that maybe...maybe she wasnt even sure but something didnt feel right. It felt almost as if the storm cloude was looming stuff collecting what it needed before it broke.

"No, I dont think anyone will throw you to the wolfs at all. But I do think they have a right to know."

Giving a small sigh Katie straghtens in the chair she had clamed at her own. Just stairing at the floor for a moment before looking up again and meeting Jason's eyes.

"Ok, I wont tell anyone yet but don't wait to long before you do tell them. It sure would be nice to have Reese and Ty back. Even if Reese is a pain in the butt sometimes. I know you will do whats right and will make a good leader."

Standing Katie walks over to Jason and gently places her hands on his shoulders as she gently rubs them. A small chuckle escaping her lips.

"I don't believe I am going to be taking orders from you now. Who would of thunk."

Entering the tiny Chinese restront Jess looks around for a moment to see if Rocky was there yet.
The rest of her morning had gone pretty smoothly. It wasnt as busy as Jess though it would of been today but she didnt mind much, the slow time was what gave her the chanse to be at lunch right now.

"How many?"

A woman startles Jess breaking her from her train out though but quickly smiles at her than looks back to all the people scaning the face once more. Not seeing Rocky yet she decieds it couldnt hurt to find a table and wait.

"Two but my friend is not here yet."

Giving a nod the waitress mostions for Jess to follow taking her across the restront floor and to a booth in the back.

"Can I get you something to drink while you wait?"

Sliding into the booth Jess starts to take her jacket off replying to the woman.

"Yes please some hot tea would be nice."

Once the woman walks away Jess glances at the door once more and than waits looking down at her placemate reading what was on it.

Slowly making her way into the shop Wendy slips into the office for the most part unoticed. Her body acked, she had gotten sick the morning, all she wanted to do was sleep..today was not her morning and she new that it was only going to get worse before it got better. Not to mention not having her mom around the ranch in case something happend frightend her just a little. It had been a while since she started stay at the ranch all the time now, and she had gotten use to the normal day in and day out ruteen. Knowing her mom was always just footsteps away if she needed she was a comefort. But now she was so far away and Wendy couldnt help but worry.
Wendy could only hope that keeping herself busy with work would put her mind at ease and make time move faster.