

*Misty pulls into the parking lot of the ice cream shop as a beep on her cell phone sounds. Listing to the rest of the song Kyle's voice fades signaling the song was over. Shutting the car off Misty opens the door and sets out flipping her phone open. Seeing Kyle's message Misty shakes her head with a smile. Entering a text back.*

Well hurry up slacker, I dont have all night. See ya there.

*Putting her phone back into her pocket Misty heads over to a table to sit and wait for Kyle just enjoying the crisp evening air while she waiting for Kyle.*

*Katie sits in her cubicle thumbing through some papers as she runs a hand through her hair. The last few days had seemed to drag on forever and now Reese had her on another case that had no leads. She felt like she was running in circles with no way to tell if it was the right way.

Taking a swig of some moutain dew Katie glances over some more pictures studying each one closely. For a lead, for a hint. For anything.*

*Aerith enters her apartment her mail in one hand and some food from Mom and Pop's in the other. It had been a long busy day and she was bushed.

Throwing the single peace of mail down on the kitchen table Aerith figures she can read it later. She was way to tired to try and read it now. Not to mention it looked thick and might take a while. Putting her food into the fridge Aerith turns a few more lights on so she can clean up and dress for bed.

With in minutes of her head hitting the pillow Aeirth is out like a light.*

*As Jess sits at the lonly bar she orders up another beer. Her goal tonight was not to get drunk but to take the dull pain of life away. Jess was trying to figure out where she belonged in life now, and was trying to earn her own decent living but it seemed no matter what was she turned something alse happend.

Tonight the mainevent was the small group behind her, the people she once was the leader of and called friends. Sean, Peter and Velvet, were drunker than skunks and were making jabs at Jess any chanse they could get. Once the leader now the outcase Jess dident have any other friends. Without cards Jess dident know what to do in her life or how to act. As Peter had told her many time there never would be anything outside of this for her. Was he right? Did she really hold a change in this world?

Taking another sip of her beer Jess trys to drownd out the noises and jearing around her. Trying to just get lost in her self.*

Text message

Kyle shakes his head just slightly at Misty's comments. She really was making him feel good, but at the same time, at this point, he wasn't ready to change his mind about his secret. Not until he was confident of the outcome.

Being pushed on the shoulder, he can't help his laugh, and grabs Misty in a side headlock to drag her to the restaurant door, messing up her hair with his free hand. Standing back and grinning at his handywork, he opens the door for her and bows, letting her enter first.

Lunch is quiet but fun, Kyle keeping up his antics through the noon meal, despite his lack of speech. By the time he's able to be taken home, he's worn out, but happy, letting Misty know he'd be around and they'd do something again real soon.

Watching her drive away from his apartment, he cocks his head, seeing car disappear. But before he has much time to think, Phil has come out to greet him.

Several days later...

"No, we haven't found any leads. Nothing else has happened at their apartment though, so I think we're safe." Jason leans on his crutches in Reese's office, discussing the attack on the Mitts.

"And Carson?"

"Clean as far as we know." Jason rolls his eyes. "In this sense. Otherwise I don't know."

Reese quirks an eyebrow. "You want to elaborate on that?"

"Not really." Jason gives a little smirk. "Personal opinion I guess."

"As in...?"

Jason shrugs. "He looked like crap the last time I saw him. He's been running around with who knows what women, Nate picked him up in Vegas for some strange unknown reasons, he's been spotted drunk numerous times around town, he totaled his car in an accident that was his fault, though they say alcohol wasn't involved in that one. He has to pay out of his pocket for the other guy's injuries though, so he's low enough on money he doesn't even have his own place anymore. He's gained weight, looks like a bum and acts like one too." He cocks his head. "Honest enough for you?"

Reese rolls his eyes. "Quite. I thought he was staying at the restaurant."

"Yeah, I guess so. That's what Wyatt said anyway. Herb and Mabel are being awfully nice to him - the idiot doesn't deserve it."

"Does anybody?" Reese was just as ticked off about Carson as anyone, though he knew he'd been a good man once, and in a way, was glad to see someone having compassion on Carson.

Jason sighs. "Point taken. Anything else?"

"Nope. That's it." Reese waves to the door. "See you later. Have a good night."

Carson wipes off the counter at Mom and Pop's as the lights are shut off one by one. Giving a weary sigh from the busy day, he says goodnight to the others before heading back to the little room. It had been less than a week since he'd started sleeping here, but he was getting used to it slowly. Tonight he was tired, but more bored than anything.

Flipping on the little tv in the corner, he finds nothing good on. His nerves shot from the day, he grabs another stick of gum, trying to curb his cravings once more. With as many times as he'd quit smoking, he'd think that it would be easier... but it was always the same.

An hour later, Carson gives up on trying to rest. Slipping on his tennis shoes and grabbing his jacket, he heads out for an evening walk. He couldn't get into much trouble...Herb still had his wallet. Tonight it would just be a walk and only a walk.

"Kyle, I'll get the front door, you get the back."

Kyle looks up from where he was mopping, and waves to Sue to let her know he got it. She and the others had been getting the hang of looking at him for responses the last couple days since he'd started work again, under orders not to talk.

Giving the floor once last swipe, he looks at it with satisfaction and goes to put everything away. By the time he's got the lights shut off, everything in it's place, and has changed out of his work clothes, it's later than he had anticipated. Glancing at his watch, he notes that he's going to be late. He'd been in touch with Misty earlier, setting up a time to meet her at the ice cream place tonight after work, but she'd be getting there before him now.

Going for his cell phone, he's quick to send her a text message. Work sucks. Late. Give me twenty minutes. See ya there.

Grabbing the keys off the counter, he heads through the kitchen to the back, making sure everything was closed up for the night. Stepping out into the back alley, he shuts the door securely behind himself.

The last thing he remembered was turning the key.

Carson takes a deep breath of the evening air, looking up at the sky and for a moment, wishing he could see the sunset. But he was across town, where there were too many buildings. He'd been walking for quiet a while, but still had no desire to turn back yet. He felt almost as if this were a parallel to his life...walking without really getting anywhere, and with no destination in mind. Breathing a little heavily, he chides himself - he was so out of shape, it wasn't even funny.

As he's rounding another block, suddenly he hears the squealing of car tires as an engine is revved. Looking quickly, Carson can see a back car skidding to a stop just long enough for two guys to get in before it takes off, speeding down the road. A red flag shoots up in the back of Carson's mind. Those guys had looked familiar. Too familiar. What were they doing around here though? And why had they come from behind a restaurant that was closed for the night?

To satisfy his curiosity and the slight concern starting to rise, Carson picks up his pace a little and after looking to make sure no one else was around, he slips around the Pizza Box. His steps crunch on bits and pieces of gravel and dirt on the hard ground. Turning in to the back alley, he suddenly stops. A figure was lying in a heap near the back door. What on earth...

Adrenaline races through his veins as he sprints into a jog, sliding to a halt near the victim and kneeling down next to him. Carefully rolling him over, Carson's heart catches in his throat. Before he can blink, he's already got his cell phone out and is dialing 911.

Fighter, Winner, Spark

*As Kyle puts her hand back on the stearing wheel Misty throws him a grin.*

"I can drive with one hand you know...I also can..."

*Misty takes her hands off the week for a second.*

"...drive with no hands."

*Placing her hands back on the wheel before Kyle has a heart attack Misty cant help but laugh again as they drive on.

Finally reaching the destination Misty shuts the car off turning to get out but stops as Kyle hands her the paper. As Misty reads over the words written a new understanding washes over her. What a heavy weaght to carry, and all for the sake of not taking the attachen away from his friend.*

"Kyle, I...you should...shair the spot light with Jason or something. I mean Kyle....I understand why you keep you silence about it, it's just a shame to see your talent go to wast."

*Misty is silent for a moment and than smiles showing a bit of her own humor.*

"Well anyways, I know you voice is gonna heal just fine because your a fighter, your a winner, and you got the spark to pull through. And when you can sing again, you better give me my own privet consert."

*Misty opens her door and steps out of the car waiting for Kyle to join her. Giving him a small push to the shoulder with her own Misty smiles.*

"I'd love a copy by the way, and I promise I wont tell it."


Kyle watches Misty’s reaction to the music, surprised sometimes, others pleased. As she pays him the compliment when all songs are done, he smiles, though his gaze drops with a bit of embarrassment. There was some pride there too, but it did feel kind of different to actually have played this for someone. He’d resisted for so long…it felt good to share it with Misty, especially since she enjoyed it so much.

Feeling her hand on his arm, he looks at it quickly, surprised. A grin spreads though, and he takes her hand to give it a little squeeze. His humor still in tact, he gives her a teasing look, and reaches over to place her hand back on the steering wheel before straightening in his seat as if bracing for a collision.

Throwing her a sidelong glance, Kyle laughs and shakes his head. He really did trust her driving.

As they draw nearer to town, Kyle sighs deeply. He could have been telling her so much by now if only he’d been able to talk. Leaning down he grabs his backpack and pulls out his notepad and fishes around for a pen. It was worth the effort to write…signing or gesturing would take too long and this was too complicated anyway.

He scribbles away at a fast pace as they come into town and by the time they reach the little diner for lunch, he’s filled a page. After Misty has parked, he tears it out and hands it to her.

I’ve had this CD for a while. Some friends in a rock band convinced me to do it. It’s what I’ve wanted for a long time. But I’m loyal to JetStream. I don’t want to cause a competition. Jason is like my brother and he belongs in the lead. They want me on keyboard and writing the music, so I stay. I don’t sing like this around them because I don’t want them to know I can. It would only cause trouble. It’s a hard secret because it’s what I love – even harder now that I may never be able to do it again. But maybe that’s the answer. If I can’t, then there’s no more problem.
Glad you liked it though. I’ll burn you a copy if you promise not to sell it at a profit!

Kyle unbuckles his seatbelt, letting Misty read. This was something not even Phil or Jen knew about. His heart and soul were on the line when it came to his music, and though hard to let someone in on it, it wasn’t that difficult with Misty. He knew he could trust her.


*Misty smile as Kyle draps his arms over her shoulder. Automaticly Misty brings her hands up to rest on his arms. Stairing at the still calming water one last time Misty lets out a content sigh. She was ready, the winds were changing, life was moving on and Misty was ready.

Slowly geting into the passanger seat and starts the car. Pulling out of the beach parkinglot Misty look at at Kyle holding the CD and wonders what he was doing. Seeing him reach back to put it in Misty smiles. She was happy to hear more. The style of the music was to her liking, on the harder side and Kyle had a very uneak voice that fit the rock music well. And thought she though it was crazy they he dident want to let anyone know about this talent and passion Misty wouldent tell a soul. Her lips were sealed and this was Kyle and her own's secrete.

One, by one Misty listens to the songs that come out, each one better than the last. Some Misty can put to her own life and others it was hard to believe Kyle wrote these a while ago. They seemed to fit the currant time so well.

Misty's head absintmindedly bobs to the music as she fingers tap the stearing wheel. The music was good, Misty liked it. Turning her head Misty smiles at Kyle before she goes back to focusing on the road and another song plays.

Hearing the next song about the Lord a new cureosity rises. She'd grown up in a christian home but had fallen away so long ago. So many questions she had were unanswered. So many reasons never given. But even through that and even though Misty dident totally understand she still liked the song.

Another song plays after this one ends. Misty listens carfuly to this one. Taking into the words as they cause a slight tear roll out of her eye that even shocks herself. It was a new feeling, she dident feel sad at all but happy. It wasent often Misty let anyone see her cry, let alone thinking all her tears were gone. But this time she just cant help it. Kyle has shaired something special with her that not even his own brother new about. Misty felt honnered for that in itself.

Finally as the songs draw to an end and the car is filly with silence Misty turns to look at Kyle before focusing back on the road.*

"Thank you for shairing that with me Kyle. I really, really like it and you sounded so good. You certinly had a good talent there. You're voice is gonna heal just fine ya know that. Than you can sing to me."

* Misty cant help the smile that spreads across her face. Reaches out her free hand and lets it rest on Kyle's arm. She was content and she just hurd something amazing. How much better could this day be.*


Grateful for Misty's agreeing not to tell anyone about the song even though her eyes show her confusion, Kyle gives a little nod, scrambling to get the the car and shut off the key. He had to admit though, that her liking what she'd heard made him wish that he didn't have this secret.

Back in several moments, he gives her a smirk at the mention of Rick. He rolls his eyes showing that at this point, he really didn't care what Rick thought. A grin slips out at the mention of food. It was past lunchtime by now and for the first time since getting sick, his stomach wanted some real food.

Kyle gives Misty an enthusiastic nod. But before leaving, they stand one more time to look at the water. Kyle moves behind Misty, and slings his arms over her shoulders to drape over her front, and rests his chin on her head. His grin still present, he gives a little sigh, knowing they needed to leave. His humor wins out this time as his hand reaches to tweak Misty's chin before letting her go. Getting used to being unable to speak his silly comments and comebacks was already getting hard. But for now...neither needed to say much more anyway. It was apparent that both knew now that wherever their friendship went, so be it.

Heading back to the car, Kyle slips his socks and shoes back on, and settles into the passenger seat. As Misty starts the car, he reaches over to eject the CD that was in the player and is ready to put it in its case, but he stops. Glancing to Misty, he fidgets with the disc for a moment. He'd wanted to share this with someone for so long...but he hadn't been able to with anyone else. And now she'd already heard one song.... and she'd liked it...

Kyle puts a finger to his lips. "Shhh." She wasn't to tell a soul. Popping the CD back into the player, he adjusts the volume and sits back, letting her hear the other songs. They had an edge to them, different than JetStream, a little bit harder on the rock side, and Kyle's voice matched the style.

Walking up and down the road,
It’s just me.
I stare into a starry night,
Just being plain ol’ me.
Sometimes I’m so weak,
And sometimes I back down.
Sometimes I don’t say enough,
To stand out in a crowd.

But when I’m with you…

I’m a warrior,
Battle strong, courageous.
I’m a fighter,
Standing firm and tall.
I’m determined,
Faithful with a vengeance.
I’m a hard worker,
Stubborn and protective.
…I’m me.

Following the days gone by,
It’s just me.
I work at nothing all that great,
Just being plain ol’ me.
Sometimes I’m so blind,
And sometimes I mess up.
Sometimes I say the stupid things,
I’m the clown in the group.

But when I’m with you…

I’m a warrior,
Battle strong, courageous.
I’m a fighter,
Standing firm and tall.
I’m determined,
Faithful with a vengeance.
I’m a hard worker,
Stubborn and protective.
…I’m me.

See my heart is strong,
To hold a million pieces.
It’s what I feel that leads me to,
Seeing who I am…
When I’m with you…

I’m a warrior,
Battle strong, courageous.
I’m a fighter,
Standing firm and tall.
I’m determined,
Faithful with a vengeance.
I’m a hard worker,
Stubborn and protective.
…I’m me.

Kyle can't help the grin that spreads on his lips. He had good memories of this recording, and it had been so hard not telling anyone. He shifts his eyes a little to see Misty's face, wondering if she still liked it...almost as if wanting her approval.

The past can be a lonely place,
Filled with unshed tears.
The smile you wear upon your face,
Just hides the bitterness.
I can see the pain inside of you,
The fears and the hurt.
But I see deep down in you,
A courage to go on.

You're not done.
Quitting's just not part of it.
You're not through.
It's only the beginning.
You've been given a gift,
To live out loud,
You're eyes are open to the path.
So step out on,
A little bit of faith.
Shine...let the world see you.

It's a past within the shadows,
All you hold inside.
Your eyes are like windows,
Taking me back in time.
I can see the darkness in you,
The sorrow doesn't leave.
But I see deep down in you,
The strength to go on.

You're not done.
Quitting's just not part of it.
You're not through.
It's only the beginning.
You've been given a gift,
To live out loud,
You're eyes are open to the path.
So step out on,
A little bit of faith.
Shine...let the world see you.

You may not understand it all,
Sometimes we trip and fall.
But reach down deep,
Go on, reach down deep,
You'll find what you're looking for.
Yeah, you'll find what you're looking for.

'Cause you're not done.
Quitting's just not part of it.
You're not through.
It's only the beginning.
You've been given a gift,
To live out loud,
You're eyes are open to the path.
So step out on,
A little bit of faith.
Shine...let the world see you.

Kyle finds it just a little ironic how the lyrics of the songs he'd written months before could today be applied to so many different things. He wondered if Misty would notice too. The next one he knew was true for him...and it made him think for a moment of what else he could share with Misty later when he felt led.

Tell me what you want from me,
Tell me what you’ve got in mind.

Tell me what you want for me, I’ll go.

Tell me how to do things right,

Tell me what you’ve got in store,

Tell me where you want me now, I’ll go.

‘Cause you are the Lord of my life.

You are the light that saves all mankind.

You are the Lord of glory,

And I’m your servant evermore.

Tell me how to make it work,

Tell me how you want it done,

Tell me where to go from here, I’ll go.

Tell me when I do it wrong,

Tell me when I I’ve got it right.

Tell me how to show the world, I’ll go.

‘Casue you are the Lord of my life.

You are the light that saves all mankind.

You are the Lord of glory,

And I’m your servant evermore.

Yeah, you’re the Lord over my life.

You are the light to take the dark away.

You are the Lord of all powers,

And I’m your servant evermore.

I’m your servant evermore.

Yeah, I’m your servant evermore.

I’ll go.

A smile escapes as the last song starts. Kyle remembered writing this one. He'd almost thrown it away, knowing the he really didn't know about these things. If only he'd known.

How do you chase the clouds away,
On a sunless rainy day?

How do you calm a raging storm,

That's raging through the sea?

How do you turn the night to day,

When time is standing still?

Oh how do you do it? How do you do it?

Where's the hidden key?

And how do you turn me upside down,

When we're walking side by side?

How do you change my tears to smiles,

When all is crashing down?

And how do you touch my heart of stone,

To soothe my weary soul?

How do you change me? How do you love me?

Tell me how you do it.

How do you turn the cold to spring,

In the blink of an eye?

How do you plant the stars up high,

For all to watch and see?

How do you change the black to white,

Right before my eyes?

Oh how do you do it? How do you do it?

Where's the hidden key?

And how do you turn me upside down,

When we're walking side by side?

How do you change my tears to smiles,

When all is crashing down?

And how do you touch my heart of stone,

To soothe my weary soul?

How do you change me? How do you love me?

Tell me how you do it.

Before I met you, the world made sense.

Before I met you it was all the same.

Before I met you, logic ruled,

Before I met you, I was walking blind.

Then you came along...

How do you turn me upside down,

When we're walking side by side?

How do you change my tears to smiles,

When all is crashing down?

And how do you touch my heart of stone,

To soothe my weary soul?

How do you change me? How do you love me?

Tell me how you do it.

As the rock music finally dies down, Kyle can feel his face start to redden a bit. No one had heard him sing like that before...and though knowing it was good, a slight lack of confidence there caused him to withdraw a bit, waiting to see Misty's reaction to it all as they head back to town.


*Misty's own smile fades just a little as she see the look on Kyle's face, and hearing his horse voice to go along with it. The desparation there was great. Misty's confustion grew but the importance for this through she may not know it was there.

Giving a small nod Misty reply.*

"Ok, I won't tell anyone. You have my word, but when you can talk again promise you will explain why to me? You sounded fantastic and I am curious to know why you would want to hide that."

*Misty moves a tad as Kyle goes to shut the CD off. She's like to hear more, Kyle's voice was great and it pleased her ears. But she would let him take his time. She wouldent push, not this time!

Turning and looking out at the water Misty takes in the sigh again, as well as a deep breath of air before turning back to Kyle and giving him a smile.*

"Well if your ready we should probley get back before Rick thinks I highjacked you or something..."

*Misty can't help but laugh a little at the thought. Knowing Rick he might just think she did.*

"...Unless your hungry and would like to grab something to eat."


Seeing Misty's smile on her face and in her eyes, Kyle knows that she had received his message loud and clear. Both had been taken by surprise, but both wanted to test the waters together. Kyle did like her, and after spending so much time with her lately, he couldn't help the feeling that being something more could be appealing. As long as she was willing too, what could they lose? They could only gain.

Kyle squeezes Misty's hand back, glad that she'd liked the song, and glad that she'd understood what he'd been trying to say. But as she states the assumption of the singer, he suddenly tenses, the blood rushing to his face. He hadn't intended on her recognizing that. No one else would have.

He swallows hard and just stares at her, knowing that he was giving her a dear in the headlights look, but unable to help it. Desperate to get his point across quickly, he dares once to break orders. A hoarse whisper comes out, just audible enough to understand, though it has to be forced. "Don't tell anyone?"

His gaze drops. He didn't want to put a damper on things so quickly after they'd been so good. But this was important. He forces out a smile, trying to cover up the desperation, and moves toward the car, wanting to stop the CD as the next song comes on.


*As the song plays Misty looks back up at Kyle. Seeing his heart in his eyes, Misty new what he was saying though no words came from his lips. Just stairing into Kyle's eyes, and hearing the words to the song, the voice....listing a little bit closer Misty wonders if that is who she thinks it is. But his voice seemsed so differnt in this song than normal. It wasent bad at all, just differnt. Ignoring it for a moment Misty just listens to the music. Closing her eyes Misty lets the words wash over her, the music filling her ears.

At the song draws to an end Misty looks up at Kyle, a smile on her lips, and a new shine in her eyes. Not saying anything, her own face expression says a thousand words. She did want to try, she did want to see if this would work.

Taking Kyle's hand her fingers interlock his. The feeling of his hand in her own was enough to bring a smile to her face as her happyness showed through. Misty stays silent again for a moment, than finally speaks.*

"What a very pretty song Kyle. I am honered your shaired it with me."

*Misty smiles and gives his hand a little squeeze.*

"That was you singing right? It sounded amazing!!"

Take Me There

The feeling of Misty snuggling up next to Kyle is a warm one…one that he hasn’t known before. He’s held friends close…he’s held his sister close…but this was different. This was…just different.

As Misty begins to speak, he listens carefully, digesting her words slowly to assume nothing and understand everything. Her words of how she feels about him...likes him...respects him, makes him wish he could wave them off. He did not feel important...he did not feel worthy of those kinds of compliments. He was more than glad that he had been helping her through her pain, but he hadn't intended on her thinking of him in this way. It hadn't been a goal. I had apparently just...happened. In a way though, he did feel flattered. Embarrassed by his nature, but flattered none the less. To have a woman talk to him like this was a pleasant difference.

Her soft kiss sends another chill down his spine, her hand on his chest feeling gentle and warm. He continues to listen, not trying to communicate until she is finished. Her confession of liking him, and her questions as to whether he felt the same or not made him stop and think.

His eyes stay focused on the water beyond, his demeanor appearing calm, while on the inside it was chaos as a million and one thoughts raced through his mind. Her ending statement feels like a little prick to his own heart. She had read him well...too well. He had indeed been trying to hide. There were just so many questions...so many doubts. How could he be sure about this?

Letting a pause settle between them, Kyle finally cocks his head, tilting Misty's chin up with a gentle finger. He needs to see her eyes again...to see the truth in the words she has spoken. And indeed, he finds it. She cared about him...liked him...wanted more than just friendship if he was willing. And was he willing?

He closes his eyes for a moment and swallows hard. Dang this injury that kept him from speaking what he wanted to. There were so many things that would take too long to sign or write down. What about his original goal? What about just simply making Misty get through this hard time? What about Carson? Was it really over between Carson and Misty? Was she this enthusiastic about Kyle now simply because she was missing someone to love? Or was it genuine, separate from the pain she'd been going through?

Kyle opens his mouth, then sighs, closing it again. He tightens his grip around Misty's shoulders a little, trying to assure her that his silence didn't mean he was saying no - he was simply trying to get his thoughts straightened out. He was sure he could stand the pain if this didn't work out, but could she? He would hate to put her through anything else, after what had happened with Carson. And yet...she was right...life was too short.

Reaching to her hand, he takes it in his, spreading her fingers out so their palms touched. His fingers were longer than hers, his palm broader. He liked the feel of her soft touch. Moving his finger tips down her own fingers, he maps out the curves and lines. He didn't play games...he didn't hold women just because it was fun. He didn't kiss them with the intention of simply walking away afterward.

Kyle's eyes finally drift back down to meet Misty's again. The music echoed in his mind, and he knew he wanted to believe. He was a risk taker...why could he not do this.

Without giving Misty an answer to her question, he moves to shut the lid on his little box and put it back into the hidden crevice. Standing up, he offers Misty a hand up too, silently helping her back down the rocks and onto the beach. Glancing to her, a faint smile is on his lips, but not enough to hint at what might be going through his mind. He doesn't try to let her know though, simply keeping her in the dark as he takes her back down the walk across the beach and up, close to where the car was parked.

Facing her for a moment, he sets his hands on her shoulders, planting her in place, his facial expression telling her to stay there. Next he makes several gestures, asking her for her car keys. Seeing hesitance, he rolls his eyes, his look conveying the thought, “I’m not going to drive away and leave you here, just give me the keys.” He holds out his hand until she gives them to him, then he goes to her car.

Getting in the passenger side, he rummages around in his backpack, then finding the CD he was looking for, he goes around the other side to turn the key over just far enough to get power without starting the engine. Slipping the CD into the player, he skips to the song he wants, and puts down the windows in the car, while turning the volume way up.

Making it back over to her, still on the sand and in his bare feet, the music starts, loud enough to be heard. It’s a hard beat with drums and electric guitars, the bass boosting the minor tones that drive emotion into the song.

Kyle takes Misty’s hands in his, facing her and just looks at her as the song plays, letting it do the talking for him. It was what was on his heart.

As the instrumental prelude dissolves into the lyrics, a strong male voice starts to sing, the mellow tone with a slight rasp fitting the rock style. It could seem familiar to some, but to most, it would be unrecognized as a voice not heard before.

"Caught in the confusion
Behind these iron bars.
The restraints all around us,
Holding us back from life.
I wanna live,
I wanna breathe,
Break out of this,
Break out and be free.

Take me there,
I wanna go there.
Take me there,
To be with you.
Take me there,
To the place where we can be free.

Stuck in this spinning world,
Under all the pressure.
Rules and regulations,
Keeping logic in check.
But I wanna live,
I wanna breathe,
Break away from this,
Break away and be free.

Take me there,
I wanna go there.
Take me there,
To be with you.
Take me there,
To the place where we can be free.

We’ve been held back too long.
We’ve listened to all but us.
We’ve done all the politically correct.
But what about us?
What about us?

Take me there,
I wanna go there.
Take me there,
To be with you.
Take me there,
To the place where we can be free.

Our hearts can be free.
Let loose and be free.
Yeah, be free."

As the drums fade, Kyle looks into Misty’s eyes. It was there time if they wanted it.