

*Misty pulls into the parking lot of the ice cream shop as a beep on her cell phone sounds. Listing to the rest of the song Kyle's voice fades signaling the song was over. Shutting the car off Misty opens the door and sets out flipping her phone open. Seeing Kyle's message Misty shakes her head with a smile. Entering a text back.*

Well hurry up slacker, I dont have all night. See ya there.

*Putting her phone back into her pocket Misty heads over to a table to sit and wait for Kyle just enjoying the crisp evening air while she waiting for Kyle.*

*Katie sits in her cubicle thumbing through some papers as she runs a hand through her hair. The last few days had seemed to drag on forever and now Reese had her on another case that had no leads. She felt like she was running in circles with no way to tell if it was the right way.

Taking a swig of some moutain dew Katie glances over some more pictures studying each one closely. For a lead, for a hint. For anything.*

*Aerith enters her apartment her mail in one hand and some food from Mom and Pop's in the other. It had been a long busy day and she was bushed.

Throwing the single peace of mail down on the kitchen table Aerith figures she can read it later. She was way to tired to try and read it now. Not to mention it looked thick and might take a while. Putting her food into the fridge Aerith turns a few more lights on so she can clean up and dress for bed.

With in minutes of her head hitting the pillow Aeirth is out like a light.*

*As Jess sits at the lonly bar she orders up another beer. Her goal tonight was not to get drunk but to take the dull pain of life away. Jess was trying to figure out where she belonged in life now, and was trying to earn her own decent living but it seemed no matter what was she turned something alse happend.

Tonight the mainevent was the small group behind her, the people she once was the leader of and called friends. Sean, Peter and Velvet, were drunker than skunks and were making jabs at Jess any chanse they could get. Once the leader now the outcase Jess dident have any other friends. Without cards Jess dident know what to do in her life or how to act. As Peter had told her many time there never would be anything outside of this for her. Was he right? Did she really hold a change in this world?

Taking another sip of her beer Jess trys to drownd out the noises and jearing around her. Trying to just get lost in her self.*

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