
Amidst the storm

Laura looks up and sets her book down, taking the phone. "Thanks, Katie." Putting the phone to her ear, she smiles. "Hey, you. Sorry I didn't get a chance to see you much today. With Reese back, he had be working like a dog."

She pauses to put a bookmark in her book. "So what's up?"

Despite Con's own depression, a chuckle surfaces and he brings Jamie even closer. "How did I ever wind up with someone as wonderful as you, hmm?" He slides down further in the couch and puts his feet up on the coffee table, prepared to fall asleep right here if what was on tv wouldn't keep him awake. Maybe he didn't have a job, and maybe there were things bothering him that he hadn't even shared with Jamie... but he couldn't deny that just having her there with him made him happy. There was peace amidst the storm.

Luke is relieved when Angel wakes, but his worry does not decrease. Searching his wife's pale face, he takes her hand after she's coughed. Taking a tissue, he wipes off the blood, remaining calm, though his insides were screaming. This couldn't be happening. Not now... not when they'd had so little time together.

"Don't worry about the past," he chides gently. "I wish I would have known, but there's nothing we can do about that now."

He turns to look back to Jeff. "Help gather up her things, will you? We need to get her somewhere else."

"Right." Jeff doesn't question, but sets right to it, picking up Angel's books and other belongings, and finding her bags to put them in.

Luke pulls back the covers and carefully reaches under her to pick her up into his arms. "You're going to be okay," he assures. "I'm not giving up, so you don't give up either."

Giving her forehead a kiss, he stands up, picking Angel up with him, so she can rest her head on his shoulder. "Jeff, you ready?"

"Yeah. Let's go meet back up with Gunner." Jeff kept a close eye on Luke. A few hours ago, he could barely walk, but it was obvious to Jeff now that Luke had dug down deep for any strength left, and was determined to help Angel at any cost. Deciding not to interfere, Jeff leads the way out of the room and back down the hall.

Gunner is taken by surprise as a woman runs into him. He takes a step back, his eyes widening. "Sorry" he apologizes too.

Seeing the look on the woman's face though, a smile suddenly grows. He knew exactly what must be going through her mind. His hands back in his pockets, he just stands a little taller, the amusement sparkling in his eyes. Giving a wave, he bids her farewell, sure that the next person she saw would get an earful about the strange guy at the hotel.

His fun is cut short though, when Jeff and Luke appear, and Gunner is back on duty. Seeing Angel, his own worry forms. "How is she?"

"Not good," Jeff answers. "Where to?"

"TJY. Come on."

The drive to TJY is a tense one. Gunner had picked up a TJY vehicle at the airport, and though gone for quite a while, he knew his way around like the back of his hand. Arriving at the building, it's quiet, and the parking lot is almost empty.

Gunner leads the way, Jeff and Luke still carrying Angel, following along behind. Checking out the door, Gunner quirks an eyebrow. "Guess going public means security isn't as tight," he muses, putting his security card back in his pocket and pushing the door open. he leads the others in and down the elevator, and onto the main floor.

Luke was too busy paying attention to his precious cargo to notice much, but Jeff took a long look around the room, surprised at all the desks and equipment. He'd been told about the office, but seeing it, he was impressed. Turning, he hurries to catch up with Luke and Gunner.

Gunner heads to the hallway, though his eyes take in the surroundings. Not a whole lot had changed, but it felt strange being here. He'd been gone for close to two years. In some ways it had felt like he'd never left. In other ways it felt as though he'd been gone for ten years.

He aims for the infirmary, pushing the door open, but skidding to a stop when he realizes the bed was not empty.

Scott gives a jump, his book flying and landing on the floor. His eyes are wide, at first, not even recognizing who was there. His face pales as a surge of fear rushes at him. "What..."

"Scott!" Gunner steps in further, a smile forming.

Suddenly, Scott realizes who it is, and relaxes. "Gunner... what are you doing here?"

"Got a sick lady here." Gunner thumbs to Luke and Angel as they enter, then Jeff. "Rick around?"

Scott slides off the bed and gestures for Luke to put Angel there instead. "Rick? Um... no... he's home."

Jeff stops in the doorway, unable to help his look of surprise at seeing Scott. If he hadn't known it was him, he wasn't sure he even would have recognized him. He looked like he'd been through the ringer and hadn't come out too well on the other end. He was so thin and... wow.

Luke gently sets Angel down on the bed and pulls a blanket up over her, only now collapsing into the chair next to her, his hand still on hers.

Gunner moves to the counter and picks up the phone, scanning the numbers on the wall. Quickly, he dials Rick. Within minutes, he receives an answer that Rick is on his way.

Rick hangs up the phone and grabs his Jacket. Going back into the living room, he leans down to give Janet a kiss. "Sorry. Emergency. I'll let you know what's happening." As quickly as he'd come, he's gone. But on his way to TJY, he dials Misty. "Misty, it's Rick. We got trouble, Angel's in a bad way. Meet me at the office?"

Heaven sakes

Putting her dishes into the sink and reaching down to scratch Henry on the head Katie just thinks for a long moment. Something like this was a big deal but it also needed to be handles very delicately.

Yeah I agree talk to Carson and go from there.

Passing the phone in the hallway the ring startles her.

Darn phone. I am so use to just talking to you this way this stupid thing startles me every time it rings.

I'll talk to you tomorrow. Night J.

Finishing her mentil conversation with Jason Katie hears the phone ring again. Figuring Laura didnt hear it or was busy Katie answers it.


"Hey Hero. How are ya?"

Hearing Nate's voice a smile comes to her face. Nate was one of her fav people at TJY and it was always nice to hear him call. Not to mention he brought a smile to the face of her friend.

"Heya Nate. I am going ok and yourself?"

"Oh I'm doin all right. Is Laura around?"

For a moment Katie is quiet. It almost sounded like something was wrong Nate's voice sounded shakey and that was unlike him.

"It everything ok?"

"Oh yeah everything is fine just need to talk to Laura."

"Ok yeah sure let me get her for you."

"Thanks Hero."

Katie puts the phone down for a moment and heads into the livingroom. Seeing Laura on the coutch she enters the rest of the way picking up the cordless phone.

"Laura Nate is on the phone for you."

Handing it to her she turns and head back out hanging up the older phone and than heads into her room for the night.

Still staying snuggled into Con Jamie is silent for a moment. A feeling washing over her. She felt so bad for Con, and he had been so depressed as of late. It was hard to see him like this and it made Jamie's hear ack.

"No matter what Con, your always good for something. I know things havent been the greatest, and you have been down on your luck. But I love you just the same and I am happy because I have you. Thats all that really matter to me."

Lifting her head alittle Jamie leans up and gives Con a soft kiss on the lips before resting her head on his chest again.

Hearing Luke's voice and feeling someone shaking her Angel trys to pull herself out of sleep. After a few trys and hearing Luke plead Angel is finally able to open her eyes. Forming the best smile she can she pushes the cover back and brings a hand up to Luke's face to run her fingers down the side of it.

"You made it."

Trying to stay at contious as she could Angel manages to sit up but takes a hold of Luke's arm to stedy herself. Looking a little to the left and seeing Jeff her smile grows a little more.

"It looks like you braught the calvery with you."

Though she was sick, and she new it was getting worse, though Angel new she would die if there was no cure her humor was still there trying to make the best out of this situation. In a time like this its really all that could help anyone move forward.

Growing weak again Angel trys her best to stay sitting up right as she continues to talk, to stay strong.

"My books and everything I have observed is over on that table there. It wasent untill the start of this week it hit me hard. I had been doing ok and than just out of no...where...."

Angel stops for a moment as she goes into a coughing fit. Bringing her hand to her mouth she continues to cough till finally it stop. Pulling her hand away is reveals some blood on it proving her had coughed it up. Looking at it for a moment she than looks up at Luke again. Worry coursed through this brave womans eyes.

"I'm sorry...Luke I kept this from you. I just though...I could make myself...better or it would go away...I guess not even the dr can know everything."

Making herway through the hotel quickly a woman about in her early 30's turns the courner. Not paying attachen to where she was going she walks straght into Gunner.

"Oh excuse me I am so sorry..."

Finally looking up the woman takes a jump backwards as his apearance startles her.

"Heaven sakes."

Just standing there stairing at him for a moment the woman says nothing just eyeing him up and down. Who and what on earth was this in front of her. This man looked like he had just come in from a year long stay in the woods. Finally steping to one side the woman does take her eyes off of hime as she starts to walk away.

Finally turning around she hurrys from the hotel and dosent look back.