
Pickle jar

Carson gives Misty a little smirk at her comment. “Alright, I give. You can drive.” He pulls his own jacket a little tighter around himself. “You pick the place, but it’s gotta be in agreement with my wallet.”

He nudges her teasingly as they walk, finally getting back to her car. Getting in, he shakes his head. “Crazy weather. They’re saying it’s one of the coldest winters in a long time. Just my luck – the one year I’m without a car.” He rolls his eyes.

It’s not much later and the two are at a cafĂ© downtown. It’s fairly quiet today, peaceful, even though it looks out onto the busy street.

“…so I spent the first night at her place last night.” Carson finishes up telling Misty that he’d moved in with Dani after having been living at Mom and Pop’s all this time. He finishes off his glass of soda pop, then shrugs. “I guess that brings us up to date. Well… not quiet.”

He cocks his head, looking across the table at Misty. “I forgot to mention that somewhere along the line I got accepted back by the only sheila that ever got the upper hand on me.”

Wyatt sighs and nods his agreement, slipping in behind the steering wheel of his jeep once more. Waiting a few minutes until Ty was a short ways away, Wyatt drives slowly and makes a few unnecessary turns to stay a satisfactory distance from their target. "Where is the blockhead going anyway?" he mutters.

Ty trudges down the sidewalk, his hands in his jacket pockets. His eyes were focused on the cement slabs at his feet, rather than ahead, so when the women knocks into him, he jumps, completely startled. Turning around, he lifts his eyebrows. "Um..no problem?"

He's surprised again when the second figure moves past him, and he stops, a bit confused, but not caring a whole lot. It wasn't any of his business what was going on. But...

His eyes sudden catch sight of the forest green jeep several blocks away, and a scowl forms. "I told you I wouldn't be babysat," he growls under his breath.

Turning, he slides into an alleyway instead of heading down the sidewalk, then scoots behind a dumpster, out of sight from the street.

Wyatt drives slowly, suddenly having lost sight of Ty. "Aw, great." He glances down to the left, then to the alley on the right, but Ty had vanished. "He may not be able to read, but he's too smart for his own good."

Shaking his head, he makes sure no one is coming before doing a U-turn. "If he wants to be alone, so be it. I'm not gonna play this gave with him. If you want to go looking for him, that's up to you, but I have to get back to the office before I'm the one on the unemployed list."

There's just enough space between the dumpster and the brick wall, and Ty can see Wyatt turn around and drive off again.

Giving a smirk of satisfaction, Ty rises to his feet again, continuing down the alley until he's at the other side of the block. Looking both ways, he opts to turn left towards the center of town.

Axel tinkers a bit in the engine, hearing Jess' comment about the carburetor, but keeping his eyes on his work. "Mm-hmm..." He reaches in to fiddle with a hose. "Looks like the last guy who worked on this had a few of his own screws loose."

Slipping his hand down in with a wrench, something gives way and he winces, drawing his hand back out just in time before the tool slips from his numb grasp to clatter onto the floor. Shaking his head with a little bit of disgust, he rubs his hand for a moment until he can flex his fingers again and pick up the wrench.

Still concentrating, he goes right back to work. "The carburetor has problems, that's for sure, along with several other things. I'm surprised the guy was even able to drive it here without being towed."

Axel squints into the engine, then gestures over to the tool bench. "Hey, grab me those pliers over there, would you?" He keeps his eyes on his work, even after receiving the tool. "There we are..."

Working for a while longer, the time slips by. Small talk mixed with work would create a boring atmosphere for some, but here, somehow it doesn't.


Axel looks up from the van to see Leo. "What?"

"Ten minutes and she's ready to roll. How's your project coming?"

Axel holds up a piece of severed hose. "Peachy."

Leo grins. "Well you and the peaches have fun. This baby here is gonna be running as smooth as butter. Don't know what your problem was with it."

Axel shakes his head, a wry grin barely noticeable. "It's like a pickle jar," he calls back. "I've been doing all the work, and all you had to do was pop the lid."

Leo sets his hands on his hips. "That's not fair!"

Axel's grin finally emerges. "Sounds far to me. But you better get a move on, or those ten minutes are going to be gone."

Muttering under his breath, Leo gets back to work.

Axel turns his head to catch Jess' eye, his own sparkling with humor. "Leo wins a trophy and you get your car back. Seems like a pretty good deal." He looks over to the far wall where there was a clock. It was noon. "And all before lunch to boot." He gives a nod of satisfaction. There was more, dancing on the tip of his tongue, but he held back, returning to the van.

"Big plans today?" he finally asks.


Rick sighs and looks at Scott, trying to change his mind, but finding it nearly impossible. He sits on the edge of the bed, papers in hand. It was after lunch, and trying to get Scott to interact with him was like pulling teeth. "But Scott... what happened last night..."

"Won't happen again," Scott states flatly. "I'm fine."

"You're not fine!"

"No, I'm a loony, right?"

"That's not what I meant and you know it." Rick looks at Scott sternly. "Now I'm trying to give you the best option here."

Scott tucks his knees up close to his chest, remaining stubborn. "It's an option. That means I have a choice. And I don't want to stay there. I want to stay home... or here... but not there."

Rick sighs, giving up. "Alright. You don't have to stay. But will you go see her?"

Scott shrugs.

"I thought we talked about this." Rick tries to look Scott in the eye, but his younger friend refuses.

"Maybe I changed my mind."

"You said yourself that you knew you needed some help. Don't you want to feel better? Don't you want to get rid of this nightmare?"

Scott swallows hard and shrugs. One minute he wanted to go to the counselor, and the next he was terrified of it. "Fine."

"Alright then." Rick gets to his feet. "We're going to do this then. And you're going to give it your best shot, because I know you can."

Turning, he heads for his desk, picking up the phone.

Not really wanting to hear the conversation, while Rick's back is turned, Scott slides off the bed. At least he was dressed for the day... he'd gotten that much accomplished by noon.

Padding quietly in his bare feet, he slips out into the hall. Squinting in the brighter hall lights, he looks down both ways, seeing no one. He didn't know what he was doing... he knew Austin was around here somewhere and that was a scary thought, but he just wanted to get out of the infirmary and out of Rick's sight for two minutes.

Taking a deep breath, he walks slowly, keeping one hand running on the wall as if looking for security. Without Domino, he didn't have any security at all.

Not knowing why, he finds himself stopped outside his old office once again, glancing in on Dalton.

"Hi, Miss Garrison. This is Rick Johnston, from the Elite. I visited the other day." Rick cradles the phone between his shoulder and chin. "I just spoke with Scott, and... he's willing to come see you. He doesn't want to stay, even though I wanted him to after an episode last night when he just about got his wish to die." He sighs deeply. "But at this point, I'll take what I can get. I'd like to set up his first visit."


Ya I am gonna finish up with Wyatt here and whatnot if your still there when I am done and even if not I'll find ya to hang out with for a bit.

Letting out a sigh Katie's eyes follow Ty as he makes his way down the street. She didnt know what alse to do. Everything seemed to be falling apary. If it wasnt Scott it was something alse. Austin sure had mad a good mess of things. Letting out her own sigh and a shrug she turns back to

" There's nothing alse we can do. Once a Henson is stubborn you cant pull you just have to let them work it out and be there for him."

Shaking her head again Katie gets into Wyatt's truck.

"Lets follow him a safe distiance back just to make sure he is going to be ok for a little bit Wyatt."

As Ty goes one way down the street a slim fingure with curly brown hair moves up the other way quickly.

Looking behind her as if exspecting someone to be chasing her she bumps into Ty. Turning around and walking back words she calls to him.

"Sorry about that I didnt see you."

Turning back the other way she continues to move disapearing around the courner right as a nother figure moves past Ty in the same direction.

Giggling just a little for a moment Misty can see the old Carson as her arms wrap around him. As quick as it came it went. Misty wasnt sure what it ment, but if she held out, maybe the old Carson would be back. The one she had grown to love. For now she would love to love this Carson do he was the same person after all.

Curling her finger around his she gives a small shiver as the cold wind blows. Just now she had relized how cold it was.

"Lunch sounds great Carson..."

Misty smiles up at him as they walk.

"...as long as I can drive its starting to get colder out. Though being next to you I think I have enough heat."

Quirking a smile at Axel Jess cant but give a small giggle one that held a bit of nervouseness but not showing she was uncomfortable as the slight bit of flirtation in Axel's voice. Feeling a bit of color come to her cheeks Jess follows Axel into the back.

"Now I guess I can see what kind of real job a rainbow has."

Watching Axel Jess is relitivly quiet though she leans in the van with him touching a few things here and there, and even grabbing a rag to whipe off her own hands once or twice.

"Did you check the carbarator on this baby it looks like its warped a little."

Jess leans in a little closer to take a look but than relizes what she did and backs up a little. Pointing to the bolt on the top.

"See its warped, and looks ready to pop off. One would assume that might be one of the problems."

Looking to Axel she gives small smile and than backs up a few feet just letting him work.


Because he's a lowlife, that's why.

Jason's words are riddled with anger and a burning hate. He steps back into his house after having Trooper out, and shakes his head.

As far as low self-esteem goes, Ty just needs a swift kick. He's just feeling sorry for himself. As far as me...

He grabs a light jacket and his keys.

I'm going to go check on Scott. Then after that I'll probably waste some time down at Mom and Pop's. If you want to catch up to me anywhere in there, it's fine.

Though "fine" didn't sound too convincing, Jason's eager emotions proved that he did want Katie's company, even if his mood didn't match.

Ty grits his teeth as Katie talks, unwilling to turn and look at her. "I'm not learning well," he mutters. "I'm not learning at all."

Despite his anger though, Katie's softer tone starts to bring him back down.. "You think I don't know the world is a big place? I've explored plenty. Remember where you found me?" He shakes his head. "I'm not scared of it, Katie. I simply don't fit in it."

Hearing Katie's final statements, Ty finally turns his head towards her, rolling his eyes. "Oh yeah... my brother getting his girlfriend pregnant... that's exciting all right. Maybe I'm not the stupid one after all." He shakes his head. "You may think this is a great time for a vacation, but you still got a job to return to, remember? I don't. I can't afford a trip even if I wanted it, which I don't."

"Well I can't afford a trip either," Wyatt states flatly as he rejoins them. "Not after bailing you out. Now come on."

The old Henson stubbornness shines through as Ty refuses to get up, proving beyond a doubt that he was indeed Jim's son.

"Ty," Wyatt warns. "If you know what's good for you, you get up off your sorry hind end and come with us."

As the officer unlocks the cell, Ty finally gets to his feet and trudges out, leading the way back down the hall. Within minutes, all three are back outside. But instead of heading to Wyatt's jeep, Ty turns and starts down the sidewalk.

Wyatt pauses by his door handle, looking after him in confusion. "Now what?"

"What do you care?" Ty turns around to talk as he walks backwards. "I'll not be babysat."

"Well where are you going?"

"For me to know."

"Ty!" Wyatt throws up his arms as Ty turns back around and continues his route away from the station. He groans and looks to Katie. "I don't know what more we can do."

Carson's heart skips a beat as Misty speaks, his pulse quickening even more as she draws closer to him once again. Feeling her arms around him... her warm breath on his skin... smelling her sweet hair... It enveloped all his senses.

Returning her kiss, he slides his arms further around her, one hand caressing the side of her face as his thumb runs down her cheek.

Pulling away slightly, he whispers, as if almost afraid this moment didn't really exist. "I've missed you too...so much." Returning his lips to hers, he lets a sweet kiss linger, his inner being feeling as though at last he's receiving the long drink of water he's thirsted for for oh so long.

Gently withdrawing, he keeps his hand to her face, just looking in her eyes again, making sure that this was real... that he really was getting another chance. A crooked grin surfaces and he moves to pull Misty into a rough hug. "Some Aussies are blessed with stupidity... at least this one was blessed with you in spite of it."

Still grinning, he stands up, taking Misty by the hand. "I'll treat you to lunch, if you let me..."

A grin finally escapes to accent Axel's face, just letting silence rule for a moment, returning Jess' gaze fearlessly. Letting his eyes remain on hers, he just waits, witholding words until finally she drops her own gaze. Almost chuckling but not quite, he puts his watch away.

"Well... I guess I haven't seen a car that could tell time yet. And I guess storm clouds can roll in at any time of the day, can't they?"

Grabbing a rag, he tries to get some of the grease off his fingers, but it just doesn't work, proving the stains would be there for a while.

"So..." He cocks his head and looks back up at Jess. "The boss is gone today."

He pauses, almost as if assuming she would know what that meant, before he goes on. "And since by now you probably have the magazines in there memorized..."

He shrugs and starts to amble back to the van. "You can come help keep Leo out of my hair." Turning around, he throws her an intentional crooked grin. "Or at least keep me company so I don't have to listen to his jabber."