

Charlotte looks at her husband and just blinks for a long moment stoping her folding of the cloths. She hadn't expected Bret to get this angry. Keep her own voice calm Charlotte just turns to him.

"Well lets see, I am not making you feel stupid at all, because I havent said anything that should. Next not everyone knows in town knows I have a second job. It was a very small night club that not many people went to And I didn't tell you because I didnt want you to feel bad."

She really was trying the best to do this with a pure heart for her family. Now, now it was blowing up in her face. Charlotte was more upset with herself than anything else.

"I was just trying to help out Bret. I wasnt trying to make you feel stupid or anything. I was...only trying to help."

Just listing to Sparky again Faith keeps her own hands in her pockets keeping them warm. Though it was cold she didnt mind to much it felt good, the cool air, the nice fresh smell.

"So you must like it here if you always come back right? I can see why. I haven't been here for very long and it already feels so peaceful. I'm really happy I got the chance to come here with Annie."

Giving a smile that was light up by the soft moonlight that was partly hidding behind the clouds. Mustering up the courage to ask.

"Maybe when your not busy, do you think you could teach me how to ride?"

How stupid

Gage eyes Sapphire a moment before letting go of her hand and walking back into the kitchen. Scrounging in a little basket of change and odds and ends, he finds what he's looking for and returns. "Then here." He holds out a key. "I got two when I moved in. I've never used it."

"Me?" Sparky chuckles, his hands keeping warm in his jacket pockets. "You could have chosen a more interesting topic than that," he teases. But seeing Faith really was interested, he shrugs. "Haven't been here all my life, no. In Texas, yes, but here and there. Family history is a crazy one - too much to bore you with, though I imagine Annie's told you some. Known Rosetta for the better part of my life. And... settled here for the past year or so." He shrugs again, giving Faith a grin. "There's really not much to tell. I've kinda been a wanderer, but usually wind up back here."

Bret's eyes widen at Charlotte's explanation and he blinks as if having a hard time believing it. "You..." His eyebrows lower as he begins to frown. "You've been holding two jobs? Since I was in the hospital?"

Searching Charlotte's face, he lets out a little scoff. "Thanks for telling me. You knew I didn't know about it, and you what... just thought I didn't need to know?" He throws up his arms. "Didn't want me to worry about money? That's what I do, Charlotte - I'm the one with that responsibility. Why didn't you tell me?"

Shaking his head, it's very clear that he's not happy. "I'm probably the only fellow in town that has no idea his wife has been holding an extra job. How stupid do you like making me feel?"


Giving a little chuckle about Gage doodling. She was sure if giving the opportunity he would do great at drawing. Getting an idea Sapphire tucks in the back of her mind to remember it for a little later when Christmas was closer.

Receiving Gage's little squeeze to her hand Sapphire's eyes scan the tree before glancing at Gage, and than around the room. Sipping her eggnog again.

"If you leave the door unlocked I might just bring more goodies. I think it would be safer if I just had a key. Its nice having someone to hang out with and share my time with."

Katie shakes her own head not understanding. She would rather know what was going to be going on now, that have to let it sit in her mind.

"Rick, tell us now or we wont get any rest. Not knowing what you have planned is not going to let us rest because we are gonna be worried even when you tell us not to be."

Letting out a sigh and leaning back in the bed again Katie's mind wonders all over the place. Wanting to know what would happend next, what would they do, and what would happen? So many questions that wernt being answered.

Well we having the resting place and understanding with each other finally, but no matter what, being on a medican or not we will always have to worry about the Agency as long as they know our powers exists. I think that's what scares me the most not our powers but The Agency!

Continuing to help Sparky Faith was having a great time. The small talk with him never left a dull moment, and learning new things about the horses was a blast. Faith felt so comfortable about Sparky and helping him she lost track of time.

"A walk in the crisp country air..."

Faith zippers up her coat a little higher pulling the collar around her neck to stay warm. Smiling at Sparky she gives a nod.

"..I am ready if you are."

Exiting the barn and walking for a few short moment in silent Faith decieds to strike up her own conversation.

"So, we talked about the horses and we talked a little about me. What about you? Have you always lived here?"

Taking the paper from Bret Charlotte scans it for a long moment before sitting it down on the counter. Looking up at Bret she searches his face for a moment before saying anything.

"Its just a letter telling me my last two shows I will be getting only half of what I normaly do because I am quieting."

Charlotte continues to fold the cloths she had just washed getting ready to put them away.

"Since I am getting later in the pregnancy and you will be able to go back to work soon, I wont need to work two jobs anymore. The only reason I took up the night club job was because I was trying to take less stress off you. I didn't want you to worry about money."

Charlotte's motives were pure as she eyes tryed to tell Bret that. She had dont this for both of them, and she did it for him. The last thing she wanted was for Brett to worry while he was trying to recover.


Gage looks back at the tree and smirks. "Art. Right." He chuckles softly. "The closest I've ever come to art is doodling on a napkin." He pauses in thought. "'Course that could be 'cause I've never even had more than an ink pen in my hand." He could remember once a long time ago he'd seen a box of crayons and would have done just about anything just to have the blue one.

Hearing Sapphire's thank you, he keeps his eyes on the tree, but his hand gives hers a squeeze. Taking another sip from his eggnog, he smacks his lips again. "You keep bringing goodies like this, and I'll start leaving the door unlocked for you," he teases.

Rick nods his agreement with Katie. "I'm not sure about building up an immunity but we can try. My guess would be that if this is a kind of amplifier, if you'd been the one shot, you woulda sucked Jason dry, overwhelming yourself and putting him down pretty quick."

Jason sighs deeply, running a thumb over the tender marks on his palm. "You really think this was on purpose? I mean the mark? There's no substance that could burn a hand from the inside out, let alone no where else, and let alone in a definite pattern. That just doesn't make sense."

"Katie's right though," Jeff intercedes. "Intentional or not, nobody else is gonna have marks like these. If they didn't do it on purpose, they'll find out quick enough and they'll always be able to find you."

Jason doesn't even seem to be listening and he looks to Rick again. "What are you planning to try that I need to be stronger for?"

"Um..." Rick shakes his head. "Don't worry about it now. Just rest. Both of you."

Don't worry. Yeah. Right. We're sitting here half dead with alien brands on our hands and he says just rest.
Jason closes his eyes and lets his head sink back in his pillow.
I'm so tired of this. I thought we'd finally reached a resting place.

Rick exchanges a look with Jeff then turns to go back to his work.

Sparky looks down into Faith's eyes, a little smile turning up the corner of his mouth. The brim of his hat almost hid his gaze, but not quite. "If I minded, I wouldn't have asked, now would I?"

"Sparky?" Jade calls. "Sparky, are you in- Oh." Jade stops, seeing her uncle in the stall. "Hi. Have you seen Dan?"

Sparky steps away from Faith and shakes his head. "Not for a while."

Jade suddenly realizes that Sparky wasn't alone, and she looks at him with question.

Sparky nods to Faith. "This is a friend of Annie's. Her name is Faith. Faith, this is my niece, Jade."

Jade grins and gives a little wave. "Nice to meet you, I... wait.." Her eyes widen at Sparky. "Did you say Annie?"

"Yep. She's in the house. Gonna be here for a bit."

"Yay!" Jade squeals. "I'll have to go see her. But I have to find Dan first. Ohhh, I'll have to introduce him. I don't think he's ever met Annie before..." Her voice trails off as she keeps on heading down the barn aisle.

Sparky chuckles and shakes his head. "That girl's energy never ends." He coils up the leadrope and hands it back to Faith so she can help him some more. "She's been through a rough time lately though... I'm glad she's got Dan around for someone she can spend time with. My brother, her dad, doesn't approve but... Dan's not a bad guy."

Reaching around Faith, he closes the stall, latching it shut. "Okay... lets go get some more of these hungry brutes."

It doesn't take long to get the fifteen horses in the barn. In the meantime, others have been brought in from a different pasture. Most hay and grain is fed, getting chores done a little earlier as Sparky wished, so everyone could take their time with supper.

Hanging up the leadropes, Sparky sighs and sets his hands on his hips, looking around the barn. "Well... I need to take a quick walk around the place," he informs Faith. After spending several hours with her, talking just came as smooth as if he'd known her for years. "You're free to come along, but it's getting a bit chilly, so if you'd rather go back in the dining hall, I'm sure others are already getting ready for supper."

Bret hobbles from the kitchen into the living room, favoring his leg that was still quite sore. Confusion was on his face as he finds Charlotte. He holds up a sheet of paper after having gone through today's mail.

"A letter about a change in wages? For a nightclub?" He searches his wife's face. He'd thought she was working some strange hours at the caves, especially since there were not visitors this time of year, but he hadn't questioned her. Surely this was some mistake.

By the way..

Following Sparky out to where the horses were Faith was a little nervous that she might not to something right, but did her best to hold some confidence in herself.

Not giving hesitation to letting Sparky helping her Faith lets him show her how to do everything. She wanted to learn and she thought it was neat to have Sparky taking the time to teach her. Feeling his hands on her Faith can't help the chill that ran up her arms. Sparky's touch was rough of a working man but soft at the same time.

"Ok so hold it like this right?"

Walking side by side with Sparky Faith lets out a small laugh as there small talk continues. She'd really warmed up well to him and didn't feel quiet as strange anymore.

Entering the barn once again and having Sparky put his arms over her shoulder Faith trys to pay attachen but cant help the tingling feeling she had felt before. It was strange to feel this way with someone she just met, but after spending most of the day with him Faith felt like she had known him all her life.

"Fifteen more, my goodness how many horses are at the ranch?"

Giving a small laugh Faith turns to look at Sparky flashing a smile. Not realizing just how close he was to her as Faith turns around she becomes face to face with him. Biting her lip just a little Faith looks into Sparky's eyes for a long moment.

"I'll keep helping you as long...as you don't mind. I'm having fun."

Listing to her father Katie gives a nervous laugh. His words were easily said, and she new they Agency had been defeated many times before but they always came back. It was an uncomfortable feeling.

I'm really not to scared, I just feel very uneasy that no matter what they are going to know who we are now.

Looking to her father, Rick, and than Jason Katie's eyes held a little worry. No matter what they did now the Agency would always know who they were. Not that they hid there ability from people, but they new how to make it so not the wrong people would know. But now that had changed, they were marked.

It's going to be ok J, as long as we stick together. We are stronger that way. I love you!

Looking back to Rick Katie nods, her eyes were opened more now and just tearing from the light but she could see. Her voice was still raspy but she could still talk, her head was spliting open but she could still think. If the Agency had been trying to take them out, they had failed and they wont continue to fail. Fear is what they wanted, and they couldn't give them that satisfaction.

"We need to figure out what they shot Jason with, and if they did the same to me what could happen. We need to be prepared and do all we can to build up an immunity and see why the did this to start with or what they hopped to achieve."

Sapphire can feel her lips curl up at Gage's comment. After a few moments her cheeks started to hurt but she just couldn't stop smiling. She was so happy that Gage liked the tree, and it came out even better than she had planned.

Holding her glass Sapphire comes up next to Gage slipping her hand into his once again. Why did that so often with Gage she wasnt sure, but it felt nice, and she liked it. She only hoped That Gage didn't mind ether.

"You really do a good job. I think this is one of the best looking tree's I have seen in a while. I think you have a talent for art."

Giving Gage a sidelong glance the smile was still on Sapphire's lips. His earlyer comment hadnt gone unnoticed, but she didnt want to make a big deal out of it eather and embarass him. So she would leave her words simple but with just as much meaning.

"Thanks by the way."