

Alec watches Hope leave, keeping his eyes on her until the door falls shut. Looking back at the table, he folds his hands, staring at the cuffs. Glancing up to the corner of the room, he glares at one of the cameras. No one would ever trust him to give him freedom.

Reese purses his lips and nods. "Thank you, Hope... I appreciate this. I'll have some paperwork for you to fill out so I can put your thoughts on file. In the meantime... your next party awaits."

Pushing open the door to the other interrogation room, he reveals Gage, sitting at a table. The scene mirrored the other room, except Gage was not bound. Though not cuffed, he slouches in his chair, no confidence present, let alone pride. His hands rest in his lap, and his eyes are glued to the table. He wasn't really sure why he was in here or why they had some woman coming to talk with him... or what difference it would make.

Rick sighs deeply. "Help me out here, Hero..." He keeps his voice soft... soothing. "I need to know what's wrong so I can help you. Are you really sick? Does it feel like a cold, or the flu? Since you're on that medication it's really important that I know."


"Nather of you are a targets Alec..."

Taking the cards from the table Hope puts them back into the box before leaning down and putting the cards into her bag once again knowing the short window she had, had was now closed and Alec was now closed up.

Though she saw much not many other people could see Hope had and she new there was more behind those cold eyes and she saw the hope that was there.

"Alec, I do want to help you but you have to help yourself first. Your far from a kid so I wont do my normal speech. But if you even wanna play cards again is your choose and just ask for me."

Standing Hope takes her bag and heads to the door before stoping and turning giving a small smile.

"Your an intresting guy Alec, Thank you for playing cards with me."

Leaving the room Hope lets out a long sigh as she turns to look at Reese.

" He's not a bad guy Reese. He's just lost, scaired, and confused. He dosnt know where he fits in and he knows he has done things wrong he's just...."

Hope looks back in the room for a moment catching the last glimps of Alec as the door closes.


Katie looks tiredly from under the blankets. Her eyes seemed almost lifeless as they held a tired gaze.

"Its not the medicen Rick. I just want to sleep, I'm tired and I dont feel good. I just....dont want to be here. ."

Katie sinks her head back into the pillow as she can still feel Rick next to her. She wanted to talk to him, yet she new it wouldnt help. There was nothing that could help.

Too quiet

Alec tosses his cards down. All he'd had was a pair of nines. Gathering the cards, its his turn to deal. "You want to know everything? You want me to put all of my figurative cards on the table?"

Alec spreads his hands. "I don't know anything else, alright? Thirteen's got a home - great. She's got some Aussie sucker to go right alone with it. And Gage? He's too stupid to know better. Me, I'm like a tiger, brought in to the zoo. Not only do I just get to pace all day, I got creepy people staring at me, looking in on me, and making sure I behave. I'm gonna get that whether I'm behind bars or not. So why not choose bars where I get three free meals a day?"

Sighing, he looks back at the cards, unwilling now to play anymore. Dreams existed behind his eyes... dreamed he'd never dared to let surface. Underneath his thick outer shell, there was more that he expertly hid from the world to protect himself. Faced with the unknown... he would choose jail where he knew he'd fit in, rather than freedom where there was a risk of failure. He was no more a threat to the Elite than Gage... but it took an expert eye to see it.

Alec shakes his head. "I don't think there's much more to talk about here." He hands her back her cards. "Tell Reese what you will... I'm sure he's got Gage waiting in the next room over. He should be an easier target for you."

Jason rubs his forehead, hearing Katie's tired voice. "Okay, I'm gonna send Rick over. I'm sure he'll be there soon... I... I hope you feel better."

Ending the call, Jason goes straight to Rick, explains the situation, and Rick wastes no time in going to the house. Letting himself in, Rick quietly heads to where he knows Katie's room is. Tapping on the door, he cautiously enters, peeking in first. "Katie?" His voice is soft and gentle.

Approaching the bed, he eases down next to her, feeling her forehead. "What's wrong, hmm? Is it the medication, or something else?"

"How we doing this afternoon?"

Bret looks up at JT warily. "I don't know how "we" are doing, but I'm sore."

JT chuckles and starts checking Bret over. "Shoulder?"

"Hurts like you know what."


"Feels better."

"Mm." JT checks around the neck brace. "Might not be as bad there as I first thought." He moves down to Bret's lower body, then starts to poke and prod his leg.

"That's sore," Bret mutters.

JT suddenly stops, his eyes wide. "Say what?"

"I said it hurts..." Then Bret's eyes widen as well. "That's... that's a good thing, right?"

"It sure is." JT's hope was returning. "Can you move your leg at all?"

Bret stares down at it and concentrates, suddenly realizing that he could lift it again.

A smile spreads on JT's face. "Well, well, well, looks like you were holding out on us."

Bret's eyes were wide. "How? I mean..."

JT shakes his head. "Could be a number of things. "I was hoping to see this. See, your back received quite a shock, and I was hoping when that shock wore off, that no permanent damage had been done. We'll have to keep an eye on this, but hopefully... you're looking at a complete recovery."

"That sounds awfully good." Bret grins. "How long am I gonna have to stay in here?"

"Depends. We're looking at at least a week right now but... keep up the good attitude and you'll be out of here in no time."

Clint paces the small room, the bundle still sleeping in his arms. Wendy was resting quietly in the next room with Cecilia sleeping as well.

Clint's eyes almost drift shut as he rocks Chase, his boots creating a soft tempo on the wood floor. The door opening brings him back to attention and he sees his dad.

Jim gives him a smile. "Hey... just wanted to see how you guys were holding up."

Clint tries to smile wearily. "We're okay."

"Rough night?"

"Mm." Clint nods. "Haven't gotten much sleep."

Jim approaches and strokes Chase's head lovingly. "Can't be this guy giving you trouble."

"Oh, no," Clint rolls his eyes. "Not him." He smirks with sarcasm. "It's Cecilia who's quiet. Chase is the one who's kept me up the last two nights."

Jim chuckles. "Your sister was the quiet one of you two, too."

"Yeah well..." Clint sighs. Their baby girl just didn't move much at all. She was peaceful, but her energy was low, proving Angel right. "Cecilia is too quiet."

Jim catches the seriousness in Clint's tone and sets a hand on his shoulder. "Hang in there."

"Yeah... I will."

"Need anything?"

"Naw... Angel's been in and out. We're okay."

"Alright. If you do need anything, just holler."


Looking at Trent for a long moment Thirteen plays with the leash in her hand for a moment just thinking about the question. Was she happy? For the most part yes, though she had her reasons not to be. She still had wants that wernt being filled, and things that confused her.

"Sometimes yes. But than there are reasons I am not to I guess."

Drawing silent and thinking for a moment Thirteen goes to say more but stops as she knows her question once again would not be answered so there was no point asking.

Taking a few steps back and clicking her toung to Trooper Thirteen gives a nod.

"I better get Trooper walked and go back before Ryder worrys about me."

Turning Thirteen makes her way down and around the parking lot a little before heading back inside. She felt safe with Trooper but still didnt venture far without someone with her.

Once again taking her hand and moving everything around Hope lays down 2 and picks up to more considering the options she had in her hand and how she wanted to play it out. Though she consintrated on the cards her mind was still working about Alec.

"Thirteen has say on what she does now too, and Gage is getting there slowly. They are aloud outside now, and Thirteen even has her own place to live. "

Finally putting her hand down Hope had a full house. Folding her own hands in front of her she just studys Alec across from her.

"Your making the choose to stay here Alec but not trying to show them anything differnt.Freedom...what is freedom? I am free, I do what I want when I want too. At the Agency there was no freedom they only made it seem that way. If you were free why are they trying to kill you now? Would you really want to go back to that? Wondering if each day you lived or died?"

Stretching a little in her chair Hope continues to watch Alec.

"You have a better freedom here Alec, an eternal freedom and there is hope if you just give it a chanse. Would you do that? At least try and if you dont like it and you think Jail is better you can have that?"

Laying her head down on the pillow again Katie closed her eyes from the sunlight that shown a little more into her room. She just wanted to sleep more.

"If you want to have Rick come and see me thats fine. I wont be into work today."


As Jason waits, he grows more worried. Katie hadn't sounded good. Finally getting her back on the phone, he asks her with seriousness in his voice. "Does Rick need to come see you? He wanted to know if the meds were making you sick."

Alec folds his hands, the cuffs clinking on the metal table. He wasn't used to this type of conversation. He didn't know how to go up against it. Truth be told, he didn't know what kind of better things existed. He hadn't been like Gage in the Agency... he'd been allowed freedom. He'd had his good times and wild times on the town. He'd been able to do most what he pleased, while not on duty. It wasn't until now that he had started to realize that they were a bunch of back-stabbers. But Alec knew deep down that he didn't know what else was out there. He didn't know what it was like to have a family... to be loved... to live like the people around him lived. They seemed happy, even though they weren't gallivanting around. But what made them happy about following all those rules and the laws, he wasn't sure. He was curious... but wasn't sure about it.

Just watching the cards, he waits until they're dealt out again before picking his up. The variety stunk. He has to exchange four, and then shifted them around in his hand, waiting for Hope to show her cards first this time.

"I..." He stops and exercises his jaw muscles. "I'd just rather go back to what I had. At least I was free to do what I wanted. Gage - he's a misfit treated like some caged animal, he and that girl. But at least I had say on who I was and what I could do."

"Well it looks like Trooper likes being around you too," Trent muses to Thirteen. He cocks his head, unable to help his smile. "You're in a good place now... are you happy?"

More than planed

Looking over her cards at Alec Hope is quiet again thinking about her cards before placing some down and picking up more.

"Reese asked me to come here, but he did in no way ask me what questions I was to ask. So yes these questions to you are being asked because I want to ask them."

Placing down her cards as Alec does his, the Aces beat what she had and knows this round she had lost. But that didnt mean the game was over.

"As for an influance I have non and this has ntohing to do with it."

Picking up the cards and shuffling them herself Hope does it with ease showing she as well now what she was doing with a deck of cards.

"But the question is, would you want to see something better if given the chance?"

Giving a little jump not relizing Trent was there Thirteen twists around looking at Trent letting her eyes get use to the day light after being inside. Relizing it was Trent and Throoper didnt seem to upset Thirteen gives a small smile.

"Hi. Thanks."

Thirteen looks down at Trooper and gives him a gentil pat on the head before looking to Trent again.

"I look after him for Jason sometimes. It helps me go outside more too because I know Trooper will keep me safe."

More infomation offered than she had planed on shearing Thirteen found it strange that she liked offering information to Trent. She just felt comfortable around him.

Hearing Jason's voice on the other line Katie sits up in bed a little. Looking at the clock and seeing what time it was Katie hadnt relized how long she had been sleeping. She just felt so tired still and her head hurt.

"I am not feeling so good."

Katie falls silent again not really saying much. She didnt know what to say other than she wasnt feeling well. Though as she sad up a wave of unwanted emotions did make thereself known and Katie could feel her stomach churn.

"Jason hold on..."

Getting out of bed quickly Katie was happy that the bathroom was only across the hall as she bolted to it. Feeling her stomach revolt aganst the emotions this time it dosnt last to long. Cleaning up her face and running cold water on it Katie goes back into her bedroom and climbs back into bed before picking up the phone again.

"Sorry to put you on hold."

Nice dog

Alec quirks an eyebrow as he studies his cards and throws two down to take two more. "You're asking me questions because Reese told you to," he retorts. "Not because you want anything to do with me. You're helping out the Elite 'cause either you're getting paid, you owe them a favor, or you're trying to be nice so you can have an influence on your boyfriend's situation."

He glances up at her. "I hear he might not be working here much longer."

Pausing, he lays down his cards lazily without the fun of betting. He had two pairs, Ace high.

"I've never seen anything better to move on to," he answers her recent question.

Trent is leaning back against the brick wall, just standing in the shade alone... quietly. He'd checked in on Jeff and found him about the same. His brother was restless, but was still sick enough that he couldn't get up and move around for very long. Trent wasn't sure if he still should stay or not, but he was leaning towards returning to Texas, at least for now.

Hearing the door open, he jumps, startled as the massive dog emerges, then Thirteen. He watches them a moment, but knows he better make himself known, lest he scare the girl.

"Hi, Jasmine. Nice dog."

Jason taps his fingers on his desk, fidgeting with everything. He just wasn't settled. He didn't feel so badly, but he was worried about Katie. He didn't like it that she hadn't come in to work.

Finally he gives in and picks up the phone. After it rings several times, he hears a groggy answer. "Katie... it's me. I didn't want to wake you, I just... wanted to make sure you were okay?"


Thinking for a long moment Hope continues to watch and listen to Alec as she reaches for the cards that held been delt.

"Well I would guess its good we are not peaces of garbage. At least I dont believe you are, so for that reason alone, even if I do turn on the garbage despoil you wont be in there for get chopped up."

Hope just listens again for a long time getting a feel for Alec and understanding him. She had left this up to him, and now she didnt want to interrupt.

Opening her hand so she can see the cards better Hope looks them over before looking to Alec again she finally speaks.

"I think poker sounds like a good game to play. Fast, easy and gives us time for more games in our time limit. You dont always have to have bet with money to have fun. Sometimes its nice to just play with nothing to worry about losing."

Moving the cards around in her hand Hope draws silent again just moving her cards and looking up to see Alec every now and than.

Seeing the deeper side of Alec was differnt than most people she had seen and seeing the deep scars that Alec bore hurt to see anyone go through that.

"If you didnt got to jail Alec what would you do?"

Hope draws a card before throwing one away.

"Would you try to make a new better life for youself? Or would you even be willing to take your own life into your hands, and take the steps to move onto something better? My questions are not for interrogation but to simply to get to know you because I am intrested in you, and helping you. "

Looking at Ryder confused for a moment Thirteen looks at the way that Jason had walked and than back to Trooper as she pated his head.

"I hope they be ok!"

Not waiting for much of a reply Thirteen stands seeing Trooper go out the door.

"I'll take him out."

Following after the dag Thirteen finally caught up and took the leash. She liked taking Trooper outside she felt safe knowing the big dog was with her to keep her safe.


Alec can't help it that he's surprised when Hope pulls out a deck of cards. He stares at them a moment, then back up to her, listening to her. For once, he stays quiet. Something about this woman... there was something... He didn't know what it was or why it was there, but there was something there that could calm a man's spirit. Alec wasn't used to dealing with people like her, and he tried to keep his guard up.

After several quiet moments, he finally reaches out to take the deck. Though his hands were cuffed, he could still manage to shuffle the cards, and quiet well at that, proving he'd played a game or two in his life.

Still just shuffling, he keeps his eyes on the cards, but finds himself talking. It was strange - he really didn't want to talk, but he was doing it anyway.

"A piece of garbage is a piece of garbage no matter what it thinks," he retorts to Hope's earlier question. "You can tell a rusty piece of lettuce that it's queen for a day and it can even believe you, but in the end..." He mimics a nosedive with his finger. "...it's still the garbage disposal for it."

The cards flip together loudly as he continues to mix them and he finally looks up to meet Hope's gaze. "You may think you don't want me to go to jail." He scoffs. "I don't want me to go to jail either. But it's the same thing. I got pulled into the Agency when I was just a kid. Thought it was all fun and games until I killed a man. I was fourteen."

Fourteen. Something had changed that day. He'd lost all innocence. He'd never returned to the little boy that never had enough time to grow up.

Alec shrugs and starts dealing out the cards, not even caring what game they played. "I've been interrogated here countless times, and squeezed dry of any and all information I have. The Elite knows what kind of a man I am. And now I'm a traitor to the Agency too. It doesn't matter what I do or where I go... either I'll have a warden watching me like a hawk, or the Agency coming after me."

Though he spoke with a cocky air that implied he didn't care one way or the other, in his eyes was a look of pain... a look that proved a scar existed... a scar of rejection. He had trusted the Agency. He could say all day long that he always knew anyone in the Agency had to look out for themselves, but in the end, he had trusted them, and now he had been left for dead - worse, they'd even tried to kill him themselves.

"Now I know you're supposed to evaluate whether you think I ought to go to jail for my crimes, or to keep the Elite safe from my evil hands, but give yourself a break and just turn on the garbage disposal."

He looks at his cards, then back up to Hope. "Seeing as though I have nothing to bet with, we better play something other than poker."

Ryder sees Thirteen look at him, and he knows that she must be wondering about Jason's odd behavior. He shrugs a little. "Jason and Katie are having a few problems," he explains gently. He reaches out to scratch Trooper's head. "Hey, big guy. You feel it too, don't you?"

Trooper sighs deeply as if he understands, then turns to walk out of the cubicle, dragging his leash with him. Apparently, he needed to go outside.

Litte Room

Hope continues to look at Alec cocking her own head to one side but not in confustion only understanding, and trying to see deeper. Alec was a smart, good looking man but what was past that, what was held in his heart.

"Do you really believe your a peace of garbage?"

Reaching down in her her bag she had brought in Hope pulls out a fresh deck of cards and set them on the table.

"Do you like to play? I do. I'll play you a few rounds with you if you like. We dont have to talk about anything at all if you dont want. I'll leave it up to you. But truth be told, I dont want to see you go to jail Alec. I think we all do some wrong things and even if some people think we are nothing but garbage, I think there is more and everyone deserves to try again. Even you, your not a kid, and you have a mind of your own. Thats why its your choose."

Hope pushes the cards twords Alec letting him make the choice and choose what was to happen next. He wanted to make the choose, he wanted to make the desition...she would let him do what he wanted in the small room.

Charlotte smiles as she rubs her nose aganst Bret's before pulling away a little bit and giving a nod.

"Mmmmhmmm, They let me out so I could come see you. I think I like spending time with you more anyways."

Charlotte cant help the small laugh before she shifts a little on the bed.

"Do you need me to do anything for you?"

Giving a laugh as Trooper licks her face Thirteen trys her best to push the big dog away but cant with his big size and ends up falling over as he continues to lick her.

Finally though the kiss stop and the big Dog sits and waits. Watching Jason walk away Thirteen looks after him, than to Trooper, and than to Ryder. She had picked up on a bit of sadness in Jason, and didnt understand it.


Jason finally gets to his feet after a little while of basic work on the computer. Fastening the leash on Trooper's collar, he leads the giant dog down the hall and to the main floor. But he doesn't go to the exit. Instead, he aim for the cubicle where Ryder and Thirteen were.

Ryder looks up as Jason approaches. "Well, g'day."

Jason nods. "I just... thought maybe Thirteen would like Trooper's company. He could use the attention." Letting Trooper go, the dog enters the cubicle to stick his face up into Thirteen's, giving her a wet kiss.

Jason grins a little before looking to Ryder again. "Did you... see Katie this morning?"

"Naw, mate, sorry. Checked on her before we left, but she was still in bed."

"Oh... okay." His shoulders drooping just a little, Jason heads back towards his own office again.

Landon grins at Charlotte, sticking around for just a few minutes longer. Seeing husband and wife distracted by each other, he slowly slips away.

Bret chuckles. "Wild rides are the best kind, right?" He sighs deeply, sore today. Every injury seemed to hurt, but he tries to ignore it. "So... out of work early today?"

Alec cocks his head to one side, lifting an eyebrow and giving Hope a once-over. "You're the shrink?" He shrugs. "Not bad, and of course I know why I'm here, I'm not an idiot."

He tilts back in his chair, then lets go, letting the legs drop back down loudly on the floor. "I'm here because I was with the Agency and now they're trying to decide what to do with me." He smirks. "It's nice to be something no one knows what to do with. It's like a piece of garbage that you really don't want to throw away because maybe you'll use it sometime, but it really isn't worth the space it takes up to keep it. So you wind up taking it to the dump."

He shrugs lamely, his eyes dull. He was so full of anger, but something deep, deep down had been broken. He wouldn't admit it. No, he wouldn't admit that he had been vulnerable enough to have anything broken, let alone his spirit. He would fight tooth and nail to escape, but on the inside... he knew it wouldn't matter. Here, he was a criminal. With the Agency, he was a dead man. Maybe he'd been stupid with Ryan, but the root of his actions still existed. Would he hurt those at TJY? Was he a risk? He was teetering on the fence, not knowing which side to fall on. But one thing was sure - he wanted to take care of himself.

"So don't bother wasting time on me," he ads gruffly. "All you'll do is find out I belong behind bars like the rest of the street dogs and that'll be that. Unless you're getting paid by the hour and want to stick around. If that's the case though, you should have brought a deck of cards."