

Looking at Trent for a long moment Thirteen plays with the leash in her hand for a moment just thinking about the question. Was she happy? For the most part yes, though she had her reasons not to be. She still had wants that wernt being filled, and things that confused her.

"Sometimes yes. But than there are reasons I am not to I guess."

Drawing silent and thinking for a moment Thirteen goes to say more but stops as she knows her question once again would not be answered so there was no point asking.

Taking a few steps back and clicking her toung to Trooper Thirteen gives a nod.

"I better get Trooper walked and go back before Ryder worrys about me."

Turning Thirteen makes her way down and around the parking lot a little before heading back inside. She felt safe with Trooper but still didnt venture far without someone with her.

Once again taking her hand and moving everything around Hope lays down 2 and picks up to more considering the options she had in her hand and how she wanted to play it out. Though she consintrated on the cards her mind was still working about Alec.

"Thirteen has say on what she does now too, and Gage is getting there slowly. They are aloud outside now, and Thirteen even has her own place to live. "

Finally putting her hand down Hope had a full house. Folding her own hands in front of her she just studys Alec across from her.

"Your making the choose to stay here Alec but not trying to show them anything differnt.Freedom...what is freedom? I am free, I do what I want when I want too. At the Agency there was no freedom they only made it seem that way. If you were free why are they trying to kill you now? Would you really want to go back to that? Wondering if each day you lived or died?"

Stretching a little in her chair Hope continues to watch Alec.

"You have a better freedom here Alec, an eternal freedom and there is hope if you just give it a chanse. Would you do that? At least try and if you dont like it and you think Jail is better you can have that?"

Laying her head down on the pillow again Katie closed her eyes from the sunlight that shown a little more into her room. She just wanted to sleep more.

"If you want to have Rick come and see me thats fine. I wont be into work today."

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