
Will you

Thirteen just watchs Ryder again as he looks around taking in everything he was doing and studding him as if she might be quiz on it later.

Weighing her options for a moment Thirteens thinks. She new Trooper wouldnt be waiting for her at the room anymore and she didnt like it there like she use to. That comfort zone had been shattered this morning, so her only real options was to go with Ryder to feel safe.

"I'll come with you since you promised to keep me safe."

Stepping along side Ryder Thirteen keeps her head down but falls into place walking with him making sure to keep up and take everything in around her.

There are times in this life when a light from above shines down on us laying a hand on our shoulder and telling us its not time to go. We had been left in limbo walking around through the dark and than finally we find our way but its not out time, and though we want that peace and the need to be away from pain our life is not over, and we are send back. Its in God's plane when we live, when we die, and he knows whats best.

Slowly opening her eyes the form that had been still for so long comes to life. Looking around the room Katie trys to remember where she was and what happend. The last thing she remembered, was the cold, was the pain....closing her eyes tight for a moment she trys to rid herself of the nightmares that flowed through her mind now at full force.

Opening her eyes once again she reasures herself of where she is and he still sleeping form on the bed next to her. Some how she new he'd been there this whole time, however long it had been Jason had been there day and night never leaving her side.

Thought still weak and groggy from the meds she was on a soft smile forms on Katie's face the best she cant with the wounds that had been inflicted to her face. Bringing her hand that Jason wasnt holding she gently touchs his face and runs her fingers down the side letting emotions flow though her.

Jason, will you marry me?

She had been close to death, she had seen the light and felt its wormth she new what a part of heaven looked like though it wasnt sad she new what she wanted now.

Up to you

Ryder thinks while Thirteen talks, looking around as they walk down to the lower level. Still listening, his eyes roam the surroundings.

As she asks about Alec, Ryder looks at her for a moment, sensing something more there. He wasn't sure what, but it felt just a little odd. Was it more than just a curious question?

Sighing, he folds his arms and cocks his head at Thirteen. "He was part of the Agency. But not like you. He was an agent. He's done some pretty bad things... we caught him trying to hurt one of our own - Scott. He's been uncooperative so he's been kept here. I guess Reese was finally able to pump information out of him, but he hasn't changed his tune at all."

Looking around again, he furrows his brow, changing subjects. "If he did make any noise in there, you wouldn't have been able to hear it from your room. Someone else was obviously here..." His voice trails off as he spies a little folded piece of paper that Hal had missed. It was back in a dark corner like it had fallen then been accidentally kicked.

Going over to it, he picks it up and reads the handwritten note. "Dani, Everything's in the fridge. I'll be there within the hour. Keys in the drawer. Have Aerith help set up. - Carson."

"Dani?" Ryder shakes his head. "But..." Had she been the one here? Had she had the note from her brother stuck in her pocket, then dropped it last night? But... why? If she had been here, surely the cameras had caught something. Even if she knew how to outsmart them, there had to have been a shadow or something that Dalton could catch.

Ryder turns back to Thirteen. "I have to go talk to Dalton and Reese. You can come with me, or stay in your room. It's up to you."


Just looking at Ryder as he talks a small glint of hope is shone in Thirteen's eyes. It was small but it was there non the less.

Giving a small nod Thirteen new it would convay to Ryder she would agree woth what he said and would try her best to believe. Only time would really tell the truth.

"Ok, I will show you. Will they let Trooper back in here with me?"

As if knowing the answer sadness shown in he eyes for her friend as she stood and walked to the door.

"Trooper and I hurd something. I'm not sure what it shoulded like, maybe like cloth but it wasnt heavy sounding."

Opening the door she looks out trying her best not to be scaired. It was busyer out there now than it was last night.

Looking back over her shoulder she makes sure Ryder was right behind her.

"Trooper sniffed and took off down the hall this way so I followed him. I wasnt to...I wanted to be brave and get out of the room so if we took a walk today I might be ok."

Walking down the hall Thirteen keeps her head down not looking at anyone but continuing down the hall before getting to the steps. Remembering last night how it had been so dark and she was scaired, it didnt look so bad now.

"I was scaired to go down here it was really dark but Trooper moved on and so did I."

Going slowly down the steps Thirteen stops at the cell door.

"Trooper saw something and jumped up in the window to look and I moved closer. Alec scaired be when I saw his face appear in the window."

Going to the door she looks in like she had last night.

"We talked a little, asked my name and I asked his he told me..."

Thirteen is silent for a second before continuing to talk.

"...He told me Carson was his brother and I said I hurd a noise so it must of been him. Trooper growled because I dont think he liked Alec. I hurd a clang and got scaired so I hurryed fast back to the room and shut the door till this morning."

Looking down at her hands for a long moment Thirteen is silent. She wanted to ask a question but was scaired. Would Ryder get mad? Figuring she was in enough trouble she wanted to ask anyways.

"Why was Alec locked in this cell? What...what did he do wrong?"

So come on

Ryder grits his teeth as he hears Thirteen's response. "You know..." He approaches slowly and squats down in front of her. "There's only one thing that I won't tolerate from you." His voice is firm, proving he meant business.

Taking a gentle hand, he tips Thirteen's chin up. "Look at me." He stares into her eyes with seriousness. "I don't want you ever to think there's no hope. You are far from a lost cause, Thirteen, and I refuse to give up."

Still locking eyes, he recalls her words earlier. "And I don't want you ever, ever to think you are an embarrassment to me, do you understand? Because you're not, and you never will be. It's time you start realizing that." His crooked finger stays under her chin. "Maybe you're scared. Maybe you feel like you can't handle the world just yet. Maybe it's a harder road than we thought. But so what? You are so worth it, Thirteen. You're not some rag to be tossed in the corner. Not anymore. Not here. That kind of life is over. And I am not going to give up on you."

Standing up, he holds out his hand. "So come on. You're gonna show me where you went last night and explain what happened."