

Axel is quiet for several moments, just standing on the sidewalk and looking out into the night. He rubs his hand absentmindedly, but that pain didn't compare to what was going on in his mind and heart.

"It's not your fault," he finally replies. "You didn't make things worse. You were just doing what you thought was right. I can't be upset at you for that."

He looks down, then takes a deep breath, starting towards the car. "I'm sorry our evening was ruined. I should have known better."

Getting to the parking lot, he stops by the car, letting Jess' arm go to lean against the roof. He still didn't dare to look in her eyes. "It didn't used to be like this, ya know." He swallows hard. "It was just me. The words were the same. The looks were the same. People talking about me and throwing their remarks at me were the same. And I could take it. I got used to it."

He nods, convincing himself as he stares out into the dark. "I always figured there was no point in trying to prove my innocence, ya know? No proof... what was the point? I could always run. it was just me. Who cared? But now..."

Axel shakes his head slowly and finally turns around to face Jess. "...but now there's more than me. And I can't take it." His jaw muscles tighten, the strain getting worse. "I could take me getting the jabs and the looks... but I don't want you getting them too. You don't deserve that."

He pauses, the look in his eye proving that so much was running through his mind. "When... when I was just a kid... teenager... my brother and I were close. Did everything together... always had each other's backs. We made a promise one day that we'd never leave the other one behind. To seal the bargain, we gave each other these."

Reaching inside his shirt, Axel reveals his dogtags, pulling the chain over his head. His thumb runs over the words. Axel Jalen. "I guess when I was convicted, he figured it was me who broke the promise first. But I'd still have his back... if I ever saw him again."

Regrouping, Axel shakes his head again. "Ever since then, I'll I've done is run, because I could. Because it was just me. But it's time for me to stop." He stares Jess in the eye. "It's time for me to prove my innocence. I don't know how... I don't know if I even can. But I have to try. If not for my sake, then for yours."

He slowly stretches out his hand, the dogtags hanging in front of Jess. "I could get in a lot of trouble, exposing myself. I could get run out of town. I could be given boundaries by law. But I promise you... no matter what happens... I won't leave you behind."

Your words...

Continuing to listen at the people at the table Jess own fire burns even more. It wasnt fair, why did these people have to be like this and why couldnt they see what she could. Axel would never hurt anyone.

As Axel take her arm to lead her out of the restraint and let things lie She turns to follow only to relize a little to late things were worse now.

"No, He's not hurting me..."

"Everythings fi..."

But as Axel is asked to leave a pain flashes in Jess eyes. She had only made thing worse now. Watching Axel leave she shakes her head. This wasnt fair, why did it have to be like this.

Turning back to the group a Jess eyes were now read and had a glossy color to them not for herself but for Axel and what he has to deal with. Looking around the table she look apon the group with disust.

"I hope I live to see the day you eat your words spoken today."

Turning quickly Jess goes back to the table grabing bother there jackets and throwing some money on the table before turning and jogging out the door calling for Axel.

Catching up to him Jess rests a hand on his arm for a moment as she links her arm with his and lets out a long sigh. The nice night air helped cool her own anger for what haend inside, now only a guilt remained.

"I'm sorry I made things worse. It just made me so angry that they talked about you that way. I just, wanted to defent you and I made it worse. You wanna go for a walk on the beach or something?"


“Jess no, don’t…” Axel’s voice trails off. Too late.

The men and women at the other table all look upon Jess with distaste, the men’s stares turning into glares. “What… look… back of, lady.”

They try to interrupt, but their voices just get lost in Jess’ passionate words.

“What ever happened to freedom of speech?” one woman grumbles.

“Lady, cool it.” But the man’s voice isn’t heard.

As Jess ends, the small group all eye each other, no one saying anything right away. It was obvious that her strong words indeed made them all feel guilty. No one could deny that they really didn’t have facts… they had just heard rumors and seen a picture. Jess’ words did cut them to the quick. But the men weren’t as apt to take the speech lying down.

“Honor? You’re kidding me, right? You just don’t like us saying that your boy there’s a criminal. People like him lost all honor the day they did the despicable.”

“We don’t want someone like him around,” the other guy chimes in. “The public deserves to know he exists, and he doesn’t deserve to be around our families. You think you got dignity back by hanging out with him, you’re looney.”

The first man scoffs. “He’s a menace to society.”

One of the women tries to get the guys to calm down. “Look, just leave it… come on.”

“No!” The man argues. “I came here for a nice evening, not to look at a guy like that.” Riled up, he stands, facing Jess. “I suggest you go back and if you’re that naive to let him brainwash you into thinking he cares, then be my guest. But don’t bring him here.”

Axel has had enough. Standing up, he throws his napkin down and takes a step to the other table. Putting himself between Jess and the table, he takes her by the arm, pulling her away. “It’s not worth it, Jess, forget it.”

“Hey, let her go,” the other man growls.

A waiter gets bumped and drops a glass of water. “Excuse me, is everything okay?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Axel growls. “Fine.”

“No, it isn’t fine!” The other man raises his voice. “This man is a criminal and this woman is his next victim.”

“That’s a lie!” Axel’s own voice raises to match the heightened tones. His hand remains on Jess’ arm as his desperation increases.

By now, the waiter is taking sides, trying to resolve this issue without a larger scene. “Sir… sir…” He puts a hand on Axel’s shoulder. “Please, let the girl go.”

“I’m not trying to hurt her!”

“Just let her go!”

Axel drops Jess’ arms and puts both hands in the air. “Alright! Okay?” His right hand, now visible is trembling involuntarily.

The waiter motions to a nearby manager, who comes over, concerned. “Is there a problem?”


The manager frowns and looks at Axel, who seems to be the biggest problem. “I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

“Look, I just…”


Axel can see that there is no use in arguing, and he drops his hands to his sides in defeat. He looks at the men at the table, his eyes showing a strange plea for mercy. His gaze bounces to the waiter, the manager, then finally Jess. The look of apology on his face could not be more sincere.

Hanging his head, Axel turns and trudges towards the door. He knew that Jess would follow, and he wanted to take her on his arm to walk her out with dignity, but right now, that would only make things worse.

He shoulders his way out of the restaurant, never having been so embarrassed in his life. It was almost as bad as right after the incident itself. The looks were the same. The attitudes were the same. Except now it wasn’t just him being affected anymore.

The cool night air did nothing to refresh or soothe. Axel stops on the sidewalk, rubbing his hand as the pain shoots through it. He wished he would have chosen somewhere else to go tonight…anywhere else. This wasn’t fair… it wasn’t fair to Jess or him.

Your right..

Continuing to hear the people at the other table talk a fire forms inside Jess. She didnt want to make this a big deal but now it was getting personal and they had drug her into it.

Nodding at Axel Jess stands.

"I'll be right back Axel."

Walking over swiftly to the other table Jess leans with both her hands on it being quiet for a moment before looking up and keeping her voice strong but soft to not make a big scene.

"You wanna know what, your right with what you said. I do see a pretty disrespected person in this room and all three of them are right here at this table."

Jess is quiet for a moment her eyes shooting darts at the tree people around the table.

"People like him..."

Giving a nod to Axel Jess continues.

"...We need more people like him. I had my dignity taken away, and than man there he gave it back to me. He showed me I do have worth, and helped me find my light again. Monster...no rainbow."

Jess is quiet on more time as she turns to Axel and smiles. She was proud to be his girlfriend, Jess was proud to know who he was. Turning back to the table again Jess shakes her head as a few memories and smile of Axel pass through her head.

"Far to often the innocent get punished for the wrongs deeds, while they run free and continue to hurt people. So before you talk about other why dont you stop and check your own life and see should you really be talking about anyone else when you yourself arnt perfect. As for me I'm happy I found that man there and I got to know him. I'll fight for his honer any day."


Carson returns Misty's kiss and rolls over onto his back to look up to her, traces of a sly grin surfacing. He lifts his hand to cradle her face. "Thanks, Missy. Drive safe, okay?"

He finally sits up so she can get up too, and stands, giving her a hand. He walks her to the door, then pauses, leaning on the doorway. "I'll talk to you tomorrow. Let you know what's going on."

Axel keeps his eyes lowered, receiving Jess' words, but his embarrassment was too much for him to look her in the eye just yet. He takes another bite of his steak, trying to ignore the whole thing. "Doesn't matter what you say," he mutters quietly. "They don't care."

The eyes at the other table glance up as they hear Jess talking, and they know that she had heard them. Their voices hush for a moment, but the looks keep coming. "... got a girl... why he's not behind bars... let people like that loose... maybe... she's his next victim."

Axel's jaw tightens and he forces himself to take a sip of his water. It wasn't often that the anger flashed in his eyes like it was right now.

Truth or Not

Seeing Dani come through the door Misty gives a wave.

"Heya Dani."

Listing to Carson and Dani talk Misty chimes in here and there though she couldnt help feeling a bit awkward. Not knowing how things were going to go herself she felt a bit out of place.

"Sleep well."

Misty bids as Danie makes her way to her room. Turning slightly She gives a smile at Carson and leans down to press her lips to his for a moment before withdrawing.

"I guess I should be heading home. I'm getting sleepy and if I dont go I wont make it home.."

Running a hand along side Carson's face for a moment Misty's grin widens. Looking into Carson's eyes she never grew tired of seeing them, and seeing the spark the layed beyond the confustion that maybe only she could could see.

"If you need anything just call ok?"

Sitting with Axel the dinner was nice as Jess cuts her steak and takes tiny bites. The talk is kept light but it comes more freely now and though there is some silence there is not as much as there was before.

Though feeling the mood shift just a little and seeing the look on Axel's face Jess could tell something was wrong. Her own ears pick up the distastfull talk from the booth along side them. Shaking her head she couldnt help but feel bad for Axel and be upset herself that other people had nothing better to do.

Leaning in a bit closer to Axel Jess keeps her voice low but loud enough the other people could hear without making a scene and making it any harder on him.

"I wouldnt worry about it Axel. Let the people talk they dont matter much. Some people just dont have anything better to do wtih there time but make up stuff about others before they even know if its true or not."

Turning her head a little Jess looks at the group of people and glares for a moment amost as if a warning. For now she would let them be but if they continues she wouldnt be so nice.

Real or paper

Carson closes his eyes, sighing deeply. He knew Misty was right. He just.... didn't like how out of control he felt.

Suddenly the door opens, and Carson can hear Dani's keys jingling. He doesn't get up though. He'd stay in this comfortable position as long as he could.

Dani sets her purse and keys down and wanders into the living room, seeing the light on. Spotting her brother lying on the couch, his head in Misty's lap though, she stops. "Sorry guys. Didn't mean to interrupt."

Carson props his eyes open, grinning wryly. "You didn't. My pillow is getting ready to go home."

"Oh." Dani chuckles and comes up to the back of the couch, looking down over Misty's shoulder at him. "I see you did the cooking tonight."

"Mm-hmm. We have a visitor. She's sleeping in my bed tonight."

Dani's eyebrows shoot up. "You better explain quickly before my mind wanders."

Carson smirks, though he still doesn't move or even roll over to see her. "Mackenzie decided to show up today. Her idea, not mine. Tomorrow someone will be coming to pick her up."

"Wow." Dani blinks. "That's... interesting." She shakes her head, seeing that her brother wasn't in much of a mood to share details. "Alright, well... I'm heading to bed. If you need something come morning let me know."

"A ride to work would be nice so the kid doesn't have to walk."

"Sure." Dani smiles. "I can do that." She straightens up and heads for the hallway. "Night, Carson. Good night, Misty."

Axel grins a little. "You mean without being covered in grease?" The humor twinkles in his eyes as they reach their table for two and are seated.

It doesn't take long before the salads are done and their meals have arrived, providing a very tasty supper. Axel slices off another piece of steak and nods with satisfaction. "Mine's good. How 'bout yours?"

While waiting for an answer, his eyes continue to drift the room as they had since they'd arrived. But his gaze repeatedly landed at a nearby table where two couples were sitting. One of the men looked familiar but Axel couldn't place him. He could very well have simply been a customer of the auto shop at some point. But something about the foursome bothered Axel.

Stealing another glance in their direction, he realizes that the four have their heads a little closer together, their voices having become hushed. But there was no mistaking the brief pointing, and the distasteful looks towards Axel and Jess' table. Axel's ears pick up, "...him... was told... convicted..."

Axel's stomach gives a little lurch, suddenly his steak not tasting quite as good. Turning his face away from the gossiping group, he rests his elbow on the table to rest the side of his head on his hand. His eyes drift downward, and he's sure Jess had heard as well. Color comes to his face, and for a moment, he wishes the floor would open up and swallow him. Rocky had been wrong. The gossip and rumors had started.

"Um... okay." Scott pauses too. "Thanks... for calling. Rick said I could call him too, so it looks like I'm covered. Not to mention the security cameras are working. Couldn't be safer."

Despite being safe though, no amount of security would cure loneliness. "Yeah, goodnight, Hope. See you soon."

"Right." Ryder nods as he busies himself finishing up supper to get it ready. "Oh," he calls over his shoulder. "Some guy left you a message today. It's on the answering machine."

He fiddles with the chicken dish for a moment. "You want real plates or paper?"


Giving a small chuckle as Mackenzie comes out in one of Carson big T-Shirts Misty gives her a small wave goodnight. Staying sitting on the couch till Carson comes back Misty finally leans her head aganst the back and turns to see him giving a tired smile.

"This one thing cant be easy because its just not an easy thing no matter how much you want to think it is."

Knowing this was hard for Carson Misty leans over just a little to take his hand in her own and interlock her fingers with his. She felt bad Carson had to deal with this but there was nothing that could be done but move forward the best they could.

"No matter what she is your daughter and while wanting to do whats best for her, its a very delikit situation to handle. You just have to keep moving forward. Things will work out for the good."

"...Cant go wrong with a stake house can ya? I mean there isnt much to mess up anyways."

Getting a nice warm feeling as Axel waits for her to get out of the car Jess wares a timid but brave smile at the new feeling.

Taking Axel's hand interlocking her fingers with his and staying a little close being in the new surroundings. Though keeping her guard up by habbit Jess stood proud to be standing hand in hand with Axel.

Entring the steak house a nice warm friendly feeling is presented making everything feel comfortable again and letting Jess to relax as they wait to be seated. Leaning over just a little Jess smiles at Axel now that she could see him in a better light.

"You look very nice tonight."

Giving her own timid laugh Hope is quiet as the akward silence hangs in the air for a few moments. She wasnt sure what else to say and certinly didnt want to just hang up on Scott.

"Ok, well I am happy your doing alright..."

Pausing again for a moment than starting up.

"..if you need anything you know my number. I"ll pick up anytime. Have a good night Scott."

Bending down to pet Henry Katie looks up at Ryder a grin forming at the corner of her mouth.

"Oh great now what you did your silly Cat. Now I am the enemy."

Straghting back up again Katie cant help but laugh at her own silliness before going back to the fridge to put her battle of water back.

"All right well thats see I think I am in the mood for something funny sp I'll go pick something while we wait for dinner to get done."