
Ya I miss you, Ya I miss you

*Misty looks up at Carson and smiles. Leaning her head back into the pillow. Her stomich was killing her more than she wanted to addmit and was actully looking forward to sleep.*

"You will see me tomarrow. I dont plain on going anywhere. Well maybe a morning run...but..."

*A playing grin cross Katie's face.*

"Get some sleep. I'll catch you later."

*Misty reachs up to give Carson one last goodnight kiss.*

*Nate grins at Con. In His one simple statment it ment alot to Nate. Sometimes the smallest amount of words mean the most.*

*Jamie looks up at Con again receving his kiss and enjoying it.*

"mmm...maybe I dont after all."

*The Night draws on and the fun continues only to be broken up by the late hour when many know they need to go there own way and head to the world of sleep.

Jamie drives Con back to his place the laughter still ringing in there car as Jamie still jokes with Con and laughs over some things that happend that night. Finally pulling up to the curb Jamie puts the car in park and turns to Con.*

"Thank you Con. For coming along tonight even though you were probley exsausted from work. I had a blast. I am sure my parents were happy to see you again as well."

*It takes no time for Nate to get back to Laura's house. He knows like many times before Laura had said she dident need an escourt to the door. But tonight Nate wanted to. Geting out of the Car Nate goes to Laura's door and helps her out. Walking up the sidewalk and to the door. Stoping Laura as they reach it Nate looks down and smiles.*

"Thank you, for coming with me tonight Laura. I hope you had as much fun as I did."

*Taking Laura in a strong embrace Nate leans down. His lips softly brushing aganst Laura's than draw away for a moment as he looks deep into her eyes. Only to once again lean in this time pressing his lips to her more fermly. His eyes closes his mind filling with pure bliss till finally he breaks the kiss again and gives Laura a hug goodnight.

Aerith follows Wyatt back to his car and sinks into the seat. Her body was totally tired but she dident want to sleep yet. She had a blast and dident want to yet let alown go home where she dident know what awaited her.

Katie returns Scott's kiss leting him know if she wasent to tired she would be over. Eather way she would give him a call.

Entering the community building Katie cant help but continue the laughing and joking with the others till Mike tells them to hush. As the Music and words start to wash over her Katie takes a few steps forward infront of the rest of the group Katie fixes her eyes through the dark on Jason. As Jason's song plays on, a few tears roll down Katie cheek. Jason's heart was heavy, and was acking. Turning her head to Jen and the others Katie knows she needs not say anything her eyes tell the story. If only for a moment...she wanted to be alone with Jason in this moment. Slowly entering the dark room Katie makes her way to the stage as Jason strums on. Softly at first Katie starts to talk to Jason.*

"Time of the past might be gone Jason but we can still look to the future..."

*The light from outside lighting up Katie showing who it was in the room with him. Though knowing just hearing her voice he would be able to tell. A certin rythem in her voice as she speaks her words to the sound Jason was struming.*

"...I miss you..ya I miss you, I wish you would be my friend again.
We need to hold our memories close Jason, but dont dwell on the past. We cant change it now, even though we wish we could somehow. We can only change the future."

*Katie makes her way up the steps on the stang. Drawing closer to Jason and siting down next to him. Leting her own feel dangle over the edge of the stage swining back and forth.*

" You'll always be my friends to the very end...
and I miss you..ya I miss you, and I wish you to be my friend again.
Dont be scaired to love again Jason...if you learn anything from the past take with you to open your heart again. Dont let your second chanse at happyness slip you by.
Dont let it slip by, slip by its ok to cry my friend."

*Katie hesatats for a moment than puts her free arm around Jason's shoulders (IN A FRIENDLY MANNOR).*

"Its ok to cry, You dont have to hide, we all need to cry sometimes.
As I look back on all that's happened..growing up, growing together, changing you, changing me -- there were times when we dreamed together, when we laughed and cried together. As I look back on those days, I realize how much I truly miss you and how much I truly love you. The past may be gone forever..and the future holds new loves, our todays make the memories of tomorrow. So, my lifetime friend it is with all my heart that I send you my love, hoping that you'll always carry my smile with you, for all we have meant to each other and for whatever the future may hold I want to stay your friend. If you will let me. So we can help eachother on this path of life. Like best friend do."

"Katie's voice drifts off as she stairs out into the darkness.*

Silent Choice

Carson helps Misty back to the infirmary, ensuring that she gets back into bed alright. Giving he a light kiss, he smiles. "I'm going to head on home and try to get some sleep myself. I'll see you in the morning, alright?"

Jason stirs around the ice in his glass, the silence he had longed for becoming a prison of its own. As much as Camryn had irritated him, he couldn’t help but replay some of her words. “
No wonder you’re bitter…you’ve been through heck, haven’t you?” For some reason, the statement had gotten to him. Yeah…he’d been through heck alright…but he didn’t like to think about it. “So who’s the real Jason? The one I saw onstage earlier, or the one that’s sitting across from me now?” Jason didn’t know…he simply didn’t know who he was anymore.

Camryn had been annoying….but she’d started him thinking again, once more, his melancholy taking over the anger to settle the steam. He looks up at the clock on the restaurant wall. He imagined if everyone had gone to Mom and Pop’s, that they were probably finishing up eating right about now. He could imagine their chatter…their laughter. He missed it…but he just couldn’t join in.

Sighing, Jason gets up and retrieves his wallet to pay for his drink. Withdrawing his wallet, he stops, running his hand over the words pressed into the leather. “Friendship is what binds us.” It had been…could it ever be again? It felt like a poor exchange for what else they’d shared, but that was the past…that was over…wouldn’t friendship be better nothing? Could he not bring himself to a point where he could stop hurting people in order to gain back at least a portion of any bonds he’d had?

Jason makes his way out of the café, mounting his bike once again. He needed to return to the community building and help the guys tear down the equipment and get it loaded up. He may have bailed on the group setting, but he at least owed it to the guys to help out afterward. There was more to being a part of the band than just standing on stage.

As he revs his motorcycle’s engine and starts down the street, words start filling his mind. They fly through his subconscious, followed by a soft melody that he can’t shake.

The band and Jen all wave at Scott as if on cue, even though they’ve been conversing with him all evening. Kyle swallows his last mouthful of pizza and grins. “Any boyfriend of Katie’s is a boy….” His grin widens as he rephrases. “Is a friend of ours.”

Phil sends half a breadstick across the table at him. “Kyle!”


Mike rolls his eyes and leans back in his chair, accidentally bumping his elbow into Jen. “Whoops, sorry.”

Jen laughs. “My fault. I’m too close.”

“Well I didn’t think so.”

Without warning, color rises to Jen’s face that few notice. She looks away quickly, returning her stare to Katie. “I’m glad you brought Scott along with you tonight. The more the merrier.”

Scott can’t stand the attention, but swallows his discomfort. He looks at Katie. “I think I’m glad too.”

Laura bursts out laughing at Jamie’s comment. “Oh my…please…if you want him taken to finishing school, YOU take him. I wouldn’t be caught dead taking him to a place like that, let alone claiming him as my brother.” She shakes her head, still laughing. “I don’t think they accept tanks into their program.”

Con swallows his food and smirks at his sister. He points at Nate. “Control your girlfriend, will you?”

Turning his attention back to Jamie, his eyes narrow, still holding her in a tight grip. Not caring about all the other eyes at the table, he plants a quick but passionate kiss on her lips before straightening again. “You sure you want me reformed?”

The laughter and talking continues until everyone is too full to eat anymore and too sore to laugh any more. But the time together has been priceless.

“Alright, guys…” Phil stands up from the table. “We better get back on over to get our gear.” He stretches tall, nodding to his siblings and Mike as they prepare to leave as well. It was a given that Katie was invited along as well.

Everyone else begins to stand as well, most heading back over to the building again just to split into their own cars to make it home. Parting in the parking lot, they bid each other farewell. Laura finds her way back to Nate’s car, and Wyatt ensures that Aerith is with him again. Con and Jamie head out, while Scott gives Katie a goodnight kiss on the cheek, inviting her over to his place later if she wants to watch a movie.

JetStreamn's laughter and bantering continues, echoing outside the vacant community building. The event was over, only a few lights were still on. No one notices the motorcycle parked out back.

As they enter the building and make their way to the main room, Mike is in the lead and suddenly stops. “Shh,” he directs, waving the others quiet.

“What?” Kyle asks.

“Shh!” Mike emphasizes. The double doors to the main floor were closed, but a soft music was drifting out. He cracks the door, noting that no lights were on…

Phil furrows his brow in confusion, but remains quiet.

As the small group pauses at the doors, they suddenly realize that Jason had returned before them. Though sitting on the edge of the stage in the dark, he was strumming soothing notes on his acoustic guitar, oblivious to the presence of the others.

Jason sits quietly, the words still haunting him. They were relentlessly nagging at his mind. He hadn’t written them down, but it didn’t matter. He knew what is heart was trying to say. Believing he was alone in the darkened building, he begins to sing softly:

I don’t know,
Where I went wrong.
I don’t know,
How to say what I feel.
And I don’t know,
How time has slipped away…
But it’s gone.
Mmm…it’s gone.

If I could find the words to say,
It doesn’t matter anyway…

I miss you,
I see you.
But all the time has gone away.
I miss you,
And I’m sorry…
If I could turn the time back,
Oh, if I could turn the time back…
But it’s gone.

I don’t know,
Why I was blind.
I don’t know,
When I lost track of myself.
And I don’t know,
How my chance slipped away…
But it’s gone.
Mmm…it’s gone.

If I could find the words today,
It wouldn’t matter anyway…

I miss you,
I see you.
But all the time has gone away.
I miss you,
And I’m sorry…
If I could turn the time back,
Oh, if I could turn the time back…
But it’s gone.

Time never has learned mercy,
It can’t ever be gained back.
I know what’s lost is gone for good,
But can something new be found?

I miss you,
I see you.
But all the time has gone away.
I miss you,
And I’m sorry…
If I could turn the time back,
Oh, if I could turn the time back…
But it’s gone.
Mmm…it’s gone…
Time is gone…

The guys and Jen in the hall grow silent as they listen. No one wants to break into the moment...they all know what's on Jason's heart...they all know what has spawned this heartfelt song. Jen is the only one who dares to look up at Katie. The band was respectful and sensitive...if Katie wanted to enter first alone, they would let her, but if she'd rather not be put in that position, they would continue as they were. But the silence leaves the unspoken choice up to her.

Close Knit

*Standing Misty interlocks her hand with Carson's slowlying making there way back to the infermary. For the moment the reason she had orginaly come to see Carson forgot. Clouded by the lingering feeling from kissing Carson.*

" Ah, you know me better than that. I want some of the blame too. Its more fun that way."

*Misty contiues to make her way back hand in hand with Carson. Her other hand on her stomach.*

*Katie just stairs at Scott for a momnet with the whip cream on her face a grin forming chasing away the sadness. Katie just gazes for a long moment into Scott's eyes. Finally breaking it and whiping the mess from her face and than his.

Katie turns her head back to Jen, Phil, Kyle, and Mike as if remembering something. A grin on her face.*

"Ya know I would forget my head if it wasent attached. Guys this is Scott and Scott there are the guys I have my side job with. I would tell you there names but....well I think you already know."

*Katie beams as she introduces Scott. Katie really was proude of him, and she was proud of JetStream as well.*

*As Jamie is drawn into Con lap, and offer some of his pizza she cant help but cring alittle bit.*

"Dident your mom ever tell you not to talk with your mouth full?"

*A grin breaking forth on her face Jamie wraps her arms around Con's neck as she turns her head to yell to Laura.*

"Hey Laura what do you think about sending your brother to finishing school?"

*Jamies turns back to con rubbing her nose aganst his.*

*Aerith scans all the faces that lite up the table. Taking the smile, the laughs in. Never had she seen such a close knit of friends before. It felt good to be included, to be apart of this and Aerith hoped this was the first step to being accepted into the group of friends as well. It helps her feel good about staying.*


Carson doesn’t care how long Misty remains kissing him, his fingers slowly running through her hair. As she draws away, a smile quirks the corner of his mouth. “I’d say it was worth it too.”

He gives a little sigh. “We’re just gonna have to get you better so you don’t have to quit so soon.”

Still grinning, he stands up, gently sliding Misty off his lap. “Come on…lets get you back to your bed before you rip something you’re not supposed to and I get blamed for it.”

Wyatt eats his pizza, keeping one eye on Aerith. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.” And he really was…seeing Aerith smile made him smile too. The fun in her eyes was contagious.

He smiles at her comment of him having a crazy side, and he quirks a silly eyebrow. Catching her eye, he holds a sly stare for just a minute. “Even me, huh?” Looking at her, he hopes that he’ll be around to have a chance at breaking out of his own mold, if just to see her smile again. But he didn’t even know what the future held anymore.

Wyatt’s mind spins just a little as he replays how Aerith has acted around the group tonight…how honest she seemed. He knew now that he could trust her…perhaps he would talk to her when he took her home.

Scott manages to interact a little with the others around him, though ending up next to Kyle and across from Phil made it just a bit hard to keep up with the chatter and banter.

Appreciating Katie’s encouragement, he tries to act as though he’s not bothered by the crowd, when in reality, he was about ready to leave just to get away from people. He had been teasing earlier when he’d said he’d be too scared to come here without here…but truth be known, he really wouldn’t have come by himself.

As she gets him with her whipped cream, he turns to look at her quickly, smirking at her antics. Without even thinking, he reaches behind her head to pull her close, wiping the cream off onto her own face.

Drawing back, he throws her a grin. “Hey, you got something on your face.”

Jen looks around the table, enjoying everyone’s company, always quietly reveling in the happiness around her. Glancing up, she sees Katie’s eyes, and knows the question there. She offers a sorry little smile and shakes her head, signaling that Jason simply hadn’t come.

After the third attempt at trying to take a bit of his pizza, Con sets it down, turning his head to Jamie with mock annoyance. Grabbing hold of her, he pulls her out of her chair and onto his lap. Just one of his arms enough to wrap around her tightly to hold her still. With his free hand he stuffs the piece of pizza into his mouth, taking half of it with one bite.

Giving her a grin with his mouth full, he offers her a bite of his own piece. “I’ll share if you start behaving yourself.”

Pizza Fun

*Misty grins Carson was trying very to to revert the conversations off him that much was true.*

"No I will not stop worrying about you. Last time I did....I dont know but I wont so...meh."

*As Carson's comment hits Katie's ears she cant help but grin. Ok maybe fore now the conversation could break away from Carson. But she would come back to it later that much was for certin.*

"I dont know, being along with you could be dangerous. I'm not scaired or worryed though."

*After Misty's comment she gives Carson another strong kiss that lingers for quiet some time. Her one hand finding his back and the other the back of his head. The kiss stays in play till Misty pulls away as a sharp pain runs through her.*

"Oph...that hurt. But it was worth it."

*Jamie, Con, Aerith and Wyatt go in one car while the others split into the other cars. Finally at mom and pop's the fun starts everyone joking, laughing and having a great time.

Aerith smiles and nods. She was having a blast. Even if she was back at work again. It kind of made her feel proud and good on the inside. Not only was this her first job and she loved it, everyone loved going there proving it was a good place to eat and just have fun. Not many people could say they loved being at work. On or off the job.*

"I loved the bank Wyatt. I'm having a great time. Probley one of the best I've had in a long time. As for everyone being crazy thats ok. Its Fun to watch people be crazy. Not to mention we all have a crazy side, even you. Just some dont choose to show it."

*Aerith's grin grows.

Katie flashes Scott a smile as she takes a bite of her pizza. He was doing so well interacting with the other though it was hard for him. Katie new he was nervouse. He never was on to socilse with to many people, but it felt good that he was at least trying.

Slowly Katie reaches her arm around Scott giving it a gentil pat. Leting him know he was doing well and everying was good. Taking her other had Katie reaches for some whipcream thats in her milkshake. Bringing her hand around the back of Scott she daps some on his noise and lets out a laugh.

After a new more moments Katie finally is hit with the realization there was a voice missing among the joking and Chaos. Looking around Katie dosent see Jason. A fast wave of panick passing over her as her eyes finally fall to Jen. A look of question and a hint of sadness passes through her eyes.

As Jamie eats her pizza everyonce and a while she playfuly elbows Con's arm. A grin lighting up her face followed by a soft giggle every time.*

"Oh I am so sorry sir. I am so clumsy."

*Only to Elbow his arm again and laugh as she watches him try to take a bite of his pizza only yo miss from her bump.*

Invaded Space

Carson loves Misty’s spunk and lets that show through his grin. He reaches up to brush her cheek playfully. “Would you stop worrying about me?” His eyes narrow slyly and he leans in to kiss her lips softly, drawing back just a little, his voice lowering. “Life’s too short for you to spend your time worrying about what’s going through this rampant brain of mine.” He returns for another kiss. “How about we just forget about everything else and just enjoy the fact that we’re practically alone here?” A final kiss seals his desire to divert the conversation completely away from himself.

As everyone gathers backstage, Jason suddenly feels claustrophobic. He wasn’t used to this anymore, and it was just a bit overwhelming. He was utterly exhausted, and with each passing moment, he grew more weary just from the effort it took to be on stage tonight.

Taking a swig of water, he tries to clear his head, but it’s difficult. Hearing the plans to go out for pizza, he hesitates. He could feel himself crashing on the inside, and he really didn’t want to deal with any more people right now. He’d made it through the performance…he’d made it through some interaction with Katie…but to involve himself in a social event…tonight..?

Aerith catches him by surprise with her hug, and he gives her a tired smile and a shrug. “You never asked.”

His eyes dart from one person to the next, continuing to come back to Scott and Katie, watching their interaction and their laughter and teasing. He’d tried so hard all night…he was just plain tired now…completely worn out, physically and emotionally. After forcing himself through the motions of the evening, all he wanted to do was retreat.

Con chuckles and roughs up Jamie’s hair. “Yes, we can go have pizza. As long as you promise to behave yourself and don’t go dancing on any countertops again.”

Scott grins and slings an arm around Katie’s shoulder. “I’ll carry you if you’re that tired. But one way or the other, you’re coming, because I’m too scared to go by myself.”

“Yeehaw!” Kyle runs from the other end of the backstage area, sliding in through the middle of the group. “Let’s move out! I got someone to watch our stuff – us boys can come back later to clean up. I’m starving!”

“Here here!” Phil raises his hand. “Let’s go!”

The group starts to move, some splitting up from each other, others winding up riding together, and finally in the chaos everyone is off to Mom and Pop’s. Arriving, their entrance is loud and enthusiastic, the band waving to Herb and Mabel. “Hey, can we invade the back room?” Kyle calls. “We’re kinda rowdy tonight – wouldn’t want to scare away any of your other customers!”

For a few minutes, everything is chaos again as people find their seats and yell back and forth about what kind of pizza they should get. And somewhere in the middle of it all, Con manages to glance around and notice that someone was missing. He happens to catch Jen’s eye with question.

She gives him a knowing look and shakes her head. She was the only one Jason had spoken to before everyone had left the community building. Him slipping out the back had gone unnoticed as everyone else had celebrated the idea of pizza.

Wyatt looks over to Aerith. “So…this isn’t so bad is it? They get a little rowdy, but they mean well.”

Jason has no destination in mind. The fresh night air felt good, and his escape felt even better. He just needed to get away from it all. Wandering the streets for a while though, his misery slowly starts to return, as if pouncing on the chance to attack, once he was alone again, for…he was alone.

Finally deciding he didn’t want to go home either, Jason finds a little café that was open late. He didn’t know anyone who frequented this place…it would be nice just to sit down and be by himself for a while.

After parking, he goes inside and just orders a soda before sliding in to sit at a table. Sitting back in his seat, he can feel the irritation starting to return….slowly…but it was. He was more upset with himself than anything. He replays his encounter with Katie…she was finding happiness elsewhere and deserved it. He should be happy for her…but instead, he was left miserable. She wanted to have a friendship with him, and so did he…but he wasn’t even doing that right. Would he ever quit botching things up?

Jason’s physical tiredness was affecting his mood more than he realized, and things just looked more dismal than they should. His emotions were hitting a low on the rollercoaster ride, and it wasn't certain that he even realized the shift in his outlook or attitude.

He slouches in the booth and swirls his glass of coke absentmindedly, smearing a pattern of wet rings on the table. He knew he should be out with JetStream…he should be out with his friends… They would question him later… And he knew he was depriving himself of something he should enjoy. But he was tired of pasting on a smile like he had all evening. He was tired of pretending he felt good and happy when he didn’t.

“This seat taken?”

Jason looks up with disinterest at a young woman who looked to be around twenty-one. She was thinly built with extremely short bleached blonde hair and green eyes that sparkled with a love for life. Her tight jeans, spiked hair and makeup proved her uninhibited nature as she held herself with confidence. “It’s taken by me,” he responds flatly.

“Well it certainly doesn’t look like it.” The young woman moves to sit down, but Jason stretches out his long leg to set a foot up on the other booth. He was in no mood for an aggressive girl.

She sets her hands on her hips and gives a little sigh, staring at his boot. “You’re not going to make this easy, are you?”
Without hesitating, she reaches down to shove Jason’s foot back to the floor, and slides into the booth before he has time to block her again.

Smiling, she reaches her hand across the table. “Hi, I’m Camryn Lane.”

Jason ignores her with disgust. He’d come here to be alone, and though normally at least trying to be polite, Camryn’s presence rubbed him the wrong way tonight.

Camryn rolls her eyes and withdraws her hand. “That’s okay, I know your name anyway.”

Jason finally looks at her, his tone indicating his displeasure with her presence. “Am I supposed to know you?”

“Well why else would I have just introduced myself?”

“Look, you might find amusement in invading someone else’s privacy, but I don’t.” Jason shifts his weight to stand.

Camryn places a hand on his arm. “Please don’t go. I’m sorry if I cut into your ‘alone time,’ but come on – at least be a gentleman and enjoy my company. I won’t keep you forever and then you can go back to your sulking.”

For some reason, Jason relents, though sighs with irritation. “What do you want?”

“Do I need a reason to want to spend time with the hottest member of JetStream?”

Jason’s eyes shoot up and he can feel the heat creeping up the back of his neck.

“Oh, don’t go and be embarrassed,” Camryn chides. “You can’t help it.” She cocks her head. “Where have you been anyway? I’ve been watching JetStream all summer and they talked about you, but tonight was the first time I’d seen you.”

Jason jumps on the opportunity to scare her away. “I was in prison,” he replies without blinking. “For murder.”

Camryn quirks an eyebrow, but is undaunted by the news she deems as the truth. “Wow. Is that where you got that nice scar?” She nods to Jason’s eye.


“Well how’d you get it then?”

Jason keeps trying to get rid of her. “Came from a knife after I’d been kidnapped by a mob of assassins and torturers.” He looks Camryn in the eye. “Any more poking into my private life you want to do?”

Camryn leans back in her seat, studying Jason. “One would have thought from your presence on stage that you were quite the enjoyable character. But my hunch proved to be right after all.”

“And what hunch was that?”

“The one that told me there was more to you than meets the eye… You’re a complicated character, Jason…yes…you are.” Camryn nods as she speaks. “But that just makes you all the more intriguing. So did you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Murder somebody.”

Jason looks at Camryn with disbelief. “Are you normally this nosey?”

“Are you normally this difficult?”


“Well stop it. I asked a question.”

“I have a right to decline answering.”

“That just makes you look like you’re afraid of the answer.”

Jason bristles. “I am not afraid of the answer.”

“Then tell me what it is,” Camryn persists.

“Fine.” Jason holds up his hands, then lets them fall back to the table. “Yes, I killed a guy.”

“How’d you get out of prison so soon?”

Jason rolls his eyes. “Look, this is none of your business, and I suggest you stop.”

Camryn shrugs. “It was an innocent question.”

“I got out because I was acquitted.” Jason takes a swig of his coke. “Otherwise it would have been forty years.”

“Wow.” Camryn studies his face. “No wonder you’re bitter…you’ve been through heck, haven’t you?”

Jason grits his teeth, not knowing why Camryn’s bold statement should get to him like it did. She was a total stranger, and an annoying one to boot. He stares her in the eye. “I suggest you either quit with the interrogation or leave.”

“Alright.” Camryn holds up her hands. “Enough about you then. Fire away.”

Jason doesn’t even know why he stays. But something about this young woman, despite the annoyance, was intriguing. “What do you do?”

“I work at a museum.” Camryn grins. “I live in an apartment here at the edge of town with my roommate, Sandi, my parents live about two hours away, my older brother is in Minnesota with a wife and two kids, and…I love good music, so that’s why I listen to JetStream.”

“And what’s your point in coming here tonight, other than to be an irritation?”

Camryn doesn’t answer him. “So who’s the real Jason? The one I saw onstage earlier, or the one that’s sitting across from me now?”

“You tell me.”

“I don’t think it’s either.”

Jason narrows one eye, looking at Carmyn’s own penetrating stare. “If he’s not one of those two places, then where is he?”

Camryn cocks her head, thinking. “I don’t know…but you do.”

Silence reigns over the table for just a moment before she slides out of the booth to stand. “Well, Jason, I need to get going. Thanks for the chat.”

Jason looks up at her with an amount of bewilderment. “Oh yeah, sure…glad you…enjoyed yourself?”

Camryn laughs, her smile lighting up her face and making her eyes sparkle. “I’ll see you around. Tell Kyle I said hello.”


“He’ll know.” She throws Jason a wink. “Take care of yourself."

Replace Memories

*Misty leans her head aganst Carson forhead. She could tell something deeper was wrong with Carson. She could see in his his eyes and the way he talked.*

"Meh its only a bullet wound. This kind of thing happens every day ya know."

*Misty smiles alittle bit at Carson.*

"I can tell someone more is wrong than being tired Carson. Your just not yourself."

*Misty lets out a soft sigh wincing just alittle.*

"You know you can talk to me Carson. No matter what condition I am in. Its ubserd that you keep everything inside and let it fester inside of you when you have someone willing you listen."

*Misty's eyes show she was a bit irrotated but still showed the compation and comfort to Carson.*

*Jamie walks with Con feel wraped safe and sound in his strong arms and not having to worry about pushing and prying through the people. Some people stoped and watched as Con and Jamie walked by. Con's size drew alot of attachen to them sometimes but Jamie dident mind. She was proude to call Con her own. She felt safe in his arms, like nothing could hurt her and she never had to worry about someone messing with her eather.

As Jamie and Con take there seat Jamie leans into Con a smile on her face. She was so happy to be here with him. Jamie could never get tired of spending time with Con. He ment so much to her and always proved to be intresting.*

*Once parked Nate jumps out of the car going over to Laura's door. She was so much fun to hang out with Nate was happy to shair moment like this with her. Helping Laura out of the car she slings her arm around her waist and makes there way inside.

Nate puts his arms around Laura to protect her as they push through the crowd of people.*

"Excuse me, Pretty Lady coming though. Excuse me, need to find the pretty lady a seat."

*Finally finding a few open seats Nate lets Laura sit on the inside than sits next to her wraping his arm around her shoulder.*

*Aerith giggles and turns to look at Wyatt.*

"I am sure I will love them, but if I dont I'll tell you."

*As they finally park Aerith gets out and brushes out the wrinkles out of her dress reaching into her back and pulling out her vanilla body spray squirts herself than stands waiting for Wyatt to lead the way.*

*For a moment Katie takes in the words of Jason and watches as he walks away to find Kyle. This was a start. A start to there friendship being rebuilt. Katie turns and looks back out Accross the fence into the dessert land.

Katie heads back up the stags and behind the curiten taking one last look around making sure everything was ok. After staying behind for a while looking watching Katie heads down to the sound bored with Jen a smile once again resumed on her face.

As Scott sits down next to her Katie smiles down at him still resuming her standing postion her arms across as everyonce and a while she scans the crowd and the sides of the stage. After a quick check Katie bends down and gives Scott a small hug before resuming her position.

Hearing Jason's slip up in the music she knows no one alse can tell but after listing to them play for so long at practices and on stage Katie can tell its there. Trying to catch Jason's eye she gives aittle nod and a thumbs up trying to convay it was ok and he would be alright.

Jamie lets out a laugh at the display that was going on, onstage. Turning to Con she smiles and gives him a quick kiss.

As Kyle knocks over the glass of water Aerith lets out a laugh and than turn to Wyatt.*

"I dident know Jason was the lead singer. I met him the other day at Mom and Pop's. He's really good, not to mention these guy are funny."

*Jamie heads backstage with Con just in time to hear something about pizza. Lighting up she grabs Con's hand.*

"Ohh pizza I love Pizza. Can we go Con? Can we can we?"

*Aerith follows Wyatt to the back. Seeing the other she had met already she gievs a wave.*

"Hey guys!"

*Going over to Jason Aerith gives Jason a quick hug.*

"You sounded great Jason. I dident know you sang. You never told me that."

*Katie quirks an eyebrow to this new woman that seems to know Wyatt, Jason and everyone alse. She had never seen her before.

Katie stands with Scott and for a moment it a bit hesatent about going for pizza. *

"I'm not to sure..I feel up to Pizza."

*Nate makes his way over to Katie and gives her a friendly shove.*

"Ya right Katie your going for pizza and if you refuse again Scott and I will drag you. Right Scott?"

*Katie cant help but roll her eyes. Last time she had pizza with the band it held bad memories. But maybe it was time to replace thoug with some better ones.*

"Ok...I guess I will go. but can I refuse anyways just so you can drag me and I dont have to walk?"


At Misty’s prompting, Carson tightens his grip around her a little, offering a slight grin. “Sorry. I just don’t want to hurt you.”

Lifting his eyes to meet hers as she tilts his face upward, he withholds the look that would tell how deeply he was hurting. She didn’t need that now. She said he could talk to her…that it was okay…but it wasn’t okay.

He forces a smile. “It’s nothing. I’m just tired. I guess work has been getting to me lately.” He shakes his head with a dry chuckle. “Look who’s worrying about who? You’re the one recovering from a bullet wound, missy.”

Con comes around the car to take Jamie around the shoulders and head toward the entrance of the building behind several more people. Most were there already, and there weren’t an awful lot of seats left, but Con spots two somewhere in the middle, and makes his way through the small crowd, people automatically moving out of his way.

Laura does slap Nate….hard on his shoulder, followed by her sticking her tongue out at him. “Look who’s talking. You’re the one that’s getting close to the top of that hill, not me!”

Bantering on the way, when they get to the community building, Laura is already having fun, and even ready for more.

Wyatt chuckles a little at Aerith’s comment, and just lets the silence reign until she speaks again. “Yep, I’ve heard ‘em. Got a friend who’s the lead singer. He’s been gone for a while, so this will be his first night back – great voice…I bet you’ll like him.”

Sensing a sudden nervousness in Aerith, he pauses, a grin making its way to his lips. “You’re in the lead on this one though. If you can’t stand JetStream, we’ll go out somewhere else.”

Once again, Katie’s words strike deep. They are words that speak of truth…of feeling, saturated with her raw emotions. Jason had known all that to be true…he had known she didn’t hate him…he had known she missed him…he had known she wanted their friendship back. But hearing it now…it was a reinforcement that perhaps he needed. Perhaps he just needed to hear it to believe it.

Receiving Katie’s hug comes as a slight surprise, and his return is awkward without a whole lot of feeling. He doesn’t know how to hug without conveying something wrong…without giving his heart away again. He needs to learn…needs to grow…needs to find where he fits once again. His niche had changed…and he needed to figure out just where it was.

As Katie pulls back and her words die away, Jason stares into her eyes. Though not allowing the depths of his own emotions out, he searches hers, finding the truth within. And he finds it. Her words were the truth…they were her heart. Friendship was what she longed for. Nothing more, nothing less. She had found another…right or wrong, the closeness she had shared with Jason had been given to another, and it was now a simple fact. And now…it was a rekindled friendship she was begging for…the very friendship that his own heart was lacking.

Reaching up slowly, Jason takes his thumb to wipe away a remaining tear from her cheek. “No…you’re not confusing me,” he replies quietly. The pain was still fresh, but he forces the words out. “You’ve found out where you belong…you’ve found your place and your happiness…that much is clear.” A sad smile plays at his lips. He knows his own words imply that he understands she’s found in Scott what she used to share with him. “I guess…I just need to find mine own place again. I…I miss our friendship too.”

Kyle lets out a howl as a speaker lands on his foot. “Ahhhhh!”

Jason’s concentration is diverted and seeing Kyle unable to get himself out of his clumsy situation, he leaves Katie to help. “What did you do?”

“I don’t know!” Kyle’s foot is released and he hops up and down on the other one. “Ooooh, that smarts!”

Setting everything up from there on out goes smoothly. People start to filter in, and Mike and Phil go to change their clothes, Kyle satisfied with his own.

Soon, a crowd has gathered, and the guys are backstage, ready to go on. After a quick exchange of encouragement to one another, they make their entrance, to a round of applause.

Scott slips in through the doors, purposely a little bit late. The music had already started, but he hadn’t wanted to get in the way or be forced to see Jason offstage, so he’d opted to be just a bit later than planned. Scouting out the rows of seats, he sees Katie up front close to the young woman who was running sound. Making his way quietly through the crowd, he slips into an empty seat beside her, tossing her a wink and a smile.

Jason starts in on his electric guitar, trying to find his groove, but it’s hard. It’s been so long… Glancing out through the lights, he sees the sea of faces and tries to pick out people who seem interested, who he could make eye contact with. But one of the first people he spots is Scott, who is just sitting down next to Katie. And for a moment, he loses his concentration. His fingers automatically find the right chords to play, but he misses his own cue to sing and the band has to play another several measures of chords before he has another opening. Knowing it was his own fault throws him off just a little, and he starts out worse than he’d like. The audience wouldn’t know the difference, but he did, and he closes his eyes for a moment as he sings, trying to regain composure. With each word, his voice strengthens, and finally he looks out at the audience again, rising to the stage presence that had been waiting to come forth for so long.

His eyes glance over the faces. They land on Con first – he spots his larger frame among the others, and for but an instant, locks eyes with him. It was hard…so hard… but it was an instant that foretold more was to come.

As the words come forth from his mouth, he looks and sees more friends. His gaze drifts and lands on Aerith. A surprised look passes through his eyes, but he then sees Wyatt and understands. A slight smile quirks the corner of his mouth.

His concentration slowly returns, and he’s able to regain enough control to block everything else out, throwing himself into his role…forced or not…fake or not…it was what the audience loved.

Several songs are played, bringing the audience in and winding up those on stage. At a natural break, Kyle starts conversing with the people.

“Are you all glad to be here tonight or what?” He grins as the audience cheers. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Hey, and if you hadn’t noticed….we got Jason back with us tonight!”

The clapping and shouting, causes Jason to smile a little, giving a teasing tone. “Aww, y’all missed me? How nice of you.”

Laughter spreads throughout.

“Sounds like these three back here have been doing pretty well on their own though. What do you say?” Jason receives the clapping he was looking for, and glances down, strumming a chord on his guitar. He lowers his tone to a serious one. “Kyle, they love you, man.”

More laughter is contagious. Kyle raises his arms in the air and bows dramatically. As he does, his hand knocks his cup of water off the edge of the keyboard, splashing down into a strategically clear spot on stage. “Oops.” Reaching over, his elbow catches his music stand, sending papers flying. “Ohh.” The audience’s laughing keeps him going as he bumbles around for several more seconds, somehow winding up tangled in chords and knocking over a separate stand.

The other guys just wait and stare at him, no one offering any help. Jason puts his hands behind his back and glances out at the audience, quirking an eyebrow at them to make them smile, then looks back at Kyle. “Hey, smooth-mover are you finished?”

“Well don’t anybody help me,” Kyle retorts.

“Okay.” Jason shrugs.

“I think he was being sarcastic,” Phil comments.

Jason thinks for a couple moments, again, bringing in the audience with his facial expressions. Finally seeing Kyle back behind his keyboard, he starts to clap. “Let’s give it up for the best showman of the stage tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Kyle Mitts! Master of musical messes!”

A fast drumbeat suddenly hurls the stage back into a song, Kyle joining in, and finally Jason, his fingers moving expertly along the frets of his guitar.

Flying High gets the audience tapping their toes and leads into several more upbeat songs. Jason’s performance is that of one who has never left the stage, his talent showing through the skilled mask he was wearing…or was it genuine?

“Getting tired out there?” Kyle chuckles and takes a swig of water. “Say yes, or I’m going to feel old.” He wipes the sweat from his brow. “How ‘bout you, guys?” He turns around to the rest of the band, only to receive shrugs and head shakes.

Jason doesn’t let his own fatigue show and glances out at the crowd. “He’s getting old, y’all.”

“Heey.” Kyle smirks at him. “If you’ve got so much energy, you think you have the capability to tone it down enough to give us a nice soft tune once?”

“Oh, I think so…” While talking, Jason is already switching from the electric guitar to his acoustic. He begins strumming a softer melody, bringing the mood back down to a mellower level.

More songs are played. The tone is brought back up to a toe-tapping level one again, and finally, the evening ends with a bang. The audience is on their feet, and the band waves their farewell, despite the begging for more.

Making their way offstage, the guys head to the back, body’s tired, minds hyped up, and fingers and arms sore. But laughter remains.

“Woo! We sounded good tonight!” Kyle gives his brother and friends high fives.

Mike lets out a sigh and sinks down in a chair in the back room away from the milling crowd. “Mmm…I think we earned our audience’s favor tonight.”

Phil laughs. “Me too. I’m pooped.”

“But not too pooped for pizza!” Kyle throws his arms in the air. “Who’s going?”

“Me!” Jen raises her hand as she wheels back to them. “And I saw a bunch of people here that should come too, like Con and Jamie….and duh, Katie, you’re coming along too!”