
Ya I miss you, Ya I miss you

*Misty looks up at Carson and smiles. Leaning her head back into the pillow. Her stomich was killing her more than she wanted to addmit and was actully looking forward to sleep.*

"You will see me tomarrow. I dont plain on going anywhere. Well maybe a morning run...but..."

*A playing grin cross Katie's face.*

"Get some sleep. I'll catch you later."

*Misty reachs up to give Carson one last goodnight kiss.*

*Nate grins at Con. In His one simple statment it ment alot to Nate. Sometimes the smallest amount of words mean the most.*

*Jamie looks up at Con again receving his kiss and enjoying it.*

"mmm...maybe I dont after all."

*The Night draws on and the fun continues only to be broken up by the late hour when many know they need to go there own way and head to the world of sleep.

Jamie drives Con back to his place the laughter still ringing in there car as Jamie still jokes with Con and laughs over some things that happend that night. Finally pulling up to the curb Jamie puts the car in park and turns to Con.*

"Thank you Con. For coming along tonight even though you were probley exsausted from work. I had a blast. I am sure my parents were happy to see you again as well."

*It takes no time for Nate to get back to Laura's house. He knows like many times before Laura had said she dident need an escourt to the door. But tonight Nate wanted to. Geting out of the Car Nate goes to Laura's door and helps her out. Walking up the sidewalk and to the door. Stoping Laura as they reach it Nate looks down and smiles.*

"Thank you, for coming with me tonight Laura. I hope you had as much fun as I did."

*Taking Laura in a strong embrace Nate leans down. His lips softly brushing aganst Laura's than draw away for a moment as he looks deep into her eyes. Only to once again lean in this time pressing his lips to her more fermly. His eyes closes his mind filling with pure bliss till finally he breaks the kiss again and gives Laura a hug goodnight.

Aerith follows Wyatt back to his car and sinks into the seat. Her body was totally tired but she dident want to sleep yet. She had a blast and dident want to yet let alown go home where she dident know what awaited her.

Katie returns Scott's kiss leting him know if she wasent to tired she would be over. Eather way she would give him a call.

Entering the community building Katie cant help but continue the laughing and joking with the others till Mike tells them to hush. As the Music and words start to wash over her Katie takes a few steps forward infront of the rest of the group Katie fixes her eyes through the dark on Jason. As Jason's song plays on, a few tears roll down Katie cheek. Jason's heart was heavy, and was acking. Turning her head to Jen and the others Katie knows she needs not say anything her eyes tell the story. If only for a moment...she wanted to be alone with Jason in this moment. Slowly entering the dark room Katie makes her way to the stage as Jason strums on. Softly at first Katie starts to talk to Jason.*

"Time of the past might be gone Jason but we can still look to the future..."

*The light from outside lighting up Katie showing who it was in the room with him. Though knowing just hearing her voice he would be able to tell. A certin rythem in her voice as she speaks her words to the sound Jason was struming.*

"...I miss you..ya I miss you, I wish you would be my friend again.
We need to hold our memories close Jason, but dont dwell on the past. We cant change it now, even though we wish we could somehow. We can only change the future."

*Katie makes her way up the steps on the stang. Drawing closer to Jason and siting down next to him. Leting her own feel dangle over the edge of the stage swining back and forth.*

" You'll always be my friends to the very end...
and I miss you..ya I miss you, and I wish you to be my friend again.
Dont be scaired to love again Jason...if you learn anything from the past take with you to open your heart again. Dont let your second chanse at happyness slip you by.
Dont let it slip by, slip by its ok to cry my friend."

*Katie hesatats for a moment than puts her free arm around Jason's shoulders (IN A FRIENDLY MANNOR).*

"Its ok to cry, You dont have to hide, we all need to cry sometimes.
As I look back on all that's happened..growing up, growing together, changing you, changing me -- there were times when we dreamed together, when we laughed and cried together. As I look back on those days, I realize how much I truly miss you and how much I truly love you. The past may be gone forever..and the future holds new loves, our todays make the memories of tomorrow. So, my lifetime friend it is with all my heart that I send you my love, hoping that you'll always carry my smile with you, for all we have meant to each other and for whatever the future may hold I want to stay your friend. If you will let me. So we can help eachother on this path of life. Like best friend do."

"Katie's voice drifts off as she stairs out into the darkness.*

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