
Good Voice

*Katie cant help but smile through her tears enjoyin the moment. She backs away alittle bit but is still siting on the bed.* "Oh Jason...I....I'm glad your ok and alive. Wow....I...I guess god does hear us when we pray. Oh Jason...I just...I dont know what to say...I...wow. I'm sorry I wasent there to protect you and you had to go through this." *Katie grins alittle.* " Dont be to mad at Con but....you have a great voice."

*Rosetta raises an eye brow. Has her neice gown crazy.* "I guess we should check it out and make sure she is ok."

What happened?

Jason’s eyes widen as Katie throws her arms around him. “Ooh, Katie, Katie…” He gives her back a pat, but winces, a weak chuckle escaping. “Ribs…sore ribs, girl. You trying to kill me or what?” he teases.

Mick quirks an eyebrow at Rosetta. Katie’s shriek sounded…happy?

Cindy lifts her head from Wes, confused. “What…what happened?”


*For a moment Katie is stuned as she looks deep into Jason's eyes, than a small smile froms on her face.* "Ya well you dont look so hot yourself." *As if reality finally hits her Katie lets out a loud shreek and throws her arms around Jason. New tears come forth. Tears of Joy.* "J...Oh J...I thought I lost you, you big jerk."

*Rosetta's ears perk up as she hears Katies shreek. She is on her feet within moment, and looks to Mick, Austin, and Wes.*

I don't know

Jason’s eyes hurt to have them open, but he looks at Katie with a weary humor. “I don’t know…are you?” He lets his gaze rest on Katie’s reddened eyes. “You look terrible.”

Austin frowns as he lifts his head to look towards Jason’s room. A strange feeling has come over him. Something is different…something has changed.


*Katie sniff, to keep from drooling on Jason.* "I know J, but it hurts so much. I shouldent have left you at the mall. I should of been consintrating better." *Suddanly as if someone put a hot flame under Katies cheek she snaps her her up. Through blurry eyes she pears at Jason. Slowly she reaches out her hand as if scaired to touch his face she might wake from this dream.* "J...Jason? How....am I dreaming?"

The battle is over

Mick intertwines his arm with Rosetta’s, pulling her close within the silence of the lobby. The atmosphere is so sad…so heavy. Jason has not been known within their group long, but already he was a part of it, and now they are losing one of their own.

Cindy falls into Wes’ arms, crying on his shoulder. Her body shakes with her silent sobs as her heart breaks in two. She stands with him unable to speak, unable to bear seeing her son die. She wants to be strong…she wants to know the realization that moving on is necessary…oh, but the pain…it’s almost too much to bear.
She clings to Wes for comfort, finding him as a shelter in the storm.

Prayers rise heavenward in a persistent stream to the Father, begging for time, but honoring His will. If only….if only.

Jason’s chest gently rises and falls under Katie’s head. The room is quiet and still with no whirring and no beeping of monitors. Rain pelts against the window in a steady pace, thunder softly rolling in the distance as if mourning a new loss. The minutes seem like hours, the waiting like a heavy burden of torment…

…But Heavenward requests do not go unheard…

…A warm, rough hand meets Katie’s wet cheek to brush away her tears. Hoarse and low, a mild voice whispers, “I thought I told you not to say goodbye.”


*Katie stairs down at Jason's lifeless body. Katies tears roll down her face. Looking around the empty room Katie see she is the only one left with Jason. Slowly she walks over to his bed.* " I wont let you alone, I dont want you alone in your last min." *Slowly Katie climbs next to Jason on the bed.* " I guess J....in your last moments I want to tell you something I dident before cuz I was scaired. You were my best friend J, and I felt closer to you than anyone. I guess somewhere inside of me, I hoped we would maybe become more. Though I new we both wernt ready for it, the hope was still there. I new if we stayed only friends I woulde still be very happy with that. ut we all have our dreams. I wont for get you J. You will be with me forever." *Katie gives Jason a kiss on the cheek and than puts her arms around him and lays next to him. Softly she sings.* " In my heart you will always be, You were the one who set me free. How could I forget, you wernt just another kid. You touched my life, and gave me love, You were a god sent from up above. I wont forget you, forever you will be with me..." *Katies voice drifts off as once again her tears take over.*

*Rosetta stays with Cindy knowing Katie will want to be alone. How her heart acked. Looking around for Mick she finaly find him. Walking over she sits down and puts an arm around him. No words need to be spoken*

*Wes goes over to Cindy and wraps his arms around her. I silent tear rolls down his face.*

*Wendy rolls over to Clint and slips her hand into him.*

It's for him

Clint sits at his computer, his mind everywhere but on his task. He glances over to Wendy, wondering at her sorrow. He felt bad for Jason and his family…no one deserved to be going through this. But he’d disliked Jason from the beginning, and he found it hard to feel the same kind of sorrow as the others. Yet there is a feeling of remorse…a longing that things had been different.

Mick watches Rosetta leave the small group, a pain settling in his heart. It could be any of them there in that bed. It could have been anyone that the Agency had targeted. What if it had been himself? Wes? Rosetta? Mick sinks down into an overstuffed lobby chair, the facts of life and death weighing heavily on his mind. If that had been him instead of Jason, would he be at peace? Had he lived life to the fullest? Would he be able to look back without regrets for things he should have done?

Austin finally finds a place to sit on a window sill, the rain pouring down outside to his back. Con joins him, though remains quiet, respecting the need for silence. Austin shakes his head though, unable to keep his thoughts inside. “I failed, Con.”

“There’s nothing we could have done…you know that.”

“No…that’s not what I mean.” Austin’s shoulders droop, his eyes glued to the floor as misery hangs over him. “I knew what Jason needed most, but I just let him go down the wrong path. He’s a good kid…he’s got a good heart, and he’s on the right side of the law, but…. When he shrugged off my talk about God, I just let it go. I didn’t want to push him…I was afraid I’d turn him away, or that he would get upset with me and walk away.” He scoffs at himself. “And now my grandson is lying in there ready to die without ever having known the salvation of Christ. And that….that is something that I will carry with me the rest of my life.”

Cindy’s focus snaps to Katie, her own tears flowing freely. “I’m sorry, Katie,” she manages. “Please don’t think I’m just doing this with a flippant attitude. I’m not giving up on him – I’m facing the facts.” Her voice raises slightly as her emotions overflow in a reaction. “The poison won’t stop! It’s just going to continue to kill him! Don’t you see? He didn’t want to lie in a hospital bed, barely alive and useless – I’m doing this for him!”

Austin looks up at the sound of Cindy’s voice, and quickly moves to the room with concern. Entering and seeing the looks on the two women’s faces, he knows what the discussion is about. He goes to Cindy, gently drawing her up out of her chair. “It’s okay…it’s alright. Come here.”

Cindy clings to him, her sobs breaking forth all over again as she’s escorted from the room.

It’s soon that JT comes to the small group again to inform them that it will be soon. A gathering of just a few come together in Jason’s room as the nurses begin to take the machines off of him. In their own ways, they say goodbye, most speaking no words. Cindy is able to linger only a few moments before breaking down completely and being ushered out with Austin, unable to handle the end. Con is one of the last, looking down on Jason’s peaceful form for several moments…no more tubes, no more wires…just resting as he should. Con glances at Katie, and gives her shoulder a gentle squeeze before leaving as well, seeming to sense that it’s okay to leave her alone. The others have said their goodbyes…Jason’s last minutes will take care of themselves.


*Anger rages inside Katie as she hears Cindys words.* "NO...THERE IS STILL HOPE. YOU CANT DO THIS. YOU CANT...YOU CANT TAKE HIM AWAY. HOW...HOW COULD YOU EVEN THINK OF THAT. HOW CAN YOU GIVE UP ON HIM!!!!!" *Tears flow from Katies eyes as her face turn purple than red as she gasps for air.*

*Rosetta hears Katie inside the room. Seeing her neice in so much pain and not being able to do anything kills her. Rosetta looks to Mick, her own tears now pouring from her eyes. Turning she heads down the hell and stairs out the window as the sky turns black and thunder is hurd in the distince.*

*Damien's heart acks as he hears Katies pleas and crys. How could the Agency be so crule to hurt these inocent people. The Agency had to be taken down. These people deserved to live the rest of there life in peace.*

*Softly Wendy crys as the news of Jason gets to them. How sad this day was.*

*The ranch is heavy and quiet as the rain starts to fall outside. Many continue to pray for those they know are hurting. They also pray for Jason that he has found peace with God."

The Decision

Cindy returns Rosetta's hug, though the warmth seems to have dispersed. She glances around at the others, then bravely goes to Jason's room. Entering, fresh tears fill her eyes. There are so many tubes and wires...he looks so helpless. Not bothered by Katie's presence, she moves to the other side of the bed, lowering herself into a chair. "Oh, Jason," she whispers. "My boy...what have they done?" She reaches out to brush some hair from his forehead, forcing a smile through the tears. "It's not supposed to be this way..."

Mick shakes his head at Wes. "Everything is about the same now. It's poison that's doing this to Jason...the doctor doesn't know how much time he's got now... It's not looking good."

Even though those at the ranch disperse, prayers are still on the minds of many. Sparky makes a phone call to his home church to start a prayer chain there, and he remains awake through the night, in constant conversation with God.

The night becomes morning, and the new day drags on - a persistent droning of time. Hearts grow heavier as shock wears off, and lack of sleep becomes something non-important. Those at the hospital simply wait...no one wanting to discuss the future, but all wondering in their minds.

The day at the ranch is a quiet one. Functions are lethargic as they receive periodical updates from the hospital, which never bring good news. Research resumes, but at a slow pace, spirits dampened by this new chain of events.

Evening falls, and darkness descends like a cold blanket. It doesn't seem like a day has passed. Cindy is back by Jason's side, in quiet contemplation, her tears having stopped as reality has set in. A knock at the door makes her look up, and she sees JT. "Yes, Doctor?"

JT comes in, glancing at Katie and Cindy. He takes an extra chair to sit down next to Cindy, and speaks gently. "Austin said that you would be making the final decisions."

"Yes." Cindy nods. Her eyes are tired and bloodshot, and her heart gropes for strength. "A couple years ago...Jason...he was on a case and was in a mild accident. He didn't get hurt, but we started talking about what would happen if he ever did. And...his wish was that if he ever needed life support, that I would let him go." Her lower lip trembles, her voice beginning to quiver. She doesn't dare look in Katie's direction. "He...he felt very strongly that if a machine was needed to keep him alive, then it was his time to go."

JT reaches over to take Cindy's hand. This job was never easy. "Are you saying that you want to take him off support?"

Cindy swallows hard, but nods. "It's what he wanted. And...as you've pointed out, it will just get worse. It's a miracle he's lasted this long without any more trouble, and I don't want him to suffer any more. I was blessed with the opportunity to see him one last time, so..." A silent tear trickles down her face. "It's time."

JT looks at her with compassion. "Okay. In the next half hour, I'll have the breathing machine disconnected, and the IVs and monitors unhooked. Just so you know, when that happens, Jason will probably breathe on his own for a few minutes, then go very peacefully. He won't be in any pain." He searches her eyes one more time. "You're sure?"

"Yes." Cindy takes in a shaky breath. "He wouldn't want it dragged out, nor would he want his family to suffer longer than necessary."

"Alright." JT stands up, wishing he would have some small word of wisdom or comfort, but nothing seems adequate for a time like this. "I will go inform the nurses. And I will tell the others from your friends and family if you want."

Cindy nods gratefully. "Thank you." She watches JT leave, then reaches out to cradle Jason's battered face with her hand.

JT delicately informs the others what is happening, and spirits drop even lower. Austin retreats from the group, hiding his emotions, while Con goes into Jason's room to try and offer some comfort, despite his own tears behind his eyes.
Mick looks at Rosetta with helplessness, an anger buried beneath the confusion, for what the Agency has done. No one deserved to go through this.


*Katie keeps her head on Jason's chest listing to the song. Leting his soft voice fill her. Katie looks at Jason as he lays with his eyes closed.* " I wont give up on you. I wont say goodbye. I'm here for you J." *Katie wants to say so much more, but words need not be spoken. Her pressence there says it all. Bowing her head Katie says her own prayer.* "God I know its not often you hear from me. But please lord, Make Jason better If not for me, for his family. Jason is to young to have his life cut short. Please make him better.*

*Rosetta goes over to Cindy and give her a hug.*

*Wes nods to Mick.* "Anything new?"

*Wendy bows her head waiting for everyone to finish than she says her own prayer.* " Dear lord. Please keep Jason in you arms. Wrap your blanket around him, please heal him. Please keep him mom, Granfather, and friend comfort in this time of need. IN Jesus name Amen"

*Angel nods as her daughter says her prayer.* "Yes lord. Keep him safe." *Angel's own tears fall.*

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*A dark figure makes its way up the steps. Opening a door they look into the room.*

*A small voice from one of the courners crys.* "What do you want with me? Why are you doing this?"

*The darkfigure lets out a cackling laugh.* "This was destined from the day you were born. Be good and maybe tomarrow you can go out and play."

*The small voice sobs.* " I dont like it here."

*The darkfigure closes the door, leaving eveything dark.*


Austin turns his back on the small group, setting his hands on his hips and taking a deep breath. The tears are waiting, but there’s still too much shock, confusion and anger to let them through.

Mick looks at the others, desperate to know something to say, but no words come. He grits his teeth, and stands up to go to Austin, giving his back a pat. “It’s not over yet.”

“No….” Austin shakes his head. “But it’s heck getting there.”

Con watches Katie leave, and it’s as long while that she still hasn’t come back. He thinks for a moment, then excuses himself, and comes back a few minutes later. He quietly enters Jason’s room, his heart aching at the sight. In a moment of compassion, he goes to Katie, laying a big gentle hand on her shoulder. “Hey…” He lowers himself down in a chair next to her, not expecting a response, but talking anyway. “It’s going to be okay…” He fingers something that he brought in from the truck. It’s an unmarked CD in a tattered envelope. “You know…not a lot of people have seen or heard Jason’s musical talents, but there was one time I convinced him to let me record him singing and playing his guitar…” He spies a CD player in the corner and goes to it, beginning to put the disc in it. “I bet he’s told you about Sydney… well…when she was in such bad shape over in London, there was one point that her family back home didn’t know that she was still alive. But a handful of us at TJY did, even though we had to remain silent for a while.” He closes the lid on the CD player as he continues to speak gently. “It hit Jason pretty hard…seeing Sydney’s family preparing themselves to never see her again, when at the same time, she was waiting to get home to them. Jason sat down and wrote this song one afternoon…he didn’t want anyone else to ever hear it, but…I think…” He presses ‘play.’ “…I think if he were awake, he might say these words to you…” He quietly leaves the room, allowing the music to play to Katie alone.

The soft, minor notes of a guitar lift the atmosphere into a dreamy state and Jason’s voice blends in a soothing tone…the song itself driven by an emotional charge.

Sometimes the wrong things happen,
And we’re not sure what to do.
Life is slipping slowly by,
I see it passing through.

Your tears they fall like raindrops,
On a summer afternoon.
But do me just one favor,
Please grant my one request…

Don’t say goodbye…
Tomorrow’s not the end of it.

Don’t say goodbye…
Don’t make me stay away.

Don’t say goodbye,
Darlin’ please….

…‘Cause I’m coming home.

I’ve fallen down a darkened road,
It’s a mystery I feel.
Choices were spread out before me,
Now time can only heal.

You’re missing all we used to do,
You’re crying for me now.
But do me just one favor.
Please grant my one request…

Don’t say goodbye…
Tomorrow’s not the end of it.

Don’t say goodbye…
Don’t make me stay away.

Don’t say goodbye,
Darlin’ please….

…‘Cause I’m coming home.

Oh the storms around me rage,
And the pain, it cuts me deep.
I don’t want to stay alone down here,
I don’t want to lose it all.
Don’t make me stay alone down here,
Don’t take it all away…

Don’t say goodbye…
Tomorrow’s not the end of it.

Don’t say goodbye…
Don’t make me stay away.

Don’t say goodbye,
Darlin’ please….

…‘Cause I’m coming home.
Oh I’m coming home…
Darlin’ I’m coming home…
Yeah yeah…

…I’m coming home.

Cindy numbly follows Wes, unsure exactly what’s going on, but too afraid to ask too many questions.
The ride takes several hours, and by the time they arrive, Cindy has withdrawn into a quiet state.
They join the others in the lobby, and Cindy immediately falls into an embrace by Austin.
Austin holds her for several minutes, neither saying anything.
Mick looks to Wes and nods. “Thanks for bringing her.”

Back at the ranch, Sparky gathers together those who are still in the mess hall. "Hey, y'all...Wes didn't say much before he left, but I think it's safe to assume that all is not well. And I also assume that it has to do with Jason. I think it would be a good idea for us all to have a prayer for him...lift him up to our Father and leave it in His hands..." He starts off the prayers, and one by one, the others take turns.

Not goodbye

*A tear rolls down Rosetta cheek as she goes over to Katie to give her a hug. Katie pushs Rosetta's arms away. A look that can not compare to any other. Looking around the room Katie makes her way into Jason's room. Making her way to the bed she sits down. Katie takes Jasons hand in hers. Jason cant give up, He's made it this far. He had to keep going. As she holds his hand for comfort and to let him know she is there her eyes starts to go blurry as the tears start to fall. Memories of Jason flow through her mind.*

{A soft song starts in the background: so lately been wondering who will be there to take my place when im gone you'll need love to light the shadows on your face. if a great wave shall fall it would fall upon us all then between the sand and stone could you make it on your own. if i could then i would ill go wherever you will go way up high or down low ill go wherever you will go. and maybe I'll find out the way to make it back someday to watch you to guide you through the darkest of your day. run away with my heart run away with my hope run away with my love. know now just quite how my life and love might still go on in your heart in your mind i'll stay with you for all of time. if i could turn back time.}

*Memories of Jason flow freely through her mind as she talks aloud to him.* " I remember J, when you first saw me shoot. You were so saprised that I could with a bum arm. And when I first met you. From that first day I felt a connection with you. You smiles, your eyes. And your Roses. I'll keep they forever. Its the first time I ever got flowers." *Katie continues to talk to Jason about almost everything. Finally not being able to take it anymore Katie throws her arms around Jason the best she can as he is laying there and just crys with her head on his chest.*

*Rosetta shakes her head. It breaks her heart to see her loved ones hearts breaking.* "Austin, I'm so sorry."

*Wes answers his phone.* "Ok...I understand. We will be there shortly." *Wes hangs up the phone and grabs his coat.* "Cindy...Hun? Come on we are going to go to the hospetal." *Wes walks over and helps Cindy stand. Grabing her coat he helps her put it on. Wes looks to Sparky.* "I'll call you in a bit." *Wes and Cindy get in the car and make there way to the hospetal finally arriving.*