
The Decision

Cindy returns Rosetta's hug, though the warmth seems to have dispersed. She glances around at the others, then bravely goes to Jason's room. Entering, fresh tears fill her eyes. There are so many tubes and wires...he looks so helpless. Not bothered by Katie's presence, she moves to the other side of the bed, lowering herself into a chair. "Oh, Jason," she whispers. "My boy...what have they done?" She reaches out to brush some hair from his forehead, forcing a smile through the tears. "It's not supposed to be this way..."

Mick shakes his head at Wes. "Everything is about the same now. It's poison that's doing this to Jason...the doctor doesn't know how much time he's got now... It's not looking good."

Even though those at the ranch disperse, prayers are still on the minds of many. Sparky makes a phone call to his home church to start a prayer chain there, and he remains awake through the night, in constant conversation with God.

The night becomes morning, and the new day drags on - a persistent droning of time. Hearts grow heavier as shock wears off, and lack of sleep becomes something non-important. Those at the hospital simply wait...no one wanting to discuss the future, but all wondering in their minds.

The day at the ranch is a quiet one. Functions are lethargic as they receive periodical updates from the hospital, which never bring good news. Research resumes, but at a slow pace, spirits dampened by this new chain of events.

Evening falls, and darkness descends like a cold blanket. It doesn't seem like a day has passed. Cindy is back by Jason's side, in quiet contemplation, her tears having stopped as reality has set in. A knock at the door makes her look up, and she sees JT. "Yes, Doctor?"

JT comes in, glancing at Katie and Cindy. He takes an extra chair to sit down next to Cindy, and speaks gently. "Austin said that you would be making the final decisions."

"Yes." Cindy nods. Her eyes are tired and bloodshot, and her heart gropes for strength. "A couple years ago...Jason...he was on a case and was in a mild accident. He didn't get hurt, but we started talking about what would happen if he ever did. And...his wish was that if he ever needed life support, that I would let him go." Her lower lip trembles, her voice beginning to quiver. She doesn't dare look in Katie's direction. "He...he felt very strongly that if a machine was needed to keep him alive, then it was his time to go."

JT reaches over to take Cindy's hand. This job was never easy. "Are you saying that you want to take him off support?"

Cindy swallows hard, but nods. "It's what he wanted. And...as you've pointed out, it will just get worse. It's a miracle he's lasted this long without any more trouble, and I don't want him to suffer any more. I was blessed with the opportunity to see him one last time, so..." A silent tear trickles down her face. "It's time."

JT looks at her with compassion. "Okay. In the next half hour, I'll have the breathing machine disconnected, and the IVs and monitors unhooked. Just so you know, when that happens, Jason will probably breathe on his own for a few minutes, then go very peacefully. He won't be in any pain." He searches her eyes one more time. "You're sure?"

"Yes." Cindy takes in a shaky breath. "He wouldn't want it dragged out, nor would he want his family to suffer longer than necessary."

"Alright." JT stands up, wishing he would have some small word of wisdom or comfort, but nothing seems adequate for a time like this. "I will go inform the nurses. And I will tell the others from your friends and family if you want."

Cindy nods gratefully. "Thank you." She watches JT leave, then reaches out to cradle Jason's battered face with her hand.

JT delicately informs the others what is happening, and spirits drop even lower. Austin retreats from the group, hiding his emotions, while Con goes into Jason's room to try and offer some comfort, despite his own tears behind his eyes.
Mick looks at Rosetta with helplessness, an anger buried beneath the confusion, for what the Agency has done. No one deserved to go through this.

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