
Dressed to Kill

*Charlotte takes about 15 minues to get to Bret house on foot. The walk was nice and the air felt good on her face. She had hope Bret was going to call her. Walking up the sidewalk Charlotte knocks lighly on the door waiting for Bret to answer.*

*As Misty hears Jason call her name she steps out of the infermary and starts to make her way to where Jason and Misty were. All of her hair done up on her head and looked kind of messy, make was on her eyes and lips once again. Today she had on a blue tub top that showed off more of her stomach than she liked now a days but it fit the part. The shirt was rather hi-cut in the back as well showing off the large tattoo of a butterfly that not many people new she had. Haning from the shirt were 2 ties that went around the front and back than tired. She wore her tight black low cut pants again that had the chain for a belt along with her boots. Around her neck was a black saten ribbin tied off in the black. As she make her way over to Jason she slips on her leather jack that is about as long as the shirt itself so her tattoo is still shows. Pating her pocket she makes sure her knife is carfuly tucked away inside just in case. Playful Misty throws her arm around Jason.*

"So baby, are we going to win tonight."

*As Misty makes her way over Katie cant help but shair. She wasent use to Misty dressing like that and it was quite a shock to the system. Shaking her head Katie looks back to Jason.*

New one

Jason can’t help his grin at Katie. “Right. Okay. I’ll catch up to you before we leave tonight. Thanks.”

Carson withdraws a little, looking at Misty with slight surprise at her worry. “Hey, this is me you’re talking to. I’m always careful.” Giving her a last kiss, he turns to leave. “I’ll catch you later then.”

Bret shakes his head as he hangs up the phone, receiving Charlotte’s word that she’d be right over. He hadn’t showered and hadn’t shaved today…if t hat didn’t scare her away, nothing would. He was sorry he wasn’t much in the mood for anything, but he didn’t like being alone either. Knowing Charlotte though, she would be like a light in the dark… even her presence at the funeral the other day had helped… he still couldn’t believe she’d shown up just for him.

Leaning back in the couch again, he sighs, just waiting for her to come.

Jason ambles back into TJY after going home to change again. Slinging his leather jacket over his shoulder, he walks toward the hall, looking to see if Misty was ready and to talk with Katie once more before they took off.

His motorcycle boots could be heard on the hard floor, the chain from his wallet jingling slightly. Tonight it was his black jeans he’d chosen, his black muscle shirt tucked in. His hair was slightly spiked, and his black bandanna was tied around his forearm, unintentionally showing off his bicep.

He throws his jacket over a cubicle wall and glances down the hall, then to Katie’s desk, giving her a wave to come over. “Hey, Misty!” he calls out, wanting her too. “You down there?”

“Got a new one for you tonight.”

Carson quirks an eyebrow at Terry as he takes a puff on his cigarette, watching one of the fights. “Oh yeah?”

“They call him Ace. Tough kid.”

“Like I can’t handle that.”

Terry chuckles. “I have no doubt.”

I have a feeling

*Nate rolls his eyes and than fliches in pain.*

"Ya thanks alot. I'll see you guys later. Had fun Hotshot even though I hurt now."

*Nate heads out of the breakroom and heads home.*

*Misty looks up at Carson and gives him a returning kiss and a smile.*

"After all this excitment I think some relaxing watching movies will be nice."

*Misty wave goodbye and heads out with Carson.

Katie following soon after.*

*Katie spends every moment she can the days after the bar scene with Scott. Hearing he might be leaving earlyer than he has said was disheartning. There was no doubt in her mind she was going to miss him very much. She enjoyed spending her time with him weather it was meals, snuggling, having kissing sessions, or just talking Katie liked the time with Scott.*

*Misty spend the next few days with Carson, Frankie not showing his face again but Misty couldent help but feel like she was being watched anyways so Carson stuck close like he promised. Misty new Carson had planes on the weekend and told him that was fine. Saterday she was going to be pretty busy with a case and wouldent be around much.*


*Charlotte stands outside the church where she new Brandon's serves was being held. For a long moment she just stands there many thoughts running through her head. She hadent been to a chruch herself since her brother service. She had been young and even though there were so many people around she had felt so alone.

Should she be there? She wasent invited and would it be wrong to just enter? Maybe it was but she new Bret was having a hard time with this, and she couldent blam him. Charlotte dident want Bret to feel alone. Making her desition she quietly enters the church. Spoting Bret she quietly makes her way down the idles feeling a bit strange and slids in next to Bret where there was space. Not talking Charlotte lets her actions speak for themself as she slips her hand into Brets. Keeping her eyes glued to the front watching, waiting, listing.*

*Jamie listens to Con as she sits out in the croud. She was so proud of Con and he faith so strong it even braught a few tears to her own eyes. Just watching and listing.

..Jamie breaths in the fresh air. She never cared for graveyards much herself but she new why she was here. She had met and talked to Brandon a few times, and it was her time to say see you again. After having a few moments of silence she steps back and looks around see Con by the tree. Slowly she walks next to him sliping her arm through his and just standing with him.Being there for the person she loved so much.*

*Katie smiles at the e-mail from Kyle. Sunday night sounded like fun and Katie was sure Scott would come. Grabing her phone she dials Kyle.*

"Yo KYLE.....Sunday, I'll drag scott along, Mike place lots of foot YOU CAN COUNT ON US.!"

*After Katie is done chating with Kyle more she gets up from her Cubicle to find Scott and ask him about coming to Sunday.*

Time, what is time. It cant be stoped, it cant be slowed. You cant speed it up, you cant bend it to your will. But still we need time. And so the days pass. Another one comes and does. The day is now anew.

*Katie listend to Jason instructions taking all the information. At leats this ability she had could be put to use. Giving a grin she looks at Jason.*

"Can we do this? Do you know who your talking to? Of course we can. I'm on it and will be open and ready."

*Misty smiles as Carson wraps his arms around her. Turning her head she gives him a long her.*

"Hey you."

*Doing a few more things Misty finally puts the slids she was looking at down and turns around to face Carson. Giving him another big kiss and wraping her arms around him.*

"Ok Hun, that works I have that case we were working on the other night to help finish up with it anyways. I think the latenight drive to the lake and the kissing sounds the best. So just pick me up here again and away we go."

*Misty cant help but keep her arms around Carson. She had a bad feeling, like something drastic was going to change and this might be the last time she saw Carson. Shaking her head she trys to clear her mind that was probley silly. Just nerves with everything that was going on piled in one.*

"Be safe tonight ok Hun. I just have a funny feeling. So I want you to be carfel. Ok?"

Up to Saturday

Jason wince a little as Misty helps clean him up, but can’t help laughing at Nate. “Welcome to the shiner’s club, Nate. It looks beautiful.”

Carson shakes his head. “I don’t think I even want to know.”

Jason rolls his eyes. “Just an undercover job gone sour.” He pauses. “No, I take that back. It was a success, but we had a few, um, unexpected turns down at Kelley’s.”

“That would do it.” Carson lifts his eyebrows. “Just walking in there is like asking for a fight.”

“Yeah well…I guess we did.”

Once Nate and Jason are cleaned up, Jason heads out, bidding the others goodnight. Pausing at the door though, he looks over to Katie again. “I might need your radar on Saturday…I’ll talk to you about it more later. Thanks for your help.”

A few minutes later, the engine of his motorcycle can be heard as he heads for home.

Carson slings an arm around Misty and bends to give her a kiss. “Ready to get going? I stopped by the movie store and picked up a couple good ones if you’re up to it.”

The next day is uneventful. After the brawl, things almost seem boring, though plans for the weekend ensue. Jason hangs on to light at the end of the tunnel that he’d discovered the night before, though is fairly quiet, spending most of his time in his office going over his case. Several phone calls coming in to him proved he’d rather be out with Camryn or JetStream, but all he could promise was a Sunday night jam session and supper out at Mike’s.

Going back to Titan Inc, Bret finds that though Dean is out of commission for at least two months, he had made preparations for Bret coming back to work, so he wouldn’t be out of a job. Grateful, Bret opts to stay on, planning to start up again on Monday.

Carson sticks close to TJY and Misty, a bit aloof, but for the most part personable, mentioning some weekend plans, but not taking off with any excuses.

Scott makes sure to spend time with Katie, mentioning that he might be leaving a little earlier than planned since it would just be him, though nothing was set in stone.

When Friday rolls around, the most action taking place was preparations for the funeral across town that most people didn’t even know about. But in Texas, Con and Jamie prepared to leave.

Crouching down, Con pulls BJ into a big bear hug, shaking him just a little for good measure and to make him laugh. Drawing away, he roughs up BJ’s hair. “Now you behave yourself for Angel, alright? And when Mick and Rosetta get back, give them both really big hugs for us.”

Bidding everyone else goodbye, Con and Jamie catch a ride to the airport where a TJY jet is waiting.

The flight back seems long, and Con is quiet most of the way. His mind is on why they were going back early…thinking of what he could possibly say to ease Brandon’s family’s pain. He tried to sleep on the trip, but he just couldn’t, and ended up praying most of the time instead, quietly reflecting. The week at the ranch had been full of joy…now it was back to reality, and how harsh it really was.

Bret sits near the back of the little church, dressed nicer than he had been in a long time. He felt out of place…there was a group from Titan Inc present, though even with them and a handful of family, it was a fairly small attendance. Bret couldn’t remember the last time he’d been in a church…it had probably been his wedding day. It felt odd…big…almost scary.

Focusing to the front, he tunes back in to what’s going on around him.

Con stands up in front of the small crowd, eyeing his own coworkers…Brandon’s mother and brother…others he didn’t know. All were mourning the death of one so young. Most were unaware of the hope that Con knew Brandon had found.

His arm still in a sling, Con paces just a little, gaining composure before speaking. “You know…I was asked to say something today because I guess Brandon mentioned me to his family right before he died.”

He pauses, thinking. “Most of the people who will remember how I’m connected to him will think of me as the one who pulled him out of the rubble after the cave-in on our construction site.” Con shakes his head. “But that’s not something that should really be remembered. It’s comforting to know that Brandon got one last chance to speak to his family…to say goodbye. But the thing I know and I remember, is that he is now in a better place.”

Gaining momentum, Con stops pacing and looks out again, catching Jamie’s eye for a moment. “When I was underground with Brandon and he was still conscious, he knew he was probably going to die. And he realized that there was one important thing that he’d missed in his life - that he didn’t know what there was for him after death. But the more we talked, the more it became clear to him what he needed to do…what he wanted to do in order to be confident of his future.”

Pausing, Con picks up his Bible from a nearby stand and opens it up to John. “When Jesus was preparing to leave this earth, he spoke to his disciples, comforting. And what he said was this… ‘In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.’ Thomas said to him, ‘Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?’ Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’”

Con shakes his head a little before looking up again. “Brandon realized that this was true. Brandon realized that he had neglected to acknowledge Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior during his life. But the great thing is…” A small smile forms. “It’s never too late. And I want you to know, that Brandon did accept these things, and he did acknowledge that God exists, loved him and wanted him to rest for eternity with him.”

Unexpected tears spring into Con’s eyes as he remembers sitting with Brandon in that small, dark space. “Brandon wanted to go to that place that Jesus was preparing – a place in Heaven. He didn’t want to die without that reassurance. And he realized and believed that the only way to get there was through Jesus, just like Jesus said. Because He IS the only way.”

Con takes a moment, taking a deep breath. “I have no doubt of where Brandon is right now. He’s resting so peacefully in the arms of God, and honestly, I’m jealous that he got there before I did.” A silent tear runs down his cheek. “Sometimes I want to go there so bad, I can taste it. But I’m left down here for a reason…sometimes I don’t know what that is, but it’s there. Brandon fulfilled his reason…he lived a life of love an joy despite the hard times. And though he’s gone, he’s left everyone here with this message… It’s never too late, and don’t wait too long.”

He holds up his Bible for emphasis. “Knowing Brandon, he wants to see you all again. He wants to spend a few more moments with you. He wants to see your faces again. But the only way for that to happen, is if all of us know what he did…that the only way we can get there too is through Christ. Brandon didn’t die in vain.. he left this message behind. Now what will you do with it?”

…Con stands back from the small group, leaning against a tree as the burial is completed. He didn’t feel comfortable mingling with the people here…he wasn’t sure how to feel. He was mourning…yet it should be a celebration. Death was a strange thing to deal with.

To: Katie
From: Kyle
Subject: Sunday night
Body: Yo, KT! What up?! Why does it seem like forever since we’ve seen you? Anyway, this is short notice, but what are you doing Sunday night? We’re gonna have a jam session out at Mike’s, Jen’s gonna be there, miss Camryn, and feel free to bring Scott along if ya like. Figured we’d do hamburgers or something. Oh, and we got that big summer bash coming up quick – by Sunday night we should know when it’ll be.
Let me know about Sunday so I can tell Mike how many hamburgers to fix… not that he listens to me, but it’s always worth a try.

Saturday rolls in, proving that no matter what is going on in life, time will pass. No matter the desire to slow it down or stop it, it comes, steady as a heart’s pulse, unrelenting, unforgiving.

“…Alright…” Jason slides into Katie’s extra chair in her cubicle, his face showing that he’s in work mode. “I was going to utilize Carson tonight, but he said he’s got other stuff going on so…” He grins a little, despite the tired look in his eye. He hadn’t gotten a whole lot of sleep tonight with so much on his mind, but was trying to ignore it. “I need your radar.”

Leaning his elbows on his knees, he explains. “Misty and I are going to take off about ten-thirty tonight. I thought about putting a tracker on my bike, but I don’t know how heavy these guys’ security is and I don’t want to blow my cover. So…here’s what needs to happen…I have to get in, get a fight and get out. Hopefully I’ll win so I can actually get paid, let alone live. At some point though, we’re going to need the cavalry to come. I’ve already got the local police on standby. Though Misty will be there to watch my back, most likely she won’t be able to call anybody quick enough.”

Jason takes a deep breath. “So…I’m relying on you to know when we need to call the cops, but not before.” He searches Katie’s eyes. “I’ll do my best to let you know. …think we can handle this?”

“Hey, babe.” Carson comes up behind Misty in the infirmary, throwing his arms around her and giving her a kiss. “I got stuff tonight, so I’ll be in late, but you want to do something after? Movie…latenight drive to the lake…take a walk…sit on the couch and kiss…” He grins, resting his face on her shoulder next to hers, his unshaven scruff just a little bit scratchy.

Bret stretches out on his couch, trying to get up enough gumption to do something…anything. He was supposed to have called Charlotte yesterday about doing something today, but hadn’t. He didn’t know why…he just…after the funeral he just hadn’t been in the mood for anything at all.

Sighing, he reaches over his head for the phone. He should have been out with Charlotte starting this morning already, and he felt a bit bad for not calling her earlier.

Finally dialing, he waits for her to answer. “Help,” he greets dryly. “I want to wallow but I promised to call you first.”

A black eye

*Katie cant help but shake he head at Jason giving him a wack to the arm.*

"When did you become such a big baby?"

*Nate roars with laughter and than put a hand to his face his smile breaking up the gash and making it sleep again.

Misty rolls her eyes and hand Katie some cloth for Nate's face and goes over to Jason.*

"You like to act all tough dont you Hotshot when in the inside your a gentil as a kitten."

*Misty takes her finger and pokes at Jason's bottom lip that he had sticking out. Than taking a cloth she had put iodine on Misty places it under Jason's lower lip where its broken open knowing it might cause alittle pain.*

"Oh that might sting a bit."

*Misty gets a grin on her face as she puts an ice pack on Jason's eyes.*

*As Misty hears Carson's voice she stands up and grins at him.*

"Don't ask its a long story."

*Nate shoots a glance around Katie to Jason.*

"MY FAULT...My....how..."

"Nate stop your belly acking and let me finish with this gash or I am going to make Misty sadate you."

*Mitsy looks to Carson again walking over to him and giving him a hug.*

"See I told you it was a long story."

*Katie cant help but laugh again. Thinging this was quiet amusing.

Nate acks fast as Katie laughs his fingers finding her side. He might of been hurting but there was no way he was going to let her get away with laughing at him.

Katie shreaks and jumps back raising her fists to Nate.*

"You better watch it or I will give you a black eye to match the other one."

*Nate stands up fast going to the mirrow on the wall looking at his face.*

"A black eye....I HAVE A BLACK EYE!"

*The room fills with roars of laughter once again Misty resuming her place by Jason to finish cleaning his face up.*

His fault

Jason gives Nate a sheepish grin. “Well I’m glad you had fun. And just so you know…” He rubs his jaw gingerly. “You haven’t lost your touch.” He looks to Misty and sticks out his lower lip as if miserably pouting. “You gonna leave me over here battered and bruised, or are you gonna fix me up too?”

Carson pulls into the lot at TJY, surprised to see several vehicles still here. Nate, Katie, Jason… They must all be working late.

For just a moment, Carson feels a little bad…he liked this group and every once in a while felt a bit left out. He knew it was his own fault – he was the one running off all the time.

Heading inside, he sees the lights on and goes down the hall, finding everyone in the break room. His eyebrows shoot up, seeing Jason and Nate. “Boy, I didn’t think I’d miss THAT much excitement. What on earth happened to you two?” He looks between Misty and Katie. “Don’t tell me you ladies can’t keep these ruffians from tearing each other apart.”

Jason points to Nate. “His fault.”


*Katie smiles up at Jason.*

"I like being the hero sometimes. It makes me feel good. I'm glad everything went ok."

*Katie gives alittle shake of her head and keep her smile held searching Jason's eyes and seeing life. How could she be mad. If anything Misty did Jason a faver and it knocked some sence into his thick skull.*

"Don't worry I wont be. You secret is safe with me."

*Seeing Jason's grin make Katie smile even more. Katie aims back to the breakroom with Jason to check on Nate.*

*Nate looks up as Jason enters the room and shakes his head the smile still on his face.*

"Overbored much?"

*Nate lets out a laugh.*

"Its alright J, even if you did over do it I still had fun. Misty was here and already checked over me. No broken bones so thats good and Katie here cleaned up my cuts good."

*Hearing that Jason got a fight on saterday he gives out a whoop.*

"Your lucky you got a fight. If I went through this for nothing oh boy."

*Katie stands next to Jason and laughs herself. Poor Nate. She though it was funny to watch the two men go back and forth.*

*Misty closes the door to the infermary. Pulling out a bag she pulls out Carson's shirt she ended up keeping. Taking her Jacket off and the tank she quickly pulls the shirt over her head. Sticking the other cloths in the bag and back in her desk to take home another time. She'd be needing the Jacket on saterday again anyways so it might as well stay here. After finishing geting dressed back in normal clothing Misty makes her way back to the breakroom with some pain kills for Nate and some cream for his gash.*

*Angelica hated that the night was to end. It had been a good day and everything seemd right. Knowing her still had her problems, she could feel herself slowly coming out of the shell she had created. Even just talking with Mike about stuff other than work was something she found hard but felt comfortable doing, and each time found it geting alittle bit easyer. Moving awayfrom her family would be hard, and leaving her practice in the hands of someone alse harder but she new Jake was good to his word and wouldent do anything without her she had no worrys on that. It would take some geting use to but she new she would be ok.

Stoping at the front of the hotel Angelica gives a smile. Something she did more often these days. Taking Mike's hand she gaves it alittle squeeze.*

"GoodNight Mike. I had a nice time. Thank you."

*Angelica's eyes lock with Mike's for a momnet as she gives another smile. The thought on the tip of her mind but she shakes it away. Turning and starting to make her way inside.*

How's it feel

Jason shakes his head a little, still grinning, and follows Misty inside. Looking around, he sees the light from the hall, and heads with Misty, noting the break room and infirmary lights were on.

Aiming for the break room, he looks ahead to see Katie emerging from the infirmary, and breaks away from Misty. “I’ll be right back.”

Going to Katie, he cocks his head a little, offering a look that wasn’t really sheepish…perhaps more grateful than anything. Without waiting for a greeting, Jason wraps his arms around her in a bear hug. “How’s it feel to be the hero again?”

Standing back with his hands on her shoulders he nods. “Thanks for pulling me out a while ago. I saw a guy from prison and it got to me before I could stop it.”

He pauses, searching Katie’s eyes, and knowing that she would say nothing about what just happened, even if she had questions. “And don’t give Misty a bad time…it was my fault.” A genuine grin breaks through. “Maybe I’ll get back on my feet one of these days after all.”

Jason gives Katie a wink, then pats her shoulder before turning back to the break room. “How’s Nate? I hope I didn’t rough him up too badly.”

Turning into the break room, he sees Nate with the ice, and grimaces. “Oooh, sorry about that one, partner. When that other guy started coming at me, I sorta went all out didn’t I? But!” He raises his hands. “I got a fight. Saturday night I meet up with this guy named Terry and he’s going to lead the way to the location. He said I’ll be up against a new guy they got, they call Eagle, and they’ll pay. It’s exactly what the cops have been looking for.”

Carson pulls out of the gas station and heads back across town. Tonight had been good. Torch hadn’t gotten the best of him this time, he’d made money on that, and he’d made extra with a couple side bets. Not to mention, he was out earlier than he’d thought, which would make Misty happy and avoid too many questions.

Reese walks Angelica to the front hotel door and pauses. Dinner had been relaxing and enjoyable. He couldn’t remember a time he’d just enjoyed…talking. Just…talking. About anything from life, to the past, to work, to families, to hobbies. It had been fun, and perhaps he hoped for more evenings like this once Angelica moved.

“Goodnight, Angelica. Thanks for the nice evening.”


*Misty smiles seeing something come to his eyes. Seeing a spark that hadent been there for along time. She had helped someone live, to open up again and have hope. That was something Misty could be proud of.

Thinking on what Jason said of Carson and not throwing it away yet. Misty new Jason was right. Giving a smile she nods. Sometimes you find friends in the strangest of places, but it usaly those friends that turn out to be the best.*

"Good friends it is. Slap Carson upside the head for me? Cuz I cant seem to do it."

*Misty cant help but give alittle laugh and shake her head*

"That girl is lucky to have you coming after her. Good Luck and if you need any points let me know. Alright lets go."

*Misty starts to make her way inside with Jason a slight smile on her face.*

*Nate sits in the breakroom puting some ice on his face leting out a groan. He was waiting for Misty to get back so he could her some pain killed and make sure Jason dident break anything. Nate couldent help the smile on his face though, tonight had been the first time in a while on undercover work and he loved it.

Katie enters the breakroom with some new ice and a cleaning whipe for the cut on Nate's forhead. A big smile spread across her lips.

Nate quirks an eyebrow at Katie and the smile she wore.*

"What are you smiling about?"


"Do I look funny being broken up here."

"Maybe alittle."

*Nate gives alittle shakes of his head and flinches at the little bit of pain. It wasent unbearable but the alchohol Katie put on the cut dident feel nice.*

"Hows everything going with Jason? I thought they would be back by now everything ok?"

*Katie thinks for a moment about all the strange emotions she felt for the last few minutes. Something about there were differnt, they dident make her upset. She felt a change in Jason from it, a good change and it made her happy. Those feeling no one would know about. Jason would probley no she new, but he had nothing to worry about she new what she should keep to herself sometimes, and this was one of those thing.*

"They are just fine Nate. They should be back in an minute no sit still and let me do this. When Misty gets in she can take over but untill than I am not going to just let you sit here all banged up."

*Katie continues to clean up Nate's face the best she can.*

Reminded to live

Jason closes his eyes for a moment, feeling Misty’s hand on his face. Her touch was so gentle…so soft.

Looking at her again, he finally releases his hold, and reaches up to push aside a strand of hair from Misty’s face.

A million and one thoughts entered his mind at once. All of them involving him, the people he cared about, and replaying what just happened. “You’re right,” he finally whispers. “I need to take chances.”

His finger traces her jawline before both arms sling across Misty’s shoulders so he can look directly down at her.

A strange new spark is evident in Jason’s eyes. Something different…something renewed. A faint, yet solemn grin upturns just the corner of his mouth as a form of seriousness enters his tone.

He speaks quietly. “Has Carson disappointed you that much?” He searches Misty’s face, realizing the truth of the reasoning behind the impulsive actions. “I wouldn’t throw that away yet, just because you like my kiss.”

His arms slide from her shoulders, his hand going to caress the side of her face. “Thank you…for sharing a moment that reminded me to live.”

The grin finally spreads, the light from the parking lot beams just outlining his face. “You got it good…I got it good… You got a man waiting, and I got my sights on a woman that I think now I can take a chance with.”

He leans down to plant a kiss on her forehead. “How about neither one of us ruin what we’ve worked so hard to get, just because we discovered we both can kiss pretty well?”

A soft chuckle comes out. “Carson’s a lucky guy.” He tweaks her chin playfully. “And I think you and I are going to be good friends.”

Jason moves to lay a hand on the door handle, but looks at Misty one more time. “Let’s just tuck this one away in our memory banks, shall we? Come on…before someone starts looking for us.”

What you want

*Looking back into Jason's eyes she can see him holding back. Unwilling to let himself go.*

"We probley should in a moment, but is that what you really want? Why not take a chanse and do what makes you happy? You shouldent be scaired not everyone wants to hurt you."

*Misty hand finds the side of Jason's face for a moment running her thump across his cheek. This feeling so off, so strange, something she never noticed before. It was almost startaling, and for some reason Misty did resist it.*

I think

As Misty pulls Jason in again, for some reason, he lets her, without resistance. Her kiss was warm and soft, her hold on him appealing.

Getting lost, when Misty withdraws, he blinks, unsure exactly what just happened. Her fingers running through his hair sends a tingle down his spine and suddenly the teasing seems to have vanished. He swallows hard, feeling the heat in his face, but his arms seem to be locked around her, unwilling to let go.

He studies her eyes, questions, confusion filling his own. Her kiss had been no tease. His return had been impulsive.

His heartrate is quickened as the silence drags on. What he wants, he resists. What he wants, he defies. “I…think we better…go…inside?”

Absent Mindedly

*As Jason holds Misty and press his lips to her. She can feel her pulse quicken again. The feeling passing over her over again. It was strang, it was differnt, and Misty.....liked it? As Jason pulls away grin grows. Misty wasnted sure if the feeling she felt was joking anymore or not. It was strange and certinly unexspected.*

"Mmmmm....I most certinly do."

*Leaning into Jason again Misty pushes her lips to his in alittle bit deeper kiss. Her on arm wraping him finding his back and the other to the side of his face for a moment and than slids to the back of his head. The kiss linger for quiet a few minutes this time. Finally Misty pulls away her face a bit flush not sure what came over her, but the strange feeling of liking it stired. Her eyes catch Jason as she absent mindedly runs her fingers though his hair.*


Jason’s eyes widen at Misty’s forward remark, and he can feel a bit of neat rising to the back of his neck.

Recognizing Misty’s playful nature, he quickly narrows his eyes, quirking a grin. Though sore, the fight had been invigorating, he’d accomplished his mission, and kidding Misty back seemed all-too natural.

“Oh yeah? Well if I’m that good, maybe you don’t want to wait for the fight.”

Reaching around Misty’s waist, he pulls her close, his teasing grin pasted on his face as his eyes challenge her daringness. Without even thinking, he leans down closer, pressing his lips to hers, this time letting it stay for just a couple short moments.

Straightening just a little, but keeping his arm around her, he eyes her again. “Still want to be my date to that fight?”

Night of the Fight

*Misty watches as Jason and Nate go back in forth and than as Mr. Angry joins in. Katie cringes on the inside still leaning aganst the bar for the two men but not leting it show. Every here and there she adds to the show cheering for Jason and making smart alic comments.

Finally at the fight stop and Jason leans down giving Misty a kiss her one hand finds Jason's arm leaning into the kiss. For a moment a strange feeling pass over Misty. One she wasent exspecting as her pulse quickens. Giving a wink to Jason she replys a grin playing on her lips.*

"I am now!"

*The tone Misty hears herself replying though acting holds alittle bit of searousness. Catching herself off guard. Not having time to even think more about it Jason is aproched by Terry. Misty takes another swig on her drink. As Jason holds his arm around Misty's waist he leans into him a bit to show up the affection and her own arms crossed.

Finally Misty follows Jason out of the bar and gets on the bike with him. Wrapping her arms around his wast and holding on as they drive back to TJY. Once arriving and geting off the bike Misty quirks a grin and her eye lite up dancing word on her lips waiting to be spoken. Finally as Jason goes to head inside she stops him her grin growing.*

"You did good to Hotshot. So the night that we go to the fight are you going to kiss me again? Because personaly I have to tell ya I wouldent mind. Your a dang good kisser and I liked it."

*Misty gives Jason a wink.*

All-out Brawl

Reese raises his eyebrows at Angelica’s invitation, and for a moment, he hesitates. But he can’t help but give in. “Sure. I’ll pick you up in fifteen minutes.”

Ty grins at Katie and gives a little nod. “Maybe…maybe tomorrow if there’s time or something….you can help me write....maybe.”

A short laugh surfaces. “Maybe one of these days I can actually function like a normal human being.”

Shaking his head, he rises from his chair. “Well thanks again, Katie…I really appreciate this.” Giving a little wave, he turns to leave her cubicle. “I better get to work before Hal has my hide.”

A curse is hurled in Nate’s direction, sliding from Jason’s mouth with an angry edge. Ignoring Misty’s prompting, he gives a shove to Nate’s chest, just hard enough to make him stagger. “You like talking to me like that? You like being a big man and challenging me?” He shoves him again, pushing Nate up against the counter, knocking over a glass, gaining more attention. “One more word out of your mouth and you won’t be able to use it for a week.”

Letting Nate go, he turns around, but pauses. “Aw, what the hey. You deserve it now.”

Spinning back around, he throws a punch at Nate’s jaw. Hooking Nate’s ankle, he gives a slight kick that would go unnoticed by onlookers, to bring Nate down naturally as if the fist was what had knocked him down.

Jason takes one step back and tenses with hands to the sides, ready for him to get up and continue the fight. A tap to his shoulder though, catches him off guard

Turning around, he sees a large man who looked like he’d had a few beers already himself and was looking for a fight. “Got a problem?” Jason snaps.

“Yeah, he didn’t deserve that.”

“Oh, no?” Jason glares at the other man. “You want to join him?”

The man’s eyes narrow and suddenly a fist is flying in Jason’s direction.

Instincts cause him to duck, reflexes throwing him into action as he lashes out at the stranger with his own knuckles, landing squarely on the man’s mouth to send him reeling. This was not what Jason had intended, but there was no way he could stop the acting now.

As the drunk picks himself up off the floor, he runs at Jason.

Jason, however, steps out of the way, letting the man run himself into the bar. Stepping back though, Jason runs backward into Nate who had picked himself up. “Are you still here?” he growls. He ducks a punch and gives Nate another one, losing him just in time to sidestep another lunge from Mr. Angry.

Taking a blow from behind from Nate, he whirls around with a high kick. Misjudging the distance just a little, he smacks Nate in the side of the head with his boot just a bit harder than intended. He can’t even react though as Mr. Angry is on top of him again.

For several minutes, Jason fights between the two men, gaining the attention of over half the bar, and now seriously fighting to keep himself on top, half acting, half not, and winding up confusing the two several times, either getting Nate harder than he wanted, or not giving the drunk what he deserved.

Shoved back toward the bar by a strong fist from Nate, Jason stumbles near Misty. For only her to see, his eyes widen for a split second, showing his thoughts that this had gotten crazy way too quickly. No time to recover though, he’s pulled back into the fight.

Finally, Jason manages one last heave, sending the drunk crashing to the floor on the way to the exit where he lands with a groan, giving up the match.

Seeing Nate tiring as well, Jason sends him in the same direction, giving a kick to his behind for good measure. By now it’s obvious who the winner is, and several from the crowd grab hold of Nate and the drunk to push them out the door onto the sidewalk.

Jason stands tall, wiping a bit of blood from his lip with the back of his hand, breathing heavily. Ignoring the cheers and taunts from those around him, he turns back around to put an arm around Misty. After taking a swig of his beer that had somehow survived the ruckus, he leans down to give Misty a kiss. “You alright, babe?”

Sensing someone behind him, he rolls his eyes and turns around, fists balled.

The tall stranger does not have the look on his face that he wants to fight, but rather a bit of amusement showing in his eyes. “Whoa, slow down there. Relax.”

Jason lifts an eyebrow skeptically. “Look, all I wanted was to share a beer with my woman, now you got a problem, say it, or I’m out of here.”

“Terry.” The man extends his hand.

Jason eyes it, knowing that this could very well be the contact he was looking for. Finally he accepts the shake. “Call me Ace.”

“Well, Ace, you fight pretty well.”

As the noise of the bar drones on, the two men converse privately at the bar. Within half an hour, Jason has agreed to show up to fight for some money, win or lose, just to give a new crowd a show. He knows when and where, and plays his nonchalant arrogance to a tee.

Jason’s arm is around Misty’s waist as he takes a final sip of his beer and watches Terry leave the bar. Glancing down at Misty, he quirks an eyebrow, waits a few moments, then makes his way to the door himself, bringing her along.

Not stopping to talk, he gets on his bike again, starting up the engine. It’s dark by now, and a chill is in the air. Speeding around down for a few minutes, then heading back to TJY, they arrive in one piece.

As he shuts off the engine, Jason lets out a long sigh and turns to look behind him at Misty. “Well…that went…well….I think.” He quirks a grin and dismounts, helping Misty off as well. “We better get inside and make sure Nate’s okay. I see his car is here, so hopefully that means he got back alright.” He shakes his head, pausing at the door. “Thanks, Misty – you were great. One more night and we should be home free with evidence to hand in.”

Looking Forward

*As Nate stumbles backward he adds his own empasis and slams into a table. Struggling to stand Nate finally makes it to his feet. Steping up to Jason and looking him in eyes and than glancing to Misty.

Misty gets up from the stool and puts her hand on Jason's arm.*

"Ace, come on lets go. Dont bother with someone like him."

*Nate lets out a snicker and looks back at Jason a cocky look on his face.*

"You better listen to your woman there Ace. If thats what you want to call her."

*Nate puffs out his chests his fists in balls showing his airagence.*

*Angelica cant help but smile herself still listing. She was excited. For the first time in a long while she was excited and truly looking forward to something.*

"It will probley only be a week at tops I will be gone. As for finding a place I should have no problem. It seems like there are alot of open place around here and if I have to drive alittle bit I dont mind. Thank you again Mike I am looking forward to this."

*Angelica is about to hang up the phone when she stops and for a split moment she throws caution in the wind.*

"Mike would you like to join me for dinner tonight?"

*Seeing Ty's face Katie smiles. She felt over joyed truly for Ty. She was glad she was able to help him and hope he continues to leave. Wraping an arm around his shouldent and give alittle squeeze she replys.*

" Your very welcome Ty. I'm proud of you. If you want more help learning please come see me anything. This time I really mean it. I can even help you write a reply to your family if you want."

*Katie beams. Being able to help someone outside of the normal work made her feel good. Ty deserved this. He had been though so much and he had come to far. Katie new he needed this happyness.*

Back off

Jason grits his teeth and gives Misty a slight nod, forcing his outward appearance back into a calm state, while his insides still raced.

Taking a swig of beer, he suddenly gives a slight lurch, feeling as though someone was sucking the air out of him. His mind pinpoints what it was, and he shoves his emotions back down to a controllable state. Alright, Katie, alright, I got it! Don’t knock me over!

As Nate comes staggering over to them, he quirks an annoyed eyebrow. For a few moments he lets Misty fend for herself, but finally slams his beer bottle down in disgust. “Aw for crying out loud.”

Standing from the barstool, he glares at Nate, anger forced to the surface. “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size? Or have you forgotten how to do anything but harass someone else’s woman?”

Taking a step forward, he yanks Nate’s hand off of Misty and reaches out to grab him by his shirt collar. “You leave your hands off of her,” he hisses.

Out of the corner of his eye he sees several people start to watch, just feeding the acting game. “Now back off before I lose my tempter.”

He gives Nate a shove, a little harder than necessary, sending him stumbling backward into a table.

Reese leans back in his chair, a smile spreading across his face. “Good.” He keeps himself professional, but the pleasure can’t be removed from his voice. “I’ll be talking to Doug Brown more tomorrow, and I’ll have the office here prepped for whenever you come.”

He pauses a moment. “…It’ll be nice having you around here, Angelica. I’m glad you want to stay. If you need help looking for a place, let me know. I’ve even got people you could stay with for a while if you need to.”

Ty slowly sits in Katie’s other chair, his nervousness showing in his eyes, the redness remaining in his face. But he nods and takes Katie’s lead.

With every word he gets right, a little bit of nervousness subsides, and a smile starts to form.

As Katie pauses at one point, whispering to Jason, surprisingly, Ty says nothing, but waits, and picks up reading as soon as she’s ready again as if nothing happened.

“Happy birthday Ty. Mom, Dad, Clint, Rosalynn.”

Ty beams as he’s finally able to put the last part together after several tries. Not only was there excitement that he’d just read it, but there was overwhelming pleasure at the words themselves… His family…his real family…had cared enough to write to him and send him a card.

Suddenly overwhelmed, he looks down, willing the tears in his eyes not to fall. “Thanks, Katie,” he comments meekly.