
I have a feeling

*Nate rolls his eyes and than fliches in pain.*

"Ya thanks alot. I'll see you guys later. Had fun Hotshot even though I hurt now."

*Nate heads out of the breakroom and heads home.*

*Misty looks up at Carson and gives him a returning kiss and a smile.*

"After all this excitment I think some relaxing watching movies will be nice."

*Misty wave goodbye and heads out with Carson.

Katie following soon after.*

*Katie spends every moment she can the days after the bar scene with Scott. Hearing he might be leaving earlyer than he has said was disheartning. There was no doubt in her mind she was going to miss him very much. She enjoyed spending her time with him weather it was meals, snuggling, having kissing sessions, or just talking Katie liked the time with Scott.*

*Misty spend the next few days with Carson, Frankie not showing his face again but Misty couldent help but feel like she was being watched anyways so Carson stuck close like he promised. Misty new Carson had planes on the weekend and told him that was fine. Saterday she was going to be pretty busy with a case and wouldent be around much.*


*Charlotte stands outside the church where she new Brandon's serves was being held. For a long moment she just stands there many thoughts running through her head. She hadent been to a chruch herself since her brother service. She had been young and even though there were so many people around she had felt so alone.

Should she be there? She wasent invited and would it be wrong to just enter? Maybe it was but she new Bret was having a hard time with this, and she couldent blam him. Charlotte dident want Bret to feel alone. Making her desition she quietly enters the church. Spoting Bret she quietly makes her way down the idles feeling a bit strange and slids in next to Bret where there was space. Not talking Charlotte lets her actions speak for themself as she slips her hand into Brets. Keeping her eyes glued to the front watching, waiting, listing.*

*Jamie listens to Con as she sits out in the croud. She was so proud of Con and he faith so strong it even braught a few tears to her own eyes. Just watching and listing.

..Jamie breaths in the fresh air. She never cared for graveyards much herself but she new why she was here. She had met and talked to Brandon a few times, and it was her time to say see you again. After having a few moments of silence she steps back and looks around see Con by the tree. Slowly she walks next to him sliping her arm through his and just standing with him.Being there for the person she loved so much.*

*Katie smiles at the e-mail from Kyle. Sunday night sounded like fun and Katie was sure Scott would come. Grabing her phone she dials Kyle.*

"Yo KYLE.....Sunday, I'll drag scott along, Mike place lots of foot YOU CAN COUNT ON US.!"

*After Katie is done chating with Kyle more she gets up from her Cubicle to find Scott and ask him about coming to Sunday.*

Time, what is time. It cant be stoped, it cant be slowed. You cant speed it up, you cant bend it to your will. But still we need time. And so the days pass. Another one comes and does. The day is now anew.

*Katie listend to Jason instructions taking all the information. At leats this ability she had could be put to use. Giving a grin she looks at Jason.*

"Can we do this? Do you know who your talking to? Of course we can. I'm on it and will be open and ready."

*Misty smiles as Carson wraps his arms around her. Turning her head she gives him a long her.*

"Hey you."

*Doing a few more things Misty finally puts the slids she was looking at down and turns around to face Carson. Giving him another big kiss and wraping her arms around him.*

"Ok Hun, that works I have that case we were working on the other night to help finish up with it anyways. I think the latenight drive to the lake and the kissing sounds the best. So just pick me up here again and away we go."

*Misty cant help but keep her arms around Carson. She had a bad feeling, like something drastic was going to change and this might be the last time she saw Carson. Shaking her head she trys to clear her mind that was probley silly. Just nerves with everything that was going on piled in one.*

"Be safe tonight ok Hun. I just have a funny feeling. So I want you to be carfel. Ok?"

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