
Get out

*Misty smiles as she stands with Carson.*

"Ya know I think letting her live proved alot. Not only that knowing the kind of people they are they probley forgive you a while ago just like Jamie did."

*Misty takes Carson's hand and slowly walks back to the car with him.*

*Katie follow Scott who is following Kyle but neather of them were going fast enough to her. The closer they came the more intense Katie could feel Jason and she started to whimper softer. Her mind felt like it was almost trying to grip onto anything. Anything floating on the wind.

Finally coming to the camp Katie almost breaks into a run snaging her skirt and ripping it alittle. Going into the tent and seeing Jason more fear washs over her as she see how bad he is.*

"Everyone out...I need you guys to leave."

*Seeing the look they gave her and there hesatence Katie throws them another look her voice raising a bit and the ergency, desparation and tention emotions in her voice.*

"EVERYONE....Out NOW...Jason needs room to breath and he wouldent want you to see him like this. Out please."

*Going over next to Jason she kneels down next to him and gently reaches out to lay her hand on his. Seeing everyone is out of the tent Katie finally sits down and speaks everyone outside can probley hear her but she dosent care. She's in her zone now.*

"J...Jason...Its ok Hun. Your ok..its me Katie. Come one, come back to us. Your safe, Alex is not here, he's long gone. Ja...son..."

*Katie moves slightly resting Jason's head in her lap her hand gently stroking the sit of hit face.*

"It's ok J, I'm here its ok. Calm down for me huh?"

*Katie's emotions still run high as she sits with Jason trying to calm him. Keep her voice with the soft tone she starts to hum a soft song that could probley put the wildest of hearts at ease. Kate just sits running her hand up and down Jason's face as she hum, a prayer being said in the back of her mind.*


Carson hugs Misty, finding comfort in her touch. He always had.

“A cook, huh?” He gives a short sigh. “I guess former assassins can’t be choosy. I’ll see what comes up. If there’s nothing else, I’ll ask down there. ‘Course…it might be asking a lot to work for the parents of a woman I tortured.”

Shaking his head, he releases Misty and straightens. “It’s getting kinda chilly out here with the sun down. How about we call it a night?”

Scott follows Katie’s directions the best he can, heading out of town. His leg bounces nervously, his anxiousness growing. Was it hot in the car, or was it just him?

He reaches over to take Katie’s hand, but sensing that he’s doing no good at all, his frustration just grows.

The drives feels like an eternity. Scott knew Jason and some others had taken off camping, but he hadn’t known it was this far. Several hours away was quite a trip, and one that took them into the late evening hours, well after dark.

Finally they pull onto a lane that leads to a lot where cars could park, and where there was a small shelter. Scott sees a familiar pickup and knows they’re at the right place. He trusted Katie, but this was just confirmation.

Kyle tries to catch his breath as he reaches the shelter, throwing his backpack onto the floor. Still breathing heavily and wet with sweat, he goes for the phone, only to stop as headlights blind him through the window.

A thought strikes him. Could it really… Going to the door, he sees two figures get out of the car and his heart skips a beat. “Thank you, God.”

Forgetting about his backpack, he bursts outside. “Katie…Scott!” He stops for a moment, blinking, seeing how nicely they’re dressed. “Well this was great timing, wasn’t it?” He gasps for breath. “It’s bad, Katie, real bad. I was gonna try to call you and see what you wanted to do.”

He points up the trail. “It’s going to take a while, but we have to hurry. Phil and Camryn are with him.” Kyle makes haste, going back inside to grab his pack, stopping for a moment at the truck to grab a cell phone, then aim for the trail again. If Katie couldn’t get Jason out of his nightmare, he was calling 911.

Scott takes Katie’s hand again, quickly following behind Kyle. It was strange…no questions were needed…no answers were needed. They knew exactly what was going on, and knew to the best of their ability what might help their friend. And desperation won out.

The trail is dark and winding. Kyle easily leads, now knowing exactly where to go, despite the little help from his flashlight. He tries to take it a little slower for Katie’s sake, but hurries nonetheless. His fear had intensified, his nervousness had grown. He didn’t like this feeling of being out of control.

It takes longer than liked to finally reach the campsite. All are hot despite the cool night air, and breathless.

Phil is there to greet them, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise at seeing Katie and Scott. But he needs not ask questions either. Instead, he ushers them into the large tent.

Camryn is still kneeling beside Jason, her face wet with tears and strained with worry. “Katie?” Her voice quivers. “How…”

Another scream from Jason cuts her off and makes her jump in fright.

Jason writhes under the blankets, his desperation growing. There was a light…somewhere…somewhere….a doorway…some way to get out… there had to be… He takes another blow from Alex. He cringes again at the officer being gunned down. He feels himself being shoved into that car.

His pulse was racing and his sweat had begun to soak through the blankets as he shook. He was trying…trying so hard…it was dark…lonely…frightening…

Keep going

*Misty cant tell Carson was upset. You could see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice. Turning a little more Misty wraps her arm around him and gently rubs his back.*

"Oh Hun! I'm sorry. Your not a failure eather. Your staying here, your on the right road and you have a wonderful girlfriend. I'd say your doing pretty good for yourself."

*Misty leans her head aganst Carson. She wanted to say so much but she feared it wouldent be enough.*

"I know this might not help but you just have to keep at it. Things have to get worse before they get better but in the end they always do."

*Misty is quiet as she thinks for a moment remebering over hearing Wyatt talk about an opening at Mom and Pop's.*

"I know it might not be much, but I over hurd Wyatt talking about an opening at Mom and Pop's for a line cook. It's something until you can find better."

*Katie cant controll her panic, her fear. She and seeing the look on Scott's face and the tone in his voice dosent help it causes her get get even more upset on top of what she was feeling from Jason.

Geting into car Katie curls herself up into the font seat her arms wraped around her. Giving Scott a few directions on where to go.

As she can feel Jason's emotions continues some tears run out of her eyes as she lets out another cry. Katie herself starts to shake slightly as she continues to direct Scott out of town and to where she could feel Jason. *

He's not

Carson is quiet for several more moments. It wasn’t his fault really, but he still felt low about it.

“Oh, some cash ended up missing from the register at the store. One of the guys got wind that I had a shady past, even though my record is clean now. So…Harry blamed me.”

He shrugs, knowing there was absolutely nothing he could do. “I know who took it, but there’s no way to prove it, so…he sacked me. This will go over real well the next job I find when they asked me what happened at my last place of employment.”

Carson shakes his head and tightens his grip around Misty, just wanting to forget everything. “What kind of life was this…” He knew he shouldn’t be asking that, but it’s what he was feeling. “I’m trying my dangdest to stay on the right side, and for what?” Though he feels like shouting, his tone remains quiet. “What am I going to do? No matter what I do, where I go…I just screw it up.”

Moving his head, he buries his face in Misty’s shoulder. She was the only one he would show any weakness to. “Am I doomed to be a failure?”

Scott enjoys the evening with Katie, laughing and talking. It didn’t matter what they talked about, he was happy just being with her.

But as she suddenly gives a cry, Scott is on edge. What had happened? What was wrong? “Katie…?”

As her own tension rises, he gets more and more on edge, apprehension fills his veins and he becomes almost nervous. Keeping it back as much as he can though, he hears her explanation, and now understands what’s happening. But…she had to go? It was a must?

He stands with her, the question and disappointment on his face. “But…” His hand gestures to the table, his eyes proving his feelings. He knew about her helping Jason. He didn’t understand it…maybe he didn’t even like it. But he can also tell that she’s determined to leave whether he likes it or not. “I…”

His shoulders drop and he lets out a sigh. “You’re in no shape to drive. I’ll take you. Just…tell me where to go.”

Grabbing his jacket he takes her arm and follows her out of the restaurant and to his car. Once inside, he takes a deep breath, not liking the anxious feeling in his veins, but trying to ignore it. It felt strange, and he fought it. It was almost fear. It was…odd. A bead of sweat runs down the side of his face, but he maintains control and just drives, following Katie’s directions.

Kyle jogs down the trail, squinting into the dark, his flashlight providing a poorly lit path. He doesn’t know how long it’s been…it had taken them hours to trek up to the campsite, and he didn’t know how long it would be on the way back down. The muscles in his legs started to ache, but knowing there was a pay phone at the start of the trail kept him going. A prayer remained in his mind.

Jason’s body shakes, burning up, but unable to get warm. His emotions so violently rushing into him that it tormented him physically.

Words…harsh words…Alex’s words…hurled in his direction. Shouting, screaming, crying. Over and over and over again, they hounded his mind and his heart.

Camryn sits near to him, talking to him, trying to rouse him. “Come on, Jason,” she begs. Another tear rolls down her cheek. She tries to reach in to take his hand, but his fingers are clenched too tightly. “Please…for me?”

Phil sits back, his knees pulled up to his chest, his arms wrapped around his legs as he waits and prays.

Camryn looks to him for help. “He…he told me this happened before sometimes.”

“Yeah…once in a while.”

“But…but he said it was like a nightmare that…that he would wake up from after a while. That…it would just run its course and…he could pull out of it like…like he could feel what was happening around him and like come out of it.”

Phil nods slowly. “Yeah.” He swallows hard, his mind still full. He didn’t want to say what he wanted to for fear it would make Camryn feel bad, but it was the truth. “That was true, but… I don’t know, Camryn. Last time I saw him like this it lasted maybe half an hour tops.”

“How did he pull out?”


Camryn’s eyes lower. “He’s told me about his connection with her. You think that’s it?”

“Could be.” Phil shrugs. “I don’t know. He’s said some about that, but…seems it’s something that maybe can’t be explained.”

“I guess I try to think it’s a God thing.”

“Me too.” Phil nods his agreement, but his eyes drift back to his friend.

Camryn follows his gaze. “Katie could bring him out of these spells, couldn’t she?”

Phil nods. That’s what he was trying to avoid, but it was the truth. He’d seen it happen. “Even so, he said he could pull himself out of it.”

“But he’s not…is he.”

Jason cringes as he sees Alex’s hand coming down fast, and he feels the shooting pain through his face. His whole body tenses and he gives a lurch as the scream follows.

Camryn jumps and tries to calm him down, her tears coming again. “Jason, it’s okay…it’s okay…”

Rock and a Hard Place

*Misty cant help but laugh a little. Carson always though he needed to be flashy for her but when deep down it was that fast food and drive by the lake she liked the most. *

"I think that sounds perfect. I havent had BK in so long now my mouth is watering thinking about it and...the atmosphere is always nice when your around. Should I drive over to your place after work? or are you going to pick me up here when you get out?"

*Misty leans back in her chair as she talks to Carson a smile on her face. *

*Wes smiles down at his wife again giving her a kiss before he disappears into the kitchen and returns with some plates ready to eat lunch.*

"I don't mind your hungry all the time. Have to keep you and the baby healthy."

*Smiling he helps put the food on the plate and make sure Cindy is situated before siting down himself to say a small prayer and than eat.*

*Katie was dressed nicely tonight to match the restront. She has on a long flowing black shirt and a white lacy tank top. A pare of black sandles finish off the outfit. She hated dressing up and she lothed wearing skirts or dress' even more but it wasent often that her and Scott went to a nice place like this so she had a few for just an occation like this.

As Scott talks about Domino Katie cant help but laugh.*

"Ok well you can let her know tonight we will have a family outing last this week."

*As Katie stairs across the table at Scott her gets a strange feeling all of a suddon. It almost felt like a storm of some kind unseen was around the courner and this time, it would leave more desaster than one person new how to handle. Almost like a chainreaction storm destroying everything in its path.

Give alittle shake of her head Katie smiles at Scott trying to shake the feeling. She wanted to enjoy herself tonight. Looking down at her menu she decieds what to have.*

*Misty enjoys her time with Carson. She loved every moment she spend with him weather it was at eather of there apartment or just siting on the beach. As Misty is drawn into his arm and siting comfortable she lets out a conent sigh only to have it broken by Carson news. Turning to look at Carson face Misty feel simpaly. She new he was trying she did.*

"Oh no Carson...what happend this time babe?"

*As the night becomes alittle later Katie and Scott's laughter rings from there table as storys and jokes are bing tossed around. It was a nice time indeed something they both needed.

As Scott continues with his story suddanly and out of the blue Katie blood runs cold. Emotions hiting her face and hard alittle to fast causing her to cry out a little. Bringing both her hand to her head she whisper.*

"No, Jason...stop..."

*It was no use though. Katie new Jason was camping and dident have him phone and dispite her pleading the emotions, feeling dident stop. This time is was bad, almost worse than ever before. It almost felt the same as the day Jason got out of prison and he threw the emotions at her on purpis, but Katie new the content of these emotions, she new these feelings and Jason wasent ok.

Looking up at Scott Katie feels horrable but dosent think twice Jason needed her once again and she couldent turn away. Tear fill her eyes as the emotions keep coming.*

"I'm so sorry Scott, but I have to go. Something wrong with Jason and its bad. Worse than its been in a long time. I have to go I'm sorry."

*Katie puts her napkin on the table and stands. She did feel horrable caught between a rockand a half place. Pulled in 2 directions.*


Carson grabs his phone from his belt as he heads up the stairs to his apartment. Seeing it's Misty, he inwardly cringes. He loved talking to her, but not when he knew he had to tell her about another failure.

Mustering up a casual tone, he answers as he fishes for his keys in his other pocket. "Hey, babe." He unlocks his door and enters his apartment. "I was just wondering if you wanted to go get some fast food tonight or something. I'd take you somewhere nicer than that, but you know how cash flow goes."

As he talks, he looks on his kitchen table, spying his rent bill. "Maybe Burger King to go, eaten down at the lake. At least I can give you good atmosphere, eh?"

Cindy beams as she receives the flowers from Wes. Her smile couldn't be bigger. "I love you too..." He reaches up to pull him down for a kiss, then lets him go. "Yes, do get the plates, I'm starving." She laughs. "Like that's anything new."

"Kyle wait up!" Phil rolls his eyes as Kyle bounds ahead of the other three up the wooded trail.

Kyle turns around and waves. "I'm just checking it out," he calls back.

Phil gives a smirk, then turns to check on Jason. "How's that leg holding up?"

Jason was limping, but he nods. He'd taken enough pain meds to last him the day. "It's alright."

Camryn has a hold of his hand and gives it a squeeze. "We can rest if you want."

"Nope. It won't take us much longer now anyway, will it?"

Phil shakes his head. "Another half hour and we should be there." He glances at the sun that was sinking lower in the sky. "Just in time to catch some fish for supper."

"Now that sounds good." Camryn grins. "I haven't had fresh fish in ages."

As they walk, Jason's eye catches sight of an old oak tree. Its branches were spread over the trail, it's leaves turning brown in a display of fall. But a large scar on its trunk told a tale of lightning in a recent storm - probably the one just a few weeks ago.

Before Jason can stop it, an image flashes in his mind. It was that same tree. No...a similar one. It was scarred just the same. But it had been taller. No...he'd been shorter.

Jason shakes his head a little, trying to get the deja vu to pass. But as he walks with Camryn, the chatter among the other three remains in the background as his mind insists on remembering where he'd seen that tree.

As if his subconscious knows what's coming, it fights against it, creating a strange inner tension. Then it hits him. The backyard of Alex's house.

Jason takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, continuing the trek up the trail. He'd only touched that tree once, but he could see it out the window of Alex's back porch where he would hide, trying to squeeze between the old washing machine and the wall, attempting to disappear from Alex's grasp to avoid being taken to that dreaded room.

He could still smell the musty porch and feel the grime between the washer and wall. His hand brushed a cobweb, making him cringe. His barefoot snagged on a protruding nail in the baseboard and he bit into his lip to keep from crying out, making his own mouth bleed. He could hear Alex coming. If he could only squeeze in a little farther. If he could only get his shoulder out of sight...

"Jason...hello..." Camryn waves a hand in front of his face.

Jason snaps to attention and looks at Camryn for a moment, trying to focus. He hadn't realized that he'd stopped walking. "Huh?"

Camryn furrows her brow at his paled face. "You alright? You sure you don't want to rest?"

"Yeah...no, I'm alright." He tries to shake off the brief flashback. He wasn't going to let a stupid memory ruin this trip. It was over, he was fine, that was it. He pulls Camryn over to plant a kiss on her lips. "But thanks for worrying about me."

"Hey, you twitterpated two, you," Kyle calls back. "Hustle your feet! We only got one more bend up here and you can see the lake."

Camryn giggles and swings Jason's hand. "Come on."

Scott pulls out Katie's chair for her at the candlelit table, and only sits down after he's sure she's settled. Easing down across from her, he gives her a smile. He and Katie were together all the time, but it wasn't too often that they went out on a special date like this.

The restaurant was nice and peaceful, quiet music playing in the background. The lights were dim, creating atmosphere, and conversations were automatically kept low.

"Domino wanted to come," Scott teases. "But I told her that she'd have to play guard dog tonight...I did promise her we'd take her for ice cream this week though, so we'll have to do that."

Carson settles down next to a big rock on the sandy beach with the bags from Burger King and waits for Misty to join him before breaking out the burgers and fries. It was a cool evening, but not too cold to be on the lakefront. It wasn't the kind of dinner Carson would have liked to have treated Misty too, but he knew she didn't mind, and he certainly couldn't complain, with her company.

Conversation is kept light for a while, and Carson avoids too deep of topics as they eat. But as they finish their meal, he knows he needs to tell her what happened today.

Walking hand-in-hand along the beach for a few minutes, Carson finds a nice spot out of the wind to sit, and draws Misty down with him, planting her between his legs with her back resting against his chest.

Leaning his chin on her shoulder with his arms wrapped around her, he watches the sun sink lower and lower in the sky. The quietness is nice...so peaceful he doesn't want to break it. But he knows he must. And there was no point in beating around the bush.

Heaving a weary sigh, he doesn't move from this comfortable position. "I got fired today."

The campfire flickered in the clearing by the lake. Dusk settled over the wooded land, creating a peaceful atmosphere. Both tents were set up, fish had been caught for supper and already eaten, and the four hikers were preparing to get to bed early tonight. They were all exhausted from their long hike and they wanted to rise early to explore in the morning, so none argued at the suggestion of going to bed.

Bidding each other goodnight, Jason is the last one left at the fire. He'd had an enjoyable afternoon and evening without incident, and was having fun. It had been a long time since he'd done anything like this, and he now wanted to do it more often. He'd forgotten how much he enjoyed it.

A spark from the fire lands by his feet and he looks down, his attention diverted. Suddenly he remembers his earlier brief encounter with the past. He'd successfully avoided it all evening, but as the day drew on it had become harder. It was as if a valve had been opened just far enough to let the memories out, and once started, they couldn't be stopped. Eventually, they would come out.

Jason rises to his feet and heads to the tent, but a pain in his knee causes him to stop and wince. Out of habit, he blocks the pain, but finds it difficult.

His knee scrapes the floor of the back porch a he's yanked from his hiding spot and dragged into the other room. His screaming at the top of his lungs does no good. No one can hear him.

Jason puts a hand to his head. No...not now...it had been so long...this couldn't happen now...

The carpet in the next room burns his bare feet as he's dragged, kicking and fighting Alex's strong grip. But it does no good. He sees the door. That door again...no...

Jason drops to his hands and knees, pounding a fist into the ground. No...no...he could fight this...he had to...

The room is dark. He's shoved inside and hears that door slam and the lock turn. He was alone again. Alone in that room. He bangs on the door with his hands, the tears streaming from his eyes. He'd learned how not to cry, but this time he couldn't help it. He just wanted out. He wanted out so badly. He wanted to see his mommy again. He just wanted out.

"Kyle, isn't Jason coming?" Phil rolls over in his sleeping bag, questioning his brother.

Kyle is fooling around in his bag and shrugs. "He said he was right behind me." He crawls to the tent opening and sticks his head out, squinting toward the fire. He didn't see Jason. Funny....he'd said he'd put the fire out. Scanning the area, he suddenly spots his friend. Kyle is immediately on alert and scrambles outside. Halfway to Jason, he calls back to his brother. "Phil, get out here!"

Jason curls up tightly on the ground, shaking violently, his heart rate quickening. He breaks out in a cold sweat and shivers in the night air. Reality is skewed. Terror surges through his veins. He can't get out. The nightmare is swallowing him whole.

"Jason..." Kyle kneels next to him and places a hand on his shoulder.

Jason's eyes are shut tight, but he lashes out with a fist, barely missing Kyle's face.

"Hey, hey, easy, easy."

Camryn comes out of her tent. "What's going on?" Seeing Phil and Kyle down by Jason, her heart leaps into her throat, and she runs over. "What happened? What's wrong?"

"It's one of his bad spells," Phil tells her grimly. "It's been a long time."

Fear flashes in Camryn's eyes. "What do we do?"

"Try to bring him out of it." Phil kneels next to his friend, speaking quietly. "Come on, Jase, you're okay...you're with us...Alex isn't here...you're not in that house."

Jason's muscles are so tight they start to cramp, his eyes still scrunched shut. He can hear a voice, but he doesn't recognize it. Fear. Terror. Anger. Hurt. Pain. Without a grasp on reality, all emotions burst forth like an erupting volcano. With force, they envelop him, affecting his mind and body.

Phil reaches down and feels Jason's forehead. Surprised, he looks up at Kyle. "He's burning up."

"I don't remember it being quite this bad before."

"It wasn't. We have to get him in the tent."

Despite Jason's fighting, somehow, the three manage to get him into the tent where he curls up again, unresponsive, lost in his own world.

"Come on, Jason..." A tear runs down Camryn's face. "Please pull out of this."

Kyle sits back, a prayer on his mind. "He'll be okay. It'll just take him a while."

Phil grits his teeth, hurting for his friend. "He said he can pull himself out. He just has to let it run through his system."

Voices...feelings...thoughts...Jason's mind spins. Pictures fly through his mind one after the other like a horrid unending movie. He can't find the light. He can't see it. It's not there. He tries. He tries desperately, clawing at the darkness...clawing at the surging emotions within. But they're too thick...they're too strong...they're drowning him in a river of poison.

Minutes tick by. A half an hour...an hour.

Phil has never wished he had a cell phone more.

Kyle fidgets nervously. By now Jason was drenched in sweat. They had covered him in blankets, but he was still running a high fever, the cold sweat persisting, the shaking continuing, his pulse still racing. They couldn't get him to relax, and he'd become hard after being so tense for so long. They had to get help.

Kyle looks at his brother, then at Camryn. His jaw set with determination, he grabs a flashlight and his smaller backpack. "I'm going for help."

"Not on your own," Phil hisses.

"You have to stay here," Kyle reminds. "I'm going. If he pulls out of it while I'm gone, then great. If not..." He looks his brother in his eye. "I don't care what he's said, he's not going to pull out like this and he's killing himself."

A sob catches in Camryn's throat. She was so confused. What was happening?

Kyle looks between them one more time before disappearing out into the dark, hitting the trail at a sprint.

Passing Time

*Katie looks up from her cubicle as Scott stops.*

"Dinner, tonight...hmmm.."

*Katie hesatates for a moment, throwing a sidelong teasing glance.*

"Dinner sounds great."

*Katie gives a smile and cant help but watch Scott as he walks away. It was hard to believe they had been engaged for 3 months already. In 2 more she would me Ms. Katie Johnson. It was a good feeling.*

*Misty siting in the infermary her face in a bunch of papers like normal. She was still doing her nerve damage research and it was coming along slowly.

The last two months had been strange. She was back to work and doing pretty good, but Carson not being there left most of the days boring.

Misty couldent help but feel bad. Carson was trying so hard and he new it but he was having no luck with jobs. Misty was scaired if this kept up Carson would be depressed and turn to other things. She tryed her best to keep his hopes up and to help all she could. Many times she would go shopping for Carson and put food in his apartment though he dident like it Misty dident care. She wasent about to let him go hungry.

Stoping for a moment Misty looks around the infermary. It was extra quiet today Rick was out and about and nothing exciting was going on. The only other person Misty really connected with was Jason and he was going out on his vacation so he wasent there. Picking up her phone Misty wonders if Carson was on his lunch break yet. Dialing she waits for an answer.*

*Wes pulls into the driveway home from work for the day. Fall was here all to fast and though he took half days they seemed so long spliting working in the shop and helping winterising the ranch once again. Than his night were what he looked forward too. Spending with with Cindy and there unborn child was the best part of the way. Reaching into the backseat he grabs a bunch of Roses wraped in delicit paper. Geting out of the truck Wes makes his way inside. Geting to the door he puts the flowers behind his back. Seeing his wife in the rocking chair he smiles.*

"There's my pretty and wonderful wife."

*Coming up along side her, he gives her a gentil kiss and brings the flowers to her.*

"These are for you. I love you."

*Wes smiles at her his face lite up with so much joy. He was happy, ever so happy. He couldent ask for anything more in life than what he had now. A house, a wife, a child on the way, a great job, Great friends, and a God who had loved him enough to give him all that.

Bringing a hand to Cindy's face he runs a gentil finger over her cheek. Every day his love grew more he was blessed indeed.*

"Let me go get our plates so we can eat. "

*Aerith sat at the counter of Mom and Pop's just holding a letter in her hand. She dident have to work today and was going to go out with Wyatt later tonight but this was her comfort zone. She felt safe and Mom and Pop's and it offered a nice place to think.

The last two months had gone by so fast. Her grandmothers death certinly moved things along. And though the will was still be looked over to see who got what the letter Aerith now held showed more than she exspected. She wasent to sure what to think, part of her was happy, and part was kind of meh.*

Time slips by

Jason can feel a bit of heat rise to his face and a short laugh comes out. "Thanks, Hero. Let's just hope Camryn feels as lucky as you think she is."

He rises to his feet and grabs his crutches, changing the subject before it gets too uncomfortable. He was glad that Katie approved...maybe he didn't really need it, but for some reason, he'd wanted it. "I better get out there and drink my orange juice before I have the lot of you on my back." Throwing Katie a grin, he takes the lead, his happiness remaining.

Lights, noise, cheering, singing. JetStream draws the crowd in as always, engaging them in interaction and drawing out laughter and clapping. Jen, Katie, Scott and Camryn are in the front lines to cheer the most, giving the guys the energy to keep on.

And as the night goes on, a small intermission is instigated by Jason to the surprise of all but Katie. The room is quiet. An odd sense of suspense in the air. And when Camryn is called up on stage, her confusion adds to the mystery.

"I'd get down on one knee, but if I did, I'm not sure I could get up again."

The words bring a chuckle, and makes hearts race as suddenly the realization of what's happening is revealed.

A ring is offered gently, quietly. "Camryn, Lane, will you marry me?"

One could hear a pin drop.

A trembling hand reaches out. Tears glisten in eyes that shine with joy. A smile breaks forth. And the happy embrace tells all that the offer is accepted.

"I love you."

Hollers, whistles and clapping drown the two as they kiss and withdraw from one another, in a room full of people, yet all alone in their corner filled with love.

And thus, time takes the hearts of the strong, the hearts of the weak, the hearts of pain and joy and molds them, shapes them and carries them through one day at a time.

One day at a time the joy is shared. One day at a time pain may be held, but not for long. One day at a time relationships form and grow. One day at a time, the hours pass slowly, but life passes so quickly.

"...Aren't you packed yet?"

"Well I'm trying to be!" Jason stuffs his t-shirts into his backpack and looks around his bedroom, grabbing last minute things.

"Don't forget your knee brace," Camryn reminds, peeking into his room.

"Yeah, like I could forget." Jason rolls his eyes and points to his leg. "I wear it twenty-four/seven, remember?"

Camryn smirks at him. "Come on. At least you don't have to use crutches anymore."

That was true. Jason had shed those a month prior. "Alright, alright...do I have everything?"

Camryn quirks an eyebrow. "How should I know. Don't forget to leave your cell phone home. Remember what Phil said."

"Yeah, yeah." Jason takes his phone off his belt and sets it on his dresser. "Camping only. Just us and nature. No phones."

"Right." Camryn giggles. "What a motley crew. You, me, Phil and Kyle, three hours from nowhere."

Jason grins. "It's a good crew."

"That it is." Camryn stands on her tip toes to give Jason a kiss. She couldn't believe they'd been engaged for two months already. It seemed an impossible dream. "Did you get your jacket? The nights are cold now."

"Mm, isn't that what snuggling under the blanket is for?" Jason teases.

Camryn laughs and gives him a little shove. "I got my own tent, mister, remember?"

"Carson! Look, I'm sorry, but you had your chance! This was the last straw!"

Carson looks at his employer, anger in his eyes, his veins ablaze with frustration. Reaching to his shirt, he pulls off his nametag that bore the logo of the hardware store. Tossing it onto the counter, he turns to stalk toward the door. "Tell Ryan he won for me," he calls over his shoulder.

Once outside, he stops a minute with his hands on his hips, takes a deep breath and heads for his car. After slamming a fist onto the hood, he gets in and pulls away. Job number three down the tubes. Too late to work...an acccident...now accused of stealing. What else.

Driving down the road, he finally pulls into his apartment parking lot and just sits. He remembers the look in Misty's eye the last time he told her he'd lost another job. Now he'd see it all over again. It wasn't his fault...but it was just one more thing he couldn't do right. He just wasn't cut out for day jobs. He was a failure, and it was wearing on him. He'd tried for over two months...how he'd tried. He'd quit smoking again, he'd stayed clean with the law, he'd even gotten back in Reese's good graces and made up with Jason. But what did it matter if he couldn't even survive. Misty had everything going for her...she was doing great at TJY and holding her own. Why she wanted to keep him around, he didn't know.

Heaving a sigh, he gets out of his car and trudges inside. It was back to the newspaper once more to find an more job openings.

"He shoots, he scores!" Scott throws his hands up in the air as his crumpled paper lands in the wastebasket across his office.

"Scott!" Susanne's desperate voice comes over the intercom. "I need you!"

Scott throws her a raspberry in response.


"Alright, alright, hold your horses. What did you blow up this time?"


Scott grins and gets up from his desk. "I'm coming, I'm coming." On his way to Susanne's, he swings by Katie's cubicle and sticks his head through the doorway. "Hey. Tonight. You, me, nice quiet restaurant...how about it?"

Cindy rocks in the chair in the living room, closing her eyes and listening to the soft music on the radio. She shifts her weight, just a little uncomfortable with her growing size, and finding it more and more difficult to get around. But she was happy. She was so happy. Life had been hard, but things were going so right now.

Glancing up at he clock, she knows Wes will be back for lunch soon. She already had everything ready for him, and never tired of seeing him walk through that door.

An opened letter lies on the table beside her chair. One from Nevada. One that told of her son's engagement. It had been the first of many that he sent, but for some reason she liked rereading it, just to be reminded that even though she'd felt as though she'd failed at times with Jason, he had come so far.


*Katie can feel Jason's happyness and it felt good. It was good to know he was happy no one deserved it more than him.

Hearing Jason say he wanted to marry Camryn took her off guard for a moment though she dosent let her expression show it. It felt strange to hear those words from Jason/ It wasent a bad strange she just couldent describe it. In a way Katie felt honnored that she was the first to know. It made her feel good, and showed Jason and her had built a good friendship.

Shifting a bit Katie sits down next to Jason. Silent for a moment she just stairs ahead thinking. But soon a smiles cross her face.*

"I dont think your crazy at all J. I'm happy for you. You deserve this happyness more than anyone I know."

*Katie catchs Jason eye and smiles. She was really happy for him, though in the back of her mind something pulled she tryed to ignored it and shut it out.*

"You've come along way J. Your an amazing guy and Camryn is lucky. Congrats"

*Katie's smile grows and her eye sparkle showing she really was happy for Jason.*


Jason looks up quickly having not heard Katie approach. He gives her a wry grin about the orange juice and nods. "Okay, okay, I won't buck ya."

At her question, he pauses the work on his guitar and looks at the floor for several minutes. He hadn't told anyone what he was going to do tonight. He wasn't sure why...maybe it just felt too private to share until he'd actually done it. Or perhaps he was scared he wasn't really going to follow through. But if there was one person he could talk to about it...one person on the planet that he could share anything with....it was Katie.

Finally looking up, a small smile forms. He doesn't block out his feelings of happiness from her...not this time. "Yeah, I guess I am a million miles away. Or maybe it's my heart."

He clips some excess string off the end of his guitar and sets the instrument on a stand, finished with the task. Glancing back to Katie, he cocks his head. "I, um...I haven't told the guys yet...I might not - it will be fun to surprise them too, but... Well, Camryn's planning to come tonight, and..."

Jason pauses for a moment. He hoped Katie wouldn't feel too strangely about this. After all, he and she were obviously just friends now, and she was already engaged and well on her way to her own life. "Would you think me too crazy if I asked Camryn to marry me tonight?"


*As Katie enter with Scott she smiles. It was always fun helping the band. The thought of not helping them was unhurd of. She loved helping the band and she loved looking out for them. Scott coming along with her was normal now to and she like that they included him. He was opening up more to people and it made her happy.

As Scott walks backwards to where Kyle was Katie gives a little wave and smiles.*

"I guess not."

*Once Scott is gone Katie heads to help the other for a little bit. Helping Jen is normal and comes at normal.

As the sandwhich are broken out and someone asks about Jason, Katie is already up to go get him.*

"I'll be right back than."

*Heading into the back Katie starts to look for Jason to finally find him. Going over she slowly she watches him for a long moment. Things had been differnt latly. Not bad, just differnt. Jason was spending more time with Camryn and Katie with Scott. It was good to see them both happy. There connection for the most part was under controll and they were slowly getting better at blocking things. Finaally Katie speaks.*

"Hey, everyone is wondering where you are. Jen said you havent eaten yet and she has some OJ for ya. You know what happend last time you dident eat....so...being your bodyguard you can go on stage till you eat."

*Katie cant help the smile that cross her face as she cross her arms across her chest. Her tone was strong and ferm but it also held a slight bit of laughter to gives its a bit of softness.

For a moment Katie can tell Jason was in deep thought. Somehthing was on him mind.*

"Unless, you need someone to talk to because you look a million miles away."


Jason sits backstage alone, putting new strings on his guitar. He should have done it the day before, but they had plenty of time before the show started tonight, so it wasn't a big deal.

"Kyle, where did you put that box?"

"Hey, did you see that new cord?"

"Anybody seen that duct tape?"

"In that bin like always, Kyle."

Normally the setup chatter would distract or entice Jason, but today his mind was elsewhere. His hands worked with the strings, but his thoughts were far away.

"Do you think we have a chance?"

All day with Camryn yesterday had been more fun than Jason had had in a long time. No worries, no schedule restrictions...just him and her. By evening it had led to some deeper conversations.

"I think I love you, Jason."

Love wasn't a surprise to either one. Both had felt it...both knew their feelings of friendship had developed into more - how could they not...and both enjoyed it.

"What about my line of work?"

Jason's question had risen out of a fear of repeating the past. He'd already been rejected once because of his choice in career.

"Jason, a job doesn't dictate one's love."

"But it can dictate the future."

"Then let it dictate someone else. I make my own future and I want it to be with you."

Jason winces as a string snaps back on his hand.

"Yo KT!"

Jason tilts his head to see out on the main floor as Kyle hollers his greeting. A smile spreads on Jason's face as he sees Katie and Scott. It was strange to think of a concert without Katie. Stranger still to think of her without Scott.

He focuses back on his task, though his mind still wanders.

"What about you and Katie?"

Camryn's question hadn't been surprising. Jason had told her about the connection between himself and Katie. Though he maybe hadn't mentioned quite how strong it was, she'd come to understand and accept it, never thinking either were crazy. Jason had surprised himself with his own response.

"I'm tired of letting that connection hold me back. I'm tired of letting it rule my choices, and I'm tired of it getting in the way. Katie and I are learning to control it, we're succeeding, and as far as I'm concerned, it's no longer an element that I'm going to worry about. My future is mine. And I'll be hanged if I let this get in the way of what I want most."

Maybe it had been a bit bold...bolder than he'd intended...but it was how he had felt, and still felt. His own statement had sent him on a fast-paced ride through time as his mind had reeled with thoughts of the past and the future. The realization that he wouldn't let that connection get in the way had given him a new freedom. And there were things he dared to want. There were things he dared to dream of. Things that would normally scare him. Things that he would normally balk at or take more time to investigate first. But what was time? It could last forever. Would he always let opportunities slip through his fingers? It was time he stopped letting fear get in the way. It was time he threw caution into the wind so he could live...really live.

"Hey, you two lovebirds, break it up, I need those adapters," Phil calls across the room.

Mike looks up from where he was helping Jen with the soundboard and rolls his eyes. He winks at Jen. "They love you."

"I know," Jen sighs with mock disgust. "They could lay off the teasing now though."

"Well, it's only been a couple days. They're still getting used to it."

"Getting used to it? They've about worn it out!"

Mike chuckles and goes to help Phil, waving at Katie as he goes. "Expecting a nice crowd tonight," he comments. "Keep those eyes peeled."

Scott gives Katie a smile. He might feel just a little out of place, but it was obvious that she was just as much a part of this team as anyone. "I thought I would go and..."

"You're not getting away that fast," Kyle interrupts. "I could use you up here for something."

Scot raises an eyebrow, surprised, but feeling good about being included. "Um...okay." He turns and walks backward for a moment, looking at Katie. "Guess I'm not going then."

As setup continues, Jen leans down to a cooler on the floor and opens it up to break out some sandwiches and drinks. "Hey, guys, take a break and eat, will ya? We're on in an hour, but no one's had supper." She looks around. "Where's Jason? I got him some orange juice." Her eyes roam the floor. "Jason?" she calls.

Kyle shrugs. "Maybe he's in the little boys' room."

"I thought I saw him backstage," Phil comments.

Jen looks up at Katie. "Would you mind seeing if you can find him and convincing him to eat something? He won't listen to the guys."


*Nate can't help but laugh along with Laura as he felt silly. Giving a tight squeeze and smiles.*

"Good Maggie will be so excited and so will I. The time away will be nice."

*Nate sits alittle while longer with Laura untill the fireworks finish up. Sitting up alittle bit to streach he inquires.*

"Well, are you ready to head out? I'd hate for that brother of your to know I kept you out past 10."

*Nate cant help but grin as he helps Laura up.*

*Charlotte smiles and gives a nod as she stands. She dident mind leaving now. Angelica was probley wondering where she was and on top of it tomarrow she wanted to try and look for a job. The day had been fun and it was a good way to end it. Slowly Charlotte follows Bret giving a small was goodbye to a few.*

*Katie smiles as Scott and gives him a small kiss before standing.*

"Yes you can."

*As Sarah's mom comes to take her Jamie smiles than turning back to Con she lets out a small sigh.*

"Its funny, I'm not tired at all but I know we probley should."

*Jamie smiles as she stands.*

"I know once I get home and my head hits that pillow thouh I will be dead to the world."

Coming to an end

Laura lifts and eyebrow as Nate speaks, her curiosity growing. She patiently listens, wondering at his serious tone.

When he finally asks her on the camping trip, she almost laughs. She’d feared something serious, and this was a relief. Smiling, she shakes her head. “Nate Driers, you’re a doofus, but I don’t even have to think about this one. Of course I’d love to go camping with you two. It would be an honor to be included in that part of yours and Maggie’s life.”

Bret chuckles. “I don’t think I’ve ever been thanked for being in a bar before. Least of all for a time I was wallowing. But, for what it’s worth, you’re welcome. Though you should probably thank fate for that one.”

Grinning, he gives her hand a squeeze. “And I think it’s the same fate that’s knocking on my door right now, reminding me that unfortunately, I have work tomorrow, and…despite my desire to spend my entire night right here…maybe now’s a good time to slip away.”

As the fireworks begin to slow and the finale comes to an end, Scott tightens his grip around Katie. “Well my fair maiden…may I drive you home?”

Carson tilts his head to see Misty sleeping, and a smile creases his lips. Just watching her sleep, a new sensation washes over him. He’s not sure what it is…and if asked to describe it, he may not be able to. It wasn’t bad…it was more warm than anything…it felt good to a certain degree.

Seeing that the fireworks would be over soon, he shifts his weight and stands with Misty in his arms, letting her head rest against his shoulder and chest.

Walking past several of the others, he nods his goodnight and heads for his car. Once there, he maneuvers carefully to open the passenger door and set Misty inside, leaning over her to buckle her in.

Pausing before he straightens, he leaves a kiss on her forehead, his hand caressing her cheek for a moment. She was so peaceful.

Con sees Sarah out of the corner of his eye and he grins. It didn’t bother him one bit that the child was there. Rather it made him feel good. He enjoyed seeing Jamie interact with the children, and knowing that they would never have their own, he was glad that she was able to interact with others in different ways.

As the fireworks start coming to an end, Sarah’s mom comes over take the sleeping child, and Con gives Jamie a smile. “Think we should get going?”