

*Wondering around the market Charlotte picks up many items and than lays them down again. She was in the mood to but something but everything she looked at did not peek her intrust.

background and some from Coming to another small stand She looks down at many braclets and necklaces from the indanEgypt. Running her fingers over one of them Charlotte puts it up. Its is a black cord strong with a few small dark color beads on it and at the end was an Egyptian coin. On oneside it said Luck and on the other is said Chanse. Giving a smile Charlotte buys to and decieds to give one to Bret. Placing it in her purse she reminded herself if she saw him later to give the small trinket to him.

Looking at her watch and seeing the time Charlotte makes her way back to her car and heads for home seeing as it was time for her to start getting ready for work.*

*Katie smiles at Scott with an understanding nod.*

"Your right it is starting to get very cold out. Mom and Pop's sounds good. I'll be ready and waiting for you to pick me up."

*Leaning down Katie gives Scott a kiss before standing.*

"I guess I better finish my work, six will come fast. See ya later hun."

*Misty looks back to Kyle her eyes sparkling and the smile present on her face that showed on the inside she was laughing.*

"I don't know Kyle, I only date sick guys. I mean now that your all better you'll probley be chasing those groupies you have around and I'll be left in the dust."

*Finally a laugh escapes her lips proving she dident believe what she said and links her arm with Kyles.*

"Dinner, sounds great to me."

*As Jess finishs off her last cup of coffee she lets out a strech and looks around the small restront. Busness was starting to pick up and all the people were making her uncomfortable. She tryed to stay as long as she could but not it was time to retreat back to the darkness. Catching Carson's eye for a moment Jess gives a wave and points to the door giving the hint she was going to be going and would catch Carson later.*


Scott reaches up to finger a stray strand of Katie’s hair, his eyes growing thoughtful. “Mm…I was thinking more like Mom and Pop’s… it’s going to be pretty chilly tonight and I’m just not in the mood for being cold.”

He grins. "So it's my treat. Six o'clock?"

Kyle can't keep from smiling, showing how thrilled he was with this news. "Hey, now they won't have a reason to kick me off the band." He pauses in though. "Well...that might not be true, but at least it wouldn't be because I didn't have a voice." He laughs.

Rick nods with enthusiasm. "We might just have something here. I want to figure out now what it was that made this combination work so well... whether it was the antidote and agent together, or just the agent, or both of those and Kyle's own makeup...I'm wondering if it was all three.... my hunch is, that we could take the very same thing and give it to say, Jason, and it wouldn't do a thing for him. But man, if we can just harness this and get to the bottom...." His voice trails off as he turns away, heading for the counter, his mind working overtime.

Kyle grins and slips off the table, taking a deep breath and spinning around to face Misty. "So..." He clears his throat, still not a hundred percent. "Are we doing dinner or what? After as much sleep as I got last night, I should be good for days. Not to mention I'm starving."

Bret sits at the kitchen table, just having got off the phone once again. He fingers a quarter, rotating it in his palm as he thinks...contemplates...weighs his choices. He sighs and looks down at the coin. After a moment, he tosses it in the air, then captures it on the table. Lifting his hand, it shows tails.

Standing up, he grabs his jacket and car keys.


Misty smiles as Kyle bounds into the room. It was good to see him up and about again, Kyle being his normal self again was good.

Standing Misty smiles at Kyle as she goes to Rick and looks over his shoulder.

"Oh wow, that amazing."

Looking back at Kyle Misty gives a nod and than looks back down at the printouts and what not Rick had before looking to Kyle again.

"Hun, you healed almost instintly. I mean you didnt but thats what it looked like. This is so great Kyle."

Turning back to Rick a bit of hope shows in Misty's eyes like something was forming in her mind.

"Rick do you think this could be the start to a new healing agent for others. I mean think of the possabilitys. Kyle, you could be the break through the first step to something grand."

Misty's face lite up as she talks showing how she truly enjoyed her job.

Snuggling down in Scott's lap Katie can't help but let out a small laugh. Leaning her head aganst his for a moment.

"After all the excitment with the band just doing normal paper work is boring."

Katie smiles as she wraps her arms around Scott's neck and pulls away to look at him.

"So how about we go out to dinner with Domino tonight? Maybe a picnic or something."


Axel hears his nickname as he slips from the restaurant, a smile on his lips. Taking a deep breath, he puts his hands in his pockets and starts walking, but not towards the hotel.

Running footsteps echo through the TJY hall and a figure races past the infirmary, only to skid to a stop, turn around, then peek through the doorway.

Rick looks up, startled by the sudden movement at the door, then shakes his head in amusement. “Well, if it isn’t Mr. Mitts.”

Kyle grins and finally enters the room, tossing him a wave, then scanning the area for Misty. Seeing her at her desk, he whistles through his teeth and smiles from ear to ear.

Rick quirks an eyebrow. “Someone is feeling good.”

“Thanks to you guys.”

Rick’s eyes widen. Kyle’s voice was raspy, but amazingly better than just a day or so before. “Well you certainly sound good. Have a seat and let me look at you.”

Kyle is quick to hop up on the bed, glancing over his shoulder at Misty. “Hope I didn’t do anything stupid last night…I don’t remember a thing after the concert.”

Rick pauses his work and looks at him with a sudden question.

Kyle’s face reddens. “I was tired.”

“Oh, I see.” Rick hides his grin as he begins examining Kyle’s throat. “Well I’ll be…it’s working… Misty, it really worked… I can’t believe the rapid healing.”

Kyle’s eyes show hope. “That’s a good thing, right?”

“Of course it is. At this rate, your voice should be back to normal in no time.”


“Well, from what I can tell, yes, if it keeps healing at this pace. And…speaking of healing, how’s that hand?”

Kyle holds up his hand that is bandaged and braced. “It was hurting pretty bad yesterday after everything, but this morning the ache is actually gone.”

Rick thinks for a moment. “I’d like to take an x-ray if I may.”

Kyle shrugs. “Whatever. You’re the doctor.”

A short while later, Rick is looking over the x-rays. “Fascinating.” He motions Misty to join him, pointing out the breaks in Kyle’s hand. “Look…that healing agent you added to the antidote. It didn’t just target his vocal chords…it’s helping those fractures too. Amazing. His body’s makeup must be just right to meld with the antidote in order for it to have worked that well. At this rate, that hand should be useable in a couple week’s time. Utterly amazing.”

Jason grins as he keeps walking to his office and shakes his head. Nah. His teeth aren’t too sharp.

Scott reaches up with one hand brushes Katie’s face as a smile spreads on his own. “Ha…exciting?” He rolls his eyes, gesturing to his computer. Nothing but a bunch of analysis reports.”

He takes her hands in his and gives them a kiss, letting them rest against his chest for a few moments until he lifts them over his head, pulling Katie around as he turns, and bringing her into his lap. His arms around her waist, he looks into her eyes, giving her a smile. “I think you broke the pretty meter when God made you.”


*Jess gives a little shrug as Axel talks about not everyone being the same and not all out to hurt her. What Axel said was nice, and it was something that would be nice to believe but to Jess it was only a fairytale, a story to make her feel better. In Jess world things like people being nice didn't happen. She did have Carson who was nice to her Axel was right about that and it felt good to have a friend but still it was hard to think of the rest of the word as nice when Jess had been slapped in the face so many times. She had one person who was good to her and she was thankful for at least that.

As Axel walks backwards watching Jess she turns her eyes following him as well. Leaning against the counter Jess gives a wave to Axel as finally a small smile slips on her lips. What was it about him?*

"It was nice meeting you to Grease."

*Jess can't help the bigger grin the formed on her lip as she spun herself back around in her chair and finishing off her coffee.*

And so the morning continues to go as those finally make it to work and start there day. While other sit and wait for someone to come join them only to be left sitting alone. For those who like to work as already there and cracking to work hoping to get out early and spend some more time with the young musician who was slowly trying to get his voice back.

*Misty sits at her desk sifting through papers and writing things down. Formulas, equations, graphs, charts, and facts. She had started up her nerve damage research again now that for the time being things were calm. Misty could only hope the more she learned, gained and saw she would be able to come up with a plan. Why she wasn't sure, but maybe just maybe it could help those out there who needed it.*

*As Charlotte finishes off her coffee she lets out a sigh. She had already had her meal and 3 cups and still no Bret. She couldn't help but be a little disapointed but decied not to let it bother her. He was probely busy or just plan tired. She couldn't hold that aganst him.

Standing Charlotte leave the money and tip on the table before heading out and stoping at the store to do a bit of looking around before heading home and getting ready for work. If she didn't hear back from Bret by later tonight she would try giving him another call.*

*As Katie see Jason come in and had to his office she throws him a smile.

He didn't bite to hard did he?

Katie can't help but giggle and finish off what she was typing up on the computer. Finishing she stands and makes her way to Scott's office. Giving a light tap on the door Katie enters and throws a smile at Scott coming around to the back of his chair and drapping her amrs over him resting her head on top of his head.*

"Hey you. What are you working on today? Anything exciting more than what I am working on anyways."


A wry grin forms at the mention of Axel’s nickname. “You catch on quick.”

Accepting her hand, he gives it a gentle shake, firm but not harsh, and letting her go quickly, sensing the fear that lay behind her eyes. He cocks his head a little bit, and purses his lips.

“Don’t stereotype, Jess. Not everyone is that selfish to keep the light to themselves. And not everyone is out to hurt you.” He tosses his head toward the kitchen. “Seem to me you’ve already found someone who doesn’t consider you a blotch. Don’t take that for granted.”

He finishes off his coffee and sets his cup back down on the counter, fishing in his pocket for payment. Without saying so, he puts enough change out for Mabel to pay for Jess’ coffee too.

Glancing at his watch, he slides off the stool and sighs. “Well, my dear friends will be annoyed if I don’t return soon, so I’d better do just that.” He hollers to where Mabel is. “Thanks for the coffee!”

Turning to Jess once more, he nods. “Nice meeting you, Jess.” Walking backward for a moment, he heads to the door, then slips out into the morning.

Jason arrives to work, and after checking in with Reese, he heads down the hall to Rick, tapping on the door.

Rick looks up from his work and smiles. "Morning, Hotshot. How are we doing today?"

"Alright." Jason shrugs. "Had an attack last night...did a number on me, but I'm functioning."

Rick's shoulders drop a little. "Bad one?"

Jason sighs. "Yeah."

"Sorry, Jase. Were you alone?"

"Naw...Katie was there."

"Good. How about that knee of yours?"

"That's why I'm here. Figured it was 'bout time for you to check it out again."

"That it is." Rick nods and motions for Jason to come in and sit down. "You been behaving yourself?"

Jason smirks a little. "I been doing just as the doctor ordered, if that's what you mean."

"Wow...turning over a new leaf?"

Jason's eyes narrow at Rick's sarcastic humor. "Very funny."

Rick grins and comes over, getting Jason's brace off and starting to examine his knee. It takes just a little while, and when he's finished, he nods with satisfaction. "It's looking better...even better than I thought it would."

Relief passes through Jason's eyes. "Good."

"You can get rid of the crutch now...I don't want you running or doing anything stupid, but start walking on it more," Rick directs. "When it gets too much - rest and ice. You know the routine. But give it a bit more exercise and see how it goes."

Jason puts his brace back on and nods. "Thanks, Rick."

"How's the pain?"


"Wanting a shot?"

Jason shakes his head. "I'll try it without."

Rick pats his shoulder. "Good call."

Jason is finally able to get to his office, and sinks down into his chair. Giving a sigh, he turns on his computer, waiting for everything to boot up. Opening his email, he quirks an eyebrow. Interesting. He replies, quickly receiving another response.

To: Ireland’s Neighbor
From: Jason
Subject: Re: Lunch
Sure…what’s the occasion?

To: Jason
From: Ireland’s Neighbor
Subject: Re: re: Lunch
Tell you over lunch.

A bit of confusion, mixed with slight worry and some wry humor is bundled together. Hey, Katie, your boyfriend wants to have lunch with me. Should I be worried?

Bret is dead to the world. He barely hears his phone ring, and decides not to answer it. It was probably Lee anyway, and Bret had no intention of talking with him. Keeping his eyes shut, and his pillow over his head, he ignores the phone completely.

The morning passes slowly, but as the sun makes its way across the sky, time does pass, and soon, the afternoon has arrived to provide the last leg of the race until quitting time.

Jason sits in his truck alone, after returning from lunch. A knot had formed in his gut, and he felt like going home. But he knew he shouldn't. It wasn't anything to be upset about...it was just... He wasn't sure there was a word to describe it. He wasn't going to let the feeling out though...he'd done a good job of keeping the whole luncheon out of his emotional pool, and would emit only enjoyment and contentment. It was easy to do...and it would keep a certain someone from asking too many questions.

Shaking his head, Jason finally gets out of his truck to go inside and finish off the day.