

A wry grin forms at the mention of Axel’s nickname. “You catch on quick.”

Accepting her hand, he gives it a gentle shake, firm but not harsh, and letting her go quickly, sensing the fear that lay behind her eyes. He cocks his head a little bit, and purses his lips.

“Don’t stereotype, Jess. Not everyone is that selfish to keep the light to themselves. And not everyone is out to hurt you.” He tosses his head toward the kitchen. “Seem to me you’ve already found someone who doesn’t consider you a blotch. Don’t take that for granted.”

He finishes off his coffee and sets his cup back down on the counter, fishing in his pocket for payment. Without saying so, he puts enough change out for Mabel to pay for Jess’ coffee too.

Glancing at his watch, he slides off the stool and sighs. “Well, my dear friends will be annoyed if I don’t return soon, so I’d better do just that.” He hollers to where Mabel is. “Thanks for the coffee!”

Turning to Jess once more, he nods. “Nice meeting you, Jess.” Walking backward for a moment, he heads to the door, then slips out into the morning.

Jason arrives to work, and after checking in with Reese, he heads down the hall to Rick, tapping on the door.

Rick looks up from his work and smiles. "Morning, Hotshot. How are we doing today?"

"Alright." Jason shrugs. "Had an attack last night...did a number on me, but I'm functioning."

Rick's shoulders drop a little. "Bad one?"

Jason sighs. "Yeah."

"Sorry, Jase. Were you alone?"

"Naw...Katie was there."

"Good. How about that knee of yours?"

"That's why I'm here. Figured it was 'bout time for you to check it out again."

"That it is." Rick nods and motions for Jason to come in and sit down. "You been behaving yourself?"

Jason smirks a little. "I been doing just as the doctor ordered, if that's what you mean."

"Wow...turning over a new leaf?"

Jason's eyes narrow at Rick's sarcastic humor. "Very funny."

Rick grins and comes over, getting Jason's brace off and starting to examine his knee. It takes just a little while, and when he's finished, he nods with satisfaction. "It's looking better...even better than I thought it would."

Relief passes through Jason's eyes. "Good."

"You can get rid of the crutch now...I don't want you running or doing anything stupid, but start walking on it more," Rick directs. "When it gets too much - rest and ice. You know the routine. But give it a bit more exercise and see how it goes."

Jason puts his brace back on and nods. "Thanks, Rick."

"How's the pain?"


"Wanting a shot?"

Jason shakes his head. "I'll try it without."

Rick pats his shoulder. "Good call."

Jason is finally able to get to his office, and sinks down into his chair. Giving a sigh, he turns on his computer, waiting for everything to boot up. Opening his email, he quirks an eyebrow. Interesting. He replies, quickly receiving another response.

To: Ireland’s Neighbor
From: Jason
Subject: Re: Lunch
Sure…what’s the occasion?

To: Jason
From: Ireland’s Neighbor
Subject: Re: re: Lunch
Tell you over lunch.

A bit of confusion, mixed with slight worry and some wry humor is bundled together. Hey, Katie, your boyfriend wants to have lunch with me. Should I be worried?

Bret is dead to the world. He barely hears his phone ring, and decides not to answer it. It was probably Lee anyway, and Bret had no intention of talking with him. Keeping his eyes shut, and his pillow over his head, he ignores the phone completely.

The morning passes slowly, but as the sun makes its way across the sky, time does pass, and soon, the afternoon has arrived to provide the last leg of the race until quitting time.

Jason sits in his truck alone, after returning from lunch. A knot had formed in his gut, and he felt like going home. But he knew he shouldn't. It wasn't anything to be upset about...it was just... He wasn't sure there was a word to describe it. He wasn't going to let the feeling out though...he'd done a good job of keeping the whole luncheon out of his emotional pool, and would emit only enjoyment and contentment. It was easy to do...and it would keep a certain someone from asking too many questions.

Shaking his head, Jason finally gets out of his truck to go inside and finish off the day.

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