

*Katie smiles and enters the house putting the food down on the living room table and snuggling into Jason's couch. Jason's house was nice this was her find time actually inside but it was nice and had a comfy atmosphere to it.

Grabbing a fry for herself Katie gives a short laugh at Jason. It felt good to be able to sit with her friend again and feel comfortable. It was something she had missed.*

"Yeah maybe I am, but once a Hero always a Hero. You just can't get away. By the way did you ever find out when I am going to be able to fly?"

*Katie can't help the sly grin that forms on her lips and she takes a bit of a burger and than nudges Jason with her shoulder playfully*

*Misty smiles at Kyle thankful for his understanding and amazed at how he still had a smile on his face. It was so strange to see someone be given bad new and still hold a smile on there face. Misty admired that about Kyle, She really did.*

"Well, I wont work to hard but I will be up till I find the antidote. I couldn't sleep if I tryed right now. It just wouldn't be passable even if I tryed."

*Misty offers another smile to Kyle and stands.*

"Well you better get some sleep. I'll keep the light low for you. If you need anything just yell."

*Misty runs a hand under Kyle's chin before starting to turn and leave. If she got to work now, maybe she would find the answer before church in the morning.*

*Angel smiles as Luke pulls away and than comes in for another kiss. Pure bliss is what she felt in the moment. It seemed one happy even after another and more to come. Though the war was far from over, the happyness that they all had longed for, for a while was finally making itself know. They were finally standing up to the Agency and showing them they could not bring them down. If anything was going to hurt them, this would the most. Pulling away from the kiss Angel's eyes shine in the light as they look deep into Luke's own.*

"Today, tomarrow, next week, a month from now....it dosn't matter to me as long as I am getting married to you Luke. As long as I finally can call myself your wife."

*Her face lit up like a million candles when she spoke those words. That word she had ment, the words she had wanted to say for a long time.*

It's yours

Jason is plodding halfway through his meager and not-so-tasty supper, when the knock at the door startles him. Who would be here? He’d talked to all his friends today…and no one ever stopped by unannounced.

Getting up from the couch and setting his food down, he limps barefoot through the kitchen, but pauses at the counter. Katie. What was she doing here? Was she alone? Was everything okay?

Swinging the door open and hearing her greeting, a smile spreads on his face. He folds his arms across his chest and cocks his head. “You weren’t supposed to be eavesdropping on my evening.” His statement is laced with humor, and though halfway chiding, the pleasure shows in his eyes.

He opens the door wider. “But I’m not saying no to real food, and I’m certainly not saying no to the company.”

Jason leads the way back into the living room where he picks up his former supper and goes to deposit it into a very happy Trooper’s bowl. Getting back to the couch, he eases down and nods for Katie to join him, using the coffee table for the food. He mutes the television, tired of the movie anyway.

Snatching a french-fry, he grins. “Mmm…much better than an overcooked piece of something they claim to be meat.”

Drawing one leg up on the couch to tuck a foot between the cushions, he starts the meal with Katie, happy to have the company at least for a little while. “You realize you’re taking the role of “hero” way to seriously.” He grins. “But I’m not going to complain.”

Bret smiles back at Charlotte, his eyes following her as she goes to her car and backs out of the driveway. Sighing a little, he finally gets out too, locking his car and heading to the porch.

Instead of going inside, he sits down on the swing for a few minutes, the chilly breeze running through his hair. He liked spending time with Charlotte…she was a bright spot in his life. She gave him something to look forward to…something to keep his mind busy. She was special…and she was becoming more special to him.

Having a woman in his life again was something Bret hadn’t really intended. After the first failure and the divorce, he’d decided he wasn’t going to try it again. Charlotte though…she was different. But what were Bret’s intentions? Was he thinking long term or was she just satisfying his need for friendship?

Giving another sigh, Bret finally stands up and heads for the door. His thoughts would still be there in the morning. Tonight he was going to sleep.

Reaching the door handle, he suddenly notices a paper stuck in the door. Furrowing his brow, he takes it out and unfolds it. Scanning the scribbled note, his confusion turns to ire. Crumpling up the paper, he tosses it out into the grass where the wind carried it away.

Getting inside and turning on the lights, Bret double checks the locked doors before going to bed. So much for a restful night.

As Misty starts to tell Kyle what’s really going on, a chill runs down his spine. Swallowing hard, he just listens, without jumping to conclusions. Taking in the information and hearing Misty’s apology, his eyes slowly drift to his hands that are still in his lap.

He did wish she would have told him sooner…though he had had his suspicions already. Just the way Rick had talked to her, and the worry in her eyes all day, he’d suspected there was more. He just hadn’t wanted to ask, almost afraid to know the answer.

Part of him was upset for not having known…part of him was glad he’d been able to enjoy the day without the worry. This was serious though. If he still had this poison in his system…it could not only ruin his voice permanently, but it could kill him.

Taking a deep breath, he closes his eyes for just a moment. He’d never been close to death, but he was not afraid. Lord, give me strength.

Slowly he looks back up at Misty, a warm smile making its way across his face. Reaching up with his good hand, he takes a finger to trace above her eye, down across her cheek, then under her chin, where he gives her a tap before letting his hand drop again. “There’s nothing to forgive,” he whispers hoarsely. “But don’t work too hard tonight…you’ll keep me up.”

His grin remaining, he winks at her. His face is one of peace, his eyes those of concern but not worry for he had no fear. There would be disappointment if there was permanent damage, but he would deal with it as it came. There would be pain if he were to die, but he had too much to gain to fear that. And there was too good of a chance that Misty would find the right antidote for him to sit around and worry.

I’ll have to keep you awake tomorrow in church,” he teases quietly. “Then it will be a nice pot of black coffee before you sing tomorrow night.”

Coughing for a moment, he shakes his head and looks back at Misty, serious again. “I’m not scared…you shouldn’t be either.”

Not having been asleep, Luke’s eyes fly open as someone enters the darkened bunk. He doesn’t have to see who it is though, to know.

As Angel takes him in the passionate embrace, he draws himself up on one arm. His other hand cradles the side of her face as he gently returns her kiss, his fingers making their way to the back of her head as he gets lost in the moment.

Jeff quirks a sleepy eyebrow from the other bed, just able to see the silhouettes of Luke and Angel and what was going on. Sighing, he pulls his blanket up further and rolls over in the other direction in slight annoyance. A grin surfaces though. Luke had talked with him earlier…he was happy for them.

Luke finally draws away, just able to see Angel’s eyes as the light from another porch light reflects off of them. He returns for another kiss, proving his own passion before ending the exchange.

A soft smile creases his lips as he looks at Angel, his hand caressing her cheek. “Name the day,” he whispers. “And it’s yours.”


*As Katie sits at her desk she lets out a long sigh. Tonight her and Scott went doing anything they both decide they should get some rest before tomorrows big event. If everything went right there would be some excitement and no room for being tired.

Standing Katie gives a strech and heads out to her car. Slipping into the drivers seat Katie just sits for a moment a suddin wave of bordum, maybe a hint of sadness washing over her. A small smile curles on her lips as she thinks about Jason and the tv dinner. Men can never cook thought things right can they? Starting her car and letting a laugh ring through her mind Kaite pulls out of TJY as she blocks only a certin spot in her mind where a plan formed.

Coming up to a BK Katie pulls in and orders some food. She was going to head over to Jen's but first she wanted to make a pit stop. After a few more minutes of driving Katie pulls into Jason's driveway and smiles. Getting out of the car she heads up the side walk and knocks on the door. Waiting for Jason to answer she smiles.*

"I though you might like some real food and maybe some company of a friend before I head to Jen's!"

*As Carson heads out Jess gives a nod.*

"Night Carson, and thanks for the shake."

*Once Carson is gone Jess throws the rest of the shake away in the trash. Her stomach just not able to handle anymore. Flopping back on the bed Jess stairs up at the cealing. Tonight she new would be another restless night.

As a small tap sounds on the door Jess sits up with a start and just stairs for a moment not sure who would be there.*

"Jess, its Angelica. Rick had told me it was ok to talk to you now."

*Leting out a sigh of releaf Jess relaxes a bit.*

"Yeah come in."

*Angelica enters the room and offers her hand to Jess in a shake than sits down in a chair acorss from the bed. Indulging in some normal conversation with Jess first to make her comfortable and than than going on to why she would here to talk to her.

The hours draged on and Jess, was qEnter away message text here.uiet about most having Angelica have to ask her more than once a question but finally she had all she needed. Her heart went out to the young girl. She was so lost and confused, and hurting.

Laying a hand on Jess shoulder Angelica smiles.*

"Don't worry, I'll get this guy. If you have anyone you would like to come to the court hearing with you, you may. We are all here if you need us Jess. "

*Angelia stands and leaves the room leaving Jess with her feelings, and emotions alone once again. Leting out a heavy sigh she lays back on the bed leting the darkness saround her till finally her eyes drift shut.*

*Charlotte smiles at Bret before she gets out of the car. She did enjoy spending her time with Bret and she had grown closer to him more than exspected. Now thinking about spending a free day flipping a coin by herself just dident seem exciting. *

"I guess I can thank you as well. You keep my days full of excitment."

*As Bret's fingers brush her face she leans into them a little bit enjoying the wormth that they offered.*

"It's funny to think and innocent pool game turned into this..."

*Charlotte lips curle and her eyes dance with excitment as she gazes at Bret.*

"...It was worth it too."

*Charlotte opens the car door and steps out the smile still present on her lips.*

*As Misty and Kyle head inside Misty smiles. The night had been fun and though Kyle had tryed to be himself Misty new better.

Getting into the infermary and seeing Kyle sit down as if waiting to be told what to do Misty continplates in her head a few things. She new she should tell Kyle what was going on, he'd be wondering anyways when he dident see her go to bed. But she dident want him to worry, but Misty new it was his right to know. Coming over to Kyle and sitting down next to him Misty lets out a long sigh looking at her hands than back at Kyle.*

"Kyle, I...I probley wont be sleeping tonight. There is more to your condition that Rick had told me this morning that I havent told you."

*Misty draws silent for a moment not sure how Kyle will take the new, or if he will be upset with her or not.*

"I won't be sleeping tonight because my whole night will devoted to finding another antidote for you. It seems that the modified verson of the poison is still runing through your system and insted of getting better your geting worse. But I know I can find you a cure. I did before I can do it again Kyle. I wont give up and I wont let you give up eather."

*Misty looks down at the ground again before looking back at Kyle dead in the eyes.*

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner Kyle I just didn't want you to worry or lose hope. I guess I was trying to save you from the pain of knowing this all. Can you forgive me for keeping it to you."

*Entering into her bedroom after checking on Cindy, Kaylee and Wes for the night she was tired. It had been a long day but a well worth having. New life came into this word by the grace of God and it was moment like this that reminded Angel even more how amazing God was.

As her eyes land on the item on her bed and reads the letter a smile cross her lips. This was a long time coming. She had been pasent and now...now it was real.

Not even saying a word Angel exits the office and hops off the steps making her way across the lawn and up to Luke's bunk. Not even knocking Angel throws the door open and enters. Seeing Luke laying on his bed Angel goes over to him and throws her arms around his neck and brings her lips to his letter her passion show though and giving Luke his answer with out any words and her hand gently rubs his back.*


Carson looks away at Jess’s question, for a moment before he looks at her again. “My sister and I used to be close, but…distance and time have a way of separating people.”

Encouraging just a little small talk to ease both their minds, Carson sticks around for a while before he stands up again. “I should go…I promised Herb I’d help close up tonight.”

He turns to leave, one hand on the doorknob, but pauses to see Jess again. “If you need anything…call Mom and Pop’s, alright? I’ll answer the phone. …Goodnight.”

Slipping out into the hall, he makes sure no one is around before making his way to the exit. Again he passes by the infirmary, willing himself not to stop. He shouldn’t take any more time anyway…he’d told Herb where he was going, but wanted to be back within a reasonable amount of time so as not to create any questions of his whereabouts.

Kyle hears Misty come back into the room, and looks around, seeing her go to her desk. He gives a little sigh and finally goes to get his notepad and pencil, flopping down on his stomach on the bed, jotting down words. He knew it would be a while before she was free. It was okay with him…he wasn’t so sure that supper sounded all that great right now anyway.

Bret pulls into his driveway and parks, shutting the engine off. It was dark now, though only a few stars had started to show themselves. Bret pulls out the keys and fingers them for a moment before looking over to Charlotte. “Well…another day bites the dust.”

A grin surfaces. “It lived a good life though…at least from my perspective.”

Bret lifts a hand to softly brush Charlotte’s cheek with the back of his fingers. “And I have you to thank for that.”

Jason flops down on his couch, flipping the television on. He props his knee up with an extra pillow, and situations himself with his warmed-up tv dinner for supper. Stabbing the overdone meat with a fork, he grimaces a little.

Trooper sits down and stares at him, starting to drool.

“After I taste this you might just get it,” Jason remarks. “But for now, don’t make me watch you drool.”

Trooper lowers his head and slides down onto the floor, heaving a sigh.

“Thank you.” Jason flips channels on the television, landing on some movie that he really wasn’t even interested in, but watches anyway.

It had been a tossup tonight between staying at work late or coming home. Neither one had been appealing. He’d spent a little time before coming home on the phone with Phil and Mike, then had stopped in to see Kyle and Misty to finalize plans for the next night. Now that he was home though, it was the same old routine. He’d eat the same tasteless food, watch the same television, then fall asleep on the couch before picking himself up about midnight to crawl into bed.

Kyle holds in another cough as he and Misty make it back to the infirmary. Supper had been fun, down at the diner, though Kyle hadn’t eaten much. Not wanting Misty to question him too much though, he’d laid on his antics to make her smile and laugh as much as any time, grinning all the while.

Now that it was evening, he was getting tired, and knew he should sleep, but he didn’t want to this early. There was so much already spinning around inside his head that he didn’t want to leave it to dreams.

Just sitting on the edge of the bed, he gives a little sigh and waits for further instructions. He didn’t know if Misty would be working late, if she’d stay up with him, or if she’d grab the cot in the corner.

Just as the sun is sinking low and the ranch is settling down, those tired make their ways to bed, to rest, to sleep, to prepare for a new day.
While new mother and father rest together in bliss, others also rest their weary heads on pillows to give themselves up to dreams until the morning.

And in one small house where Angel was, something new had appeared on her bed, placed there by hands not seen.

A bouquet of flowers rested on her pillow, tied with a purple ribbon. A note was laid out beside it, handwritten by the one that loved her so much.

For you, from me, just to say I love you. Reminded not to take your love for granted, I give you this gift…and I give you me. Through thick and thin and for better or worse…I can no longer face the world alone. Be with me before our time is up so I will not waste one more day wishing for the heaven on earth I see in your eyes. I have put off too long, that which I want most to do. I love you. Marry me?


*Misty picks up the print out and looks over it. Listening to Rick in the background Misty's eyes rome the paper taking in the information forming answered and questions in her head. Finally Misty looks up from the paper and gives a nod to Rick.*

"I'll be working on the antidote tonight. I figured that Kyle should sleep tonight...."

*Misty stops for a moment as her eyes rome to the other room as Kyle goes into a coughing fit again her eyes showing they held much emotion.*

"...here because of that cough I could keep an eye on him. I figured tonight over dinner I'll fill him in. I just didn't want him to worry to much right away, but I guess its his right to know."

*Misty sets the paper and runs a hand over her face for a moment.*

"Thanks for filling me in Rick."

*As Misty starts to walk away and hears Rick's comment Misty cant help but have her face turn red. Turning back to face Rick Misty can't help the smile that cross her lips. Before even relizing what she was say the words slip from her mouth.*

"I've spent how long behaving myself with Carson, I think I can handle it with Kyle too."

*Finally relizing what she said Misty's face grows a little redder but for a differnt reason. Giving a shake to her head Misty turns again and heads back over to her desk.*

*Jess sucks on the straw continuing to drink the Milkshake not wanting to addmit it did tast good even though her stomach churnned as it entered.*

"You really are close to your sister?"

*Jess searchs Carson's own face seeing that much layed behind his eyes. Much more than was told.

Even though Carson looked as though he was far off Jess though it was nice to still have someone in the room with her, someone she new. For the first time Jess felt safe having someone close by for now.

As Carson continues to talk about Milkshakes not curing all, and the wounds being to deep, Jess cant help but reflect on her own life for a moment. The pain she had suffered time and time again. The lonlyness that made her who she was today. The closed off feelings and emotions.*

"I guess sometimes, even when the wounds and tears are gone, the scars still remain. Maybe thats why we are ment to have friends in this crule, forsaken world."

*Jess lets out a long sigh as she leans her head aganst the wall. Friends...what was a friend. That word had no meaning to her. For she never had a true friend. Only people she hung out with and would turn there back on her in a heartbeat. No, no matter how alone she felt, thats how she was ment to walk in the world. Now more than ever, no one would look at her the same when they found out....She made her life and now she was walking the path and soon...she would be alone again, because in her life that is what was best. To save everyone alse from her pain.*


Bret can't help the warm feeling that spreads over him as Charlotte rests her head on him, her arm tucked around him. He moves his own arm from behind his head to wrap around her shoulders, unable to pretend he didn't like her here with him like this.

Her words bring a smile to his lips and he cocks his head to see her staring back at him. For a moment, he just lets his eyes meet hers, enjoying the silence rather than hating it. "Then I guess if we don't have indefinite, we have fifteen minutes."

Tightening his arm around her, he brings her closer to him, planting a kiss on her forehead before letting her rest back down on his chest again. His fingers gently run up and down her arm, his eyes closed again, hoping that the fifteen minutes lasted a long time.

Kyle grins as Misty pulls away, his eyes searching hers for just a moment. Biting his lower lip, he proves that he felt teased by the short kiss.

Flopping back on the bed, he waits, his fingers tapping on the mattress to a tune stuck in his head, while his eyes roam the ceiling.

Rick keeps his head down towards his papers and nods as Misty comes in. He gestures to a printout. "Did some research last night...came up with a mixture that when combined with your modified antidote, it should work as a healing agent."

In reality, Rick had been deep in prayer for wisdom and help with finding a solution for Kyle when the idea had struck him.

He turns in his chair, setting his pencil down and rubbing his tired eyes. "My hope is that we've caught this soon enough, that once you figure out the antidote, hopefully nothing will conflict with what's in this, and not only will the poison be stopped, but it will combat and heal the damage that has been done. Of course...that is if the damage hasn't been too severe already."

Hearing a cough from the other room, Rick's eyes show some worry. "I think it's already spread further than I would like to admit."

He gives a short sigh. "Anyway...I just thought you'd like to know about this so you can keep it in mind with your own research."

Rick turns back to his work, picking up his pencil again. "Oh...and Misty..." His voice is quiet, a tinge of teasing mixed with a light warning. "Will you and that young man behave yourselves or do I have to spend the night here too?"

Carson grins a little, backing up to the wall across from the bed and sliding down to sit on the floor, resting his arms on his knees. He knew Jess might not enjoy the cold treat as much as normal, but he was glad she was at least trying. "Oh...it was just a hunch."

For a moment, his eyes drift to nowhere in particular, a strange melancholy settling over him. Though a slight smile remains. "I learned a long time ago the power of a strawberry milkshake." A dry laugh escapes. "I could stop any of my little sister's tears with a hug and her favorite treat. Whether she'd scraped her knee or..." He stops for just a moment, the pain hitting him harder than he thought it would and he almost cringes. "...or she'd been mistreated, I figured out fast how to put her back on top of the world."

Carson's eyes settle on the floor. Dani's letters had stopped. He had figured by now she'd given up on him. Somehow that left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"I guess a milkshake can only cure so many things though...sometimes the wounds are too deep and the tears too strong to be thwarted by sugar and milk."

To: Katie
CC: Con, Nate
From: Wyatt
Subject: Re: Tomorrow Security
Count me in. Wouldn't miss the job with the added bonus of the show!

To: Katie
CC: Wyatt, Nate
From: Conrad
Subject: Re: Tomorrow Security
How'd you know I was dying for something to do? Love to be a part as long as Reese doesn't mind - it'll be volunteer of course.
Thanks for the update on Cindy. Great news! I'll have to give Hotshot a bad time.
See you tomorrow, Kat.