

*Misty picks up the print out and looks over it. Listening to Rick in the background Misty's eyes rome the paper taking in the information forming answered and questions in her head. Finally Misty looks up from the paper and gives a nod to Rick.*

"I'll be working on the antidote tonight. I figured that Kyle should sleep tonight...."

*Misty stops for a moment as her eyes rome to the other room as Kyle goes into a coughing fit again her eyes showing they held much emotion.*

"...here because of that cough I could keep an eye on him. I figured tonight over dinner I'll fill him in. I just didn't want him to worry to much right away, but I guess its his right to know."

*Misty sets the paper and runs a hand over her face for a moment.*

"Thanks for filling me in Rick."

*As Misty starts to walk away and hears Rick's comment Misty cant help but have her face turn red. Turning back to face Rick Misty can't help the smile that cross her lips. Before even relizing what she was say the words slip from her mouth.*

"I've spent how long behaving myself with Carson, I think I can handle it with Kyle too."

*Finally relizing what she said Misty's face grows a little redder but for a differnt reason. Giving a shake to her head Misty turns again and heads back over to her desk.*

*Jess sucks on the straw continuing to drink the Milkshake not wanting to addmit it did tast good even though her stomach churnned as it entered.*

"You really are close to your sister?"

*Jess searchs Carson's own face seeing that much layed behind his eyes. Much more than was told.

Even though Carson looked as though he was far off Jess though it was nice to still have someone in the room with her, someone she new. For the first time Jess felt safe having someone close by for now.

As Carson continues to talk about Milkshakes not curing all, and the wounds being to deep, Jess cant help but reflect on her own life for a moment. The pain she had suffered time and time again. The lonlyness that made her who she was today. The closed off feelings and emotions.*

"I guess sometimes, even when the wounds and tears are gone, the scars still remain. Maybe thats why we are ment to have friends in this crule, forsaken world."

*Jess lets out a long sigh as she leans her head aganst the wall. Friends...what was a friend. That word had no meaning to her. For she never had a true friend. Only people she hung out with and would turn there back on her in a heartbeat. No, no matter how alone she felt, thats how she was ment to walk in the world. Now more than ever, no one would look at her the same when they found out....She made her life and now she was walking the path and soon...she would be alone again, because in her life that is what was best. To save everyone alse from her pain.*

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