

Jason rests his own head against Katie's, and settles in for the flight home. It would be soon enough that everyday crazies were back... he wasn't looking forward to getting back to work, and enjoying this quiet time now was nice.

Carson gives a wave and smile to Jess as she leaves. "Yeah - milkshakes it is. Later." Watching her leave for a moment, he glances to Aerith and tosses her a wink. "Jess needs friends...thanks for being one."

Remembering the menu he was supposed to be working on, he turns to head back into the kitchen. Passing Mabel on his way, he grins. "We won't forget the pumpkin pie."

Heading down the road, the radio is loud, the sunroof open, even though it's chilly. The scenery flies by as the black Corvette heads away from Vegas.

Bret taps his fingers on the steering wheel, looking through his sunglasses at the long road ahead. Looking in the rearview mirror though, he frowns a little, then glances at his speed. "Okay, so I was going a little fast, but that cop back there has been tailing us for ages now."

He throws Charlotte a teasing grin. "You did get rid of that body from the trunk, didn't you?"

A few more miles, and surprisingly, the police cruiser passes them, speeding ahead of them down the highway.

"Mm-hmm..." Con cradles the phone on his shoulder as he warms up his lunch in the microwave. "So they called off the cops? Why?"

"They wanted to see if he went anywhere other than home. There's going to be someone waiting for him though once he gets there."

Con frowns at Reese's serious tone. "This isn't good, is it?"


"Well...I'm glad I called. Thanks for telling me. I know it's private information."

"Ah, well...I trust you, and I know you're Bret's friend."

"So what's he looking at?"

"Armed robbery and murder."

"I just can't think he was involved."

"I guess we'll have to see what he says about it. I've given orders to take him downtown to the station once they have him. Even though it's TJY's case, I figure the jail is a better place to handle this to keep everything in the open."

"Yeah...I suppose..." The microwave beeps and Con finishes getting his meal. "Alright. Well, thanks. I'll talk to you later." Ending the call, he stares at his warmed up leftovers, deep in thought. He just could't believe Bret had done anything like this...he'd worked with him... been his friend... sure, Bret had a record, but...

Con shakes his head. What he was about to do was totally out of line. But he didn't want fear to cause a ruckus one Bret got back... and if this could be approached the right way...

Bret's cell phone rings, and he rolls his eyes. He'd ignored all incoming calls the last couple days, but now figured he could start taking them again. He was on his way home, so it didn't matter all that much.

Reaching into the backseat, he grabs his phone to answer it, keeping one hand on the wheel. "Yeah, hello." He smile. "Hey, Con, what's up? Me? Oh, just been out of town." He winks at Charlotte. "Naw, I'm on my way back now, actually, I... what's that?"

Bret's tone suddenly changes as his face pales slightly. "Whoa, whoa, hang on a minute..." Concentrating on his driving, Bret pulls off onto the shoulder and puts his car in park. "What was that? ...But I... No, you gotta believe me." His eyes widen. "Honest, I was out of town. Yeah... Yeah, I do have someone who could testify to that." He glances at Charlotte again. "She's sitting right here. Yeah...Charlotte...I.... No, it's not..." He rolls his eyes. "Long story. Look, are you sure? Well what do I do? I can't... Oh... Well.... But what if...." He taps his fingers on the steering wheel as his nervousness grows. "No, I don't. .....No, Con... I'm telling the truth. I wasn't there. Yeah... Okay, I guess.... I'll decide..." He shrugs lamely. "Appreciate it. Okay. Bye."

Flipping his phone shut, he just sits for a moment, stunned, before looking at Charlotte again. Worry coursed through his eyes. "The police are waiting for me at hom. There's a warrent out for my arrest for armed robbery and murder... They say they have proof that I was there."

He swallows hard and looks out at the road again. He had a choice.... "Con says we should go straight to TJY since your sister's boss is handling the case, rather than going and getting arrested. Turn myself in, basically, to try to prove my innocence." The other choice was to turn south and keep on going.

Bret catches Charlotte's eyes. "What if they don't believe us? What if they try to put me away?"

Getting from the airport, Jason's truck is waiting, where Con had been good enough to park it for him. Deciding to slip by his place first, Jason drives home to drop off his bag before heading to TJY. It was early evening... early enough people would still be at TJY, and late enough that supper wouldn't be too much of a wait.

Turning into his driveway, Jason's eyes widen. Parking, he points. His motorcycle was parked by his house, gleaming in the setting sun, in new-looking condition. "What on earth..."

Getting out to take a closer look, sure enough, his bike had been completely fixed, washed, and even gased up. "Who..." Jason looks back to Katie, confused. "This has been sitting at Mike's since I wrecked it. You don't know who would have taken it to the shop, do you?"

I'd rather

*Watching Wyatt and Trooper leave for a moment Dalton stands up again leting out a long sigh. On he outside his arrogance and cockiness was there and he new it, but on the inside he was just nervouse himself. Being somewhere new, it wasnt often people got use to him. His size made it hard and people always staired. Would it be differnt here or would it just be the same old same old.

Turning Dalton plays around with the masheen again for a moment till finally he gives it a wack and his Jerky falls out. Taking that and his moutain dew Dalton heads back to his office and continues to look through files and paper work geting use to everything in this new place.*

*Jess can't help but giggle as she leans on the counter her eyes meeting Carsons.*

"Well I was thinking about it, but since you asked nicly I guess I can stop by and pick you up. Bring some milkshakes?"

*Standing Jess gathers her things and leans the money on the counter for her coffee. Throwing a wave to Aerith.*

"Once I am settled in my new place I will have to have you and Wyatt come over. I know you alot now but I know nothing about him."

*Aerith gives a smile and throws a wave to Jess.*

"Her sounds like a plan to me. If food is involved I dont think Wyatt will mind."

*Jess gives a nod. It was nice having a few new friends and Aerith had been the first besides Carson. She was nice and Jess liked talking to her. Looking back to Carson Jess brings a hans to his face and runs it over his cheek ending at his chin.*

"I'll see you later Hun."

*Turning Jess exits Mom and Pop's to head home and finish the packing she had to do.*

*Charlotte cant help but give a laugh at Bret. Finally stepping away she grabs her own bag and heads for the door.*

"Ok that sounds good to me. I'll only need a few few things, and a lot of the stuff at my apartment can go to the salvation army or whatever because you have alot of what I have already. Maybe you can come over with me and help me decied what to take and what not to. Like I dont know if you would like my coutch better than yours so on and so forth. All in all though I really don't have much."

*As Charlotte heads down the hall with Bret a suddin nearousness enters her stomach. It was strange almost like something was wrong. Figuring it was just the fact of telling her sister what was up Charlotte shruges it off. Linking her arm with Bret's.*

"I dont need a coin to tell me, I would rather die tomarrow than today."

*Turning and looking at Jason Katie smiles. She felt so much better now, her heart still acked for the loss of Scott but now she was able to deal with it and new she could face work. He was in a better place now and she would see him again sometime. Also, now having Jason again made things a little better too. It was nice not to have to hide her feelings and it was a good feeling to have it returned again. It made Katie feel good inside.

No, thank you for coming to get me, this time I think you were the Hero.

Katie leans her head on Jason's shoulder and closes her eyes. She wan't tired, but she was comfortable enough to fall asleep.*


Trooper continues to growl, shifting his head warily as Dalton lowers himself to a knee.

"Trooper, come on," Wyatt begs.

Staring at Dalton for several tense moments, the massive dog finally stops showing his teeth, even though the low rumblings still come from his throat. Eventually, he takes a couple more cautious steps forward, sniffing the air until his nose is almost touching the outstretched hand. Giving one last short woof as if to say "I got my eye on you," Trooper turns around and trots back over to Wyatt, looking up at him to signal that he was now ready to go outside.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Wyatt grumbles as he latches the leash onto Troopers collar. "You stupid..." Looking up at Dalton, he apologizes. "Sorry about that. This is Jason's mutt. Well...I guess technically it's TJY's, but Jason is the only one Trooper ever listens to."

As if to prove the point, Trooper tugs on the leash, making Wyatt stumble. "Somehow I got cursed with being the first one called when Jason is out of town, to take care of this dang brute. We get along as long as it's Trooper's idea." Wyatt shakes his head. "If Jason is gone for a length of time, we seem to work most of our differences out, but the first few miles are torture."

He yanks on the leash again, trying to get Trooper to sit down. "Anyway...you should be alright now that he's seen you."

"Mmm..." Carson grins. "I'd love to have the first meal in your new place with you. I doubt it would take too much convincing to get Herb to let me off early even though I was late this morning. Just swing by here later and if I can, I'll go back with you." He gives Jess a sly look. "Unless you're planning on making me walk."

Bret's eyes shine as he returns Charlotte's kiss, wrapping his arms around her. "I think it was worth it too." His voice grows quiet. "And it's only just begun."

Just looking at his bride for several minutes, he finally lets her go. "Alright then. Let's hit the road. I vote we grab lunch on the way back... then we split up at my place so you can go get at least a few things to survive a night or two until you can move, while I make sure no one's been stupid enough to do anything to the house while I've been gone, and..."

Slinging his bag over his shoulder, Bret stops, rolling his eyes. "And after that it's a coin toss when to pay your sister a visit." He grins. "Tonight may or may not be a good night to die."

Jason stares out the window of the plane, watching the clouds go by. He owed Con a thanks for this one... the trip had changed everything... and the future was looking just a little bit brighter now.

He turns his head to look at Katie, just letting his eyes rest on her face. Thanks for everything, Hero...

First Meal

* Dalton fidgets with the mashean. He is suddenly put on alart as he hears Wyatt's voice in a state of frustration and even a little bit of panic. As His back is still turn to the door he suddenly can hear the growls. Slowly turning around Dalton eyes the large dog for a moment.

Seeing Wyatt come up to the dog and not obayng his orders one could observe this was not his dog. But still the dog meant business and would protect those in the building.

Moving slowly Dalton lowers to one knee and bends over just slightly so that he he is about eye level with the dog. For a moment he looks Trooper in the eyes trys to prove he was not a threat. Not moving to fast as to startle the dog Dalton holds out his hand as an offer for the dog to sniff his hand.*

"I was told to look out for the watch dog. You must be him huh?"

*Dalton stays still with his hand out to Trooper but still keeps his gurad up just in case the dog still did not like him.*

*Jess receives the kiss from Carson with a smile on her face. Over the last few days they had spent a decint amount of time together like normal and when Jess was not at work, or with Carson she was busy packing. Now finally the day had come and she would move.

Pulling away from Carson Jess can't help but smile even more. Life seemed good and was slowly getting better. Is was nice to have things go in the right direction for once.*

"Well, I didn't know if you could get off work early tonight and help me move into my new place. If not its not big deal I just could use the help and I wanted you to have the first meal there with me."

*Putting her bag on the ground for a moment Charlotte comes up behind Bret and wraps her amrs around his wast. It hadn't been to long yet but so far she was loved being Ms. Charlotte Parker. It gave her an unending happyness she had never felt before. Continuing to hold Bret Charlotte gives a small chuckle.*

"She is going to kill us you know that? Picturing her face in my head right now is kind of funny."

*Charlotte lets go of Bret and walks around so she is standing in front of him putting her arms around his neck and pulling him a little bit closer Charlotte brings her lips to his for a moment and than once again draws away still holding on to him.*

"No matter what she says it was worth it and I know I made the right desition."

Guard dog

Wyatt opens his mouth to say something else, but stops, just watching Dalton walk away. Well, that had been...a little awkward. He lifts his eyebrows at the reason for Dalton's leaving. What was it with tech guys anyway?

He gives a little sigh. Well...maybe inviting Dalton to hang out at supper hadn't been the greatest idea, but he hadn't been able to come up with anything else. If Dalton wasn't a people person, Wyatt didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable... It was different though... such a contrast to Scott...

He shakes his head and turns to leave the office. He needed to quit comparing Dalton to Scott. Walking down the hall, he hollers over his shoulder. "If the machine doesn't work, just give it a whack - usually does the trick."

A low bark from Jason's office interrupts his train of thought. Oh yeah...he'd forgotten. Con had told him Trooper was here and needed to be looked after.

Sighing, Wyatt goes to Jason's door and is sure to speak before opening it. "Hey, buddy, it's just me...coming in now..." He opens the door cautiously, seeing the massive dog look at him with distrust before sniffing the air, then deciding Wyatt was a friend not foe.

Wyatt lets out a breath of relief. He'd taken care of Trooper at his own house, he'd watched him for quite the length of time, and often whenever Jason was gone... But he and the dog never could seem to get along all that well. And whenever Jason had been around, once it was just Wyatt and Trooper again, the dog seemed to have to get to know him all over again, starting with distrust, and working his way up to plain disobedient. He wasn't mean, and didn't threaten Wyatt, but if caught off guard, especially by anyone going into Jason's office, Trooper was unpredictable.

"Alright, big guy. Where's your leash? Con said it was..."

Trooper has no intention of waiting and bolts.

"Trooper! Heel!"

No use. The dog paid no mind to Wyatt. But instead of going for the exit, he lumbered down the hall toward the breakroom, and the sound of someone he considered to be an intruder. Stopping in the doorway, the fur on the back of his neck bristles, and his lips raise to show his teeth as a low growl comes out. He eyes Dalton with suspicion, and takes a protective stance.

"Trooper, no! Back off!" Wyatt jogs up to him, just to be snapped at when getting too close. Jerking back, Wyatt scowls. "Mutt, this is the last time, or so help me, I'll shoot you myself. Back off!"

Trooper licks his chops and backs up a step, but continues to growl with no intention of stopping.

Wyatt reaches for his collar, but the dog snaps as him again, warning him not to touch him. Wyatt was irritated and just a little scared. His words are spoken in annoyance through his teeth. "Jason, you are dead." He tries again. "Trooper. Heel."

Instead, Trooper takes several steps into the breakroom, his head lowered as he continues to growl and make his way toward Dalton.

Carson can tell Herb isn't a hundred percent satisfied with his response, but is grateful for the change in topics. He grins at the mention of the sauce for the chicken and shrugs. "Maybe I added a little something extra."

Hearing Herb mention not being afraid of Mable, Carson's eyebrows raise. "I thought..." He jumps as Mable interrupts them, and offers her a little wave of innocence. "Pumpkin pie... got it." He gives a thumbs up.

At knowing Jess was there, he nods, and rises from his seat. "I'll be right back," he informs Herb. Heading through the double doors, he comes out to greet Jess with a kiss. "Hey, babe. Only got a minute. I got a late start this morning. How ya doing?"

Bret sighs as he zips up his duffel bag and scans the hotel bedroom one last time. "Looks like I got everything... though I could stay here another week."

He turns to throw Charlotte a grin. "I guess going home is inevitable though isn't it." His eyes widen slightly. "And I suppose we need to come up with some smooth plan of telling your sister just what we've, um, been up to." His grin turns sheepish, though his eyes dance, signaling that he thought it was downright fun to have eloped, leaving Angelica in the dark.

Pumpkin Pie

*Looking at Wyatt for a long moment Dalton just studys his as his brain moves a million miles a minute trying to process and read him. What was his motive for going out to dinner or was it just his own mind that kept playing games and reading into things to much.*

"Ya I think I can manage to find some time to do dinner. Though I am not much of a people person."

*Dalton stands and makes his way to the door towering over Wyatt. Ducking to exit He turns back around.*

"If you need anything I'll be back I just saw there was beef jerky in the vending mashean and Mountain dew. I better get some to help me think than I can start."

*Turning Dalton heads to the breakroom.*

*Just looking at Carson for a long moment Herb says nothing. You could lead a horse to water but you cant make them drink. The more you try and force them the more they wont. The same was with Carson. Herb could push all he wanted but that wouldnt make Carson tell what he was doing. Eventuly it would just drive him away. Finally giving a nod Herb talks.*

"Ok, I believe you. If you need to talk about anything, anything at all. I'm here for you Carson."

*Leaning over a little bit Herb looks down at the paper where Carson was writing.*

"Yeah everyone loved the chicken parm. Since you came they say the sause tasts even better. I dont know if you add some extra stuff to it, or if its just a knack you have but you do good. Oh, and Mable said we had to add pumpkin pie to the list or she will have our heads."

*Herb can't help a small cheese grin that pass his face as he leans a little closer to Carson.*

"Personaly I'm not scaired of her."

*As if hearing everything Mable pokes her head into the kitchen.*


*Herbs eyes go wide as he gives a little jump not exspecting Mable to be right there.*

"Yes dear?"

*Mable can't help the smile as the sounds of Aerith and Jess giggles come from the other room both peeking there heads over the counter window.*

"First, Did you tell Carson to put pumpkin pie on the menu?"

*Herb looks to Carson and shakes his head a little and than looks back to Mable.*

"Yes dear."

*Mable smiles.*

"Good, and Second, Carson Jess is here to see you."

*Mable stratens and turns around leaving the kitchen.*

Not saying

“Yeah…it’ll just take time,” Wyatt agrees. “We’re not that bad of a bunch once you get used to us.” He smiles a little, trying to overcome his own discomfort. “Say, um… I don’t know what any of your plans are, but there’s a little family Italian place downtown that we all like to hang out at… maybe some of us can get together for supper or something… kinda get to know each other a little better.”

Carson’s eyes stayed glued to the table as Herb gently confronts him. He wanted to get upset, but knew he had no right to. He’d asked Herb from the get-go to keep an eye on him, and he was doing just that. Carson couldn’t retaliate, nor could he deny that he’d just told a lie to someone who’d been trying to help him change.

He fidgets with his pen in his hand, weighing his options. Finally he answers, though his eyes are still down. “I…I’ve just had a few delays on my jogging route, that’s all.”

A bit of heat returns to his face. “It just…um… it’s kinda stuff I wanted to do, that’s all.” He shrugs.

Eventually, Carson glances up to look Herb in the eye. “I haven’t had a drop of liquor.”