

Con wanders in the front of Mom and Pop's, finding the atmosphere peculiar. He hadn't gotten to the phone in time earlier and he didn't know why Aerith wanted help closing up today. No one else had said anything to him... he knew it didn't have to do with Herb.

Ambling back to the kitchen, he pokes his head in the door, spying Aerith. "Hey." He enters, his eyebrows lifted with question. "So what's up?"

The wait isn't long. Carson spots Nate's car, and immediately heads out of the station, glad to leave that atmosphere behind. He rubs his wrist a little where a cop had gotten rough with the hand cuffs.

Getting to the car, he lets himself in the passenger side and shuts the door. Leaning back in the seat, he takes a deep breath before looking over to Nate. "Thank you." His eyes are so full of mixed emotions, it's hard to tell what he is thinking or feeling, or what is going on. "I need a ride to TJY, if Lockheart is around today."

Putting on his seatbelt, he knows he owes Nate some kind of explanation. Nate was one of the few trusted friends that he had. "I'm in trouble, Nate..." He stares out the window as they head down the road. The best way was to just say the whole thing, though he was stuff it in a very small nutshell. "Found out the other day I have a twelve-year-old daughter. Social worker doesn't want her to see me, but the girl does." He bypasses any of his own feelings on the subject. He didn't have time now to speculate how he felt. "She found a way to me yesterday, but couldn't get picked back up until this morning. Now I've been charged with kidnapping. The station wouldn't hold me, but I'm to appear in court, and I need a lawyer. I know I was set up, but I have no proof."

Outside of the town in a part, the Break Out bus comes alive. Up and going at a decent hour, everyone is out, ready to start the day. They would have a few more hours here, then would hit the road again to be to their next event that night.

Kyle does several routine stretches before wandering over to Alice's jeep, but realizes she isn't there.

"Hey, Kyle!"

He turns around to see Hunter. "Yeah?"

Hunter holds up Alice's not that had fallen to the ground. "She went for a walk."

"Oh, alright." Kyle ambles to the nearby restroom and water fountain provided for campers. Downing a couple pills, he splashes some water on his face, waking up for the day.

"Last one around the park is a rotten egg!"

Kyle spins around at Chloe's voice as the group takes off at a jog to follow the path around the park. "Sure, start without me!" he calls back. Running to catch up, he joins the others for their routine run. After that would be a short sparring session and going over their next event.

Walk and Coffee

Having everything but the kitchen shut down and cleaned Aerith just stands in the doorway for a moment. Continplating Aerith knows she could figure out how to shut everything down but isent sure she could do it with out breaking something or worse.

Figuring it would be better Aerith knows she can call Con and he could probley figure everything out without blowing the restront up.

Hearing the privet line at his desk ring Nate looks up with a start having been deep into his work. Its not often that line would ring unless something was wrong with his sister or something mroe than that.

Picking up the phone Nate's heart races through he stays as calm as he can before knowing what was going on. Hearing Carson's voice Nate is a bit releaved though can tell there is an ergincy in his voice still.

"All right I'll be right down."

Hanging up the phone Nate is not sure whats going on but wont jump to any guns yet. Carson had been doing latly and for all he knows this could be a simple missunderstanding.

Walking over to Laura's cubicle Nate gives a soft tap. He was ment to go to lunch with her today but he new now he probley would not be able to. Though he hated to do it he would have to cancle.

"Heya, I am sorry but I am gonna have to cancle lunch today something came up. How about dinner tonight to make up for it."

Giving a smile Nate is off again and into his car in no time making his way to the station quickly. Pulling outside he wasnt sure if he should wait or go in. Decieding to just wait for a moment Nate watches the front of the station.

Getting out of her jeep Alice gives a strech and a yawn trying to get the kink in her neck out. Last night had been a goodnight sleep but now moving around she relized she must have been sleeping the wrong way as the pain in her neck shot down her back.

Knowing she saw a coffee shop maybe a mile back Alice pulls out a peace of paper and jots a quick note letting the gang know she went for a walk and would be back as soon as possable. The fresh air would do her good. Taking the note and going to the pull Alice slips it between the doors where she know everyone will find it in the morning. Than turning she grabs her keys and some money before heading for the norther where she new the coffee shop was they passed.