

*Katie eyes grow big as she still sobs. Jason was at the ranch what on earth.* "Jason....Jason is there?" * Though a bit saprised she is also a bit releaved. What better place for Jason to be but at the ranch. At least there he would have people to take care of him and watch over him. Darkness still looms over Katie's head.* "He really did leave. I new he wouldent be back like he said." *Katie lets out a long sigh* "Oh Uncile Jeff...I just dont understand and my heart hurts so much. I dont want to eat, I dont want to sleep I feel....I feel so strange. It dident even hurt this much with my past. This is 1000x that. It feels like I am torn in half, my best friend is gone, and I have another guy who cares about me alot and I care about him but I am just so confused." *Katie stops to catch her breath and coughs her trying still going, but slowling down alittle.*

*As Jamie sits at her desk and lets out a sigh. Poor Katie. Poor Jason. Poor Wyatt. They all were stuck. and it was not a fun place to be. Jamie new that. She also new the damage something like this could do to a person. The depresstion, the hurt and pain. It was not long ago Jamie went through the same thing and totely shit down. It had taken her so long to get back to where she was today. Her situation was differnt from Katie and Jason's but the same. Jamie had been married for 6 years and had 2 kids before coming to TJY. Her olderst would be 5 next month and the other would be 3. Jamie had been devorced for 2 years now. As Jamie relives the memories she lets out a long sigh. She had goten married when she was to young. She thought she was in love but it turned out it was more of a safty net. The day her husband left Jamie was crushed and he took the kids with him. Jamie had no money and no stable place to live at the time to try and fight for her kids so she lets them go. Choosing that was what was best for them. She turned away and lost the 2 most important things in her life. Oh how Jamie wished she could go back and change things and fight for her kids knowing what she did now. But it was to late and she has made hr choises. Bringing herself out of her memories Jamie looks down at the clock and see it is 11:50. Shuting her Mac screen off and put her files into her desk Jamie stands and makes her way over to Con's office. Knocking on his door and enters.* "I'm ready when you are Con." *Jamie offers a smile.*


Clint can’t help the smile on his face as he walks hand-in-hand with Wendy, his fingers wrapped around hers. It was a good morning.

Jeff just listens to Katie, his heart growing heavy. He’d seen Jason this morning but hadn’t known the whole story about why he’d left Nevada. Now it was making sense.
He slides down from the armrest of the couch to sit, and sighs deeply. “Aw, Katie, I’m so sorry. Things like this are never easy.” He wishes he had some bit of wisdom to share, but he just doesn’t know what to say. He didn’t even know Wyatt…there was no real advice he could give. “You’re gonna be okay…I promise. Things like this just need a little time to work themselves out.” He can hear the tears in Katie’s voice, and wishes he didn’t have to do this over the phone. “Listen, sweety, Jason…he’s here. He got in before sunup this morning.”

Con taps a pencil on his paperwork, his mind everywhere but this. It was only mid morning, but he wished he could leave now.

Jason wanders through an empty field, hitting the trail in the woods. He walks, not keeping any track of time. The ground is rougher here, and he winds up further away from the ranch than planned, his long stride carrying him easily. The path winds upward until he hits the overhang of a cliff. The view is breathtaking as the morning fog lifts toward the sun. He can see the treetops from here, their spring leaves shimmering in the light.
Jason stares down into the depth below. His heart felt like that gorge, dark and being choked out by weeds, unable to see the sun. He takes a step closer to the edge, and a pebble loses its grip on the earth to tumble down, down, down. He fills his lungs with the country air and closes his eyes, letting the terrain envelop him.

So lost

*Wendy smiles and Nods* "Ya I think I would like that." *As they walk Wendy slips her hand into Clint's and gives it a small squeeze.*

*As Mick ruffles BJ's hair he giggles.*

*Rosetta snaps her head to BJ and Mick as BJ laughs. For a moment he sounded like Mick. Rosetta smiles Maybe BJ just hanging out with Mick to long.*

*As Katie hears Jeff's voice answer she reply, in a dry tone.* "Hi Uncile Jeff. Its Katie. Do you have time to talk?" *Katie waits for a moment and than continues. Telling him about everything that has happend with Wyatt and Jason. Katies tears come again as she talks. Her heart acking again. It felt good being able to talk to Jeff she new she could and felt comfortable like she did around Con. Finally finishing up she lets out a sigh.* "So ya...I dont know WHERE Jason is or if he is even ok. and my heart is tworn. I dont know WHAT to do Uncile Jeff." *As Katie talked she hoped where ever Jason was he was ok. She was worryed about him.*


Clint glances at his watch and grimaces. “Yeah, well…sorry to end this gorgeous morning on such a depressing note as this, but I got an engine I need to get running today.” He kisses Wendy’s head and moves to get up, stretching. “Walk you back?”

Mick reaches over and smoothes down BJ’s unruly hair. There was something about him…something Mick couldn’t put his finger on. What was the real story of his?

The phone ringing can barely be heard above the chatter in the mess hall, and Jeff looks around for someone close. “Anybody gonna get that?” He rolls his eyes when no one hears him. Instead of getting it in the kitchen, he heads to the living room and sits on the couch’s armrest, grabbing the receiver. “R/M ranch, this is Jeff.”

Jason looks around the mess hall and quietly slips away, hoping he goes unnoticed. Once outside, he ambles down the drive and around the barns, letting the breeze comb his hair. He still liked it here…but something was missing. A portion of his heart was a thousand miles away.

The Call

*Wendy smiles at Clint happy for his compant.* "I'm not sure. It probley has something to do with Katie and the accident, but I dont know for 100%. I am sure we will find out sooner or later."

*BJ smiles up at Mick with his mouth full of teeth showing.* "I shure am. Is dere bacon too?" *BJ's eyes dance. Something familure about about them. The sparkel, its similer to someone alse.*

*Katie nods slighty.* "Ok...I'll be counting the minutes." *Katie replys flatly but not scarcatly. As Wyatt leave Katie leans her head back aganst the pillow now leting the tears flow again. What was she going to do. Picking up her phone Katie calls Jeff. Her uncil she new she could count on.*

Be back

Clint sighs with content, and settles his arms around Wendy as he leans back against the tree. “Yep, work’s real good. I never would have guessed I’d enjoy mechanics that much. Dad said he used to tinker a bit before he got involved with the veterinary business…maybe it runs in the family.” He reaches up to pick a piece of grass out of Wendy’s hair. “I noticed people taking a liking to those pictures of yours…I think it’s pretty cool.” He pauses a moment. “I noticed Jason was here this morning…any idea why he’s back?”

Jason is taken aback by BJ’s approach, and isn’t sure how to react. He stares at the little boy, not used to kids, and surprised when he takes his hand. He knew about Sam…had heard the details…it was interesting that this child would recognize him from pictures though.
As BJ mentions not being sad, Jason’s eyes narrow slightly. What on earth… He watches the little boy scramble away, feeling just a bit out of place all of a sudden.

Mick grins and pulls out a chair for BJ. “Hey, Bud. Ready for some pancakes?”

Wyatt groans and pulls himself up into the chair. “No…I think I sprained my pride.” Finally a sheepish laugh comes out as he tosses the empty cups into the trash and he looks down at himself. “Well now…I’ve done a right good job of making a fool out of myself for the day.” He covers his face with his hands for a moment, knowing that he’s turning red as he laughs. “Looks like you need some more orange juice though.” He grins at her. “Tell you what...I’ll get some brought up to you, while I run home and change clothes. I trust you can live without a bumbling knight for half an hour.” He rises and heads for the door. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

It will be ok

*Wendy sits in bliss with Clint by the small pond throwing bread to the ducks. Wendy smiles at Clint.* "...well I am happy work is going good with Wes. It seems like work has been picking up alot. Rosetta was right when she said it gets busy here huh. I only even use to visit mom in the winter so this is my first glimps. I dont mind it though, My painting have really taken off. Its nice having so many people around Cuz it just means I can paint more." * As Wendy finishes up with the bread she leans back into Clint's arm taking a deep breath of the morning air.*

*Rosetta finally finishes geting BJ ready for the day. Taking his hand they make there way to te mess hall for some breakfest.* "Rosey...tan I pway with Sarah today?"
*Rosetta smiles down at the small boy.* "We'll see ok."
*As the enter BJ stops and looks at Jason. Never seeing him before. Without hesatation BJ lets go of Rosetta's hand and goes over to Jason. Studding his face for a long momnet he smiles.* " I know you, Your name is Jason just like mine. Sham had pitures of you. I dont think I was saposto see them but me did." *BJ takes Jason's hand in his small hand. His childlike instincts kicking in.* " Don't be shad. It will be otay." *BJ turns and runs back to the table hopping into his chair next to Mick to wait for his breakfest.*

*Jamie nods seeing the worry in Con's eyes.* "Ya noon sounds good." *Jamie offers Con a smiles and squeeze his should.* "Katie will be ok. She is a strong fighter." *Jamie makes her way back to her desk.*

*As Wyatt goes down Katie turns fast and looks down at him from her Bed.* "WYATT...are you ok?" * Katie cant help but let a soft giggle exscape her lips. For a bref moment Katie's eyes show a sparkel that once was always there but is gone in the blink of an eye.* "Wyatt you look redickulace. Dont you go geting yourself addmited into the hospetal too." *Katie rests her hand on Wyatt's arm her face becoming serouce.* "Are you ok Wy?"


Jason is on edge for just a moment as Wes enters the mess hall, but he forces himself to remain cordial. This was the man his mother loved, and he needed to respect that. “Hey, Wes.” He returns a firm handshake. “I guess congratulations are in order. I trust you’ll take good care of my mom.” He gives his mom a little smile before answering Wes.
“I just got in a while ago.”

Cindy looks at Jason hopefully. “How long are you staying?”

Jason shakes his head. “I, um…I’m not sure.”

“Did Reese send you back here to take Con’s place?”

“No…no….” Jason hooks his hands in his pockets. “I’m on personal time at the moment. Just needed to get away for a while.” He excuses himself from them both to return to the table with Austin to finish his coffee.

Soon the rest of the gang filters in, each surprised to see Jason, but greeting him warmly, and even Jade dares to give him a hug.

As breakfast ensues, Jason declines eating, but remains in the mess hall, simply observing the activities around him, glad for any distractions.

“Hey, Jason…” Austin finishes his breakfast and looks at his grandson thoughtfully. “Clint’s been asking me about learning a bit of hand to hand combat…you wouldn’t mind showing him a thing or two while you’re here, would you?”

Jason quirks an eyebrow. “Clint and I don’t exactly have a great record.”

Austin chuckles. “So? You’re the best, and it’ll keep your mind occupied.”

Con gives Jamie a weary smile. “Katie’s not doing so hot right now. I don’t know if you heard yet that Jason took off. She’s taking it pretty hard…Wyatt’s with her now …but yeah, maybe stopping by with some flowers will help cheer her up a little. It’s worth a try.” He grabs a post-it note to jot down a reminder. “Noon? I’ll drive and we can grab lunch while we’re out, and it's on me.”

Wyatt smiles and shakes his head. “First off, you don’t need to thank me for anything. Second, it’s Saturday. I did have work to do, but I called in. And third, yes, I’ll go get your orange juice.” He stands up from his chair, glad just to see that Katie is at least trying. He knows she feels miserable, but as long as she still had the gumption to try, it was good. “I’ll be right back.”
About five minutes later, he comes back into the room with two styrofoam cups from the cafeteria, one with coffee for himself, the other with juice for Katie. “Alright, here you…” He can’t even finish his sentence, as his foot catches on the leg of the chair. Before he knows it, he’s on the floor, covered in hot and cold sticky mess, staring up blankly at the ceiling, sprawled out by Katie’s bed. The cups are somehow still in his hands, though completely empty.
Stunned, he blinks, and raises himself up on an elbow just far enough to see Katie. “Well… what happens when it’s the knight in shining armor that’s in distress instead of the damsel?”


*Katie looks down at her lap. Wyatt had been there all night.* "I'm not to hungry but maybe some OJ...and if you want some to you can have some." *OJ....Jason drank OJ. Katie hopes in her heart of hearts he would take care of himself still. Katie holds back her tears for Wyatt's sake. Katie dosent want to hurt him anymore. She had grown to care for him deeply. The last thing she wanted to do was cause someone so sweet pain.* "Thank you for staying with me Wyatt." *Katies mind is confused, and sidetracked not knowing what day it is.* "You probley have to get going to work soon dont you?" *Katie turns her head to look out the window the rains was starting to fall outside and the sky was dark.*

*Jamie makers her way over to Con's desk and smiles.* "Hey Con! How Katie doing? Did you get time to stop and see her? I was thinking maybe on lunch we can go see her. Get her some flowers or something."

*Wes wakes streaching. After geting dressed he looks into the mirror decieding his 5 o'clock shadow would stay for now. Heading to the messhall for coffee. Entering she is taken aback by Jason not knowing her was there.* "Hey Jason. Long time no see. When did you roll into town?" *Wes walks over to Cindy giving her a squeeze and exstends his other hand to Jason.*

A Long Talk

Wyatt cradles Katie as she falls asleep, and finally releases her gently onto her pillow. He stands at the window for a while, makes a quiet phone call to Reese that he could be contacted here for the time being, and he finally settles into the chair by Katie’s bed to watch over her.

His mind wanders to and fro whether he likes it or not, so he allows it freedom. He hadn’t planned on letting his heart get this far with Katie…he’d been burned before, and had determined he would proceed with much caution. But somewhere along the line he’d let go, and love had started to form.
Now he sat here watching her as her own heart broke because another man was gone. She said she was just friends with Jason, and Wyatt believed her. The two did interact as friends would…but it was their eyes that betrayed them both. Perhaps Katie and Jason’s feelings could not necessarily be defined as love, and perhaps even if it could be, it might not be distinguished as a romantic love. But it was enough to drive a wedge between Wyatt and Katie, preventing them from sharing any more.
Wyatt felt hurt…maybe more than he should. He’d seen the signs early on and should have been smart enough to pull out sooner. But he’d liked Katie too much, and still did.
For now, his choice was to be a shoulder for Katie if she wanted it, not to push, and to learn to be satisfied with simple friendship. It wasn’t what he wanted…it wasn’t what he’d planned…but he didn’t want to lose her altogether. And somewhere…somewhere deep down, a small spark of hope still lingered…the future was unwritten. He couldn’t erase himself from the page with the chance that the story might change. And if it did change…he would be waiting.

Jason slings his duffel bag over his shoulder and walks slowly down the driveway, the gravel crunching under his boots. It was early yet…the sun was still below the horizon, giving the sky a strange reddish-gray color. It was odd to be back here now like this. He felt as though he were a welcomed intruder.

His emotions were at a different spot than they’d ever been before. He felt hurt…sad…his pride was all but nothing, and he had no desire to fight.

Approaching the mess hall, he’s not surprised to see the figure standing on the porch waiting for him. News just traveled way too fast, especially when one worked at TJY.

He stops at the bottom of the steps and looks up at Austin. For the first time in a long time, he felt as though maybe he needed his grandfather’s wisdom.

For a few moments, the two just look at each other, their eyes saying much more than words ever could. Austin finally nods to the door. “No one else is up yet. Let’s talk.”

Wyatt looks over at Katie, returning a small smile. He could tell that she wasn’t as distraught as she had been hours before…the night had a way of bringing things into focus. But her eyes still showed a dull and weary soul. She was miserable…and it was all his fault.
“Morning, Katie,” he offers quietly. “Can I get you anything?”

“…so I left.” Jason holds his coffee cup between his hands, the steam lingering in the air between him and his grandfather who sat across the table from him.

Austin looks at him thoughtfully…compassionately. Now was not the time for reprimands. Jason wasn’t trying to be rebellious or stir up trouble…he was simply lost. “What about your resignation? What’s that all about?”

Jason can’t help a rueful chuckle at that one. “If I’d left like that without saying anything, Carter would have my hide. As it sits, he’s not going to want me to resign, so he’ll be asking for me to come back, rather than giving me a tongue-lashing.”

Austin lets a wry grin form. “You’re too smart for your own good sometimes, you know that?”

“Not often enough.” Jason lets his eyes fall to his warm drink. “I was too selfish, Austin. I knew Wyatt and Katie were forming a relationship, and yet I continued to get in the way. I did spend too much time with her, and this is the result.”

“Friends spend time together, Jason. I would have though Wyatt could understand that.”

“Yeah, well Katie and I were together just about twenty-four/seven. It wasn’t exactly a great picture that was painted when we were in a hotel together either.”

Austin quirks an eyebrow. “Well did the two of you…” He lets his unfinished question apply its own implication. There was no condemnation or ridicule, just simple wondering.

Jason takes no offence - his grandfather is simply trying to put pieces together. “Naw, nothing happened.”

Austin cocks his head. “But there were times it wasn’t easy, weren’t there.”

“I am human.” A bit of color hits Jason’s cheeks.

Austin chuckles. “As much as you’ve done and accomplished, yes, Jason, you’re still human.” He pauses a moment. “So why do you feel guilty about that?”

Jason’s eyes meet his. “I shouldn’t have let my feelings get the best of me.”

“You didn’t.”

“But I…”

Austin shakes his head. “It’s not exactly been an easy situation for you to be in. Unless you’re made out of stone, there were bound to be times you felt just on the verge of out of control. But what happened?”

“Well I almost…I mean…nothing.”

“And you condemn yourself?” Austin takes a sip of his coffee. “You’re blaming yourself for not having enough control to steer your own thoughts and emotions. Yet by the simple fact that you never overstepped your bounds proves that your self-control is still in tact. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

Jason recalls the night at his house…the evening on the hotel balcony. “But I wanted to…”

“And you didn’t,” Austin states simply. “Look, if the reason you’re separating yourself from Katie is because you can’t handle that anymore, then for goodness sake, go take a cold shower, think it over and work on that control. Everybody can always gain more self-control. If holding her hand drives you up a wall, then either quit it or get a handle on it. But if the reason is because you feel guilty for nothing, or because someone else thinks you’ve spent too much time with her, then you’ve allowed yourself to be defeated. I can understand Wyatt’s jealousy… but there are ways to work that out without leaving altogether. Maybe it isn’t the time spent with Katie, but how you’re spending that time. Maybe you just need to be more careful about what positions you get yourself into with her. Getting caught sleeping next to her wasn’t anything you’d done wrong – it was just plain stupid.” He continues to look at his grandson. “I know you don’t want to mess anything up, and you’re scared you’re going to make the wrong decisions. But we all fall down, Jase. You just gotta pick yourself back up and keep going. It’s life.” He pauses, taking another swallow of coffee and letting his words settle before continuing. “Is there a reason you haven’t pursued anything more than friendship with Katie, when you’ve had feelings like this?”

Jason swirls his coffee around, stirring up some sugar that hadn’t dissolved. He wasn’t sure he could answer that.

Austin waits. “Do you love her?”

Jason rolls his eyes. “Why does everybody keep asking me that?”

“Because that should determine your actions. Do you?”

“I don’t know.” Jason replays Jamie’s words in his mind. She had sensed that he did love Katie and that Katie loved him too. But was it really the truth? Was that really what it was?

Austin sighs, looking at Jason with sympathy. “What do you know?”

“She’s the best friend I’ve ever had,” Jason states plainly. “If it weren’t for her, I don’t know where I’d be right now.”

“So you care for her.”

“Of course.”

“But not love?”

Jason hesitates. “If I can’t determine what love is, how can I determine if it’s what I feel?”

“What did you feel for Jade?”

Jason looks up quickly. He hadn’t thought about that for a while, and it felt strange to be put on the spot like this. “I don’t know…I liked her…a lot…I suppose I still do in a way. I just…it was different than Katie. Jade was just…”

“Safer? May I be so bold to suggest that it may have been easier to let yourself down with Jade because she didn’t challenge your emotions? Could it be that there was no depth, and therefore it was easy?”

Jason’s gaze drops. “Maybe.”

Austin takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly as he leans back in his chair. “Do you want something more with Katie? Forget whether or not you love her…love develops over time anyway, and it can be downright hard to determine sometimes. But do you want to have a different relationship with her?”

“Right now?” Jason thinks, then shakes his head slowly. “I don’t think so…I mean…I’ve still got the emotional battle that I need more control over like you said… but apart from that… I just don’t think it’s a good idea right now. I’m afraid if we tried anything else that it would just confuse things and it would be too forced. And I guess I like what we have right now…that friendship.”

“You do realize that you have a choice other than leaving altogether or pursuing something different, don’t you?”

“Like what?”

“Leaving things as they are.” Austin offers a small smile. “If you and Katie have something special the way it is, why force it to change? Who knows how you’ll feel a year from now? Five years from now? But why worry about it? Why force yourself to make a black and white decision, when it’s perfectly acceptable to simply be yourself?” He chuckles. “If you and Katie want to hold hands in public simply because it makes you both feel safe, then who cares what the gossip is? If you want to watch movies all night and fall asleep on the couch together simply because you’re comfortable, then who cares what others think?” Austin pauses, forcing Jason to look up at him. “No, you don’t want to give people the impression that the two of you are behaving inappropriately, which does require some smart choices of circumstance – perhaps falling asleep with her at the hospital wasn’t so intelligent. But why not just be yourselves and let things develop as they will without fighting for or against it?”

Jason can’t help a slight scoff. “You make it sounds so simple.”

“Why does it have to be hard?”

“What about Wyatt?”

“What about him?” Austin retorts. “If you had your act together, he probably wouldn’t be so worried. Not to mention, you can’t shoulder all the responsibility for that scenario. Katie will have to steer him in the direction they go, not you. If Katie thinks that you’re interfering, she’ll tell you. If she wants to pursue a life with Wyatt, then she’ll spend less time with you. If you and Katie stick to just being friends and Wyatt still has a problem with it, then that’s his problem.” He shrugs. “You have to let those two work it out themselves. If you see that they’re pursuing each other and you believe that there are things you’re doing with Katie that you shouldn’t, then ease off. I know it wouldn’t be easy, but you value your friendship with her enough to learn that control. The only thing you can’t do is leave completely. It might feel like the easiest route…but if you really care about you friendship with Katie no matter if she’s with Wyatt or not - and I know Katie cares about her friendship with you aside from anyone else…leaving just makes you miserable, and it’s not fair to Katie.”
Austin gives his grandson an encouraging smile. “No one ever said it would be easy, Kid. But do yourself a favor and stop fighting.”

The back door suddenly opens. Cindy trudges into the mess hall with a yawn, not having been able to sleep any more, and wanting to put some coffee on for Wes and everyone else. She looks over at the table in surprise, not having thought anyone else was up yet. As she nears, her eyes widen and she stops. “Jason!”

Leaving his conversation with Austin at a close, Jason stands up quickly. Without hesitating, he goes to Cindy, leaning down to give her a big hug. “Hi, Mom.”

Cindy returns his hug with enthusiasm. “I didn’t know you were coming! When did you get here?”

“I didn’t know I was coming either,” Jason admits, pulling away from the embrace. “I just got here a while ago. Austin and I have been talking.”

Cindy stands back and looks up at her son, suddenly feeling just a little awkward. She opens her mouth, but Jason cuts her off.

“I know why you haven’t called me,” he comments quietly. He’d been thinking a lot about this conversation. “You knew I’d be a bit upset about you and Wes, and you were right. But I’m sorry.” Jason shakes his head. “I know I’ll always be your son and you’ll always need me to be that son. I had no right to be upset, and…I’m really happy to see you finally happy. You deserve it.” He sees the tears welling up in his mother’s eyes, and swallows hard. Finding a quick exit route from the awkwardness, he takes her hand to look at her ring. “Say now…Wes did a good job, didn’t he?”

“He sure did.” Cindy can feel the heat in her face. “Thank you, Jason.”

Austin watches the exchange from the table, between mother and son. He hadn’t seen Jason confused like this in a long time…he hoped his words had made sense, but there was a look in Jason’s eye that concerned him. Though he was down and out, there was a look there that forewarned he could make a snap decision on impulse and it could be disastrous. Austin could only hope he could keep Jason here long enough to help him see a clear path before pulling any stunts.

Con nods to several coworkers, and gives a small wave to Jamie before he eases down at his desk, resting his elbows in front of him to put his chin on his hands. He’d been up half the night trying to figure out where Jason had gone, and had finally determined that he’d indeed headed back to the ranch. Con wasn’t sure why, but he hoped that whatever the reason, it would help resolve his problems, and fast. Katie wasn’t going to last much longer under this pressure.


*As hard as Katies trys to fight it she cant. Her eyes grow tired from crying and her head feels like its splitting open. Finally falling asleep in Wyatt's arms.*

*A few hours later Katie wakes. Her head still killing her. but her mind a bit clearer. The feeling of depresstion still lingering. As she looks over at Wyatt she gives a small smile.The best one she can muster. For the moment her mind is at rest. But the events of earlyer still linger ready to break forth again.*


Tears pool behind Wyatt’s eyes, though he keeps them from overflowing. He can’t help his compassion and care that spills forth, seeing Katie like this. No matter what he thought he was seeing or feeling, none of this was her fault.
“Katie, stop blaming yourself,” he whispers gently. He accepts her hand and holds it in both of his, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the bed. “It’s not your fault, okay? I could never hate you…ever…no matter what. I care about you too much.” He moves to sit on the bed beside her, and pulls her up into his arms. His heart broke. He wanted to love her…he wanted to let his heart go to show her that love and to share it…but he could not…not when he still questioned whether she could ever return that love.
He rocks her gently, letting her cry. “You’re going to be okay, Katie…let me help you through this…I know I’m not Jason, and I know that I hurt you by pushing him away… but please don’t give up now.”

Con stands at the airport, talking on his phone in disgust. “The idiot just took off on a plane bound for Texas.”

This Hard

*Katies heart now corses with a new pain. She was losing something alse in her life. Something she cared about.* "Wyatt...oh Wyatt...Jason as I are just friend." *Katies mind reels as she starts to blam herself for everything. More tears flowing over.* "Ohh Wyatt...I dident meant to hurt you, no do I want to. Your so kind and sweet. I'm so luckyto met you. I care about you so very much and enjoy our time together. It was my fault Wyatt, everything is my fault...I"m sorry...I'm so sorry." *Katies heart breaks over and over again and her mind plays trick on her. Calling her names, reminding her of the past. Katie slowly places her hand on Wyatt's.* "Please dont hate me...I am just so messed up right now I dont know what way is right." *Tears flow from Katies faster as she had nothing left, as her words beat her upinside. She new this was going to be hard, but not this hard.*

losing battle

Wyatt’s heart begins to sink as a new reality starts to appear – one that he’d tried to ignore…one that he’d feared.
“Katie…I did trust you…as much as I possibly could, seeing you and Jason together all the time. I’m sorry if something I said today offended Jason enough to take off like this, but I’m not sorry for telling him how I really felt.” He tries to organize his thoughts as he looks at Katie’s tear-filled eyes. “I knew you two were friends…but I guess I didn’t realize what that meant, and that was my fault.” He pauses again, the pain cutting deeply. “But what I’m seeing right now…is that your heart no where near belongs to me. I thought it was Jason that kept getting in the way…I thought it was his fault that you two were always together and so close…but it wasn’t all his fault was it?” He shakes his head slowly, still speaking calmly. “I just wish I would have recognized it sooner, but my own heart got in the way of my eyes. I’m sorry, Katie… I thought I was doing what was right. I see now that it’s a losing battle for me.”

Got your wish

*Katie's eyes start to fill again. It was what Wyatt said.* " I'm happy you care enough to "fight someone for me." But maybe you need to choose differnt works. Cuz Wyatt you go your wish, or I shouls say threat, He backed off allright for good. I lost my bestfriend. The first real friend I had since as long as I can remember and now he's gone." *Kaite trys to think but her head hurts its feels like it is going to explode.* "And what you saw this morning Wyatt was innocent. We were watching a movie together last night and we both fell asleep. If you cant turst him and think he tryed to pull something in all reality Wyatt that means you dont turst me eather." *Katie leans her head back her tears still flowing. She dident know what to think.*


Wyatt raises an eyebrow at Katie’s question. What had Jason told her? Was that what this was all about? But how?

He hesitates, but sticks to his promise of no secrets. “I told him to back off,” he states calmly. “I saw you two this morning and decided it was time I talked to him about it. I’d already given him several chances to tell me he wanted to pursue you himself, and he always denied he wanted to be anything more than friends with you, so I called him on it. We argued, and we parted. I left him with the warning to back off.”


*Katie trys her best to keep her tone calm with Wyatt. But her voice is flat and lifeless.* "What did you and Jason fight about Wyatt?" *Katie slowly turns her head to Wyatt.* "What did you say to cause him to drop everything and leave?"


Con is distraught and confused over Katie’s behavior, but doesn’t push her. He simply stays with her until the door opens and Wyatt comes in.
Con stands up and goes to him, speaking quietly. “Jason’s gone, and Katie’s beside herself. Something about him leaving for good and you two having fought. I don’t know what you can do, but I’ve got to go see if Jason’s at my place. He still had some stuff of his there.”

Wyatt’s left not understanding everything at all. Jason…AGAIN! Pushing aside his negative feelings, he goes to Katie’s side, easing down into a chair close to her. “Hey, Katie…” he frowns with concern. “What’s wrong?”

I new it

*Katie turns her head back tp Con again as he takes the call.* "He's gone isent it Con I new it...I new it." *Katie cant help it...she is falling...falling into the dark. Deeper deeper into the whole. As Con says Wyatt is going to show Katie lets out a short dry laugh.* "Well I wont be going anywere." *More sarcastice than funny.*


It pains Con’s heart to hear the lack of life in Katie’s voice. “Hey, it can’t be all that bad, can it?” He draws her away and tries to wipe away her tears just a little awkwardly. “I’m sure Jason didn’t just walk out for good… just because he’s staying at my place doesn’t mean anything, does it?”

Con’s cell phone buzzes on his belt and he almost doesn’t answer it, but then decides he better in case it had something to do with this. “Yeah?” His eyes widen, and he slowly releases Katie to move away from her bed, turning his back to her. “What do you mean you just received his resignation? What are you talking about?” His heart leaps into his throat. “No, I don’t…honest, Carter! He didn’t say anything to me. No…no, just… agh…tell Wyatt to come see Katie, okay? I’ll go back to my place and look.”

Con ends the call and turns back to Katie to sit back down beside her. “Hey…Wyatt’s gonna come in a few minutes, alright?” He expects this news to help lighten her spirits some.

Not sure.

*As Con pulls Katie into a hug and just limply puts her arms around him. Her eyes still flowing with tears as her mind replays everything.* "I'm not even sure big brother. Everything...was...was find this morning, I had a bad feeling this afternoon about Jason and Wyatt, Jason missed having lunch with me....he came back said he was....going to your place to stay. I said I new something happend with Wyatt and Him, he said he had to go..and he left. He dident even look back he just...left me." *Kaites voice is flat as she replys the events of the day to Con. Katie dident feel much like being happy or sad. She was now depressed, the feeling of hoplessness filling her. Her best friend just....went away.*


Con wastes no time in moving to Katie’s bedside. He sits down next to her and pulls her up into a hug, pressing her into his shoulder to receive the tears. “Oh, Katie…” He has no idea what happened…what was going on? He’d heard about an argument between Wyatt and Jason earlier…was this connected? It wasn’t like Jason to just up and leave Katie like this – he cared about her too much.
“It’ll be okay,” Con tries to soothe her. “You want to tell your big brother what happened, hmm? Why did Jason leave? Where did he go?”


*Katies eyes are bloodshot as the tears still strem down. She had skiped lunch notbeing hungry, dinner was coming soon and she still wasent hungry. Katie slowly turns her head to Con, and than turns away again.* "He left Con. He left." *Katies words are weak and her eyes lost there spark. The life inthuseam gone, lost, life was slipping away.*

A call

Jason can’t stand to see Katie crying. His gut screams at him to drop his bags and go to her…comfort her…wrap his arms around her to let her know it’s going to be okay. But he can’t. Not this time. It was no longer his job.
Fighting for all he’s worth, Jason turns back around and forces his feet forward.

Getting to Hal’s truck, he throws his bags in the back, willing himself not to replay the look on Katie’s face. He slides into the driver’s seat and flips open his cell phone as he turns on the engine. “Yeah, it’s Jason…”

Twenty minutes later…

Con gently pushes Katie’s door open wide enough for him to slip inside. His eyes are full of concern, unsure quite exactly what’s going on. All Jason had said was that he’d left Katie in a bad way and she needed a shoulder. “Kat?” He moves closer, cautiously. “Everything okay?”


*Katie cant hold her tears in anymore as her walls come crashing around her.* "Please...." *Katie's words trail off...her head heavy and the words just dont seem the same. Everything seems like its growing darker around her. Katie wants to jump and run to Jason throwing her arms around him. Showing her wants him to stay but she cant. Confoundet these stupid legs. She couldent do anything but watch Jason leave.*


Jason catches her eye, his gaze pleading with her not to hang on to him. “You’ll be alright, Katie.” He forces a smile, wishing he could produce one more genuine than that, without revealing the pain he felt. “It’s not like I’m leaving the country.” He throws her a wink. “Just stay out of trouble, will ya? And you know I’m just a phone call away.” He picks up his bags. He wants to stay…he wants to spend the afternoon with her like he has for the past several weeks. But he can’t now…he owed Katie and Wyatt their space. He heads to the door, pausing to look at her one more time. “I’ll catch you later, alright?”

Pleae Dont

*Katie cant help her feeling..* "Jason please dont...I want you to stay. Please dont do this." *Katies heart sinks. She knows her words won help. If Jason goes why should she even try. This feeling...maybe cuz of this feeling her path was clear. Katie's mind reverts back to her dream of pushing Jason away. This cant happen. Not now.*

I'll be back

Without looking up, Jason can hear the tears in Katie’s voice, and he fights for control as he focuses on packing up what few things he has there. “I’ll be back…” he replies casually. “Just…it’s probably best if I slack off a bit, ya know? You need your space… you and Wyatt need your space, and I need to quit getting in the way.” He stands up, and sets the two duffel bags on a chair before looking around to see if he’s forgotten anything. His guitar is already gone. His hands on his hips, he finally turns around, owing Katie at least that. “Thought I might drop by later for a few minutes to say hi, then I’ll probably see you in the morning sometime.”

Not coming back

*Katie looks at Jason and hangs her head. He dosent need to say a word she knows whats coming.* " Your not coming back are you." *Katie trys to hold her tears back.* "Something happend with you and Wyatt again about me, and now...now your not coming back." *katie's lip quivers.*

Moving stuff

Jason smiles when she mentions her steps. “That’s fantastic, Katie. See? I knew you could do it.”
Still not sitting down, her question hits him just how he knew it would – hard. But he can’t make it out to be more than it really is. Surely this was the right choice…and if that was the case, then it really wasn’t that big of a deal. What would Katie care if he started spending more time at Con’s place than here? She shouldn’t mind him sleeping somewhere else. …Deep down though, Jason could only wonder if his actions would prove to her that what he was doing was a part of a much larger picture.

“Nothing’s wrong,” he assures her, and moves towards his couple bags. “I’m sorry I didn’t make it back for lunch… I got hung up.” He kneels down next to his bags to rearrange some of the items, letting his eyes rest somewhere other than Katie’s face. “Listen, I thought I’d just take this stuff over to Con’s since he’s letting me keep my things at his place…he’s offered me his couch too at night if I want it.


*As Katie's call is droped a feeling of dread comes over her. Not that Jason is in trouble...but something is going to happen. Something is going to change. Finally as Jason enters the room Katie smiles at Jason.* "Heya J." *Noticing something is not right katie trys to make things happy.* "Guess what I took a few more steps today." *Finally Katie gives in.* "Whats wrong Jason?"

Back to her

Jason pays attention to traffic for just a moment, looking both ways at an intersection before turning. “I’m alright, Katie. I…I’m on my way to the hospital now. I’m going to…” All of a sudden his phone beeps and he realizes their call has been dropped. “Aw, dang it.” He rolls his eyes and tosses his phone aside.
It only takes a few minutes to get back to the hospital, and Jason finds himself walking slower than he normally does to make it to Katie’s room. For the first time, he dreads seeing her. With as many times as he’d deserved a tongue lashing from Katie and he hadn’t wanted to face her, nothing felt quite like this. It shouldn’t be a big deal…it shouldn’t be hard….but something forewarned him that it was.

Finally getting to Katie’s room, he knocks lightly before going in and offering something close to a smile. “Hey, Hero.” He fidgets with he keys in his hand and ambles to her bed, but doesn’t sit down. He looks in her eyes…those eyes that envelop him every time. Those eyes that deserved so much more than this.

He knows his face and body language give away that all is not right, but how can he tell her about what happened with Wyatt, without upsetting her?

Leave him be

*Herb smiles and yells back to Jason.* "Anytime Jase. Take care of yourself now."

Mable: "Jason wait!"

Herb: "Mable leave that kid alone."

Mable: *Mable sighs and turns around.* "Fine."

*Katie nods to Ty and smiles.* "I'm looking forword to it." *As Jason answers the phone Katie can tell something is wrong.* "J...is everything ok? You said you were gonna meet me for lunch and ya never showed up."


Jason accepts the foot gratefully. As Mable asks him if he wants to share, he plays with a French fry in some sauce that had spilled out of the sub. Listening as she goes on, he jerks his head up at the mention of Katie, and is mortified to learn of the rumor that they’re dating. What else could be piled on top of this whole mess? No one could do anything in a small town without the next person knowing about it, or assuming they knew about it.
He’s about ready to set Mable straight, when Herb interrupts, giving him the out that he needs. Instead of extending the conversation, he stuffs mouthful of sub in his mouth. He tries to act as casual as possible through the rest of his quick meal, not giving Mable anything to worry about.
Once finished, he pays and leaves a tip on the table, thanking Mable and yelling back at Herb to compliment him on the good food.

Ty looks at Katie just a little confused. “Don’t apologize. It’s okay.” As she goes for her phone, he stands up, not wanting to invade her privacy. “Listen, I told Wyatt I’d go to TJY this afternoon and meet one of the guys I’m supposed to work with. Now’s a good a time as any.” He offers a short wave. “Thanks for the morning…I’ll probably stop by tomorrow, if that’s alright.”
He makes his exit, laving her alone to make her call.

Jason slides into the pickup and backs out of the parking space, heading down the road. His ringing phone startles him and he picks it up. His heart sinks. Katie. Trying to control his voice, he decides to answer it. “Hey, Katie. What’s up?”

*Mable smiles at Jason and nods.* "Sure do Hotshot." *Mable yells into the kitchen* "Herb whip up a meatball sub would ya and some frys for Jason." *After going to wait on a few other customers Jason's food ready Mable grabs and takes it over to Jason.* "There ya go Kiddo. Care to shair whats on your mind? Looks alittle more than just a hard day." *Geting confused with what was told to her early her she offers a small smile.* "Is it anything to do with that girl whats her name? Mmmm...katie? You to look cute together. She's a real sweet girl. I'm glad you dating her Jason. Found yourself someone real nice." *Herb yells from the kitchen.* "MABLE WOULD YOU LEAVE THE BOY ALONE!" *Herb waves his burger flipper from the back at Jason noding hello. Mable leaves and helps some more customers. Only coming back no and than to refill jasons drink.*

*Katie lets out a long sigh.* "Sooner or later ya. I'm just...stuck at a cossroad and I dont know what way to go." *Katie shakes her head.* " I dont know what my heart is telling me to do anymore. Both ways seem right but I cant take both." *Katie smiles at Ty.* "Sorry to bother you with this." *Looking down at her watch Katie relizes Jason never came back for lunch like he said he would. Now having her phone she excuses herself for a moment and dials Jason number.*

Too much

Jason offers the best smile he can muster, though it’s not much. “Hey, Mable. Long time no see.” He can’t help a slight chuckle as she hands him his drink. “Never forget, do you?”
He sighs deeply, not caring much about hiding his mood. “Naw…I’m not really okay, but we all have days like that, eh?” He shakes his head. “Too much going on…too many choices, too few paths…not enough time.” He tosses the menu aside, not even knowing why he’d picked it up, and he changes the subject. “Still got your meatball subs?”

Ty claps as Katie takes a couple steps, genuinely enthusiastic for her. He chats with her a little bit, showing that he’s very slowly getting out of his box and starting to warm up, despite all the time he’s been here since Katie and Wyatt had bailed him out of jail.
Once back in her room, he notices the strange look on her face. “Hey…everything all right?”


*Hearing the little bell ring Mable looks up seeing its Jason. Grabing him a drink she hopes she remembers what he likes. Mable walks over to Jason and sets the drink down.* "HeyJase." *Noticing his face Mable frowns.* "Ya look like you have had a long day. Are ya ok?" *Mable offers a small smile.*

*Katie smiles. As the time pass the therapy goes well. Katie takes a few more steps and is excited that someone was there to see her. For just these few hours Katie forgets about her worrys. After the the therapy is over Katie and Ty head back to her room. Once Katie gets setaled again her thoughts go back to Wyatt and Jason. Would her mind ever rest?*


Jason can’t even reply to Jamie, and simply watches her leave. She had just said that Katie loved him. That thought alone was enough to shoot adrenaline into his veins. Surely that wasn’t true.

Memories bombard him. Back in Texas. The way Katie had taken care of him. The look in her eye that first time she’d dared to awkwardly kiss him. The pain she’d suffered through his rejection of her. Here in Nevada. The way she stared at him. The way she accepted him. How she’d needed him. How she’d wanted him. How she’d demonstrated absolute trust. The way she supported him and was proud of him.

Jason leans over to press his palms on his desk, still standing, but hanging his head. He knew the truth…he knew it deep down…he was trying to deny it, but he knew it was there. Jamie was right…he knew Katie loved him.

Wyatt’s words come hurling back in his direction, their meaning bringing on a new sting. Jason was getting in the way of something good. Katie liked Wyatt, and Wyatt obviously cared for her. He was a good man…he had a lot to offer… Jason had a record of hurting people. Wyatt was true to his character. Jason didn’t even know what direction he was headed. Wyatt had a vision of the future and stability.

Jason’s own pride begins to crumble. Maybe he cared for Katie…maybe once in a while he’d dare to call it love. And maybe Katie had feelings for him too. But was it supposed to be that way? Was it right? Jason wanted Katie to be happy…he wanted her to have what she deserved – the best. And right now…he simply couldn’t be the best. Wyatt adored Katie and treasured her…that’s what Katie deserved. Not someone who couldn’t stay on top of his own emotions or couldn’t even see ahead one day. No…

He lifts his head and straightens up, grabbing his keys. He couldn’t work any longer. He had to get out of here. He had to think…he had to plan.
Walking back out on the floor, he glances towards Wyatt’s desk on the far side. “Okay, Wyatt,” he whispers. “You win.” Heading for the door, he considers his next move. He needed to get his stuff from Katie’s room and take it back to Con’s. It was Wyatt’s turn…Katie was all his.

As Jason drives across town, his mind won’t rest. He’s in no shape or mood to go back to the hospital just yet.
His stomach gives a little lurch, reminding him that he hasn’t had any breakfast. Glancing at the clock, he realizes that it’s late enough to eat an early lunch. He spots the familiar Italian restaurant, and on a whim, pulls up in front. He hadn’t been here since he’d been back…it was Con’s favorite place…but most likely there wouldn’t be any coworkers in there this early, which was exactly what Jason wanted.

Finally he heads inside, the little bell above the door ringing. Grabbing the closet table with a booth, he slides in to the wall to prop up his sore knee on the long seat, and grabs a menu, though the last thing he wants to think about is food.

Ty looks up, relief sweeping over him. “Thanks, Katie. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this.” He stands up as the nurse comes in, and lifts his eyebrows. “Um…sure. I guess… as long as I won’t be in the way.”