
Go or Stay

*Katie squels with delight at Scott accepting. coming around the wall Katie gives Scott a big hug.*

"You'll have a blast everyone will I just know it. Thank yuo Scott for saying you will come with me. It going to be an honner to introduce you to my family. I better get ready...I'll see you later."

*Without even hesatating Katie gives Scott a big kiss than turns to leave making her way back to her desk. Her mind racing with excitment. It had almost been a year since she was home it would be nice and the fun they were going to have it was going to be a blast.*

*Jamie finishs reading her email a smile forming on her face. How fun it would be to go back to the ranch with joy this time and not the the sad feeling looming. When she had been there the first time it seemed like a place full of joy and happyness. It would be nice to go have fun this time around. Jamie wondered for a moment if Con got the email as well. As if someone was reading her mind Jamie's phone rings.*


*Hearing Con's voice Jamie's smile grows. He did get the email and he did want to go.*

"I just got done reading it. I think Texas sounds like a wonderful idea. I'd love to go with you Con. As long as you can deal with my snooring on the plane."

*Jamie giggles and chats a bit more with Con on differnt things going on, and Texas about geting ready. Finally hanging up with Con Jamie finishs up her work before heading out for the night. Feeling Edd, and taking a shower Jamie packs a light bag before heading out.*

*Nate opens his email and reads the note from Scott. A trip to the ranch that sounded fun. He's been there once before but only on the outskirts. The ranch had seemed like a nice quiet comforting place. Nate thought for a moment about going. His sister would like to go and it would give Janet a break to spend time with Rick. Yes Nate would bring Maggie and Laura too. It Nate couldent see the light of one more day than at least he would have the memorie of Laura and his sisters smiling face to remember. Standing Nate catches Laura's eye and smiles. Walking over to her cubicle he cross his arms across his chest.*

"So...You, Maggie and Me going to Texas sounds like a great idea. How about I pick you up at 7:30?"

*Siting up in bed Misty looks around the room making sure Rick wasent around. He had already balled her out once and even more when she showed him the ducktape over where she was shot. Tonight she would be heading home she had already told Rick that. Sleeping in Carson's bed lastnight proved how much she missed her own. Going over to the computer Misty sits down to check her email. Reading Scott email Misty lets out a sigh. She probley wouldent end up going. She dident know anyone there outside TJY and it would just feel strange. Grabing the phone she dials Carson's number.*

"Hey there my Hot Aussie man. Are you gonna be going to Texas? I dont think I am. I would feel to strange."


Scott looks up as Katie comes to him, and listens, his eyes widening slightly. The more she talks, the higher his eyebrows rise.

This was…interesting. He’d never seriously considered going to the ranch, even though it had been mentioned or perhaps joked about.

His first reaction was to decline. He didn’t belong in Texas…on a ranch…around all those people he didn’t know. Sure, he knew their profiles pretty well from scouring the Agency case, but he was really an outsider.

When he opens his mouth to respond though, Scott sees the life in Katie’s eyes. She wanted this so badly…it was making her happy just thinking about it. And she really did want him to go along. If he said no, he knew good and well that he would be disappointing her. Couldn’t he get out of his box for her?

Managing a crooked grin, he gives a little nod. “Alright. Nevada sunset…Texas sunset…they’re both pretty. So…I’ll go as long as I can find someone to take care of Domino…and I’ll make sure an email goes out right away.”

Subject: All aboard who’s going aboard
To: TJY Staff
From: Ireland’s Neighbor

You got it. Road trip! Or rather…air trip. All the way to Texas, and YOU’RE invited.

Here’s the scoop. Our own in-house Hero is the hero once again, brainstorming up a grand scheme for all of us to take advantage of our day off tomorrow. Okay, so it’s short notice, but come on…how can you pass it up? And here’s the great part…TJY’s providing the ride. Now…tell me you really don’t want to go…I dare you.

Where: The Airport
When: Tonight at 8:00

We’ll arrive in Texas later tonight, but early enough that no one can complain too awful much, and we’ll all have the entire day tomorrow. Then early the next morning it’s back here to TJY in time to prep and meat at the courthouse for our hearing.

So…how about it? No need to reply. Got questions, ask Katie. Just be sure if you want to go that you’re at the airport by eight at the latest – ‘cause once the plane leaves the ground, that’s it.

The sound from Jason’s computer catches his attention and he looks up, noting that he’d just received an email. Thankful for another distraction, he moves to read it. Opening the email, his eyes widen. Who else would be going to Texas? And did he want to go? He hadn’t expected this. He’d made no plans. It was pretty spur of the moment. But…shouldn’t he go? Even if he wasn’t feeling like it, shouldn’t he at least go, if only to see his mom? After the hearing, who knew what would happen? He hadn’t seen her in so long…and he knew no matter how awkward it was for him, she’d want to see him and would be disappointed if he didn’t go. But at the same time…he really wasn’t so keen on the idea of socializing in a group right now. Playing with the band the other night had almost been too much for him to handle…mingling with everyone else back at the ranch would be another shock to the system, and if there was one thing he didn’t want to do while there, it was break down.

Con sinks down in his computer chair and opens his email program, still running a towel through his wet hair after he’d showered. Not being at TJY anymore, he’d had to get used to actually checking his email from home, but had finally gotten into the habit, though it wasn’t often he corresponded with anybody.

Surprised to see an email from TJY, he immediately opens it.

Scanning the message, a smile forms. He really wanted to do something with Jamie tomorrow…but being able to go back to the ranch for a day was pretty appealing. He’d gotten to know the people there pretty well while he’d been there, and if everything was going to fall apart after the court hearing, it would be nice to see them all again. Not to mention, this was something Katie had obviously instigated, and Con surmised it was important to her.

Reaching to the side, he picks up his phone and dials Jamie. “Hey you…read your email yet? I was going to take you out tomorrow, but…what do you say to going to Texas? It would be nice if we were actually there at the same time for once.”

Wyatt leans back in his chair, reading Scott’s email. Thinking for a moment, he knows that he will opt to stay in Nevada. He and his dad weren’t all that close, especially since his dad was his boss, but tomorrow…they’d actually agreed to go out and do some morning fishing…something they hadn’t done in years. Wyatt wanted that time alone, and though he was sure many others would be going to Texas, it didn’t take much for him to decline. There would be more who would stay, he was sure, so he shouldn’t be viewed as a party pooper.

Sensing someone behind him, he turns to suddenly see Jason. “Oh, hi. What’s up?”

“I…got a favor to ask of you…that is…if you wouldn’t mind…”

Laura is just finishing up her work, getting ready to leave, when she checks her email one last time. Texas? She wondered if Con was going. It might be nice to meet everyone he’d spoken so highly of…everyone who anyone else had spoken so highly of. And to be in this circle of friends…no matter who went…it seemed the perfect time…the perfect thing to do on their last day before things would change.

But…she didn’t really want to pass up time with Nate either. Would he be going? If not, Laura was sure she would choose to stay here. Missing out on possibly the last time they had together wasn’t worth it.

Standing from her desk, Laura looks across the room to see if Nate is still here.

It’s Reese.

Carson sits up on the couch and listens more carefully to the phone call. Why was Reese calling? What had happened? “Yeah?”

First of all, how are you feeling?”

“Like crap.”

Good. You deserve it.”

Carson sighs. “Look, I…”

No, you look,” Reese retorts sternly. “Anybody working under me cannot go gallivanting around and getting drunk when things take a bad turn. Not only is that behavior unacceptable, but it risks a breach in security when you’re saying things you can’t even remember. Are you understanding me?

Carson hunches over to rest his elbows on his knees. He’d known this was coming, but hadn’t expected it to come in the form of a phone call. “Yeah…I understand you. Are you firing me?”

No…I’m not. But don’t press your luck. Three strikes, and you may very well be out.

“I’m trying, Reese…honest.”

Reese pauses for a moment, his tone softening. “That’s all I can ask for. Now…there’s an email flying around here today, and I wanted to make sure you weren’t left out. A bunch from here is going to fly to Texas tonight to spend a day at the RM ranch tomorrow as their vacation day before the court hearing. Everyone is invited.”

“Are you asking if I’m going?”

I guess so. I’d like to know who all will be here and who will be gone so I can at least keep track of everyone.

Carson thinks for a moment, then opts against it. He didn’t belong at the ranch…he really wasn’t in the mood for a trip in closer quarters with everyone else. No…he’d simply rather stay. “Nah…I’m just gonna stay here. I’ll…I’ll come in to work tomorrow if you want, to make up for today.”

I won’t stop you from coming in, but I’m not asking you,” Reese responds. “But as long as I know you’re in town.”

“Yeah, I will be.”

Mick ambles down the hall in the lower level, glancing around and following the sounds of trash cans rattling. Finally he finds who he’s looking for. “Hey, Ty.”

Ty looks up from his work and smile. “Mick. What’s up?”

“Had a proposition for you.”


“Ever been to Texas?”

Ty pauses his work. “Um…just passing through. Why?”

“A bunch from here is headed there tonight…kind of a bash before this whole court hearing, just to be sure we all see each other again if everything falls apart.” Mick shrugs. “You’re welcome to come along.”

“Oh…I don’t know.” Ty looks down. “I’m not real close to anyone here…except Wyatt I guess, but that’s just because I live with him.”

“So this might be a good opportunity for you then,” Mick prompts. “There’s plenty of room, and…well, Ty, I guess there’s a couple people back there that I’d like you to meet.”

Ty looks up again, confused. “Who?”

“Just some family and friends. What do you say?”

“You going?”

“Would I stay and miss the chance to see my fiancĂ©?” Mick grins. “Of course I’m going.”

Ty thinks for another moment and finally shrugs. “Why not? I don’t have anything to lose.”

Get away!

*Aerith eyes follow Jason outside as he drives away. She was a bit confused by what just happend. Jason had seemed fine and than very upset. Not understanding and worrying for her friend she turns her head to Mable who just shakes her own. Leting out a sigh Aerith goes back to cleaning off the table.

The rest of her day goes pretty normal no more word yet from Frankie. Aerith couldent help but be alittle on edge now though. Everytime the door opened she snaped her head up and found herself feeling foolish when she relized it wasent him.

Katie goes back to her work still a bit on edge from what happend with Jason. Saying a quick silent prayer for his safty she resumes her work. Hearing the elavator open moments later Katie looks up and see Jason. Receving his wave and waving back Katie know he'll be ok now. Leting out a breath Katie is happy Jason made it back safly.*

*As the hours pass slowly before Katie knows its almost 2pm. After reading Carters email Katie sits back in her chair and thinks for a long moment. Taking her phone and dialing the number for the ranch Katie waits still she hears her Aunts voice.*

"Heya Rosetta. I have a question to ask ya....."

*A half hour pass and Katie hang up the phone a smile on her face. Though she never said it enough Katie loved her aunt so much. Standing Katie makes her way over to Scott cubicle.*

"Heya Scotty. So I had something to ask ya. I know we have plans for dinner and than to watche the sun set, but I was wondering if we could post pone that till tomarrow night than I can show you the sun set on a country farm."

*Knowing Scott was probley royly confused by now Katie dosent skip a beat in going into an explanation.*

"Well I know that tomarrow Carter is giving us a day off, and I would really like to spend time with you, but I would also like to see my aunt back home as well. So I called her up and asked if I could bring you, myself, and a bunch others from TJY out there. First she yelled at me for not calling her sooner, and next she yelled at me for even thinking I needed to ask. The ranch dosent have many people there this week so she said it would be perfect. I know we would all have a blast there. Its a wonderful place. So if you would do accopany me there I would like that. I want my aunt to know you.

I also kind of need a favor from you, if you say yes you will go. I was wondering if you could send something flashyer than an email out to all the staff of TJY including Con leting them know about this avent. Let them know they can bring any family members or friend they want to spend time with. With the permistion of Carter and Reese we will be taking the TJY Jet tonight stay a full day and leave early the next morning. Anyone who would like to go should meet us at the air field at 8pm."

*Katie cant help the look of excitment as her eyes twinkle. She hoped Scott would want to come along with her other friends. Passing up and opertunity at the ranch was crazy. Katie wanted to be able to shair a wonderful experance with the other if this was to be there last together.*

Day off

Jason's mind starts forming a blank as he begins trying to cope with what he just saw. Hearing his name at first, his sub conscious tricks him into thinking the one person who has always helped him is there.

Suddenly he realizes again where he is and just who is talking to him. He jumps as Aerith touches his arm, and he tries to shake off his shock. "Yeah, yeah...I'm fine...it's...it's nothing."

Hearing his phone ring, he goes for it quickly, trying to revert his mind. "Hello?" Hearing Katie's voice on the other end is like the sound of warm rain after a the thunder has just rumbled. He swallows hard and takes a deep breath, calming himself. "Yeah...I know....I just...got a surprise, that's all." He closes his eyes for a moment, rubbing his forehead. Despite all the times Katie has told him he's not a bother, he still feels badly any time he knows he's pulled her away from anything she was doing. "Thanks, Katie. I'm on my way back from Mom and Pop's. Just, um..." He doesn't want to fear what could happen, but has to remain practical. His mind has beat him before. "If I'm not there in fifteen minutes, don't panic, but send someone to look for me, alright?"

Ending the call, he takes another deep breath and turns to Aerith with apology. "I'm sorry, I..." He's not even sure what to say. His childhood trauma wasn't something he talked about openly. "Maybe I'll explain sometime, but I'm fine..." He musters up a smile. "Thanks for the chat."

Desperately trying to keep his mind occupied, he heads out the door at a fast pace, not even bothering to wave at Mabel and Herb. He had to get out of there and get to somewhere he felt safe before his subconscious decided to let go.

Filling his mind with thoughts of work, the upcoming hearing, Texas, or any other random thing he could think of, Jason heads to TJY. He makes it fine, parking and going inside. Though still shaking on the inside, he keeps his body language at a level not to alert anyone.

Aiming for his office, he glances down the aisle and sees Katie in her cubicle. He gives her a short wave, simply letting her know that he was there, and continues his route.

Getting to his office, Jason shuts the door behind himself, greeting Trooper with a pat to the head. Going around his desk, he sinks into his chair, putting his head down on his arms and trying with all his might to control his thoughts. He had to concentrate on something else...he had to...he couldn't let the memories come...not like this...they couldn't control him...he had to control them.

Trooper cocks his head and gives a whine, sensing Jason's strange behavior.

Afternoon Email
To: TJY Staff
From: Carter

In light of the court hearing that will be in two days, I am issuing a mandatory day off for all of the TJY staff. Tomorrow, please feel free to spend time with family or friends. As we know, the results of the court hearing may be very good or very bad. We all hope that we will be able to stay together as a team and continue working towards our ultimate goal of justice. However, due to the unknown results of the hearing, I wish to provide you all with this time to share with loved ones.
Thank you for being the team you have.


"Hey, Dean?" Con speaks loudly over the sound of the bulldozer behind him as he leans against a support beam to speak to the foreman.

Dean turns around taking his hard hat off for just a moment to wipe the sweat from his brow. "Yeah?"

"Mind if I switch days with Brandon, so I can have tomorrow off?"

Dean shrugs. "I don't care. Work it out with him. Got special plans?"

"Maybe." Con forces a grin, despite his reasoning for wanting a day off. In two days, things might never be the same again, and if there was one thing he'd want to do if he knew he'd be behind bars, it was spend one more day with Jamie. "Brandon already said he'd trade."

"Alright, that's fine. Just let Patty know for her books."

"You got it."


*Aerith stops cleaning off Jason's booth when she heads his keys hit the floor. Tuning and looking at Jason Aerith can see a new look about him. Something happend, startled him. Puting the glass and plate back down Aerith goes over to Jason and puts a hand on his arm a bit of consern on her face.*

"J...are you ok?"

*Not receving an answer Aerith shakes his arm alittle bit.*

"Jason....Jason...are you ok?"

*As Katie sits in her cubicle stairing at he computer screen when suddanly she shoot up right. Something wasent right. Something was wrong. Feeling the feeling she had so many times before. It had been a while since she felt this. Almost a year since Jason had a nightmare in prison. Standing Katie makes her way to Jason's office not relizing he wasent there. Knocking on the door and entering looking around Katie see Trooper but not Jason. Exiting again she feels a wave of panic hit her. Calming herself Katie goes back to her desk and dials Jason's cell phone.*

"Jason, its Katie...its ok. Everything is ok. Your fine."

It's not him

Carson thinks for a moment, then gives a little nod. "I guess I'm feeling a little better..." He sighs. "I know, I know...yesterday didn't help one bit, it was just thinking things through that did I suppose...and I guess I've got you to thank for that."

He pulls himself up into a sitting position as Misty calls Wyatt and waits. As she talks about his shirt, he gives her a sly grin. "Or...you could keep it. You look awfully cute running around in my shirt." His grin widens and he throws her a wink. "Kinda gives the impression you're mine."

Jason listens as Aerith talks, and finishes most of his meal. Frankie Miller...why did that name sound familiar?

Letting the air settle for a moment, he cocks his head. "Sounds like that wasn't too much fun. I hate it when people try to run my life for the wrong reasons. I know it doesn't feel good."

He finishes off his orange juice and studies Aerith's face quietly. "I don't normally do this, but..." He grabs a napkin and fishes a pen out of his pocket. Jotting down his cell phone number, he pushes it towards her. He'd been so miserable lately, that he was surprising himself...but maybe being able to concentrate on somebody else for once was giving him an opportunity to focus on something different. "If he ever bothers you and you can't get away, don't hesitate to call me. Guys like him can mess up lives and you're too nice for me to want to see you messed up."

Standing up, Jason throws payment for the meal down on the table, along with a tip for Aerith. "Thanks." He gives her a little nod. "See you around."

As he turns, he suddenly looks up as a man enters the restaurant. He's middle-aged, not too tall, with dark hair and shifting eyes. Jason stops dead in his tracks, his blood running cold. Get a hold on yourself, Jason...it's not him and you know it. It's not Alex...it's the same man you saw in town once before...it's not him.

Jason's eyes remain locked on the man as he goes and sits in a corner table. The keys in Jason's hand suddenly slip from his fingers and clatter on the floor, breaking him from his stare. Startling himself, he looks down and it takes him just a moment to reach down and pick up the keys. You're fine...just leave, get on your bike and go back to work. He can feel his hands starting to shake, and grits his teeth, loathing the uncontrollable fear that had found its way back into his veins.

Frankie Andrew Miller

*As Katie picks up the airplane and reads the note a smile cross her face. It was fun how Scott and herself contacted eachother sometimes. It made her feel like a kid again in little ways. Puting the note down Katie slowly stands peeking over the cubicle wall so only the top of her head, and eyes were showing. Looking over the wall to Scott's own cubicle she see him and her smiles grows. Giving her head alittle nod to let him She'd be there. Katie sits back down and continues her work the smile never leaving.*

*Misty turns her head and looks at Carson. Giving alittle shake.*

"No I really dont, but I guess I should before Rick had a heart attack. Other than the hangover are you feeling any better?"

*Misty studys Carson's face. She could tell there was still a bit of pain there but not nearly as much as before.

Finally Misty gets enough strength to stay again making her way to Carson's phone and calling Wyatt leting him know everything was ok. Also leting him know he would come and pick her up in a half hour or so. Once done Misty goes back into the bathroom and gathers up her bloodyshirt and cleans the mess she made last night than rejoins Carson in the livingroom.*

"I hope you dont mind I barrowed on of your shirts. Once I wash it I'll give it back to you. Unless...."

*Misty gets a grin on her face as she talks*

"...you dont want me to wash it and tan you can have my germs on your shirt."

*Aerith lets out a breath staying silent for a moment. Collecting her thoughts and trying to let the bit of anger surfacing die out.*

"That was Frank Andrew Miller. I guess you could call him a stalker and than again I guess not. He's a...intresting guy. No I wouldent call it that I just dont know how alse to put it. He worked for my step father along time ago before he and me mom ever got together. Frankie would watch people, his nickname around my step dad's office was "The Watcher." When ever he had a case he'd call Frankie in and having dig up information, watch the person, see what they were doing."

*Misty stops for a moment collecting her thoughts and searching Jason's face.*

"Anyways...Frankie was pretty well off. I guess doing stuff like that you make good money. He dident work for just my step dad. He worked for anyone who payed good dident matter if they were good or bad.

So after my mom got married and we moved to New York I went into my step dad's office now and than helping with paper work and what not. Earning my keep I guess. A few times I was there I saw Frankie I dont think I was much more than 18 at the time. Frankie took an intest in me, and well He had money and thats all my family cared about. I on the other hand dident want anything to do with him. He was 15 years older than I was, and just not a good person. My family including my grandmother tryed to get us married. I told him over and over again it wasent going to happen but as you could see no one listened. Fianlly Frankie got caught doing some illigal acts and was sent to prison. I'm not sure how long he was there or when he got out. I lost contact with him, I moved, and just hoped I'd never see him again. I wasent running away per say I was just trying to get away. I dont trust him much more than I can throw him. I think the only good things that came from knowing Frankie was geting to know his sister. She was pretty messed up herself, but she was always nice to me."

*Aerith lets out a long sigh."

"I just cant believe my grandmother actully told him I was here. He said he would be back, there is no doubt in my mind he will find a way to actully show up again. "


Jason remains tense until Frankie starts to back away. Finally seeing him ride away, Jason's hands relax and he turns around to see Aerith sinking into the booth.

Sitting across from her, he resumes eating, even though he isn't quiet as hungry now. "Don't thank me," he directs. "I'm just glad he's gone." He looks at her, studying her face for several moments. She hadn't been terrified, but this little episode had shaken her up just a little.

Jason didn't want to pry, but he felt he knew Aerith just well enough to ask. "So...who is he anyway? What's he want with you, other than the obvious?"

Carson squints up at Misty from the couch, mustering up something close to a wry grin. "I didn't wake you because you were asleep. I don't like disturbing sleeping beauties, you know."

He gestures to the coffee table where an empty glass is, in reference to her suggestion. "Been there, done that. When Carson Banks does something, he goes all out, whether it's taking on an adversary or having a hangover."

He curls his legs up further on the couch to give Misty more room. His mind was getting clearer, despite the pain that lingered, and he might attempt going to work for a couple hours were it not for his headache or the fact that he wasn't sure how he was going to face everyone back at TJY again. He really had made a fool of himself and felt like a total idiot. Getting chewed out was bound to come eventually. But one thing he did realize...that since actually talking with Misty this morning, the overwhelming feelings he'd had seemed to be lighter.

Giving Misty a slight nudge with his bare foot, he looks to the nearby telephone. "Want to call someone to come get you?"

Scott is nowhere to be found. But after Katie returns to her desk from the break room, suddenly a paper airplane comes flying over her cubicle wall, crashing into a filing cabinet.
Unfolded, it reveals Scott's handwriting.
Tonight's todo consists of a chinese dinner out, then going and admiring the sunset from Newman's Point.

Almost count

*As Jason steps between Aerith and Frankie, a Aerith's body relaxed alittle but stays on alert.

Frankie tilts his head to look down at Jaosn, and amused yet irratated look in his eyes. Backing up a few steps Frankie shifts his gaze back to Aerith.*

"I'll see you later babe. You can almost count on it."

*Turning Frankie lets out a laugh and head out the door slapping his sunglass back on his face and geting onto his bike. Reving the moter again and backing up Frankie looks to the big window of the restront and gives a wave with a grin on his face. Seeding away.

Once Frankie is gone Aerith breaths again. Sinking down into the booth across from where Jason had been siting. Puting her head into her hands pushing her hair back Aerith lets out a sigh. What was he doing here? That was the last person Aerith wanted or needed to see.*

"Thanks Jason, for sticking up for me there. He would of left sooner or later, but you helped it along sooner."

*After a short while Misty stirs. Opening her eyes she looks around the room for a moment before remembering where she was. Slowly siting up Misty gets off the bed. Still in her jeans and Carson's t-shirt. Moving slowly out of the room and into the living room Misty see's Carson and gives him a playful slap on the arm.*

"Why dident you wake me?"

*Looking down at Carson Misty can still tell he has a hang over. Shaking her head she cant help but roll her eyes. He deserved the hang over.*

"You should drink alot of water, and than rest again. It will help dilut your system, and will get rid of the hangover fast."

*Misty sits down next to Carson with great care, trying not to rib her makeshift stiching job.*

*Streaching at her desk Katie stands and ambles over to Scott's cubicle. Seeing he wasent there Katie grabs a sticky not and write.*

{Whats on the list for tonight's todo?}

*Sticking it to his computer screen Katie heads to the breakroom to grab something to eat.*


Jason watches the argument flare and starts to bristle. This guy was ticking him off.

Frankie's bold move to kiss Aerith makes Jason's eyes narrow and his fists tighten. Any fool could see Aerith was uncomfortable.

As Aerith yells at Frankie to leave, Jason's had enough. Stepping forward, he places himself between Aerith and Frankie, facing the newcomer with steel eyes that look down on him. "I believe you were asked to leave. I suggest you comply."


*Aerith looks to Jason giving alittle shake. yes the tention was there, no she dident want Frankie there. She could deal with her grandmother and everything alse but not this. This was differnt.*


*Frankie intarupts.*

"Yes! Everythings fine, I'm her fiance. So you can sit down, chill and go back to eating."

"No your not!! I told you that a million times, You only think you are."

"Awww..how you gonna go and lead a guy on like that?"

"My family arranging me to marrie you was not me leading you on. I want nothing to do with you."

"Ya know mon ame you look even cuter when your angry."

*In a swift movment Frankie takes Aerith in his arms and plants a kiss on her lips.

Bringing her arms up Aerith pushes Frankie away.*

"I think you need to leave."

"No I think I need to stay."

"FRANKIE...leave NOW."


Carson steps out of the shower and dries off, his head still throbbing. The water had felt good, but not good enough. Taking more pain killers was out of the question. He still hadn't had anything to eat, and popping more pill would just make him sick. Though even the thought of food itself made him nauseous.

Shaving quickly and getting dressed, Carson heads back to his bedroom. Finding Misty sleeping, he sighs a little. She was better off at TJY, but he didn't want to wake her.

Opting to leave her be, he goes to the living room instead where he stretches out on the couch to try and ease away the throbbing in his skull.

Jason looks up at Aerith, then at this newcomer, immediately feeling the tension. Swallowing his bite of sub, he sees the conversation getting even more tense, and the look on Aerith's face told him she was none too happy.

Acting on instinct, Jason rises from his seat. He gives a glance to Frankie, then looks at Aerith. "Everything okay?"

Face Pale

*Misty smiles and kiss Carson back sealing the affection was real.*

"I stick with you cuz I care for and about you."

*Giving Carson a little nudge with her food she laughs.*

"Go take your shower before I change my mind from the smell."

*After Cason is gone Misty smiles again and closes her eyes. Her tired state returning along with the pain. Snuggling alittle deeper into the blankets and pillow Misty soon drifts to sleep again.*

*Aerith smiles at Jason and nods. The air around him today seemed alittle cleaner. Alittle less stress and tention. It seemed like a weaght from the many was removed making it alittle less lighter to bear.*

"I am glad your well. I'll see what I can do about that sub.*

*Aerith disapears into the back giving Herb Jason's order. Within moment later Aerith makes her way back to Jason's table with his Sub and frys.*

"I hope you like french frys as well. Herb though you would like them no charge."

*Aerith stands and chats with Jason alittle bit more once again forgeting that maybe she was talking to much.

As figure parks outside the small restront. Pulling off his helmet he runs a hand through his Black frosted hair. He stood about 6’5 and was fairly well built. Turning his head and looking around alittle a dry laugh escaps his lips as he pulls a pare of sunglass out of his pocket and puts them on heading to the door and inside.

Aerith’s head admatily turns as the bell on the front door ring. As her eyes land on the new comer her face pales slightly.

Seeing Aerith the stranger walks over to her. Removing his sunglass a cocky smile on his face.*

"Your grandmother said I might find you here. How are ya babe?"

*For a moment Aerith just looks up at the stranger. Her words caught in her throut as her lip quivers. It couldent be, not here, not now.*

"Frankie what are you doing here? I mean...how did you?"

*Frankie's smile stays on his face as his voice booms.*

"I was stoping by to check in on my sister, and I though I would stop by and see your grandmother. Since you just up and vanished. When she told me you were here in Nevada and working at this restront I had to come and see you."

*Aerith's eyes shift to Jason and than back to Frankie.*

"But I dident want to see you. Thats why I left without telling you to start with."

*Frankie stands alittle bit taller a looks of irratation on his face.*

"How is that anyway to talk to me?"

*Aerith trys her best to stand strong, though underneath she was a bit nervouse by this viset.*


*Frankie cross his arms over his chest and just stairs at Aerith.*


Misty's touch brings just the comfort Carson needs, and he looks at her, his tired eyes, starting to show life once again. Leaning over her, he plants a kiss on her lips. "I'm sorry for what I did yesterday.... I don't know why you insist on sticking with me."

Drawing back, he stands up, grabbing his clean clothes. "I'm hitting the shower. When I'm done, we need to get you back to TJY so you can take care of yourself properly."

Jason looks up at Aerith, managing to produce a slight smile as she brings the juice. "Thanks. I'm....doing alright I think." He shakes his head. "Nah, I figured there would be people around here today to bring Trooper, not to mention I didn't want to take the time to walk. Duty calls too quickly sometimes." He rolls his eyes.

He nods to the kitchen. "Think you could convince Herb to fix me a meatball sub?"

New Rider

*Misty finally turns her head and looks at Carson. Bringing a hand to his back to give it a soft rub. Carson had his roughness, and his softness. They was they talkd to eachother was not the norm, but Misty loved every moment of it and never would want to dream of changing it. Behind closed doors and walls Misty and Carson had there soft touching moments too. Just no one really got to see that side.*

"Dont dwell to much on the past Carson. I know it hurts you couldent save Ashyln, but we cant all be heros and save everyone."

*Misty's grin wides a bit as she squints the sun peeking through the drawn blindes.*

" I like being with you to Carson, and I know your not going anywhere. Thats why I am still here."

*Aerith looks up smile like she had so many times in the past seeing Jason enter. Grabing a glass OJ Aerith makes her way over to Jason.*

"Morning, or Afternoon now."

*Aerith puts the glass down for Jason.*

"How are you today? No Trooper today?"

*A figure exits Aerith's grandmothers house and makes there way back to the parked motorcycle that was in the driveway. The bike engein is reved and takes off down the road. Twisting and turning down many differnt roads, and backstrats the driver intently makes his way to the first destanation in mind.*


Carson finally turns around as Misty talks, his eyes revealing that despite his physical misery, he was still trying to sort things through.

A faint smile quirks just the corner of his mouth as Misty talks about the way she feels about him. Sighing, he stops what he's doing and sinks back down on the bed, sitting next to her. "I guess when I saw Ashlyn dying, the first thing that came to my mind was that she hadn't had the same chance I had."

Looking down, it's evident that Carson is struggling to say these things, but he's trying to, if just for Misty. "I thought about the past some, sure, but...when I realized that she'd died still within the Agency...I wished that I'd tried to get her out like I had. I suddenly realized that I'd never tried to convince her to leave, even when I'd found something better. I never tried to show her the real truth, or that there was more than the Agency. Feelings for her aside...I should have at least tried to talk to her about leaving the Agency...but she never had a chance."

He shakes his head, giving a dry laugh as unexpected and unwanted tears come to his eyes. "She told me not to let the Agency take me...so she knew there was more...she knew I'd found something better...yet I'd never tried to save her. I guess that's what I feel sorry for the most. Ashlyn was not a nice woman...but I wasn't a nice guy either. I've done just as much wrong as she ever did, if not more, and I still had a chance to turn around and find people who cared. I guess...I just wish I could have offered her the same thing."

Turning, Carson looks at Misty. "I'm speaking as one who has found care for an individual's well-being...not one who wanted to dig up past feelings for someone. I like being with you, Misty...and I don't want to trade that for anything."

Jason watches Katie leave, feeling better than a few minutes earlier. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to be doing about himself, but as far as he and Katie were concerned, they seemed to be heading down the right road for once.

Trying to concentrate on work isn't easy, but by lunchtime, he's accomplished enough tasks to make Reese happy. As his stomach grumbles, he knows he needs to eat something, but anything in the breakroom had little appeal. A meatball sub sounded awfully good right now.

Glancing at the clock, Jason figures it shouldn't be too awful busy at Mom and Pop's yet, and it would get him out of the office for a while. It was hard being here all day...so much to think about...so many things that brought on things he didn't want to dwell on.

Making sure Trooper is settled, Jason grabs his helmet and heads out.

Arriving at the friendly restaurant, Jason parks his bike out front and ambles to the door, automatically ducking just slightly to miss the ringing bell. Glancing around, he sees his favorite booth is empty, so he aims in that direction.