
He'll be ok

*As the guys stand Back Misty gets to work. Check Carson paulse again Misty talks to Wyatt.*

"Wyatt I need to you hold Carson other arm and legs. I need to clean our the wounds and its not gonna feel good for him. I dont want him coming contus and moving about."

*After Misty makes sure Wyatt is in place Misty dumps paroxside onto the cuts than puting iodine on them as well. Puting pressue on the cuts. Checking the wounds to see if they stoped bleeding. Finally Misty wraps Carson's wrists tightly in gause. Than goes to the capnet and sets up an iv for fluid in Carson's arm. Finally finished and making sure Carson is resting comfortly Misty just looks down at him for a moment. What had cause him to do this? What if Ty hadent been there at the right time? Carson could be long gone. Someone had a hand in watching over Carson. He had a purpis. An angel was watching over him. Misty studys Carson's sleeping face for a moment longer. Looking down at her closes they are stained with Carson's blood. Turning back to Wyatt and Ty she says.*

"Can you guys watch him fast for me I need to change my cloths."

*Heading out of the doc office Misty enters the bathroom with her backpack looking into the mirror she cant help but feel a sick feeling well inside of her. Leaning over the tolit Misty gets sick. Finally when she is finished she turns the shower on and gets in washing the blood off of her. A new pain inside of her. Why had Carson done it? She did still care about Carson. She couldent be mad at him any longer. She still did care.

Geting out of the shower Misty drys herself off and throws her wet hair up on top of her head. Pulling on a black tank top and tan color pare of shorts. sliping her flipflops on she exits the bathroom and toss her old clothing into a trashcan nearby. The blood would never come out there was no point in trying. Entering the room again she nods at Wyatt and Ty.*

"Thank you guys for the help. I couldent have done it alot. Are you both gonna be ok?"

*Mable waves to Jason and Katie as they enter the restront. Last time she saw Katie she was with another boy and something just dident seem right. But now that she was siting with Jason Everything seemed perfect. Leaning over to her Mable says.*

"Now thats the way it was ment to be."

*Standing up and smiling Mable starts to prepair a milkshake for Katie and a soda for Jason.*

*Katie smiles across the table at Jason it was good to be out and about and know she dident need to go back to the hospetal right away.*

"mmmm...I think I could go for a hamburger and some frys. Nice and greasy. What are you gonna have? Oh do you think you could help me move some of my stuff from my old room to the new one? I dont think I can do stairs to well yet."


Wyatt looks up in surprise as he hears Misty calling for him. Seeing her run down the hall, he knows she’s not kidding, and sprints after her. “What’s going on?” he calls, but she’s already around the corner. He speeds up, not even knowing where she’s going, but finally spotting the open door to the holding cell, he knows. Question fills his mind. What was happening now? Reese had briefed him on all that had been going on with Carson. Now what?

He’s a bit annoyed until he arrives on the scene, realizing just what is going on, and the urgency involved. He is stunned until Misty’s orders snap him out of it, and he does as he’s told.

Ty does the best he can to help, though finds it hard not to get sick from the whole scene. “I..I don’t know.” He helps Wyatt get Carson’s unconscious form up off the floor, copying Wyatt by putting pressure on one of his bleeding wrists. “I just…I mean, I looked in there for some reason and he was just lying there. He was already unconscious, so I don’t know how long he’d been like this.”

It takes just a bit of effort to get Carson to the infirmary bed, laying him down. Wyatt and Ty step back a little, waiting if they’re needed, watching Misty work.

Jason slides into the booth across from Katie, giving a short wave to Mabel. “So…what are you having today?” He grabs a menu. “I’m starving. Rick would kill me if he know I’d skipped breakfast today.” He thinks for a few moments. “Oh, I forgot. Laura said she’s still be at Jamie’s for a bit, but to move around whatever you needed to, to make things easier to get around the place.”

Oh No

*As Misty finishs puting away the sapplys away she sits down at her desk giving a slight jump as Ty's voice comes over the intercom. Misty's eyes widen slightly as Ty's words hit her ears. Now what was Carson trying to pull. Jumping up from the desk Misty grabs her bag and heads out of the office. Hearing the urgency in Ty's voice she knows something is wrong. Leaving the office Misty scans the floor looking for someone to come with her. Spoting Wyatt she yells.*


*Turning Misty starts to jog down the hall way what seems like ages finally coming to Carson cell. As she enters her eyes widen even more as a wave of fear passes though her and her breathing stops. Instinly she drops to her knees and checks Carson pulse. His pulse was faint, but it was there still. Turning to Wyatt and Ty she starts giving orders.*

"I need you to lift him and bring him to the infermary. Ty...what happend?"

*As they make there way down the hall Misty fires off more questions as Ty and Wyatt carry Carson. Misty keeps her hand on Carson's throt to keep up with his pulse.*

"How did you find him? Did you see it happen? When you found him was he countious?"


Jason shrugs at Nate. “I don’t know…I guess just let him sit and think about it. There’s not much we can do… unless we turn him over to the police like we threatened to begin with. I don’t even know if he’s been telling us the truth now… if he did go to the Agency yesterday, we might assume he’s been feeding us lies.”

He sighs deeply. “Eh, well… we can go back later. I’m gonna head out to be with Katie. If you need anything, call, but you’ll have Katie to answer to if you take me away from her.” He grins a little before heading back up the hall.

Carson crawls to the cot, pulling himself up onto it again. He was glad to be rid of Nate and Jason, but it didn’t make him feel any better. He was miserable, and nothing could take that misery away.

He slouches in his seat, feeling the weight of his world. These people here didn’t really know him… they didn’t know his cowardice… his crimes. But he knew, and they were haunting him.

He replays the day before in his mind. He couldn’t even have done that right. He’d been so close…but had turned not once, but twice, undecided and confused. He was a fence-rider, out to do the best for himself, no matter the cost to others. It’s who he was. And he hated himself for it.

Reaching down, he pulls a pocket knife out of the shaft of his shoe. No one had bothered frisking him. He thinks for what seems an eternity. He doesn’t even know how much time has passed. His thumb flips open the knife blade and he fingers the edge, testing the sharpness. His life meant nothing…it hadn’t since his family had died. He was a crook, a thief, a liar, a murderer… A week ago that meant nothing. Today it meant a soul brimming with guilt – a guilt that he could no longer handle.

Ty makes his way down the hall, his keys jingling on his belt. It felt odd to be here this time of day, but not everything had gotten done the night before, Hal had a couple days off, so Ty was pulling extra duty.

As he walks past the holding cell, something stops him. He wasn’t sure what…nothing seemed out of place, and it was quiet…but something tugged at his gut. On a whim, he goes up to the door and looks through the window to check on things. His face pales and he immediately goes for his keys, fumbling for the right one. Finally finding it, he rushes inside.

Carson is on the floor, blood everywhere, his wrists having been slit by the knife several feet away. Horror strikes Ty and he kneels down, checking his throat for a pulse, barely able to find one.
Panicked, he goes for the intercom. He knew Rick was gone – he’d seen him leave earlier. “Misty.” His voice comes across urgent and scared. “Misty get down to the holding cell NOW and bring help. Carson’s in a real bad way." Letting go of the button, he goes back to Carson, tearing off a part of his own shirt to try and stop the bleeding.


*Nate shakes his head as Carson holds his silence. Nate stands in disgust an hour of silence had gone by and nothing.*

"Its no use, let give it a rest for now. You have a date with your girl to take her home from the hospetal, and I have been things to work on than sit here all day Mr. Abrakadabra. Sooner or later He'll talk. If he knows whats good for him."

*Nate exits with Jason closing and locking the door behind him. Stoping to look at Jason Nate's anger subsides alittle turning to worry.*

"What are we gonna do now Hotshot?"

*Misty finally puts the paper she was writing in her backpack. Standing She unpacks boxes with sapplys with them. For a moment she pauses remembering when Carson had first kissed her. Turning she stairs around the empty room replaying it moment for moment. Suddnly relising what she was thinking about Misty pushes the memories away. Memories only braught pain soon after. Going back to her work waiting for Rick to return with her next tast.*


Carson doesn’t even look at Nate. His pale face held eyes that had no life. He works his jaw muscles in retaliation, but says nothing. Misty had come after him? He couldn’t remember. That was interesting. Some sort of feeling tries to surface, but he snuffs it out quickly. He felt guilty enough the way it was. He didn’t need anything more piling on top. Yesterday had been a nightmare and he was tired of feeling. And now he was back here…a place that evoked what he didn’t want to feel. A place that made him realize mistakes and wrong doings that evoked guilt he’d never experienced before. He was back here, wallowing in misery. He hadn’t wanted to come back here… he really was a coward.

Jason looks at him, waiting…waiting. Nothing. He turns to Nate with question. Carson wasn’t even retorting anymore. What were they going to do?


*Nate grabs a chair and scoots it closer to Carson siting down leaning his arms on the back of the chair. His face now filled with anger the fun and games over.*

"Carson, listen to me and listen to me closely. Before you decied you were an escap artest you wanted to know if we were like the Agency, and you found out we wernt. We dont hurt people for the fun of it, or throw our own to the wolfs. If it came down to it I would probley even take a bullet for you. BUT I also told you if Misty even uttered so much as a distraught sigh you would be the one paying for it. Guess what Carson she uttered more than just a sigh. On top of that puting her in danger. She went after you in a bar in the middle of the town at night. Not that you really care. You better start talking or you life is going to be a living nightmare for hurting Misty. I'm not one to go back on my word. I'm done playing games with you, I'm done being nice. Where did you go yesterday Carson?"

*Nates eyes blaze with fire as he looks at Carson.*


Jason’s eyes widen as Nate emerges from the break room with the sandwich. He knew exactly what Nate was doing and found it quite funny.

Entering the holding cell, he keeps himself from grinning, and tops off the noise by slamming the door.

Carson cringes at all the noise, putting both hands to his head. “Aw, cut it out,” he growls. His head felt as if it would split open.

As Nate sets the sandwich down, Carson’s stomach lurches and he grits his teeth against the increasing nausea. “Dang you, Nate.” The description of the food doesn’t help any, and finally Carson can’t take it any longer. As quickly as his shaky legs can handle it, he’s off the cot, barely making it to the toilet in the corner to throw up.

Jason quirks an eyebrow at Nate, the grin finally surfacing. “Nice.”

Carson groans as he sits on the floor in total misery. “You guys take the cake, you know that.” He starts to complain more, but can’t before his stomach revolts again.

Jason shakes his head. “I take it you’re not feeling too well this morning Mr. Banks. So sorry. But you know we can’t have that keeping us from doing our jobs. When you’re done ralphing, just come on back over here and we got some things we’re wanting to ask you.”

“I bet.” Carson hurls a curse in their direction before another wave hits him. After a few minutes he sinks back against the wall, not even trying to get up.

Jason cocks his head. “Comfortable?”

Carson shoots him a glare.

Jason smiles. “Good. Now…where’d you go Carson? Did you talk to the Agency about us?”

Carson grits his teeth, saying nothing.

Jason tries again. “I think you know by now that we’re not playing games. Now come on. Where did you go?”

Carson refuses to meet his eyes. He might not be able to remember what happened the night before, but before that, he knew good and well. And he wasn’t about to talk about it.

Jason waits, but receives nothing. He finally looks to Nate for help.


*Smiling at Jason Katie's hand makes its way to his sleeping face brushing his hair off his face. She had missed him and was happy to see him again. For a long while Katie watches Jason sleep. Finally leaning her own head on the pillow she remembers tomarrow she needs to tell Jason about the offices that had come to call.*

*As Jason emergs from the bathroom that morning Katie smiles back at him.*

"Ok I look forward to seeing you at lunch thats around the time I get to go home. Maybe we can go out to Mom and Pop's for a celabration or something. Oh I wanna stop by TJY too and let Reese see me walking again and let him know I am ready to come back to work. I think the best part of the day will be spending time with you."

*Katie throws a wink to Jason.*

"Let that Carson guy know if he keeps you from our date I'll kick his butt myself."

*Katie cant help but laugh throwing a wave to Jason.*

"See ya later hun."

*Nate finishes off his coffee and gets a quirky smile on his face. Befor heading with Jason to Carson's cell Nate goes into the break room and grabs an egg snadwitch from the fridge. Warming it up in the microwave till it smells mighty good to him. Nate never had been drunk in his life but had old friends who use to all the time in College and new what a hangover pluse food did to a person. Exiting the Breakroom Carson throws a grin at Jason. Finally reaching Carson's cell Nate unlocks the door not so quietly as he normaly would. Walking into the room Nate kicks the garbage can and loudly states.*

"NOW how did that get in front of the door? Jason shut the door behind you."

*Nate sets the egg and bacon sandwitch one the nightstand next to Carson's bed. The smell starts to fill the room.*

"Here's something for you to eat. Bet your hungry after that galavant lastnight huh? Mmmmm...can you smell...Jason dosent it smell good? All that drippy Bacon, and those eggs."

*Nate throws Jason a look that shows he is truly enjoying himself.*


Jason makes his way slowly out of TJY, physically and mentally exhausted. He makes it back to the hospital on his motorcycle, and wearily goes inside, making the familiar trek to Katie’s room.

He enters quietly, quirking a smile for her. “Hey, Hero.” He hasn’t been back since the night before, and can’t help that he’s happy to see her. Making his way to her bedside, he sinks down into a chair, and leans forward, his head near Katie, resting on his folded arms, his tired eyes drifting shut. “We got Carson…don’t have answers yet though…gonna have to find out tomorrow…” He mumbles a few more things, but just can’t stay awake, despite his desire to stay up and talk with Katie.

Morning comes sooner than desired and Jason finds himself in the spare bed. He doesn’t even remember how he got there, he’d been so tired the evening before. Glancing at the clock, he groans and covers his head with a pillow. “Do I really have to get up yet?” Yawning, he forces himself out of bed to shuffle to his bag then to the bathroom to get dressed.

Feeling better a few minutes later, he comes out showered and changed, throwing Katie a smile. “Well, I’m off….again…hold down the fort. If I can, I’ll be back for lunch…going out sounds like an awful lot of fun… if I’m not back, blame Carson.”

Carson squints in the dim light, taking several moments to just figure out where on earth he is. He was lying down…he was in a room…he still had his clothes and shoes on…what…. Sitting up, he winces and puts a hand to his throbbing head and swears under his breath. A wave of dizziness is next, sending him to lean back against the wall with a groan. “Stupid,” he mutters. How had he ended up back here anyway? Everything was so foggy…what had happened…what time was it….who had found him…or… He squints as he rubs his forehead, hitting the gash he’d received the night before. Wincing again, he sort of remembers hitting his head on something….had there been a fight?

Sighing, he closes his eyes again. He felt like he could sleep for a week. Thinking of breakfast just made him nauseous.

TJY is bustling with activity when Jason gets there, and he chugs down a bottle of orange juice as he makes his way to his office, dumping his jacket and bike helmet, checking his email, then heading out again. He almost runs into Nate in the hall. “Oh, hey. I was just coming to look for you. I’m ready to go see if our idiot is ready to talk about yesterday.”

Following Nate, they pass Rick’s office, and Jason throws a glance inside, seeing Misty. At least she’d come back…after last night, he wasn’t so sure she’d want to show her face here again…but he was glad she did. He’d made plenty of blunders himself, and it had always been worth it to come back.

Getting to Carson’s cell, Jason waves Nate first.

Darn fool

*Nate bends down with Jason to help Carson up and carry him into TJY. Geting him inside Nate slowly walks with Jason to Carson's cell almost carrying him. Throwing him down on the cot Nate really dosent feel any remorse. Shaking his head he looks at Carson.*

"Your really stupid you know that. You took the one person who put hope in you, and steped on her. Snuffing out her light with yours. Your a darn fool."

*Nate heads out of the cell with Jason locking the door behind him. Heading down the hall slowly with Jason Nate lets out a sigh.*

"I'm going to head home for alittle bit and spend the last few hours I have with my sister. I'm glad she is so understanding. If anything changes Hotshot give me a call."

*Nate werryly pats Jason on the shoulder and he pulls his keys from his pocket and heads out of the building.*

*Misty hangs her head at her Uncle's words.*

"Yes Sir, I understand. I'm going to grab my books from the office and than head home. I'll be back in the morning."

*As Misty turns to head to Rick's office she lifts her head and looks at Ty with a sad, cold gaze.*

"I'm sorry again for draging you into this."

*Looking back to the ground Misty heads for the office once inside her shuts the door and lets the tears come. She dident know how to feel anymore. She still wanted to feel hope for Carson, but that had been whiped away. She felt like she was starting all over again. As her tears come Carson blue eyes pop into her mind causing her to cry alittle more. How hard was it going to be to know he was there yet have no contact with him. Misty whipes her tears away telling herself to stop being foolish, that she has been through this before and come out ok. But for some reson this time it felt differnt. It hurt alittle more. Misty lingers in the office a while longer to just let her tears come.*


Carson groans as he’s shoved into the car, and slumps down in the seat, not even able to sit up straight.

Jason lingers outside for a moment, hearing Nate’s words to Misty. He almost feels badly for her, but knows the truth, and Nate is right. This wasn’t a game.

As Nate gets into the driver’s seat, Jason gets in the back with Carson to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. Halfway back to TJY, Carson groans again, mumbling. “I don’t feel so good.”

“Aw great.” Jason rolls his eyes. “Nate pull over unless you want a mess.” Once on the shoulder, Jason leans over Carson to pull the door handle, pushing him halfway out the door.

Carson promptly throws up on the side of the road, on his way to fall out of the car had Jason not had a grip on his shirt.

After a few minutes, Jason grimaces, pulling him back inside and shutting the door. “Step on it so we can get this piece of work back to TJY without stopping every five minutes.

Ty looks over to Misty, rubbing his tender jaw. “Eh, don’t apologize. Can’t say I would have done any different.” He shrugs, almost grinning. “I was getting bored anyway.”

Back in the TJY parking lot, Jason gets out and yanks Carson out with him, having to halfway hold him up just so he stands. Getting fair warning from the look on Carson’s face, Jason lets him go to the side of the bushes near the building to retch again.

Setting his hands on his hips, he shakes his head. “We’ve got to find out where he went and who he talked to. I don’t know why he’s back here…surely he hasn’t been in town all this long or we would have found him yesterday.”

Not hearing Carson anymore, he turns around to find him sprawled out on the ground. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me.” Jason goes over and leans down, muttering in frustration. “He’s passed out. Nate, you’re gonna have to help me get him inside.”

Getting Carson’s arms up over their shoulders, they make their way inside. Reese meets them on the floor, concerned etched in his face. “What happened?”

“Nothing we couldn’t handle,” Jason replies, disgusted. “We got ourselves a real winner here, I’ll tell you that.”

“Where has he been?”

“Good question. Unless you’ve got a miracle cure for drunkenness, you’re gonna have to wait a while.” Jason aims down the hall with Nate, dragging Carson along between them.

Reese’s eyes shift to Ty and Misty, landing on his niece. “I noticed you were gone a bit ago…might I ask why you came back just now with Jason and Nate?” Before she can reply, he shakes his head. “Never mind. Misty…I love you, hun, and I want you here… but you’ve got to start following the rules around here. I don’t want you dealing with Carson any more, is that understood? He’s already taken advantage of you once. I don’t want you talking to him, visiting him, or anything.” Reese looks at her with a gentle sternness. “Is that clear?”

Carson is hefted onto his cot where he lands face-first on the pillow without so much as a grunt. Jason wipes the sweat from his brow, just shaking his head. “How did this happen, Nate? How could things get out of control so quickly? And was on earth was Carson trying to do?” He sighs, turning back for the door. “I’m heading for some sleep. Lock him in here and we can come back in the morning when he’s slept off the alcohol. We’re gonna have to find out who he talked to and what he told them.”

Tryed to help

*As Carson lets go of Misty she stumbles forwards a few steps turning around to a fight starting. Groaning to herself Misty trys to break it up but decieds its best she just stay out of the way Ty look like for the moment he was doing fine.

As Ty tells Misty to get out while she can she shakes her head.*

"I got you into this I cant just leave you here."

*Misty watches in horrar as Ty goes down on top of Carson. She felt more sorry for Ty right now than she did Carson. As Ty gets a hold of Carson after the uppercut Misty follows Ty as they head for the door.*

*Nate gets out of the car with Jason heading into the bar. Seeing the fight Misty, Ty, and Carson in the middle. Nate lets out a groan.*

"I dont believe this."

*Nate pushes a few people away from Nate and Misty. As another guy comes rams into Misty sending her bumping the already loopy Carson Nate turns and punches the guy in the face. Taking Carson by the collar he roughly pull him out and heads for the door.

Misty helps Ty out of the bar once outside as the air hits Misty her tummy become even more queezy.*

"I'm sorry, I was trying to help out. I made this mess with Carson I was trying to fix it."

*Nate shoots a glance at Misty as he shoves Carson into the car. He is alittle less than happy.*

"Well next time dont. You dont know what your doing. We have rules for a reson around here so people dont get hurt. Carson is dangerous, there are many times you could of really been hurt. When you have a moment if Jamie ever comes back to the office after being scaired out of her mind take a good look at her and see what Carson let happend, Go talk with Katie sometime and see what the Agency did to her. This isent a game this is real and your lucky you dident get hurt."

*Nate turns to Ty grufly stating.*

"Ride back with Misty."

*Misty gets into her car and starts it up following Nate and Jason back to TJY. She glances over at Ty for a bref moment.*

"Sorry I got you into this mess."

*Misty keeps her eyes on the road the rest of the way back to TJY. So many things in her mind. She just wanted to make right the wrong she did and it backfired again.*


Carson frowns and tightens his grip on Misty. “Aw, come on now…I’s just havin’ some fffun. The night is young!”

Ty lays a hand on Carson’s shoulder. “Let her go, Carson. It’s time to leave.”

Carson shifts his gaze to Ty, a little irritated. “Shince when does the kid tell me whattdo do??”

Ty grits his teeth. “Since you started behaving like an idiot. Now come on.”

“I ain’t done.” Carson goes for his glass again, but Ty is quicker, reaching down to shove it out of the way.

Carson glares up at him. He stands, dumping Misty roughly off his lap and staggering just a little. “You just made a mistake, kid.”

Ty rolls his eyes. “Just come with us and we’ll all be one big happy family. Okay?”

Carson’s eyes narrow, his mind in a total fog – exactly what he’d set out to do, but now it’s a frustration. The high he’d been on turns to anger and his fist goes flying in Ty’s direction.

Ty sees it coming and ducks, pulling Carson’s chair in between them. Carson is thrown off balance by his own missed swing and staggers forward, just to trip over the chair. He goes down hard, knocking into several other chairs and receiving a nice gash to the side of his head. Groaning, he tries to pick himself back up.

“Hey kid, why don’t you leave him alone?”

Ty turns to see a burly man who’s evidently had a few drinks himself. “This is none of your business.”

“Oh, really?”

Before Ty can even react, he feels the stink of knuckles to his mouth and whips around, though managing to stay on his feet. Blinking and moving his jaw around, he looks at Misty. “You better get out of here before this gets out of hand.”

By now, Carson is on his hands and knees, and sees Ty’s legs as a prime target. Swinging an arm, he catches Ty’s ankles. Misjudging the angle though, he’s surprised when Ty falls backward on top of him, giving him an accidental elbow to the gut. Carson doubles over as Ty rolls off of him onto the floor. “Dang it, Carson,” Ty hisses. “You’re a real piece of work aren’t you?”

Ty gets to his feet and ducks another blow from the burly man.

Carson takes hold of a chair to pull himself up off the floor, his face paling a bit as he begins to feel sick. Groping for anything to help him up, he grabs onto Ty.

Having had enough, Ty looks down at him and sends an uppercut to Carson’s jaw. It lands with enough force to knock Carson back down and leave him dazed.

Reaching down to grab his collar, Ty yanks Carson halfway up and begins to drag him towards the door. “Come on, Misty. Let’s get out of here.”

Halfway to the door though, four men block their path. One of them gives Misty a once over, then turns to Ty. “You’re not going anywhere.”

Jason taps his leg impatiently as the train continues. “Does this thing ever end?!” As if on cue, the last car finally moves across the road and the bars are lifted to relieve the traffic.

Arriving at the bar, Jason scans the area. “Lets get this thing over with.”

Opening the door, he and Nate are met by a wall of smoke and the sounds of a brawl. With eyes adjusting to the dim light, Jason suddenly stops as he sees a staredown between four men, Ty, Misty and….a very drunk and slightly bleeding Carson. “Does she ever stop?!” Jason throws his arms in the air.

Barging his way through to his comrades, he glares at Misty and Ty. “Nice work, you two. So glad we have so much attention now.”

Jason receives a rough tap to the shoulder by another man, and having no tolerance, simply swings around to punch the guy under the chin, sending him to the floor unconscious. “We’re getting out of here now.”


*As Carson wraps his arm around Misty and pulls her down to siting level she gets a strong wiff oh alchole that send a tight not in the tummy. She's been in bars before and drank, but since she became clean even the smell of it turned her tummy unside down. Her eyes dont betray her as they burn with fire. Looking Carson in the eyes she states.*

"Sass n’ frass is gonna kick...."

*Misty bites down on the toung as she relizes what she is about to say changing the words.*

"I'm going to kick you butt for what you put me though Carson...now come on. Your coming with me."

*Misty takes the glass from Carson and sets down on the table than trys to stand.*


Jason and Nate head out to Nate’s car once again, they’re hope renewed. Just their luck though, on the way at the one railroad crossing this side of town, they get stuck waiting for a train. With traffic behind them, they can’t turn around. They have to wait it out.

Ty is taken totally by surprise and dumbly follows Misty. “But I…Hal’s waiting for…” he tries to argue, but before he knows it, he’s outside. Seeing the look in her eye, he decides not to refuse, and gets in. So much for a quiet evening of maintenance.

Arriving at the bar, Ty stands tall, knowing places like this all too well. He can blend in easily, and sticks close to Misty in case anything happens.

Carson feels the tap on his back and swivels his head backwards to stare up at Misty. His eyebrows raise in surprise. “Well, well, well, look who came to…to join theparty!” All common sense having been long gone, Carson reaches out to wrap an arm around Misty’s waist, and pulls her down onto his lap. “To spitfires!” He holds up another beer, spilling some on the floor. “May they…ne’er lack of sass n’ frass.” He stops furrowing his brow as if realizing what he’d said just wasn’t right. The others at the table burst out laughing again, and Carson tips back his head to down more alcohol.

The Bar

*As Misty heads to the breakroom she stops hearing Reese, Jason, and Nate talking overhearing where Carson was. Misty minds goes in a million directions. He was at a bar, geting drunk. A new anger rises inside of her along with a new hope of geting Carson back. Spinning on her heels she heads to grab her backpack than heads to the door. Seeing Ty on his way for the night she grabs his hand and pulls him into the elavator with her.*

"Your coming to Freddy’s Bar with me downtown ok. They found out thats where Carson is. I made this mess I want to fix it and I cant go alone or I'll get in more trouble so your coming with me. Wrong place wrong time for you come on."

*Still holding Ty's hand Misty pulls him to her firebird. Noding at the door a new fire in her eyes. This one portrayed anger mixed with sadness yet the hint of hope.*

"Get in."

*Starting the ignition her music blasts again but this time she dosent care. Peeling out of TJY's parking lot Misty heads for down town.

Its now grown dark outside as Ty and Misty pull into the bar parking lot. Geting out of the car and making sure Ty is out too Misty grabs her leather jacket than locks the doors. Entering the bar Misty scans the table her eyes finally resting on Carson. She squints her eyes and makes a B-Line coming up behind Carson. Giving a twap on the back of the head she says*

"WHAT are you doing Carson? How could you?"

A day gone

Jason shakes his head. “I can’t think of anything he said at all…you’re right though…I don’t think he would have gone back to the Agency, even if he’d wanted to. Maybe he got scared, I don’t know. If he stopped at Mom and Pop’s, he’s still long gone. I called Katie a while ago, and everything was fine. Con is with Jamie, so I’m not worried about that, and Carson wouldn’t dare mess with him anyway. I guess all we can do is go back out and search some more.”

…The day drags on. Jason stops in the hospital to see Katie but has to leave again. He’s supposed to practice with the band that night, but now knows he probably won’t make it, and asks Katie to call Mike or Kyle for him. Lunch is brief and Jason and Nate continue search the town and into the next town, with still no luck.

Back at TJY, it’s already suppertime, and spirits are low. It’s the breakroom again where they end up, trying to regroup.

Reese shakes his head. “I don’t know…maybe we should just let it go. We’re not getting anywhere. I feel like we’re wasting time.” He looks up as he hears Susanne’s voice over the intercom, telling him he has a call. Picking up the phone, he speaks for a moment, his eyes widening. Hanging up, he turns around to Nate and Jason. “That was as contact downtown. He spotted Carson, drunker than a skunk down at Freddy’s Bar.”

Carson downs another shot of whiskey, letting it slide easily down his throat.

A holler goes up around the table as another round of beer arrives. Smoke hangs thick in the air, laughter and loud voices forming a scene of chaos. A waitress gets whipped to the side, her tray tilting and a glass falls to the floor with a crash. Two fighting men have to be removed from the bar.

“Bottoms up!”

Carson joins in the small group at the table, raising another glass of beer. “To life, may it be short and oh so sweet.” His words come out slurred and he has a bit of trouble aiming the beer to reach his mouth.

“I think you boys have had about enough,” one of the bartenders intervenes.

Carson tilts his head back, his eyes glazed, a crooked grin on his face. “I’ve got me a diver dresignated.”

“I bet you do.”

“To divers!” Carson makes another toast. “May they not….not crash into the ditches with y’all…in the back seat.”

One of the other men belches his reply, causing a round of drunken laughter before their glasses are emptied again.

“Hey, hey now…” The guy on the left slaps Carson’s arm. “You..you never said why’d it was you’s came here anyhow. Your turn I’d say.”

Carson furrows his brow, thinking hard as his eyes follow the other man’s wavering beer mug. He stifles a laugh. “I can’t remember.” He grabs a cigarette and lighter, having some difficulty getting the flame in the right place to light up. Just adding to everything else he’s been doing to stay in a stupor, he takes his time before putting the smoke out and going for another beer. Somewhere, depression still loomed, and he was determined to snuff it out, one way or another.


*Nate shakes his head as he lets out a sigh drinking some coffee. His eyes are growing werry but he cant sleep now, he cant even think about that now. This was a matter of all there lives.*

"I dont think he would go back to the Agency. If he did they would be sure to kill him even if he did know about us. We also know about them. He broke there trust. Can you think of anything he said in the intaragation room that would give away where he is?"

*Nate thinks for a long moment on everything that had been said after Jamie had been taking pulling out a few leads.*

"How about Mom and Pop's? Dident you say when you talked to them they said a few new guys showed up there alittle bit before Jamie was taken? Do you think he would of went there for something to eat? Or you dont think he would of been stupid enough to go to Jamie's herself he was asking about her. Katie? would he go after her? He did say he was ment to finish her off. But I dont think he would be that stupid eather. At least I hope he wouldent be."

*Nate lets out a sigh as he takes another sip of his coffee.*

"Other than that I have nothing."


Reese holds up his hand to calm Nate down for Misty’s sake. “Carson is gone.”

Before he can say more, Jason shows up. “Alright, what’s all this now?”

Reese shakes his head and leans back against his desk, folding his arms across his chest. “Carson was too slick for his own good. Stepped out with Misty and slipped radar down at the gas station at the edge of town. I’m concerned he’s going straight for the Agency, but we don’t even know where that is. If he makes it, we’re all in trouble. We need to find him and find him fast. I’d like to get him back here alive…” He lets his “but if” statement go unsaid. “Nate, Jason, I want you to head out together. I’d feel better if you didn’t split up. Start with the gas station and go from there. Report back when you can.”

Having their orders, Jason follows Nate out, knowing they’ll be taking Nate’s car.

The night is long. The only thing found at the gas station is one footprint, and Misty’s pack of cigarettes about a block away. Gaining the fact that Carson had immediately taken off east, Jason and Nate track in that direction, but find little. At a truck stop, there are many who have picked up hitch hikers, no one seeming to remember seeing anyone with Carson’s description.

By the time the sun begins to rise, hope is fading.

“…it’s like he just vanished into thin air.” Jason rubs his eyes wearily and leans back in the break room chair before taking a swig of orange juice. “We looked all night and came up empty handed. He’s good…real good.” His tone grows grim. “We’re dead meat if we don’t find him.”

The Call

*Misty eyes stayed glued to the ground her heart still acking even though her Uncles words were trying to bring comfort.*

"No, he dident hurt me. I'm ok, just upset with myself. I just I dont know I guess I put to much trust in him. I'm sorry Uncle Reese. I know better now and will listen to you more.If it helps any we stoped at the small gas station down the road and he jumped out the back window."

*Katie opens her eyes as Jason touches her arm.*

"Huh..what? Carson...oh great. Ya call me when you know more Hun. Be safe."

*Katie closes her eyes again and drifts back off to sleep.*

*Nate reaches for the phone hearing Reese's voice he snaps up from bed.*

"Huh...what...Ya I'll be right in."

*Jumping out of bed Nate grabs some clean cloths and dials another number on his phone reaching Rick and Janets phone.*

"Hi Janet its Nate. Sorry I am calling so late. I just got called into the office Reese dident say about what but it sounded important. I'm sorry Can you check on Maggie for me even though its the weekend and let her know I will be home as soon as I can to spend time with her. I'll try and call her alittle later to explain things to her. Any problems call me at the office. Thx Janet you a gem."

*Nate hangs up the phone and grabs his keys heading out to the car. Its only takes him a few minutes to get from his house to TJY as its late and not many cars are out so he can push the speed limit. Once on the bottom floor he heads across the floor and to Reese's office entering. Seeing Misty siting in the chair with the look of lifelessness on her face a wave of worry flashing though him. Turning his attachen back to Reese.*

"What happend? Whats going on?"

*Misty sits slumped in Reese office. So much was running though her she dident know where to start. So many feelings coming back at once. The present felt like the past all over again. How could she let this happen. On the inside Misty was beating herself up, screaming, wanting to cry more but not being able to.*


Reese just stares at his nice, unable to believe what has happened. “What…you…how….” Seeing her tears, he moves to her, and puts his arms around her, worry for Misty hitting him first and most importantly. “He didn’t hurt you did he? Are you okay?”

He sighs deeply and moves her to a chair, going for his phone. “I don’t think you need much of a scolding right now, Misty, but…in the future…maybe you’ll think twice when we say someone is bad news.” He dials quickly and waits.

Jason’s phone goes off, throwing him into the shock of alertness, having been deep in sleep. Rolling out of bed, he stubs his toe on a chair and winces, stumbling forward to fish his phone out of his bag. He had a specific ringtone set, and knew this was Reese. What on earth… It was late… “Yeah?” He rubs his tired yes.

Reese answers him grimly. “Carson’s gone. I need you and Nate on this right now while the trail is still hot.”


“Now, Jason. This isn’t a joke. We have to get him back. He knows too much.”

Jason starts to wake up even more, realizing the urgency of the situation. He knew no details, but if Carson went to the Agency, or even the police, TJY was done for. “I’m on my way.” Hanging up, he grabs a clean pair of jeans and changes in the dark. He moves to Katie’s bedside, laying a hand on her arm. “I gotta go. Carson’s gone. I’ll call you when I know more.”

Wasting no time, Jason makes his way to TJY.

Reese keeps a wary eye on his niece as he dials another number. “Nate? Get to the office right now.”


*Entering Reese office Misty looks up.*

"You dont want to know Uncle but I have to tell you anyways. I made a mistake with Carson. You told me to stay away and I dident. Tonight I was here late working on a paper for school and some how Carson got out. INsted of calling for help I sat and talked to him. He wanted to go to the beach and I was stupid and told him what they hey he seemed like a good guy. Than I feel for the old bathroom trick."

*A few more tears fall from Misty's eyes.*

"He's gone Uncle Reese. Carson is gone and its my fault for falling for his carm, his blue eyes gaze and his whitty charm. He played me for a fool and I walked into it."

*Misty turns her eyes to the ground she hurt emotionly like so many times in the past. Why dident she even learn.*


Reese is surprised to hear someone at his door, and looks up from his filing cabinet. He’d come just to pick up one thing after a light bulb had gone on in his head about a case Wyatt was on.

“Come in…” Waiting expectantly, he sees Misty, and his eyes widen. “Good heavens, Misty…why are you here so late? What’s wrong?”

What to come

*Misty brings a hand to her head as a headack forms.*

"I guess I should face the music. Its not or never. If I dont come back dont shead any tears over me ok. I am sure no one alse will."

*Misty's sassy full of life said was gone and she dident care. She was hurt, and now scaired at what talking to Reese would intail. Misty slowly makes her way to her Uncles office handing her head. She is sure by the look on her face Reese will know something is wrong. Softly Misty knocks on the door and waits.*


Ty is quick to open the doors for Misty, and is waiting for her inside. His face is grim and he thumbs to the other side of the floor. “Sorry…Reese came in on a whim after he got an epiphany or something related to another case. I didn’t tell him anything, but…he’s in his office.”

Fire and smile gone

*Misty lets out a long sigh as she starts up her car.*

"I guess your right Ty. I'm not far away. The elavatores are shut off now. Can you buzz me in the doors? Give me like 10 or 14 min. I'll call when I am outside the bottom doors."

*As Misty makes her way out of the parking lot Misty throws back another look in the rerview mirror. Still angry with herself. She though Carson was differnt. but in the end she was wrong. The darkness slowly returns to Misty's heart as a few more tears fall from her eyes. On the way back to TJY so many things run through her mind. Telling Hal what happend he would tell Reese and surely Reese would fire her. Than what would she do for her inturnship.

Finally making it back to TJY she makes her way inside and heads down the steps coming to some metal door. Pulling out her cell she calls Ty on his phone.*

"Ty, its Misty I am outside the doors if you can let me in please."

*Misty's eyes are bloodshot as her head is hung in defete, no smile on her face, no fire in her eyes.*

Don't wait

Ty lets out a low whistle. “Sunavagun. He must’ve played you good to slip through your fingers. Glad you’re alright though, I thought maybe he’d taken off with your or something, then I’d be the one getting into trouble for not keeping an eye out.” He pauses, knowing that he’s not making her feel any better. “Well…all I can say is you better get back here and face the music. Hal’s still here…I’d suggest not waiting until morning to spring this. That would just make your uncle madder.”

What have I done

*Misty is a bit saprised by the voice on the other end.*

"Ty...how did you get my...what...oh Ty."

*A single tears rolls down Mistys cheek as she takes a puff of her smoke.*

"You should be worryed...No no you wouldent be worryed. I am the one who should be worryed.I'm stupid and now Carson is gone. I'm dead...Reese and everyone alse at TJY is gonna kill me. What have I done Ty. What have I done."


Suddenly, Misty’s phone rings. After being answered, a male voice speaks from the other end. “So I just got done emptying the trash in an empty holding cell, and you were suddenly gone from Rick’s office. At this point, Hal is clueless. Is this something I’m not supposed to say anything about again, or should I be worried?”


*Misty waits at the counter for several moment with Carson's smokes. Thinking her hurd something she slowly makes her way to the back where the bathroom was. Looking over her shoulder she see the person behind the counter had steped out for a smoke of his own. Knocking on the door Misty yells.*

"Carson are you ok in there?"

*Hearing nothing Misty trys the doorknob a sicking feeling entering her tummy as she stairs into the empty bathroom feeling the breaze from the window. Swairing under her breath she bolds out of the store and around to the back of the building stairing into the darkness she saw nothing. Hanging her head she new it was hopless to even bother looking for her. Heading back to her car she relized she was still holding the pack of smokes in her hand and Carson never gave her back. Not caring she rips the pack open and pulls one out lighting it up. Hot tears welling up in her eyes. How could she have been so stupid. Slaming her fist into the stearing wheel the horn on her car honks making her jump alittle. Stairing out the window she still help hope even though she new it was hopless.*

Quick stop

Carson grins slyly. “Then I guess that’s a chance we’ll just have to take. Hot water isn’t all that bad once you get used to it.”

Getting out of the car, he gives a dry laugh and holds up his wallet. “I did manage to get this back.”

He steps to the side to let Misty walk ahead of him until they arrive at the door and he reaches around her to open it for her. His eyes scan the area, taking everything in. He saw nothing suspicious…no one watching. So far so good.

Once inside, he heads to the counter and asks for his favorite brand of cigarettes. He glances over his shoulder, spying the restroom. Retrieving cash from his billfold while the cashier is still busy, he hands the money to Misty with a quick wink. “Pay for that, I gotta hit the little boys room.”

Turning, he heads down the narrow aisle of junk food until he’s behind the narrow closed door. Once there, his eyes are quick to spot the window. “Bingo.” Heading to the wall underneath it, he suddenly stops and looks back over his shoulder to the door. He knew Misty was still at the counter, waiting. But he couldn’t turn back now…he’d given them the information asked…he’d held up his end of the bargain… working for the Agency was the only thing he knew… he didn’t belong with a bunch like TJY… something about it had driven a strange fear into him, and it wasn’t something he wanted to live with every day. No…he was a coward and this was the coward’s way out.

Spinning back around, he uses the waist can as a step ladder to reach the window. Sliding it open he boots himself up and slithers out, until he can land on the other side. Looking both ways, he slips into the shadows, leaving no trace.


*Misty rolls her eyes at Carson.*

"And what if someone see you and reconizes who you are? That would put us in a nice ketal of hot water now wouldent it be?"

*Leting out a sigh Misty shakes her head and makes for the little gas station.*

"I'll head in with you, since I am guessing you have no money at the moment."

*Misty starts to get out of the car grabing her keys.*


Carson doesn’t let his surprise show as he’s handed the pack and lighter. For an instant there’s a strange hesitation almost like he’s changed his mind, but it passes quickly and he lights up.

Sinking into the passenger seat, he nods. “Yeah. Stop at that little quick fill at the edge of town so I can grab my own pack to take back with me. Let Nate wonder where on earth I’ve been.”