

*Misty waits at the counter for several moment with Carson's smokes. Thinking her hurd something she slowly makes her way to the back where the bathroom was. Looking over her shoulder she see the person behind the counter had steped out for a smoke of his own. Knocking on the door Misty yells.*

"Carson are you ok in there?"

*Hearing nothing Misty trys the doorknob a sicking feeling entering her tummy as she stairs into the empty bathroom feeling the breaze from the window. Swairing under her breath she bolds out of the store and around to the back of the building stairing into the darkness she saw nothing. Hanging her head she new it was hopless to even bother looking for her. Heading back to her car she relized she was still holding the pack of smokes in her hand and Carson never gave her back. Not caring she rips the pack open and pulls one out lighting it up. Hot tears welling up in her eyes. How could she have been so stupid. Slaming her fist into the stearing wheel the horn on her car honks making her jump alittle. Stairing out the window she still help hope even though she new it was hopless.*

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