

Wyatt looks up in surprise as he hears Misty calling for him. Seeing her run down the hall, he knows she’s not kidding, and sprints after her. “What’s going on?” he calls, but she’s already around the corner. He speeds up, not even knowing where she’s going, but finally spotting the open door to the holding cell, he knows. Question fills his mind. What was happening now? Reese had briefed him on all that had been going on with Carson. Now what?

He’s a bit annoyed until he arrives on the scene, realizing just what is going on, and the urgency involved. He is stunned until Misty’s orders snap him out of it, and he does as he’s told.

Ty does the best he can to help, though finds it hard not to get sick from the whole scene. “I..I don’t know.” He helps Wyatt get Carson’s unconscious form up off the floor, copying Wyatt by putting pressure on one of his bleeding wrists. “I just…I mean, I looked in there for some reason and he was just lying there. He was already unconscious, so I don’t know how long he’d been like this.”

It takes just a bit of effort to get Carson to the infirmary bed, laying him down. Wyatt and Ty step back a little, waiting if they’re needed, watching Misty work.

Jason slides into the booth across from Katie, giving a short wave to Mabel. “So…what are you having today?” He grabs a menu. “I’m starving. Rick would kill me if he know I’d skipped breakfast today.” He thinks for a few moments. “Oh, I forgot. Laura said she’s still be at Jamie’s for a bit, but to move around whatever you needed to, to make things easier to get around the place.”

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