

Carson groans as he’s shoved into the car, and slumps down in the seat, not even able to sit up straight.

Jason lingers outside for a moment, hearing Nate’s words to Misty. He almost feels badly for her, but knows the truth, and Nate is right. This wasn’t a game.

As Nate gets into the driver’s seat, Jason gets in the back with Carson to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. Halfway back to TJY, Carson groans again, mumbling. “I don’t feel so good.”

“Aw great.” Jason rolls his eyes. “Nate pull over unless you want a mess.” Once on the shoulder, Jason leans over Carson to pull the door handle, pushing him halfway out the door.

Carson promptly throws up on the side of the road, on his way to fall out of the car had Jason not had a grip on his shirt.

After a few minutes, Jason grimaces, pulling him back inside and shutting the door. “Step on it so we can get this piece of work back to TJY without stopping every five minutes.

Ty looks over to Misty, rubbing his tender jaw. “Eh, don’t apologize. Can’t say I would have done any different.” He shrugs, almost grinning. “I was getting bored anyway.”

Back in the TJY parking lot, Jason gets out and yanks Carson out with him, having to halfway hold him up just so he stands. Getting fair warning from the look on Carson’s face, Jason lets him go to the side of the bushes near the building to retch again.

Setting his hands on his hips, he shakes his head. “We’ve got to find out where he went and who he talked to. I don’t know why he’s back here…surely he hasn’t been in town all this long or we would have found him yesterday.”

Not hearing Carson anymore, he turns around to find him sprawled out on the ground. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me.” Jason goes over and leans down, muttering in frustration. “He’s passed out. Nate, you’re gonna have to help me get him inside.”

Getting Carson’s arms up over their shoulders, they make their way inside. Reese meets them on the floor, concerned etched in his face. “What happened?”

“Nothing we couldn’t handle,” Jason replies, disgusted. “We got ourselves a real winner here, I’ll tell you that.”

“Where has he been?”

“Good question. Unless you’ve got a miracle cure for drunkenness, you’re gonna have to wait a while.” Jason aims down the hall with Nate, dragging Carson along between them.

Reese’s eyes shift to Ty and Misty, landing on his niece. “I noticed you were gone a bit ago…might I ask why you came back just now with Jason and Nate?” Before she can reply, he shakes his head. “Never mind. Misty…I love you, hun, and I want you here… but you’ve got to start following the rules around here. I don’t want you dealing with Carson any more, is that understood? He’s already taken advantage of you once. I don’t want you talking to him, visiting him, or anything.” Reese looks at her with a gentle sternness. “Is that clear?”

Carson is hefted onto his cot where he lands face-first on the pillow without so much as a grunt. Jason wipes the sweat from his brow, just shaking his head. “How did this happen, Nate? How could things get out of control so quickly? And was on earth was Carson trying to do?” He sighs, turning back for the door. “I’m heading for some sleep. Lock him in here and we can come back in the morning when he’s slept off the alcohol. We’re gonna have to find out who he talked to and what he told them.”

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