
Mixed Feelings

Sitting very quietly Hope listens to whats going on and what was said. She wished she could stand up for Scott and reveal her own findings but she know she can now. But it was hard to just sit by and watch.

Continuing to listen as it seemed they had come to a desition Hope can't help but feel her heart stink just a little as they talk away Scott not working at TJY anymore. She new it was what they thought was best but is hurt anyways know that was Scott's second home and how much he liked working there.

Starting to formulate her own plans in her head about helping Scott find another job Hope gives a jump as Carson comes bursting into the room. Almost stunned she looks from Carson to Scott, to the judge and than back to Carson again waiting.

Giving a small nod though Jason couldnt see her Katie looks out the window at the dark sky. The weather seem to match her mood but maybe getting out of the house would go her some good.

Grabbing a few things Katie slowly makes her way to the bathroom closing the door behind her and turning the water on. Looking into the mirror Katie turns her head to the side for a moment bringing her hands up to the scars on her face and neck. They had healed nicely but there was still a scar non the less. A memories of what had happend and to Katie they looked horrable.

Sucking in a deep breath Kaite closes her eyes for a moment trying to regain control. Feeling her emotions going up and down Katie talks to Jason again.

I'll be ready when you get here. Do you need me to bring anything?

Sitting alone in the bed with Clint Wendy didnt say much. She didnt know what to say everything she could think of didnt make up for the great deal of loss she felt, and knowing Clint felt it to was worse.

She wanted to hold her son, and be with him too but her mother had told her it was best that for now they were with each other more than anything right now. But nothing seemed right, and it didnt seem fair. Wendy just didnt know what to do.


Yeah... we can grab a late lunch too.

Jason sits up and slowly stands, stretching. He was worn out. Keep moving... keep moving.

Be ready for me to pick you up and...

Thunder rumbles again.

Wear something you don't mind getting wet.

Carson shakes his head wearily at Misty. "No... but thanks. I'll just keep working."

Pulling her down, he finds her lips with his own to give her a kiss. "I'll see you in a little bit, okay?"

Waiting until Misty is gone, he looks at the clock. Scott's hearing was starting. Was he too late? He looks again the the computer and once again, his fingers press the keys automatically, his eyes not moving from the screen. He blinks. His eyes start to droop and he shakes his head to keep himself awake, taking another sip of coffee. Focusing on the screen again he sighs and tries one more time. He wasn't the computer expert, but he knew where the files was. If he could just get to it.

Suddenly a new file comes open. He straightens in his seat. Had he made it? He had. New energy surges through him as he clicks through the information as quickly as possible. He knew this was a risk, and if Reese knew, he'd have his hide. But it was for Scott... he'd promised.

Johnson30A_Results > Assimilation > Failure

Carson's eyes widen. Failure? But... He doesn't bother figure it out now. Moving quickly, he copies over the whole file and disconnects. Most likely someone from the Agency would realize someone had hacked them, but hopefully they wouldn't know who and wouldn't know what was taken. He'd performed the task as securely as possible.

Once settled with the new information, Carson begins to read. There was a log for each day of Scott's assimilation. At last. They would know what happened.
Week 1 - 30A tested for assimilation intelligence. Results = positive. 30A refuses to talk. Pressure techniques applied. 30A becomes agreeable.

So that was the torture he endured to start with. Apparently Scott had caved within the week.

Week 2 - Questioning continues. 30A provides information.

Carson quirks an eyebrow. Scott had given information? About TJY? He'd said he'd resisted, so... what had been leaked? He keeps reading.

Week 3 - Questioning ceased. Assimilation begins.

And there was when they started the brainwashing. At that point, they probably kept Scott in a cell but weren't abusive.

Week 4 - Testing continues. Data transfers nearing completion. 30A compliant and responding to techniques.

Carson nods as he reads. That would be when Scott received all of his information... all of the data that he now carried. Throughout the program, brainwashing would have continued.

Week 5 - Assimilation terminated. Results: failure.

There... now what happened that had terminated Scott's advancement?

Assimilation failure report: 30A unresponsive, following assimilation program. Reasoning: Unknown. Data could not be retrieved. Force applied.
30A violent. Mental state: unstable.
Further testing results: multiple failures.
Final Assimilation Result: 30A retains no data. Reasoning: Unknown.
Medical examination results: Pressure of assimilation too much to handle. 30A too weak for the program.
Program terminated. 30A held prisoner.

Carson sits back in his seat, still confused, and trying to live out the scene. Scott had caved. They had put him in the program. All had gone well until the end. They couldn't retrieve the information and concluded that he had not retained any of it, being too weak to handle it. Carson knew of past cases where victims had died from the strain. But Scott had survived... yet had retained nothing - according to the Agency.

Carson could then imagine what had happened next... after being a complete waste of time, no wonder Scott was beaten and tortured. They probably then continued to try and squeeze even more information about the Elite out of him, which would include all of the physical brutality and then ending with simply leaving him for dead after they concluded he was of no more use to them.

But... Scott insisted that he didn't give the Agency any information. And on top of that, he had retained the assimilation data. He had proven it himself, here. So what had happened? He went through the entire program without a hitch, but in the end, they couldn't get any information from him... it just didn't seem right...

Then it hits him. Carson's eyes widen. "No way."

“We’re here to decide the fate of Mr. Scott Johnson.” Judge Barkley leans forward, resting his elbows on the long, shiny table. “Mr. Johnson? Do you have anything to say before we proceed?”

Scott looks up, and shakes his head slowly. He catches Hope’s eye, the looks back to the judge. “No. I myself don’t know if I’m a threat or not so… if it’s decided that I am, then… then I guess I need to be placed somewhere that I can't jeopardize the Elite or anybody else by informing the Agency.”

Barkley purses his lips in thought. “You’re a strong man, Johnson.”

“No.” Scott shakes his head again, his voice quiet. “If I was… I don’t think I’d be here.”

There is quiet for a moment before Barkley gestures to Reese and Brown. “You may state your case.”

Brown takes the lead, having already discussed it with Reese in private. “Your honor, we believe that Scott is innocent of any intentional sabotage. We believe his motives coincide with the law enforcement of the Elite, not against it. Therefore, we do not wish that he be placed in forced confinement. If it is true that he was indeed involved with the assimilation program at the Agency, then any activity would not necessarily be of his will, and therefore, it is our opinion that he remains innocent, as such. We do not believe that the state of Nevada would want to convict an innocent man.”

Barkley nods. “Go on.”

“After careful consideration, the board to oversee the Elite, which includes myself, has decided that it would be best to remove Scott from the Elite.”

“You mean terminate his job.”

“Yes, your honor.”

Scott’s shoulders drop. He can’t look up at Hope. His hands in his lap, he swallows hard, fighting his emotions. TJY had been his life… and now… it was gone and he didn’t even really understand why.

Brown continues. “It is the board’s opinion that having Scott distanced from the Elite will save the department from any unintentional sabotage, also relieving Scott from that concern.”

“Do you have an argument?” Barkley asks Scott.

Scott simply shakes his head. No. If it was best for the Elite, then it had to be done. Gunner lays a hand on his shoulder.

“Then…” Barkley sighs deeply. “I hereby terminate Mr. Johnson’s rank and position in the Elite and-”

“Stop!” The door bursts open, startling everyone present. Carson is breathing heavily after battling past two police officers to get in and his clothes and hair are a bit messy. He glances to Hope, then to the judge. Several papers were clutched tightly in his hand. “Scott’s innocent.”

A call to Angel... the gathering of a few... someone takes Chase for a while... circumstances are a blur. Jim finds Clint... hearts break as rain pours down over the ranch. Nothing seems right. Nothing seems good. And by noon, Beck and Jim are looking over Chase for a while, leaving Clint and Wendy alone together to make it through the day.

Clint sits quietly in a chair beside the bed, bent forward, his elbows on his knees. His eyes remain dry, while his heart has never felt heavier. Whats worse is knowing the pain that Wendy is going through. And he doesn't even know how to comfort her. Little had been said between them today. He had held her... she had cried. He had tried to tell her it was going to be okay, but it was a feeble attempt to fix something that couldn't be fixed. He blamed himself. He didn't know how to cope. He was surrounded by family, friends, his wife, and yet a part of him felt alone.


"Is there anything I can help you look through or anything? Sometimes it takes a fresh pare of eyes to see something you might have missed."

Misty wanted to help where she could, even if she didn't know how. Scott was her friend too and she wanted to see her friend back at work as soon as possible.

Sitting up slowly in bed Katie's head throbbed slightly. Feeling the push of emotions twords her Katie knows who they are from a the corner of her mouth turn up in a very small slight smile.

A motorcycle ride, that might be fun and fill up some time in her day.

Yeah that might be fun. Maybe we can stop and have some lunch together too or something.

Seeing Scott enter from her seat Hope gives a smile and cant help the flash of surprise in her eyes as she see Scott. It had been such a long time since she had seen him and now, he looked much differnt from how she remembered. He looked good, just differnt.

The small smile returned to Hope's face the look now in Scott's eye was differnt. Past the small fear he had today she saw the change, and could see he had grown.

Giving a nod Hope raises her hand a little in a wave and mouths "Hi." No matter what she would be here for him. Not as a councilor, but a friend and maybe when this was all over even more.

Feeling the small baby lifted from her arms Wendy's grip tightens just a bit. She didnt want to let her daughter go, she didnt want to believe her baby girl was gone. But feeling Luke to continue to pull Wendy finally lets go as the tears move from her eyes more now. It hurt all over to know her little girl wouldnt grow up, and that her life had been short and was now done. It was a pain she wished she didnt have to face.

Knowing her stepfather was here and feeling his arms around her Wendy leans into him burrying her head into his chest as her heart slip in two. There was nothing she could do, there was nothing anyone could do. It was just a wound that would have to heal in time. And what a long painful road it would be.

Silent hello

"Mmm..." Carson reaches for the coffee, taking a big swig before shaking his head at Misty. "No... nothing... I keep going deeper and deeper and... nothing."

He groans and leans back in the chair, rubbing his hands over his face. "Reese would kill me if he know how many times I've risked my hacking being spotted."

Taking Misty's hand, he gives it a kiss, then rubs her arm lovingly. "I got a little while left... and maybe they won't convict Scott anyway." But he doubted it. With no evidence of innocence, Scott was still a threat.

Good morning.

Jason keeps his eyes closed, the lights this morning giving him a headache. He had felt an increase in the pull on his emotions and he knew Katie must be awake now.

A low rumble of thunder signals the rain that is on its way.

Wanna go for a motorcycle ride?

Reese walks down the long corridor, searching for the right meeting room. Finally finding it, he stops, just in time to see Hope arrive as well. He waits, and escorts her inside, neither saying much. The judge is waiting and so is Brown. The room is comfortable with a large table and about a dozen chairs. Though Judge Barkley seemed a bit serious, he was also friendly, helping calm the atmosphere somewhat. When questioned where Scott was, Reese assures them that he will be there soon... Gunner would be bringing him. And so, they wait.

Scott splashes cold water on his face and lets it drip down into the sink before reaching for a towel. Part of him dreaded today, while another part of him was glad it was finally here.

Drying his face, he stands straighter to look at himself in the mirror. He'd often wondered lately who that man was... where he was headed... where he was running to. Giving a little sigh, Scott brushes his teeth after having showered and shaved, wanting to look the best he could for the hearing. He'd been told it would be fairly informal, not taking place in a courtroom. He was glad for that - maybe it wouldn't be as intimidating as he'd thought it would be.

Finished cleaning up and finally dressed, it's back to the mirror. He takes his one contact and puts it in, covering up his blind eye. Blinking as it goes in a little crooked, he cringes until it's right. Looking at himself again, it appears he was normal. No one would know any difference unless they looked really close. That was the whole point. But...

"Scott? Fifteen minutes."

He looks to the door where Gunner's voice could be heard. "Yeah..." He looks back to the mirror. He'd fought to be normal for such a long time, but had never seemed to have accomplished it. But was that really the point? Or was it that he was supposed to accept himself for who he was, rather than trying to conform to other people's molds? It felt like a heavy revelation to gain while standing in front of a bathroom mirror, but it was there nonetheless. No one could ever plan the timing of these things.

Slowly, Scott reaches up and removes his contact to expose the lifeless gray eye. It made him stick out. It made him different, maybe even strange. But it was a battle scar from a fight he had survived. It was a reminder that he had fought and won. It was... him.

Staring at himself a few moments longer, his hand aims for his glasses then stop and go for his other contact case instead. Putting one in his good eye, he blinks while it adjusts and everything becomes a little bit clearer. He puts his glasses in a case and puts them in the cupboard. Back to the sink, this time a pair of scissors is in hand. His hair was already wet and he knew what he was doing. Snip. Short locks of hair fall into the sink, shaping into the look that wasn't for anybody else... this time, it was for him.

Finished within minutes, he cleans up, then runs his fingers through his hair, not bothering to comb it straight. It was shorter on the sides and trimmed on the top and back... it would do.

Exiting the bathroom, his navy collared shirt has two buttons undone, and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Tucking it into his jeans showed how thin he was, but he didn't care. He was through covering up. He puts on a belt while he walks into the living room to find Gunner. "Ready?"

"Yep." Gunner stands from the couch and heads to the door, letting Scott go out first. His sidearm was in place and he locks up the house before ambling to the car.

The ride to the courthouse is quiet, each man in his own thoughts. Scott wondered where he would be just hours from now, while Gunner wanted to reassure his friend but didn't know how.

Pulling up to their destination, a two-word prayer is all Scott can manage to think of. God... help.

Gunner is the first to get out of the car and he waits for Scott, knowing he was meant to be the escort, whether he liked it or not. Once inside, they're met by another officer who has the orders to see them to the room. Scott was no threat, but procedure was procedure.

Finally entering the room, all eyes look up. Scott can feel heat in his face, being the center of attention. His eyes go from Brown to Reese to Barkley to... Surprise flashes in his eyes as they rest on Hope. Something inside him immediately calms, while another part of him sends a chill down his spine. He wants to go talk to her, to greet her, to maybe even hug her... but he knew that nothing would be acceptable in this setting, other than to simply take his seat. So instead, he settles for mouthing, 'Hi.'

Sitting down in an empty chair, Scott's eyes fall to the floor. Gunner takes his seat on one side, the officer on the other.

Luke makes his way across the short distance between the house and the cozy medical building. It was early morning and a light fog covered the ranch. He normally wasn't up at this time... usually he could barely get out of bed before ten o'clock. But today he'd woken with enough energy to beat Angel out of bed and make coffee for her for once. With the help of his braces, he'd opted for a short walk, if he could make it, and had decided to check on Wendy, leaving Angel to some much-needed sleep.

He knew that Clint had finally been convinced to sleep a few hours in his own bunk as well, in order to get a little bit of good sleep. So entering the next building, he knows it will be quiet. But a new sound catches him by surprise. Stopping, he cocks his head. Was that... Wendy... crying?

Luke's heart leaps into his throat. No, it couldn't be... not yet....

Walking slowly, cautiously to the door, he knocks lightly with his knuckle before pushing the door open just a little. Then seeing his stepdaughter with her baby, his heart felt as though it were being torn in two. He knew.

Part of him wanted to turn right around and call Angel. But something made him stay this time, just for a few minutes before alerting anyone else. He didn't know why... but slowly his legs carry him over to the bed where he sits down on the edge.

Not knowing what else to do for the grieving mother, he gradually, gently reaches over to take Cecilia from her arms, placing her into the small cradle that had been her bed for only a few days. Then turning again, he wraps his arms around Wendy just to hold her as a tear of his own runs down his cheek. "Shhhh..."

Sad time come

Sitting at her desk Hope taps her pencil on the stack of papers on her desk. It was thirty minutes till Scott's hearing and Hope couldn't help but feel nervous herself. She didnt know what was going to happen but she could only hope Carson had found something.

Standing Hope gathers her things together and straightens her black shirt that she wore today with her white shirt. Taking her jacket she slids it over her shoulders and head out. She would get to the court house with a few moment to spare.

Coming up behind Carson Misty new he was busy at work trying to still help Scott. She couldn't be angry with him about that.

Setting the coffee down on the table Misty gives Carson a smile as she lays a hand on his shoulder.

"Find anything yet?"

The soft sounds of sobs can be heard from behind the door to the room where Wendy and the baby's were. The rest of the building being quiet as others were a sleep. Only Wendy was awake as she held Cecilia in her arms. The small baby was quiet, silent.

Laying quietly in bed Katie looked blankly at the wall. She could feel Jason's emotions again and they felt good, they comforted her and made her feel safe. But still everything swirled in her head and balance, and inner peace seemed so far out of reach.

Continuing to lay there Katie continplates what she would do today. Stay in bed? Go for a walk? She was told to relax but working was what took up most of her time and anything outside of that she didnt know what to do anymore. It seemed the time where she new how to fill the empty time was long gone, and that time would never come back. The simplicity of a child was gone, the joy was drained...and now..what was left?

Night, Morning

Reese gives a knowing nod to Hope. He knew that even though she herself would be tried for her relationship with Scott, he was important enough for her to risk further persecution. "It'll be at the courthouse in meeting room five. The judge will be present, along with Chief Brown, myself, and I don't know who else. Scott will be present and... it's at one o'clock."

Gage has to think about Sapphire's offer, but finally nods. "Okay. I... I like to read. They didn't like me reading books, but... I always sneaked some into my room anyway."

Jason gives Katie a little squeeze of encouragement. "Just take it easy for a while, alright? Take a couple days off work... give yourself a break. I think you need it."

Ryder nods as he finishes cleaning up the mess and pours Katie's water for her, handing her a plastic glass. "You probably won't want pizza but... if you want me to fix you anything milder for your stomach, just say so."

Both men hated seeing Katie suffer, and both knew that the kind of wound she had would take some time to heal. But both had faith that she was strong enough to overcome this hurdle, if allowed the time.

The night - regarded by some as a blanket of dark comfort... regarded by others as a frightening abyss of blackness. But it must come, as the sun sets below the horizon.

On one side of town, Ryder lies awake in bed, his body tired, but his ears tuned in to any slightest sound. Jason had left after supper, and since, Ryder had been aware that he might be needed, should Katie have trouble. Jason could feel her again, but Ryder was closer. His eyes stare up into the darkness. The evening had been a quiet one. After Katie had gone to bed, Ryder had stayed up with Thirteen to watch a fun movie before calling it a night. Now he was counting down the minutes until morning.

At a different street, Jason falls exhausted into his pillow. He was still withholding his negative feelings and it was wearing on him, after the trauma his body had already been through. But he was more worried about Katie than himself. The only reason he had left her tonight was knowing that Ryder was close by to help if needed. Tomorrow... tomorrow would be better. He tried not to think about the disappointments of the day. Tomorrow would be one step closer to a solution... one step closer to something new.

In the small room, Gage tosses and turns. Today had been full for him. With Hope. With Sapphire. Hope's evaluation had made him question himself... where he fit... where he was going. Time with Sapphire had continued to show him that there was more to life than he'd ever been allowed to see. He'd enjoyed eating out and trying Chinese food for the first time. He'd found that he couldn't take anything too spicy, but the flavors... oh the flavors were wonderful. And Sapphire was being so kind. He didn't know why, but he tried not to take it for granted. This night though... it was long. He'd never longed for freedom before... but the more he tasted, the more he wanted.

In another dwelling by dim light, a figure sits sharpening his knife. The sound of slide, slide, slide, pause, slide is the only sound that breaks the silence. Thoughts are far away. Hope is dwindling. And in the same house just down the hall, Scott listens to Gunner out in the living room. It didn't bother him - he was used to it by now. Tomorrow was what was bothering him. Carson hadn't called. Nothing had been found. He was as good as convicted.

Not far away, one pours over their computer, desperately searching. He needed more time. It wasn't fair. Carson had canceled his date with Misty to be here, and he kept running into dead end after dead end. He had until one o'clock tomorrow to find what he needed... and he wasn't going home and he wasn't opening up Mom and Pop's until he found it.

And while everyone is in different places in different circumstances with different thoughts, one common thread remains... the morning. And the sun does come, as sure as the dew on the grass. Slowly, slowly, spreading its light over the clouds in a brilliant display. But it was a light show not seen by many. For a thick cover of clouds had overtaken the land, thunder rumbling in the distance.

Reese looks at the clock. Time was ticking by slowly this morning. For Carson, who had been here all night, it was good. For him, he just wanted one o'clock to come and go so he would know the fate of his agent.

Scott paces back and forth in the living room, unsettled. Gunner trying to ignore him as he reads the newspaper.

Carson types away, his eyes red and tired. He'd seen Misty come in, moments before, but hadn't risen from his seat. He had to find it.... he had to.

Jason sinks down into his chair, exhausted. He hadn't yet said anything to Katie... he wanted to let her sleep as long as possible.