

"...yeah, so I don't know if he's coming or not, but if he shows up, he's okay. There shouldn't be any more threat, now that Bryce is taken care of."

Dan nods, listening to his nephew on the other end of the phone. "Thanks, Con. You want me to go get Laura so you can tell her the news yourself?"

"No... don't bother her, if she's taking time alone. When you see her, let her know we caught Bryce and I'll let her know when she needs to come home."

"Alright, sounds good. Take care of yourself."

"Will do. Thanks for helping out... tell Paula hi."

"Sure thing. Bye now."

Axel is still sitting sideways on the couch when Jess comes nearer. As she reaches over to take his hand, he lets his legs slide down so he's sitting cross-legged instead, his knees no longer a barrier.

He looks down at Jess' question, but finally glances back up to her. "Yeah. I can't get the tingling to stop anymore. Last couple days it's been that way. Either it hurts like the dickens or I can't use it 'cause it goes numb."

He focuses on her own hands as she words, and his tone softens a little. "You're the only one that can make the pain go away. It still goes numb, but... thank you. Not even pain killers do what you do."

Leaning to the side, he rests his head on the back of the couch, just watching Jess. "I'm going to stay here a couple days yet... I know they won't mind if you do too... if you wanted to."

Ryder is heading down the hall and onto the main floor, not really paying much attention. He didn't know why he'd come today. Reese was too busy to talk, he had nothing to do, and he was just in the way.

Turning a corner around the cubicles, Ryder runs right into Wyatt. His pop can goes flying, hitting the floor with a bang and a hiss as it fizzes.

"Whoa." Wyatt staggers backward. "Sorry."

"Naw, my fault." Ryder grimaces as he leans down to pick up the wet and sticky can. "There goes that idea."

Wyatt grins a little. "You're Ryder aren't you."

"What gave that away? My aimless wandering? My strange looks, or the accent everybody thinks I have?"

Seeing the humor in Ryder's eyes, Wyatt laughs. "All of the above? You coming or going?"

"Well, all I wanted was a lolly water but wound up with a barney instead, so maybe going is better than coming, ay?"

Wyatt's eyes widen slightly. "You what?"

Ryder blinks. "What?"

"Um..." Wyatt grins. "I thought Australians spoke English."

Ryder gives a sheepish laugh. "Sorry. What'd I say?"

"I have no idea."

A laugh surfaces and Ryder shakes his head. "Apparently I better be more careful if I want all you to know what I'm saying."

Wyatt joins the laughter, remembering the night before. "Take away."

"And you thought I was just scrambling my English."

"Let me guess - I just didn't understand your Aussie. So now it's my fault."

"Well somebody's gotta be to blame."

Wyatt shakes his head, still grinning. "So what happened again?"

"I was after a soft drink. Ended up in a bit of an argument though."

"Ohh. Why didn't you say so?"

Ryder smirks. "I thought I did."

Wyatt just shakes his head. "So is there a problem? Who were you arguing with?"

"The only other Aussie around here."

"Ouch." Wyatt grimaces. He's about to say more, but suddenly stops. He'd read the report just this morning, and now the pieces in his mind fell into place. It would probably be better to avoid the subject for now, so he twists it back around. "Now I never had any trouble understanding what he was saying."

"Do all Americans sound the same?" Ryder counters. He shrugs. "Some people find it easy to blend in and pick up new speech habits, especially like Carson when he's been doing it for so long. He mighta been raised on another side of town too."

"What about you?"

"I dunno. Guess if I hang around you Yanks long enough I'll wind up sounding like everybody else. But don't hold your breath."

"I won't." Wyatt keeps grinning. "I'm Wyatt, by the way."

Ty hurries down the hospital hall, keeping the folded blanket in front of him. Only if someone looked closely would they see that the blanket was only half of the large bulge. The other half was being hidden underneath his jacket. He'd avoided being checked over so far, but wasn't about to waste any more time.

Scooting into Scott's room, he doesn't even knock, but shuts the door behind him.

Scott gives a start. He'd dozed off, and though Hope was still there, the last couple hours had been very quiet. He hadn't talked a whole lot, his body too tired to continue the battle for now. But seeing Ty, he forces himself to be more alert. "Ty?"

"Hey, Scott." Ty grins, then nods to Hope. He'd heard who she was, and wasn't surprised to see her there. He comes a little closer to the bed, letting the blanket drop. "I got something for you." He unsnaps a couple buttons of his jacket, and suddenly a little black and white furry head appears.

Scott's eyes widen in shock, his mouth dropping open. "But..."

Ty is still smiling. "She just got a good bump on the noggin. Vet says she's just fine as long as she doesn't get too rambunctious for a couple days."

Tears well up in Scott's eyes. All the sorrow and grief from losing his little friend were suddenly replaced by one of the biggest joys he could remember. Domino hadn't died.

Ty comes closer and lets the squirming dog go. Domino slides from his arms onto the foot of the bed, wiggling with excitement as she crawls up to Scott's face, giving him plenty of slobbery kisses.

A laugh comes out as Scott holds her closer, burying his head in her fur.

Ty just smiles in satisfaction, glancing down at Hope as if to make sure she approved.

Kicking and Screaming

Taking the peace of paper from Con Nate just looks at it before looking back to Con. A million emotions filled his eyes.

"Thanks Con!"

Just sitting there for a moment before leaving after Con get out Nate thinks. He was able to go see Laura now...but why now did Con give this to him?

Not caring to give it a second thought Nate pulls out of the parking lot and heads in the direction that was on the paper.

Smiling and giving a soft hum Misty nods to Carson. They both had been so busy, she was tired and stress having a nice time out would be great and some personal time with Carson would be nice.

"I dont care if you have to drag me kicking and screaming I would like to have dinner with you. And maybe when everything has calmed down I can ask my Uncle for a vacation."

Giving a nod and a wave to Carson as he leaves Misty goes back to her work. Her and Rick were so close to the cure if she was lucky by tonight they would have it and could administer it to Angel. There was just one missing link still, and Misty was almost there.

Enjoying the meal and listing to the chatter around the table the smile never leaves Jess face. This was something she could get use to and now new why Axel liked it here so much. This was a family, something so many people missed out on.

Wondering down stairs with the other three Jess enjoys spending time with everyone even if she didnt talk to much. Just watching the two kids plat was enough to keep her entertained. It's not untill Nick and Liz have gone upstairs that Jess looks to Axel and smiles at his question.

"I think I like it. I've never had....this..."

Jess motions around the room to the house, the family, and the love felt here.

"...its nice. I can see why the rainbow likes the spot in the clouds."

Taking note to Axel rubbing his hand again Jess moves a little bit close but not to close to make him feel uncomfortable. Gentily reaching over and taking Axel's hand Jess starats to rub it. To her it had become normal now and didnt feel to awkward anymore. Though she had taken not in just the day it had been bothing him more.

"Your hand has been bothing you alot more as of late huh?"

Rack off

Con grabs Bryce's limp body and drags him to the car, not really caring about anybody watching. Throwing him into the backseat, Con joins Nate up front for a quick but quiet ride to the station.

By the time they arrive, Bryce has regained consciousness, but is in too much pain to talk or give them any trouble. Dragged inside, he doesn't look anyone in the eye, only glaring at the floor.

It takes only a brief explanation to the officers to have Bryce taken away, and before they know it, Con and Nate are alone once more in the car. It seems so quiet. It seems so... empty. All the rage was gone. Bryce had been caught. Now all that was left was sorrow... sorrow for a loved one who had paid a steep price at no fault of her own.

Back to TJY, Con doesn't get out right away. He needed to get in his own car and go home for the rest of the day, but first...

Con finds a piece of paper and a pen, leaning forward to use the dashboard's flat surface to scribble something out. Turning, he hands Nate the paper where an address is written. "Dan and Paula Gibbs. It's a little farm... you'll find Laura there... if you leave now, you'll make it by supper time... so go before I change my mind."

Getting out of the car, he shuts the door and doesn't look back, ambling to his own car. He would leave Jamie to her work... he'd see her in a while when she got home anyway.

Carson leans into Misty, enjoying the moment with her, almost feeling deprived since he'd been gone. Finally withdrawing, he grins, giving her a wink. "I better let you keep on saving lives. But tomorrow I'm having dinner with you, no ifs ands or buts."

Straightening, he runs his fingers through Misty's soft hair for a moment before finally backing away. "Talk to ya later, Sassy."

Carson wanders out of the infirmary, tired, and wanting a shower and his bed. But he was thirsty first, so his route takes him by the break room on the way, as he fishes for change in his pocket.

Ryder has found his way to the break room after wandering the halls, deciding to grab something to drink. Hearing someone behind him, he turns around.

His stare turns to ice, and he looks away. Carson picks up on it immediately, but at this point he really didn't understand. Last he knew, he and Ryder weren't exactly pals, but they had been far from enemies. "Decided to stick it out around here?" he asks cautiously.

Ryder finishes getting his can of pop, then turns around, his glare still present. "Rack off, Carson."

Carson's eyes widen. It had been a while since he'd been told that. "Easy on! What did I do to deserve that?"

"Figure it out yourself."

Carson sets his hands on his hips. He was tired, he was worn out, and he hadn't expected this. "Is this about your brother?"

Ryder grits his teeth, his hand tightening on his can of pop. "Well now, that's a smart guess."

Since getting back, Carson hadn't taken time to really sit and think about what had happened in Australia. Now he suddenly realized that he might have made an enemy without knowing it. "I had no choice," he defends.

"Cods wallup." Ryder glares at him. "You could have just nicked him."

"And we all might have died." Carson throws up his hands. "You want to blame me and walk around with that chip on your shoulder, go right ahead. But I won't feel guilty. I save the team. I did my job. If you hadn't been so danged intent on getting the traitor out of there in the first place, you might not have even gotten shot, and we might not have even had to put the whole show in jeopardy!"

Ryder's temper flares, but he manages to keep it in. Deep down, he knew. He knew that Carson had been saving the lives of his team. He knew that had he been Carson, he would have had to make the same choice. But on the surface, all it did was hurt.

Emotions flood his eyes, and before he says something he'll regret, he stalks out of the break room.

Carson heaves a sigh and shakes his head. A pang of guilt hits him. It was a fact that he had killed again. At the time, he had just acted on instincts. But now... now that he thought about it... did that mean that he'd turned his back on the change he had allowed himself to make? He suddenly wondered. Maybe it wasn't as cut and dry as he'd thought it was. Forgetting about the drink he'd come here for, he slips back out into the hall. He would go home. He would sleep. Tomorrow, things would go back to normal.

Liz continues to giggle, shaking her head as Axel gives her a warning glance. "Okay, okay, you win. But when you have time, I really do need your help. I can't reach that lightbulb in the basement. You know, the one over the keyboard that keeps going out."

"And... you don't have a brother? Or very tall father for that matter?"

Liz sticks her tongue out at him. "I like picking on you better. Besides, I've asked them, and they keep putting it off."

"And you think I'm different?"

"Oh, you're different, alright," Liz teases.

Axel shakes his head and looks back to Jess. "Sometimes I wonder why it is I like it here so much."

"Mom's cooking?" Liz asks.

"Yeah, that's probably it." Axel rolls his eyes. Turning to Jess, he gestures with his head. "Come on... you can meet the rest of the family."

Nick is found somewhere in the back, greeting Jess nicely. Gina is in the kitchen, and meeting Jess, she offers a very warm welcome, never drawing any attention at all to Jess' appearance. It was obvious that once here, you were a part of the family.

Supper is eaten at the dining room table, full of laughing and talking. The whole family acts as though having Jess there is quite natural, never missing a beat, and being sure to include her in their conversations. Axel sits next to her, making sure she's comfortable in this atmosphere, though is relaxed enough himself, that he hopes she is too.

After the meal, Gina and Derek stay upstairs to clean the dishes, while the other four head downstairs. Liz and Nick fool around with some music for a while, but then wind up wanting to watch a moving upstairs.

Sitting sideways at one end of the couch in the basement, Axel's feet are almost tucked under one of the cushions, with his knees up close to his chest. Once the two siblings are gone, he rubs his hand a little bit, glad that Liz had not asked him to join in the musical venture of the evening. Had he needed to tell her no, then tell her why, she would have worried about him from then on out.

He looks to the other end of the couch at Jess, giving her a small smile. "Crazy enough for you around here?"