

Letting her feel dangle and swing back and forth a little Bree sits with her hands folded in her lap. Looking up at the stars and thinking for a long moment her eyes find there constellation and she studys it for a long moment. Looking back at Gunner a small smile forms on her face. Placing her hand on his leg to stop it from bouncing.

"You make me feel good too you know."

Giving a long sigh Bree stands again taking in a deep breath as the air filled her lungs. She didnt want to go back in and new Gunner didn't want to ether but they had to.

"Well I guess we better go in for the night. Everyone else will be coming in soon, I guess the saying is true time flys when your having fun."

Sleep hadnt come easy that night and was mostly filled with tears. Fifteen minutes of sleep than awale than fifteen minutes again than away once more. Rosetta hated the way she felt, it had been a long time since her heart was on edge and it was only getting worse.

Laying in the dark and stairing at the wall the sound of the door opening makes her look up just a little in case it was BJ. Seeing Mick she lays her head back down again not saying anything as the closet opens and she can hear him packing.

Feeling the silent tears roll out of her eye again and down her cheek Rosetta wanted to pop up and say something let him know she wasnt sleeping or beg for him to stay but she didnt. It felt like her heart was breaking as Mick was leaving. Weather he would be back in a day, a week or a month he was still walking out the door on her and BJ when they needed him.

Short night

Gunner knows if it were lighter out, that his face would probably be a slight shade of red, but he can't help but smile anyway. Still casually seated on the ledge, he looks at Bree. "You know how to make someone feel good, I will say that."

His gaze shifts down as one of his legs starts to bounce a little without him even realizing it. "I guess I've never learned too well how to do that... I always pushed people away, trying to stay focused on a worthless cause."

Mick's eyes are open, though the doesn't move when BJ joins him. Any other night, he would have insisted that the boy go back to bed - they'd worked hard at making that his habit. But tonight... it just didn't seem worth the effort to have another fight.

Staying in the same position now that BJ was curled up behind his legs, he reaches down with a hand to ruffle BJ's hair, letting him know that he loved him too, and signaling that he wasn't going to kick him off the couch.

Now that he couldn't toss an turn too much, Mick eventually found a small amount of sleep - enough to get him through the night. Waking early, he ached all over from his day yesterday and from sleeping on the couch. The warm body was still behind his legs, blankets askew.

It wasn't quite dawn... no one would be up yet. Mick gradually sits up and takes BJ in his arms to carry him back to his bedroom where he could sleep another couple hours. He lays the boy in bed and makes sure the blanket is tucked up around him to keep him warm.

It doesn't take Mick long to make a quiet phone call from the kitchen, then walk to his own bedroom. He makes an effort to move quietly as he lets himself in, not wanting to wake Rosetta. Getting his duffel bag from the closet, he works as quietly as he can, gathering just a few extra clothes, and checking over his gun before he puts it in his bag too.


Giving a chuckle and a shake of her head Bree lets her mouth form a grin.

"I'm not scarred but accidents do happen and things are going so well thats all I would need."

Reaching down to pick up a few things that she had braught up tonight Bree looks up and quirks and eyebrow at Gunner going back over to him and leaning her elbows on the ledge herself.

"Worry about you? You the only friend I got and care to have, I think a little worry is ok."

Poking his head out of his bedroom BJ stops and listens for sounds. Hearing nothing his little feet pad across the floor going for the refrigerator. Pulling out one of the water bottles and taking a sip BJ puts it back and starts to head back to his room. Though stoping he feels something was wrong or differnt.

Going to the couch and seeing Mick a confused look was on his face but no words were spoke. He had heard the fight earlyer and though he didnt know everything he new Rosetta was mad at him.

Heading to his room BJ pulls a blanket from his bed and makes his way back to the couch. Crawling up onto the couch BJ finds room behind Mick's legs and curls in resting his head on his thigh and pulling the blanket over them both. Squeezing Mick's leg BJ whispers.

"I love you Daddy."