
A call

"I dont think he's handsome...I think he's hott."

Once the words are out of her mouth Bree's eyes seem to widen a little as her face turns red looking down into her coffee again for a moment.

"I mean...year He's handsome."

Looking up at her Uncle again a small smile forms on her face. Hearing that Gunner might get butterflys in his stomach too made her feel good. She wasnt the only one who felt like this.

"I think...he was going to kiss me two times now too. But...he didn't."

Drawing quiet again Bree thinks about the next topic that was on her mind. Her mother, had called and it really shook her up. Changing topics not really knowing what else to say about Gunner Bree's eyes hold a new look in them.

"I got a call from Mother today. She got my voice mail, but I don't know how she got my number. I hope she dosnt find me here Uncle JT!"

Thinking for a moment Karla gives a small smile. She really wasnt doing anything other than her normal run, not to mention her stomach did give a growl at the mention of food.

"Well, as long as I can bring Rin with me I'll join you. As long as your family dosnt mind a stranger and her dog."

Giving a chuckle and standing streching a little Karla gives a little laugh.

"As for the creep...you dont look very creepy to me, and like I said as long as Rin is with me I have nothing to worry about."

Patting her side Rin lifts his head from Kip's lap and goes to his masters side as commended. No leash was needed as the dog was very well behaved and was trained to listen to Karla to a T.

"Lead the way and I'll follow."

Continuing to keep his arms around Jade Dan looks up at Sparky's voice. It didnt really startle him but he jumped anyways. A small smile formed on Dan's lips thankful for his watchful eye. He didnt want to let go of Jade, fearing it just might be the last time he ever held her. But he new to keep everyone out of trouble he had to.

Pulling away from Jade, Dan places his finger under her chin gently.

"It's going to be ok. Just play it cool around you dad for a few days see what happens. Maybe we can see each other tonight are chores."

Giving Jade's hand a squeeze and a nod Dan slips out of the stall stopping in front of Sparky.

"Thank you!"

Going down a few stall and finding a pitch fork Dan starts to clean the stall out and place need bedding inside, finishing up his barn work.

Look alive

JT leans back in his chair, cradling his coffee mug with his hands as he listens. Now things were making a little more sense. He'd been right about Gunner not dealing with things well. And though he trusted Bree from the get-go, it was still a bit of a relief to hear the whole story after her original question.

A small smile forms on his lips as he looks at his niece. She was a grown woman with little to no experiences in this area of life. His smile wasn't because he found it humorous, but because he was proud of her, and loved her innocence.

"I'm glad you went to see him - that was very kind and I'm sure that you're doing him a lot of good by spending time with him."

JT nods, contemplating what his next words should be. Was Bree just having a simple crush? Was it more? Who was he to say?

"I... think I know what you're feeling, Bree." His smile remains. "I've had similar feelings a a few times in my life, but not for a long time."

Leaning forward again, he sets his mug aside. "I don't know if you and Gunner are more than friends, but... I think you might want to be. I think that's why you get those butterflies in your tummy. Maybe you think he's handsome?"

He cocks his head, searching Bree's face for more and he throws her a wink. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with you, if that's what you're thinking. You just gotta... go with the flow. See what happens. He might get butterflies in his tummy too when he sees you."

JT's smile is a gentle one. "Just keep being Bree and you can't go wrong."

"Yeah... yeah, I live a couple miles that way." Kip points down the street, only now realizing just how far he'd run. "Didn't grow up there though. It's kind of my adoptive family, you could say."

His hand continues to run through Rin's fur. "You busy?"

He had no idea why he'd just asked that, and he felt a little silly. This really wasn't normal for him. "I mean... I don't know... come see the house... get some breakfast?" He cringes a little. "I promise I'm not a creep."

"I won't choose," Jade mumbles stubbornly into Dan's chest. "He can't make me."

Just feeling his arms close around her offered the shelter she'd been looking for. It was a different kind... different from her father... different from other arms she'd had around her. It was... strong... warm... nice. His kiss to her head just makes her lean on him a little more, not wanting to let go.

"Look alive."

Jade jumps, her face turning up at the sound of her uncle's voice.

Sparky was standing casually at the stall door, his back to them as he paused his sweeping in the aisle. He didn't turn around. "Your father's headed this way from the house... figured you'd want to know."

Jade swallows hard and looks up at Dan. "I don't know what to do."


Giving another chuckle Karla looks around her at all the big houses. They cost an arm and a leg and she new it to live in one of these.

"One of these big fancy houses, I only wished I lived in one of these."

Looking down at the ground for a moment before looking up at Kip again Karl just thinks. She wasnt embarrassed about where she lived but she wasn't proud ether. But it was all she could aford right now.

"I live easy of here in a pretty rough neighborhood. Its really all I can pay for right now. I just come here to run because its a lot safer. Same time everyday there is where you can find me. Do you live here in one of theses nice houses?"

Still not even realizing what she had said and hour it must have sounded to JT Bree looks down at her food thinking for a long moment before looking up again.

"Well, lastnight Gunner called me. He didnt sounded good at all and was really out of it. So I hurryed over as soon as I could..."

Bree points to her Pjs signaling she hadn't bother to change because she had been worried.

"..come to find out he's not doing so well getting use to being at home alone again. So he asked me to stay the night and I did. We sat on the couch together and he was leaning on me. I read a little bit of a book to him we both fell asleep."

Finally looking down at her breakfest and taking a small bite Bree is quiet while she chews and than swallows.

"He took a shower this morning, I guess forgot I was in the room and there he was shirtless."

Stoping again a sparkle forms in Bree eyes as she thinks back to this morning. Color coming to her face again.

"I feel so strange when I am around him. Not bad, it feels good I think. Its like my tummy has butterflys in it and I feel like I am going to explode and my face gets really hot. I just...never felt that around a guy before."

Suprised as Jade puts her arms around him Dan just stands there for a moment almost frozen. But not taking long he softens feeling her tears through his shirt and knowing she needed comfort.

Bringing his arms up Dan gently wraps them around Jade drawing closer to him as her offered what he could to bring her comfort.

Hearing Jade's words feel like a dagger to Dan's heart. He'd been through this before and it was happening again. But why? Why didnt Mick like him? He hadnt done anything to him, or even give him a reason not to trust him. Dan couldnt help the tiny silver of anger the boiled inside of him. Gentily rubbing Jade's back Dan didnt know what to do now. He'd found a friend, and now he was losing his friend.

"Its going to be ok Jade. Maybe if we just play things cool he will understand and let us do things together again. "

Swallowing hard it was tough for Dan, to see this and it reminded him of the past. He remember how much Becca had cryed losing her own family.

"I could never ask you to choose our friendship over your family Jade. Your Dad does love you."

Just holding Jade for a long moment Dan leans his head down to Jade's getting a whif of her shampoo sent chills up his spin as her closed his own eyes tight trying to block out his emotions. Continuing to hold Jade for a long moment, and placing a soft kiss to the top of her head.

"Its going to work out."

He doesn't

Kip can't help a chuckle at Karla's remark about giving him attention. "I guess you are at that."

Without much more time for conversation, he's suddenly disrupted by the enthusiastic dog. Not afraid in the least, he lets Rin burrow under his arm and looks down at him with a grin. "Well hello, Rin." He scratches the dog's fuzzy head, his smile becoming warmer as for a moment, the animal seemed to have pushed aside his worries. "Don't worry, I won't try to harm your mistress. She's too nice."

Still petting Rin, Kip gives a little sigh. "I had a dog once for about a year. Then I got home from school one day and my dad had sent him to the pound. Never had the heart to get another one after that."

Glancing up to Karla, curiosity finally takes over. "You must live around here?"

JT chokes on his coffee, spilling some down the front of his shirt. Setting his mug down quickly, he grabs a napkin to wipe up his mess. Looking at Bree, he just blinks, his mouth partway open. Surely there was a good explanation for her question. She had better judgment than most other people he knew. It just... seemed a bit bizarre even for her.

"Um... well, um... that... that alone doesn't mean anything, but... maybe if you... tell me why on earth you saw him without a shirt, I could try to answer your question."

He looks at Bree, his eyes still a little wide, breakfast forgotten for the moment.

Looking up quickly, Jade's face is streaked with tears, her hair a bit of a mess and her eyes red. But she doesn't try to hide it. She was too upset to care. And here was Dan again, ready and willing to see if she was okay... the same man that her father didn't want her being with.

Not caring right now though, all she needed was comfort - comfort she wasn't finding anywhere else.

Standing up, she throws her arms around Dan and buries her face in his chest, letting the sobs continue. Her fingers clutch at his shirt, clinging for something, anything to show her it was going to be okay.

She chokes out the words she knew she needed to say. "He doesn't want me around you." Her shoulders shake as she cries. "I don't think he really wants me here at all."

Big Baby

Looking up at her Uncle relizing he was saying something Bree trys to give a small smile. Her mind was in so many places at once it had been a long time since she felt like this. Not only did she have the questions about Gunner, but she had the worry about her family as well. That in itself made her feel sick.

"Oh, spaghetti I'll come over tonight for some of that."

Not making a comment about how she only wanted the sause, or meatballs separate was unusably for her but today her mind was to busy with other stuff.

Looking up at her Uncle Bree contemplates for a moment before finally just asking.

"Uncle JT I have a question. This morning I saw Gunner without his shirt on...and I was wondering if that ment we were more than friends?"

"No problem Ty. I'll see you around."

Giving a smile and than making sure Ty was out of the car along with his bike Libby pulls off. Heading to the west she wasnt sure where she was going but new she would end at the arcade. Doing what she could to keep herself out of trouble.

Looking to Kip Karla tilts her head a little trying to catch his eye. She could see the confustion that seemed to frustrate him.

"But if she is not so good to start with dosnt it really not matter if you tick her off? I mean you could always find other girls to talk with and give you attachen right? I mean heck technically I am giving you attachen right now too."

Karla couldnt help the small chuckle that escaped her lips at the mention to her name.

"I guess that might help. I'm Karla, and sometimes knowing from experience its easyer to talk to a strange who doesn't know you."

Seeing the exchange of friendship between his master and the other person Rin had enough of sitting till and wanted to be introduced too.

Trotting over to Karla and Kip he sits between them nudging Karl's arm and than squeezing his head under Kip's arm and resting in his lap his tail thumping aganst the ground.

Seeing her dog antics and that he meant no harm to Kip Karla laughs. Rin always one who broke the ice and she was a bit thankful for it.

"And this...is my dog Rin. As long as you dont try to hurt me, he is a big baby."

Entering the barn after thinking he saw Jade come in Dan was about to give up. He was thinking about going for a ride and having company was always nice. Not seeing Jade though Dan is about to turn around and leave when he hears an all to familiar sob.

Following the sound and opening the small door that lead to where the hay was kept Dan squints seeing Jade in the far corner. Coming over to a hay bail and leaning over it Dan just looking at her for a moment his face soft. He hated seeing Jade cry even more now that he had gotten to know her.

"It seems I always look for you at the wrong times! Are you ok?"

On One Condition

"Duh. The offer for coming over is always open, you know that." JT doesn't even turn around, finishing up the breakfast on the stove. For a long time now, it was so usual for Bree to be around that sometimes he forgot she didn't live here. Even her spare room here made it feel as though this was her house too. And JT didn't mind a bit. He got lonely on the days she didn't come over, reminding him how important his niece was to him.

Finally getting everything done, he comes to add to what Bree already set at the table. After a short prayer, food is served, and JT is content just to eat for several quiet minutes before striking up a conversation.

"I gotta go to work for just a couple hours today, so I thought tonight I'd have time to make spaghetti." He had a secret recipe for his spaghetti sauce. He'd never dare to call himself a cook, but that was one thing that he never had complaints about. The only reason he didn't do it more often was a lack of time.

"Maybe we can even invite Gunner over again. He seems to be doing pretty well, but I got a hunch he could still use a bit of a boost. People like him... in that position... sometimes it's harder than they think going home." In reality, JT felt just a little badly. He still knew Gunner had crossed a dangerous line with him when he'd come looking for information, but JT wished he'd been able to see the signs that Gunner wasn't a bad guy, but that he just needed help. But instead, he'd turned him in. Now he hoped that by continuing to build a friendship, he could make up for what had happened.

He takes another bite and cocks his head at Bree, realizing that she seemed to be far away. He waves a hand in front of her face. "Earth to Bree."

Talking with Libby was surprisingly refreshing. Ty didn't have many friends outside of TJY, so having a conversation with someone new was kind of fun. He didn't usually like small talk, especially on days like today when nothing was going right. But for some reason, it wasn't hard to slip into light conversation with Libby.

Getting dropped off at the street corner, Ty gets out to retrieve his bike, then leans in the open window for a moment. "Video arcade, huh?" He didn't usually spend time at places like that - he'd gotten into too much trouble at one point. But... the thought of making a new friend was appealing enough that he might go. "You might see me around then."

A rare, genuine smile surfaces. "Thanks for the lift, Libby."

Another dry laugh surfaces from Kip's mouth. "Yeah... it's a good thing about God 'cause I'm about as far from perfect as one can get."

Looking down, he scuffs his toe on some loose gravel. "Oh well... it's life, right?" He sighs. "Sometimes I just wish I'd never been born. Better for those that despise me, better for me." He shrugs. He wasn't close to taking his life by any means, but his comment did prove some of his real feelings.

"I got a friend who looks out for me see... and all I wind up doing is disappointing him. I got a girl who's no good and I know it, but when she's the only girl who's given me attention, it's just... I don't know...easy, I suppose. But in the end all I do is tick her off. Then there's my father who would just as soon I disappear from the face of the earth. Nothing's good enough for him. So what's left?"

Giving a little growl, he wipes some sweat from his brow. "And here I am, spewing all this to a perfect stranger." He manages a wry grin that made one eye sparkle just a little. "If I knew your name, you wouldn't be a perfect stranger anymore and I'd feel better."

"We've been working with the police in Texas - the same investigator who is leading up the search for Dylan."

Mick listens to Reese through the speakerphone, leaning back in the chair at the table in the corner of the dining hall. He folds his arms across his chest and scans the information that was being sent to his computer. "And?"

"They've narrowed down three locations where Dylan could have been last seen or taken from."

"Are you sending in a team?"

"We're having a meeting today and I will choose who goes in."

"Isn't time of the essence here?"

"Yes. But remember, Mick, that the police are searching for him nonstop right now. The Elite is getting involved only because we believe the Agency might be the culprit here. If that's true, you know how hard it is to find someone, not to mention, more than likely, Dylan is okay - otherwise, the Agency would have rubbed it in your face by now."

Mick sighs and runs a hand over his face. His eyes show how weary he is - the lack of sleep he's had. "Yeah, okay. But everyone's sure he didn't just run off, right?"

"We're ninety-nine percent on that one. The police have tracked down all his friends in state and out, and there's no sign of any foul play, playing around or lies."

"Alright... I'm getting the files now. Who's sending them?"

"I got Scott and Dalton on it. We were allowed access to the case files, so they're retrieving them and sending them your way. I don't know if it'll help you or not. You can't think of anything strange lately at all? Why the Agency would want to get to you?"

Mick shakes his head, even though Reese couldn't see him. "No."

"Would the Agency be trying to get to someone other than you?"

Mick hadn't thought of that. "I... don't think so. There's no one else as closely connected to me, and his mother's family would rather shrink away from the Agency than step up to it, so they're no threat. It's gotta be me."

"Well, I agree that makes the most sense. One thing I want you to keep in mind though, is that in those files you're going to read, the point is made that five other guys Dylan's age have been abducted in the last month. Those are believed to be the work of a psycho who the cops have been tracking for a year. There are similarities in Dylan's case."

Mick's stomach churned. He'd heard about those cases. So far, all boys had died, and it hadn't been quick and painless either. "Yeah... yeah, I know. Thanks, Reese. Let me know what happens after your meeting."

"Will do. Take care."

"Yeah, bye." Mick hits the button to end the call, heaving a deep sigh. God, please bring Dylan back to us... wherever he is, keep him safe... please?


Mick jumps, jerked from his train of thought by Jade's presence. "Hey."

Jade approaches cautiously. Though successfully avoiding him the night before, she knew he hadn't slept last night, and she knew the result couldn't be good. But she'd put off her request long enough. "Um... do you have a minute?"

"Oh yeah, sure." Mick tries to focus, pointing to a chair Jade could use.

She sits down hesitantly. "Um... you know when you asked me how long I was going to stay?"

Mick nods. "Yes. I'd been meaning to talk to you about that myself, but I figured you just needed some time away to breathe for a while."

"Heh... yeah." Jade tries to grin. "Things have been... kinda rough. You know Mom... she does the best she can, but with Grandma, it just isn't easy."

"I know." Mick had been there.

"Well... um... I was thinking that maybe... since I'm not really into the school Grandma wants me in... and things at home aren't all that great... um.... well I..."

Mick cocks his head a little, waiting. There were things he wanted to say to his daughter, but he would wait, respecting her obvious need to say something.

Jade can feel the heat rise to her cheeks. "I was wondering if I could stay here," she finally blurts. "As in... indefinitely, or... permanently, depending."

Mick's eyebrows rise all on their own before he furrows his brow. He sees the hope on Jade's face, and the fear that he was going to say no. "That's... and interesting thought. What does your mother think?"

"She... doesn't know." Jade bites her lip. "You know she'd want me to stay with her, but... but I'm seventeen, Dad... I was going to be on my own at college... why would this be different? It would be even better, right? I mean, since you're here? And more family?" She searches Mick's eyes hopefully. "I'd pull my weight. I'll work in the barn or the kitchen or... or help Angel or... or help Rosetta in the office or... anything."

Mick purses his lips, thinking for several long moments. He could hear some other people moving around in the dining hall and kitchen, but he ignored their presence, concentrating on Jade. "I'm glad you're thinking that way - everyone who lives here does their share, family or not. But... what about your future? Where do you see yourself in five years? Or ten?"

"I... I don't know. Maybe... maybe I'll still want to go to college, but not until next year. All I know is that I really like it here. And... and I don't know my own father as much as I want to. There's so much about you that I don't even know and... and we fight and I hate that but... but I'm so different from Mom and this is the only place lately where I've felt like I fit at all."

Mick is still very calm, contemplating the subject. A part of his heart wanted so badly to keep Jade here. He loved her so much and had never had the chance to show her. He'd never had a chance to have an influence on her life as a father should. But one thing bothered him. And he knew that bringing it up could produce results he didn't want. But as her father, he felt he needed to. "What about the kinds of friends you'll have here. Or... better yet, who you might take an interest in for perhaps more than a friend?"

Jade's eyes flicker as she keeps her temper at bay. She wanted this too badly to mess it up now. Playing dumb might work at this point. "What do you mean?"

Mick sits back and folds his hands in his lap. "I'm talking about the man you spent all day with yesterday. The one that you know I don't want you spending time with. If you're going to live here, I need to know what your intentions are."

Jade's cheeks turn even redder. "Dan's... a friend. He's just a friend. We had fun, so what?"

"And you have no other thoughts about him?"

"I..." Jade swallows hard. She found Dan attractive, fun, kind... what was not to like? She couldn't help it that she was attracted to him. She'd felt the chemistry, whether her father wanted to acknowledge it or not. "I'm not made of stone," she finally states. "What do you expect me to say? That I think he's unattractive, unkind and repulsive? He's not. But that doesn't mean I have plans."

Mick continues to think before responding. He remains very calm, finding the best possible solution in his mind. To some it might seem cruel, but to him, it was best. He sensed things Jade didn't, and he felt he was doing what was right. "You can stay." He nods. "I don't want to fight your mother over it, but you're right - you're coming of age and you have a right to make some of your own decisions now."

Jade straightens a little, filled with hope again.

"However..." Mick holds up a finger. "If you stay, I expect you not to leave the premises with Dan again. You can be his friend, I don't care. I'm his friend too and he's a good hard worker. But I don't want you spending time alone with him or leaving the ranch with him. He will have to do his daily work as normal, and you'll have your own work to concentrate on."

Jade's hope plummets. Her stomach churns and her cheeks turn from red to white. "But..."

Mick cocks his head. "If you just want to be his friend, you shouldn't have a problem with that."

Sure, she just wanted to be Dan's friend. But she couldn't help the little tingle at the bottom of her spine that hinted at the possibility there could be more between them. But her father was putting the kabosh on it before she even discovered if it was something she wanted. She knew his reasons. She knew he had a bad feeling about Dan that he couldn't put his finger on, and that it gave him a lack of trust. But... it felt so harsh. "That's it huh?" she asks quietly. "If I agree, you'll let me stay?"

Mick nods. "I will."

Jade looks down and finally stands up. "I'll think about it, okay?"

"Okay." Mick glances up at her, offering her a gentle smile. "I love you, Jade."

"I love you too." But Jade's head hung as she left the dining hall. She felt sick as hot tears formed behind her eyes. Even if she just wanted to be friends with Dan forever, they couldn't even do anything together? No going to town? Sharing lunch? No more horseback rides that went beyond the corral? It wasn't fair. And it hurt.

Picking up her pace, she keeps her head down as she goes into the barn, heading for a familiar horse stall. She needed to get out... to clear her head. But arriving at the stall, she finds the mare has been put out with the other horses. She didn't want to take the time to go get her. It felt like what was left of her little world was crumbling.

Instead of leaving though, she enters the stall and hides in a dark corner, sinking down in the clean straw to bury her face in her knees. She couldn't help the few sobs that escaped, and she just hoped that no one heard her.