

Laura swallows hard, not finding Nate’s touch surprising or something to pull away from. He was comfortable, and no one to be afraid of. Nonetheless, her eyes still linger towards the ground.

His words hit her as so kind…they made her want to defeat this rut she was in, even if she didn’t know how.

Hearing Nate walk away, Laura finally looks up. As he gets farther away, she rolls her eyes at herself, and rubs the heel of her hand over her face, trying to rid herself of the smeared mascara. “I can’t go back in there like this!” she wails. “I’m a mess.”

She sniffs and blinks her eyes, turning to see her messy reflection in her car window. She heaves a sigh, followed by a dry laugh. “Yeah, I’m a mess alright.” Shaking her head, she tries to compose herself. “Okay, Nate…you win… give me a lift. I won’t take more than five minutes, but promise me you won’t tell anybody about this. I feel enough like a fool the way it is.”

Carson blocks out the pain as Misty works on him and puts the fresh bandage on. As she looks him in the eye, he wonders again what is going through her mind. She moved around him like it was easy…like she didn’t care that he was an enemy. It was so strange… what gave a person that kind of mentality?

Hearing about painkillers, he shakes his head. “Just leave it be, it’s not that bad. I…” His voice drifts off as the door opens and he sees Jamie. His eyes widen, both from surprise, and from knowledge that he’s probably the last person she would ever want to see again. She looked different…in the light…clean without blood on her face, or dimness in her eyes. As she backs away, he knows that seeing him was a shock to her. He opens his mouth, but realizes that there was absolutely nothing he could say. What was this new sensation he was feeling? Was it guilt? Sorrow? He didn’t recognize it, but it didn’t feel very good.

Rick’s eyebrows shoot up as he sees Jamie, realizing what’s happening. As she backs away, he calls to her. “Jamie!” But she’s already gone. He swivels a cold gaze in Carson’s direction.

For the first time Carson can remember, he doesn’t accept the visual challenge, but instead, drops his gaze. What was wrong with him?

Rick grits his teeth and pulls off his gloves. “I’ll be back. Misty, stay with Carson, and if he tries anything at all, scream bloody murder.”

Con looks up quickly as his door opens, and concern hits him immediately, seeing the look on Jamie’s face. As she slides to the floor, he’s on his feet in an instant. “Jamie, what’s wrong? Who are you talking about?”

He kneels down next to her, drawing her into his arms, her tears striking his heart all over again. He had no idea what had scared her so much. “It’s okay…shhh.”

A knock at his door startles him, and he pulls Jamie up off the floor, holding her against his chest, wrapping her in his arms. “Yeah?”

Rick sidles into the office, not surprised at seeing how upset Jamie is, but wanting to make sure she’s okay. He looks at Con. “Just wanted to see if she was alright.”

“What’s going on?” Con hisses. “What happened?”

“She saw Carson.”


“You know.” Rick gestured down the hall. “The guy Jason shot out at that house. Didn’t kill him, begged to be a snitch for the Agency in exchange for his life I guess, and they brought him here. They didn’t tell you?”

Con can feel his blood run cold, and he stops rocking Jamie. “No…no one told me.”

“Oh.” Rick puts his hands on his hips. “Well…that’s what it is. I’ve had him in the clinic getting cleaned up. I guess Wyatt or somebody was gonna question him today.”

“Really…” Con’s tone has grown icy.

“Yeah. Well, if she needs something, let me know.” Rick backs out of the office again, leaving the two alone once more.

Con grits his teeth and peels himself from Jamie, setting her down in one of his extra chairs. He wipes a tear from her eye and cradles her face for just a moment. “I’ll be back,” he says quietly. “Just stay here.”

Though anger surges through his veins, he makes his exit calmly until he shuts the door, then his steps become quick and deliberate, his ire rising with each stride.

Jason looks up from his desk and out his open door as he hears someone walking quickly. “Con? Hey, Con, where are you going?!”

Con skids to a halt as he passes by Jason’s door. He hadn’t understood what was said, but knew Jason had said something. Rage flashes in his eyes. “Thanks for telling me, Hotshot. I can’t believe you were in on something as corrupt as this.”

Jason’s eyes widen. “Wha…” He’s unable to finish as Con keeps going. “Con! Wait, what…” He’s quickly up from his desk, and out into the hall to follow after his friend.

Con ignores his follower and arrives at Rick’s office. He doesn’t even bother using the handle on the door, but kicks it open instead with a bang.

Rick is standing at the counter and jumps at the sound. Seeing the look on Con’s face, a bit of fear hits him.

Carson sees Con, and knows who he is. The look in his eye is not good – he’s out for blood. Carson slides off the table to stand, in case he needs a quick escape, though he’s not sure if he could get past this larger man.

All Con can feel is anger. The last several days replay in his mind. The fear, the horror…Jamie. He takes a step towards Carson, but is suddenly blocked by Jason.

Jason steps in front of him, holding out his arms. “Now hang on. Don’t be stupid.”

“Me?!” Con’s voice raises. “I’m not the one who brought the enemy here! What is this piece of trash doing here?!”

Jason has to back up a step, but tries to keep peace, if not for Carson’s sake, for any witness’ sake. “Look, just take it easy. He might be on our side.”

“Oh yeah, that’s what it looked like to me,” Con snaps with sarcasm. “Did you see Jamie in that basement? Did you see her before the doctors cleaned her up? No. But I did. This guy deserves to die, and you bring him here to keep him alive! He’s not staying, if I have anything to say about it.”

“Well, you don’t.” Jason stands firm. “Reese approved it, and we’re just going to deal with it.”

“Do you know what he did to Jamie?!” Con roars, his face reddening. “And you’re protecting him?! I don’t believe you!”

“We all make mistakes!” Jason slings back. “It’s not like you haven’t hurt or killed before, so give this a chance, for TJY’s sake!”

Being put in the same category as someone like Carson is the last straw. The only thing he can see is Jamie in that basement. Fear has turned to anger and hate. Not only is Carson here now, within reach, but Jason was protecting him, and it was more than he could take.

Losing all control, Con balls up his fist and aims it with sudden force to Jason’s mouth. The impact is so great that the sound echoes in the room. Jason is thrown backward into the counter, knocking over bottles and a tray onto the floor with a clatter.

Taken completely by surprise, Jason sinks to the floor, putting a hand to his bleeding lip. The physical pain didn’t match his shock. He and Con had fought before…they’d both taken swings at each other… but this one had been serious. This had been without mercy, and it had hurt.

Jason sees Con go for Carson, but knows he can’t let that happen. Carson might be their only hope in finding a link to the Agency. “No!” Lunging up off the floor, he goes for Con’s legs, bringing him to the floor.

Chaos ensues. Con rolls over and gets to his feet, overcome with anger for Jason’s interference. Instead of resuming the argument here, he grabs Jason’s shoulder and manhandles him out into the hall, slamming him up against the wall, pinning him with an arm to the throat. “Get in my way again,” he hisses, “and you’ll regret it.”

The fire in Con’s eyes almost scares Jason. He’s never seen him so mad, let alone at him. He winces under the pressure, gasping for breath until Con lets him go, turning back to the office.

Jason reaches out to grab his arm. “Don’t do it Con, it’s not worth it!”

Con whirls around, sending a backhanded slap to the side of Jason’s face, with enough force to take him to his knees.

Again, Jason rises to bring Con back down.

By now, several people in the office have heard the noise and come down the hall, Reese and Wyatt included. “What is going on?!” Reese bellows.

Jason is pinned to the floor, unable to move under Con’s weight, and receives another blow to his mouth that seems to rattle everything in his head.

“Con!” Wyatt goes for him, dragging him off of Jason.

The next few minutes are a blur as it takes three men to finally get Con backed up against the wall, panting and unable to move.

Jason picks himself up off the floor, dizzy and bleeding, unsure of what all just happened.

Reese glares at Con. “What in heaven’s name has gotten into you?!”

“This whole place!” Con is seething. “I can’t believe what you’ve compromised. What you make your people do. What everyone here goes through! And you have the gall to bring the enemy here! This is it. I can’t take it anymore.”

“Well you’re not quitting,” Reese rolls his eyes.

“Oh, no?” Con glares at him. “Try me.”


*Nate brings his hand to Laura's chin as she hangs her head. Gently he put pressure on his finger so it lifts Laura's head Not so much she has to look at him but enough so she isent hanging it down anymore.*

"Never hang your head and be ashamed of your emotions and feelings. Anyways your to pretty to hide your face, even if tears fill your eyes."

*Not wanting to embaress, or make Laura feel uncomfortable any more Nate backs away a few steps and smiles.*

"Ok, but if Con cant, I have no problem taking you. I dont have much work to do today so it wouldent be a problem."

*Nate turns and starts to walk back into TJY calling over his shoulder.*

"Remember, keep your chin up."

*Misty receves Ricks orders and gets to work. Taking some clean cloths and some water she gently pats Carson's wounds talking alowd about what she is doing.*

"I'm going to pat the wound and not rub it. Rubing it will cause the tair the sticking, making it bleed and open the wound again. This is just water for now, we want to make sure all the remnints of the bullet are out our you could be having a reaction to that."

*Misty continues to wash the wound. After finishing she goes to the cubard and pulls out the Iodine and some new bandages.*

"This might sting alittle bit so if it does. I'm sorry."

*Misty pours some iodine onto Carson's wound pating the extra from the non damaged area. Afterwords Misty starts to wrap the bandage around Carsons shoulder and under his arm. Misty catches his eyes once and for a moment cant break her gaze. He had remarkable blue eyes. Finally looking away Misty comment softly.*

"Your pritty lucky, if you had gotten shot alittle more to the left you probley would be siting here and my first day would have been pritty boring."

*Misty cracks alittle smile and finishes with the bandage.*

"Ok Rick its all patched up should we give him something for the pain?"

*Jamie smiles as she aims for her desk. Many people stop and give her hugs asking how she is doing and how she feels. Jamie can feels the eyes on her. Feeling selfcontius enough about the marking on her face having everyone look at her wasent helping any. Trying her best she doesent let it bother her. Almost to her desk the words from Dr. Tailbit enter her mind. Jamie would rather not go back to the hospetal. Rerouting Jamie aims for Ricks office seeing if many he can take the stiches out for her. Jamie knocks softly on the door and opens the door steping in. Stoping dead in her tracks Jamie's eyes meet Carson's. A wave of fear and confustion pass over her. What...what on earth was he at TJY. Backing up slowly Jamies exits the office without saying a word bumping into a cubicle behins her. Turning tears almost eater Jamies are she feels as though she is going to be sick. Every inch of her seemed to suddanly hurt. There was one place Jamie new she would feel safe. Almost running Jamies makes her way to Con's office. Not even knocking on the door Jamie walks in. Fear filled her mind to much to worry about being polite. Shuting the door behind her Jamie leans aganst it and slids to the ground. Unable to controll her tears they finally break forth.*

"Con...I...dont understand...why...why is he here?"


Con grins, but has to agree with Jamie. "He gives me the creeps too. Come on." He puts an arm around her shoulders and walks with her through the hospital to outside, settling into the car. He's quiet on the way to TJY, just thinking about going back there... the strange feelings tied to it. He didn't want to have to contemplate it...he'd never thought he'd feel this way, but he did.

Arriving, he parks in his usual spot unaware that across the lot, his sister is in her car. Con gets out and waits for Jamie to walk with her inside, holding the door for her. Reaching the floor, he lets her go towards her own desk. "I'm gonna get a few things in my office...if you need anything, let me know, alright?" He gives her shoulder a squeeze before taking off down the hall.

Carson can't help his grimace as Misty investigates his wound, "Yeah, 'on fire' would be a good way to put it." He shakes his head at her question. "I don't know. I've been banged up so many times, I couldn't tell ya what they've given me." He catches Misty's eye, wondering what she thinks...she was obviously new here...and her first job was to help the enemy. How must she feel?

Rick leaves his task unfinished and comes to look over Misty's shoulder. "Hmm...I wonder if it's that disinfectant I used. I remember there was only one other time someone reacted...it was Wyatt I think." He nods to the large medicine cabinet. "Misty, why don't you grab the iodine over there. Clean the wound out the best you can with some of the sterile cloths and hot water first just to make sure I didn't miss anything. Then get some iodine on there and put a new bandage on. We'll see if that helps. If not, we can try giving him a shot of antibiotics, but I'd rather not unless we have to."

Carson lifts one eyebrow slightly at the mention of a shot. If there was one thing he hated, it was needles.

Laura shifts her head at the knock on her window and sees Nate's form as hears his voice. Her shoulders droop even further, and she wishes for a hole that would open up and swallow her right there so she could avoid her embarrassment.

Having no choice but to accept the fact that she'd been cornered, Laura reaches for the door handle and slowly steps out of the car. Her head hanging, she shuts the door and sniffs, leaning back against the car and scuffing the toe of her shoe on the ground.

Still looking at her feet, she takes the back of her hand to swipe her eyes, her makeup smearing even more. The heat creeps up her neck as she knows she looks a sight. "I'm sorry, Nate," she mumbles, her voice still shaky. "I don't know what's wrong with me."

Laura crosses her arms, unwilling to look up at him. She sniffs again. "My car's been having trouble...I don't think jumping it will help. Just...it's alright...I don't want to take you away from work. I'll just have somebody else take me later I guess...Maybe if Con comes in...or something..."


*Jamie smiles at Con. It felt good to hear Con tell her she was included as well in his life too. It made her tingle and her heart jump. It was nice to have someone care for her again and show they really cared.*

"Ya I guess it does huh! I'll see you soon."

*About an hour after Con leaves nurses come in and out of the office checking on Jamie making sure all is well before she leaves. Finally Dr. Tailbit enters smiling at Jamie.*

"How are you feeling Miss. Franklin?"

*Jamie replys to the Dr. slowly watching what she says befor he askes anymore questions.*

"I'm ready. Still sore but I am guessing thats to be exspected. All in all I feel good."

*Dr. Tailbit nods and comes over to Jamie checking on her scar the bandage now removed, also checking her other burses and cuse.*

"Everything looks good, and your mending well. Your going to have to come back in about a week to get those stiches removed other than that your good to go."

*As Dr. Tailbit turns to leave he looks over his shoulder at Jamie one last time.*

"Make sure next time you choose your friend more caushely. Sometimes the people we think are good can put up front and deep down they still are dirt. I dont want to have to see you laying in that bed again."

*Dr. Tailbit leaves as another nurse comes into to remove the IVs and other masheens Jamie is hooked up. The last nurse exits the room as Con enters. Jamie is dressed in a light teal tank top and black jeans. Smiling at Con and stading she sways just alitte but gets her footing and is fine. Walking over to Con she throws her arms around him. Something she hasent been able to do to well while she was in bed. Grabing her purse and other stuff Con had braught for her Jamie turns to head out the door.*

"I'm ready. Lets get out of there. That Dr. gives me the creeps."

*As Misty see Wyatt her face lights up. He's always been her fav. They got along so well. Returning the hug Misty cant help but smile even bigger.*

"Hey, it has been a long time. To long if you ask me."

*As Reese gives his request to Wyatt and lets Misty to Rick she turns and places her stuff on the empty desk in the office.*

"I'm guessing this one will be mine?"

*As they wait for Wyatt to come back with Carson Misty looks around the office. Familurizing herself with where everything is. It was the number one rule. Always know where EVERYTHING is. So if something happens you dont wast time looking in the wrong place.

Within minutes Wyatt is back with Carson. As he enters Misty turns eyeing him for a few minutes and not saying anything. As Carson removes his shirt and she lays eyes on his bandage she cant help but gulp she was alittle bit nervouse working on someone without on of her professers around. Rick was there though to help if she needed it so that braught her comfort. After hearing her instructions from Rick with confadince Misty walks over to Carson, removing the bandages slowly throwing them into the Hazord bucket. Misty can feel Carson percing blue eyes on her but she trys to ignore the feeling and work.*

"Rick the wound is pritty swoled, lots of irratation, Its a bit black around the bullet hold as well. I can understand why he is in pain. It probley feels like your arm in on fire."

*Turning her head to look at Carson she asks.*

"Do you have any allergies to medicen? Cuz it looks like an allergic reaction to something."

*As Laura makes her way out of TJY Nate become conserned. Laura was in no shape to be driving and they dident need another person in the hospetal right now. Even is Nate just followed her to make sure she made it home ok, he would be happy. As he leaves the building Nate can see Laura try to start her car but nothing happens. Seeing her slam her fists into the dashbored and start to sob his heart acks. He dident want to invade her space but he couldent leave her there alone. Not at a time like this. Walking over to Laura's car Nate bends down and knocks on the window.*

"Would you like me to jump your car? Or I can drive you home real fast. No questions asked I promise."


Con knows that Jamie is still nervous, and approaches her side to run the back of his hand along her cheek. "I may have a life, but that includes you now, doesn't it?" He gives her a wink. "I'll be back in a bit."

Finally he makes his exit, heading out of the hospital without a whole lot he's willing to think about. He numbly goes through the motions of going home, automatically checking the house before entering, and keeping a wary eye out for anything strange.

It doesn't take him long to shower, change clothes and listen to his answering machine. He sees a couple days worth of mail on the table, but ignores it for now. It could wait.

Making it back to the hospital close to noon, he aims back for Jamie's room and knocks on the door before entering. "Hey...I'm ready whenever you are."

"Hey, Wyatt!" Reese stops his son as he sees him walk past Rick's lab.

Wyatt skids to a halt and turns around in surprise. Seeing Misty, he grins. "Well hey, Cousin!" He approaches, giving her a big hug. "Long time no see!"

Reese hates to break up the light reunion, but must. "Wyatt, sorry, but Rick is waiting to see Carson. Would you mind? I've got to get back to work." He gives Misty a grin. "I'll leave you in Rick's hands now. If you need anything, just give a holler."

Wyatt heaves a weary sigh and nods. "I'll be back." Heading back down the hall he goes for the holding cell.

In minutes, he's back. Carson trudges slowly in front of him, unsure what this day is going to hold. He's glad to be out of the room...but receiving the strange looks from other people makes him wonder if this was such a great idea.

Rick greets him coolly, though tries to remain professional, despite his personal feelings. "Carson. How's the arm?"

"Hurts like heck."

"Mm." Rick points to the table. "Come on, let's take a look at it."

Carson goes to sit on the table, pulling off his shirt, and wincing at the movement. Even though covered with the bandage, it's obviously swollen around the wound.

Rick turns his back to put away what he'd been working with. "Misty, would you take off that bandage and check that out? I got the bullet out yesterday, but I want to make sure there aren't any fragments in there."

Carson lifts an eyebrow at the new face in the office, but keeps his mouth shut.

Laura grits her teeth, trying not to allow any more tears to come. Nate was being so sweet. She could feel his eyes on her face though she dared not look back. She knew he was right...she needed to just give up all her worrying and forge ahead. It just seemed so hard right now.

As her walls of protection begin to buckle under the strain, she scoots her chair back from her desk and stands up, grabbing her purse. Unable to look Nate in the eye, she tries to throw him a smile before she breaks. Her voice is shaky, her eyes turning red. "I...I forgot some stuff at home...I need to go get it... thanks for...for talking." She quickly exits her cubicle, heading at a fast walk towards the door, not even acknowledging someone calling her name. She knows she probably shouldn't be driving, but she'd made up her mind anyway.

Once outside, she heads for her car and gets in, turning the key in the ignition. Nothing. She tries again, and the engine sputters for a moment, then dies.

It's the last straw.

Laura pounds her fist on the dashboard with frustration. "What else?!" she shouts. Finally the tears come forth all at once, a sob following them. She leans forward to rest her forehead on the steering wheel, her shoulders shaking as she cries. Her mascara starts to run down her cheeks, but she doesn't care. She just hurt and she didn't know why. Maybe it was just everything that was going wrong today. Maybe it was just feeling other people's pain around her. Maybe it was because she knew she couldn't run to her brother this time. Maybe there was no reason at all for these stupid tears. But they were there, and they just wouldn't stop.

Bad Day

*Jamie get a small look on her face by Con's confustion. He never wanted to see TJY again. For Con that was strange. TJY was his life, everything to him. Something was going on inside his head. Jamie couldent place her finger on it now, but maybe later she would see if she could find out what was going on. Giving a Con a reasuring smile she nods.*

"Oh ya I should be ok. If I need anything I have you cell. You dont need to spend all your time here Sweetheart. You have to have a life too."

*Jamie holds her smile though on the inside she was nervouse. She new everything was going to be ok. But her mind just wouldent agree.*

*As Nate watches Laura his heart acks. He was closes with Con than her, but still she was his friend and hated seeing her sad. She has such a pretty face anyone would agree that tears dident belong here. Slowly Nate places a hand on Laura's should still in his squating postion. Compashion in his eyes. *

"Hey, Its ok. We all have bad days and I know it seems like when it rains it pours. Trust me I have had my share of those days too, But Laura..."

*Nate takes his hand from Laura's shoulder and gently tucks the hair that feel infront of her face behind her ear so he could see her face better.*

"...your a strong person and your gonna be ok. You have to laugh right back in lifes face hold your head up and remember things will get better. And if you feel thats it really is just to much, turn your troubles over to God and he will care for you. It will be ok."

*Misty hold her smile to Rick and shakes his hand giving a friendly nod.*

"Its very nice to meet you. My Uncil told me alot about you and what goes on here at TJY. I am very excited about being able to walk here. I think this will be the best place to learn all i need to know. You guys see alot of differnt stuff that normal hospetils dont."

*Misty is silent for a while listoning to Reese and Rick talk. Taking in everything she hears and placing it in her memorie bank. Finally when there is a break in the talk Misty speaks up again.*

" Whatever you need me to do Rick just let me know. I am ready to jump in headfirst."


Con pays attention to Jamie as she talks, reminding himself that he needs to lest he miss something. He sighs a little and nods. "Yeah, I'll probably head into work sometime today, though I'd just as soon never see that place again." He bites his tongue, not quite having wanted to say that out loud, and quickly moves on. "I think you should rest instead of doing work, but if you want, I'll take you in. I should run home and shower...get some clean clothes on, then come back here." He cocks his head a little. "You be okay for a while?"

Reese chuckles and slings an arm around Misty's shoulder. "Alright, let's take you down to meet Rick."

He leads Misty down the main floor, pointing out several people to greet along the way before they turn down the hall of offices. A shorts ways down they come to Rick's lab and office.

Rick is standing at the counter examining some blood samples of Con and Jason's, still trying to find anything out about the strange poison that he can. Hearing someone enter, he turns, a smile forming. "Well, good morning."

"Misty, this is Rick, Rick, Misty," Reese informally introduces.

Rick steps forward to shake Misty's hand. "Pleasure. I've been looking forward to having a second set of hands around here. Things can stay pretty quiet sometimes, but when it rains it pours, and at the moment I'm backed up on research."

Thinking of their current case, Reese questions him. "Seen Carson this morning?"

"No." Rick shakes his head. "I was waiting for Wyatt or Nate to come in first in case there was any trouble."

Reese looks to Misty. "Carson's our resident p.o.w. I guess you could say. Got shot in the shoulder and we're keeping him here in our holding cell at the moment."

Laura lifts her head as she hears Nate fooling with the computer. Once it's fixed, she quirks a weary smile. "Thanks, Nate. Scott's been over here a million times lately - I think I must have some magnetic pull or something - anytime I touch it it breaks." She rolls her eyes and sighs.

Her eyes glance over the note on the wall and she remembers. "Oh, and thanks for the note. I think I'm gonna have to read it several times today if things keep going like they are."

As Nate suggests going out for lunch, Laura's eyebrow raises just slightly, though she suppresses any surprise, and looks at him with apology instead. "You know what, I've got a stack of paperwork to go through, Reese is riding my tail about the Hinley case from Boughton county, Jason's supposed to be meeting with me about this latest mess, sometime today I have to run to the store, I've got to get together with Con at some point, I have a zillion emails waiting for replies, and about ten different phone calls to field agents who need answers on their own cases..."

Laura's voice trails off as she realizes just how much is on her plate. The weight of recent events seems to be pressing down on her harder than ever, and she's struggling just to stand up under it. She didn't normally let her emotions get the best of her, but she can feel the tears building behind her eyes. So many people she loved had gotten hurt lately. Her mind takes her back to her conversation with Katie about the past, and she's flooded with memories again as concern for her brother persists. She just wanted to fix everything so it was all alright again. Her emotions had been brought to the surface while dealing with what Con had been going through, and now she felt completely out of control. She just felt so...emotional all of a sudden, which wasn't like her. She was known for her strength, and felt silly for not seeming to be able to pull out of this one. But with everything going wrong this morning, it just seemed to make it all the worse.

As her lower lip starts to quiver, she turns away from Nate to concentrate on a report at her desk and swallows hard, letting her damp hair fall around her face to hide the tear that finally escapes.

Jason finally makes it to TJY and heads directly to his office, wanting to get organized before he was bombarded with anything else. He'd probably wind up with Carson a bit later, but for now, he just needed to get focused.

Turning on his computer, he checks his email and simply scans until he reaches Wyatt's. His eyes widen. The law had him on a list of suspects for murder. He knew that most times, TJY did a good enough job of cleaning things up that no one was ever found, much less arrested, and never convicted. But...it didn't take away the concern.

Jason decides to inform only Reese. No one else need know. They had enough other things to worry about.

I got the short geans?

*Jamie smiles at Con. By the look on his face she can tell he probley dident hear her.*

"GoodMorning. It was peaceful after I woke up that once. I have a feeling I'll probley have many nights like that for alittle bit. But it will get better in time as my mind starts to mend itself I think."

*Jamie searchs Con's eyes. Something was differnt and going on inside his head though Jamie couldent see it. *

"Ya I will probley going to be going home around lunch time. So when ever you, or Laura, both of you or whatever have time to make is over its not a problem. I might stop by TJY and pick up some backed work. Are you heading into work today?"

*Siting down in one of the chairs Mistly smiles sweetly as her uncil goes over a bunch of information. *

"You could never bore me Uncil Reese, I've always like listing to you talk."

*Misty is amazed by all the information she takes in. She new TJY was something intense but she had no idea it was this large. Smiling again Misty stands coming up to about Reese's chin. She shakes her head and giggles.*

"I guess I got the short geans in the family huh? Ok..let head to the office I am rip roaring and ready to go."

*Nate can see the frustration in Laura's eyes as he pass by. Feeling her pain by her bad day he turns and enters the cubicle bendoing down in a squating position and start clicking buttons on her computer.*

"Well lets see what the problem is here."

*After a few more moment of clicking and fiddaling around Nate finally gets the computer up and running.*

"There ya go all fixed."

*Nate looks at Laura for a long moment a smile coming to his face.*

"So..now that thats fixed we need to fix you bad day. How about around lunch time we grab something to eat, and scream that stress away."

Rub off

Jason looks back over his shoulder as Katie talks to him, and flashes her a smile. "See you later." He slips from the room, heading outside and to TJY.

Con doesn't hear Jamie, but as he turns back around, he notices that she's awake. He forces a smile to his face, trying not to let his tiredness show. "Morning... how'd you sleep?" He rests his hands on his hips, needing to decide what on earth he's doing today. "I'm gonna call Laura in a while and see if she'll come on over to your place for a couple days, if that's still what you're wanting to do."

Reese grins at Misty. "Flying colors, huh? I wouldn't have expected anything else!" He gestures to a chair. "Well, have a seat and we'll talk work to get you started so I don't bore you with needless chatter."

He sinks back down into his chair and relates some information to Misty about TJY in general and what's been happening. "Rick should be in any time now if you want to go with me down to his office and he can take you from there."

Laura is startled by Nate's bumping into the cubical wall and she looks up in surprised amusement. "I'll give you fair warning, Nate, don't come near me unless you want my morning to rub off on you, and trust me, you wouldn't want..." Her voice trails off as she sees her computer crash. Moaning, she throws herself forward to her desk, her head falling onto her folded arms. "I should have just not come in at all this morning," she mumbles.

It Jumped out

*As Jason kiss Kaite softly and runs his hand through her hair she opens her eyes slowly with a smile on her face. Just as Jason is about to reach the door Katie calls to him.*

"Have a good day Jason and see you at lunch."

*Katie smiles as Jason leaves, she feels so warm and happy. Things were looking better every day.*

*Jamie slowly stirs as she streches alittle. Today she was able to go home. As much as she dident want to she was kind of happy. Looking over to Con Jamie smiles.*

"Morning Sweety"

*As Misty Hugs her Uncil back her smile widens and her nervisness is gone.*

"Uncil Reese, Its been to long. I had a great trip. Its so warm here. I love it. I've been doing really good. Passed all my school class with flying colors and I am excited about stating my internship. Its good to be home."

*Misty lets go of Reese holding her smile. It had been almost 3 years since the last time she saw him. He still looked the same though. It really was good to be home.*

*Nate makes his way across the floor, accidently bumping into Laura cubicle.*

"Oh wow Miss, I am so sorry. I dident see your desk there. It jumped out and tryed to attack me."

*Giving a grin and a laugh Nate starts to walk away.*

"Morning Laura."