
Keep talking

*As Kyle looks into Misty's eyes she cant help but search back. How she was feeling, she wasent to sure. The kiss felt good, and it felt like it ment more to her, but was it really? Or was it just fun to Kyle?

Searching his eyes more Misty can see the look, the look that said behind those eyes there was more, but it wasent going to be set free.

Misty's own feeling bubbled inside of her. Kyle, the last person she exspected, what turn out as a fun time to distract her mind had to her turned into something more. It was unexspected, but it was nice. Misty really enjoyed how Kyle made her feel, and she liked that maybe there would be more attached to it. Just something about him, had broken down those walls and let someone in again.

As Kyle pulls her next to him Misty lays a hand on his chest and her head aganst his shoulder. Her eyes searching behond the water, watching the birds fly and taking in the sounds around her silence being her best friend for a moment.

As the moments pass Misty finally lets out a content sigh and smiles the words coming from her lips soft.*

"This place, you, are amazing Kyle. Unexspectingly you came in as a friend and you made my heart sore in such a short time. You've opened my eyes, whiped away my pain."

*Misty is quiet for a moment, leting her thoughs collect as her words shake a little. She's never exspessed her feels this in depth before. Not even with Carson, it was always hi, kiss snuggle, bye. Having to voice how she felt was differnt, but she dident mind. Only hoping she was using he right words, and it was coming across ok.*

"...You've showed me something differnt Kyle, you have helped open my eyes to a feeling that was differnt from any other, and I like the feeling. I like it alot."

*Misty is silent again and she smiles and looks up at Kyle. Leaning over Misty leans up and plants a small kiss on Kyle's lips before withdrawing once again and leaning her head again on Kyle's shoulder.*

"I respect you alot Kyle, the way your free, how you still know how to have fun yet be grown up at the same time. You're an amazing person Kyle Mitts, and I am happy to have spent this time with you."

*As Misty's mouth moves she almost feels like she has not controll over what she is saying. Never had she exspressed herself like this to anyone, let alone have someone who sat long enough to listen without rolling there eyes.*

"I've come to learn I like you alot Kyle. More than I had intended myself after being hurt. But it happend, and I cant help how I feel. But that being said I dont know how you feel. And if you dont feel the same as I do please dont feel bad about it. Just tell me up front, and that will be ok. Than I will hold these presuse memories close to my heart like the shell you gave me.

But if you do feel the same, dont hide. Like the shell life if delacit, and its to short to hide behind our fears."


There are moments in life that impact us with such a delicate force that we wish it never to end. And though it does end, for time is in control, the moment is burned into our minds and hearts to not only be remembered, but cherished forever. Sometimes these moments are but of enjoyment and bliss...other times they are accompanied with realizations that are so strong we fear the very thought of it.

Kyle's fingers gently cradle the back of Misty's head, his other hand remaining locked with hers, the softness of her touch a contrast to his rough palm. Absorbed in the moment, he can sense Misty's willingness let it last. The passion of his kiss increases, proving what was in his heart the only way he knew how, as the exchange deepens. The only witnesses were the sky and the water below, sparkling in the sun...

Drawing away feels like letting go of a precious gift, and Kyle rests his forehead on Misty's once again, this time his eyes open to search her own. He knew he enjoyed this experience, and could tell that she did too. But what did it mean? What would happen now?

Getting this close to her had been unintentional. His gut reaction is to pull away and apologize. But his arms don't want to cooperate as he remains with her. He looks into those eyes...searching...seeking for the answers to his questions. He had stepped over a line he had drawn himself a long time ago, and now on the other side, he had no idea what to do. This wasn't supposed to happen this way...this relationship wasn't supposed to evolve like this... But it had...and once tasted, he didn't want to let it go.

So much confusion lies behind his eyes as he finally sits up straighter, moving his hand to tuck Misty's hair behind her ear. But he allows a quirky smile to mask it, a new twinkle coming to his gaze. One who knew Kyle would recognize the silly remark that was dying to come out, but this time he couldn't. All he could do was grin, while deep down, he only hoped that this had not been a mistake.

Letting out a contented sigh, Kyle eventually sits back against the adjoining rock, pulling Misty next to him, his arm around her shoulders as they sit in perfect view of the lake. He didn't know what she was thinking...what she was feeling...but though he could not speak, he knew she would when she wanted to.

Dani's shoulders drop as she reads her email. She'd heard from Angelica a while back, giving her at least a start in the right direction to find Carson. Since then she'd had a little more luck in tracing him, finding out bits and pieces. But now...now she had the whole story in front of her.

She'd been able to find Mike Reese's contact information through TJY and had inquired about what had happened with Carson, explaining who she was and why she was asking. His response informed her of how Carson had not gone to jail, though had lost his job over the illegal fighting. After that, he had job hopped, though had resided at the same apartment.

That part hurt the most, knowing that Dani had sent letters to the right address, and had heard nothing. Apparently Carson had gone through several jobs, finally landing at a little restaurant. Reese had explained that he wasn't a hundred percent sure about what had happened after that, but from what he had heard through his son, Carson had cheated on Misty, broken up with her, moved in with someone else and had gotten involved in some kind of gambling. The very latest Reese had heard though, was that something had gone sour, Carson left that group of people, lost his place to live, and just a couple days ago had totaled his car in an accident. Though fine, apparently he was finding a place to stay at the restaurant where he worked.

Dani leans back in her couch, closing her laptop. Carson was alive...though maybe not well by the sounds of things, he sounded perfectly capable of contacting her. Why had he not?

A tear rolls down the side of her face. Her reunion with her brother had been a shock, but had been so good...she had missed him so very much. And he had promised her that he would be in touch from then on. He'd promised to contact her. She'd seen sincerity in his eyes and had truly believed that he really would be in contact with her. But he hadn't...and all she could think now, was that his emotions had been less than genuine. Perhaps his story had been true, but maybe his hugs and reassurance hadn't really been from his heart...maybe it had just been more of a job to him.

Savering the moment

*As Misty feels Kyle's lips brush aganst her own her heart gives a jump sending a new sensation through her. Her mind races on more than one thing, the feels she felt were differnt but good.

As Kyle leans his head agast her own Misty leans in a bit as well, a smile on her lips, and leting out a content sigh. Her one hand still interlocked with his while her other was no around him and resting on his back.

Feeling Kyle's lips finding her again Misty's eyes close as she takes in the sweetness and gives back the passion she felt. How happy she was to be able to shair this moment with Kyle, how honored she was that he would shair this with her, and that she was able to give back. The softness of the kiss was differnt but it made it that much more enjoyable for Misty. Differnt was good, and savering the moment was even better.

Letting the sounds from the lake, and the nature around them wash over her Misty lets the exstain continue not ready to break it just yet. When life had seemed to be lost, the unexspected had come helping set her heart free from the pain that held it down. Kyle Mitts was a blessing, and Misty was thankful.*


Feeling Misty this close is different… but Kyle wouldn’t dream of pushing her away. His heart races, raising the speed of his pulse. The surroundings were forgotten. He knew he had permission…

Closing the gap between them, Kyle tilts his head, his eyes closing as his lips brush against Misty’s. The sensation that had filled him the other night was back, but this time there was no night to hide it.

Leaning his forehead against hers, his hand still brushes her cheek softly, and he hesitates for a moment before caution is once again forgotten. His lips meet hers again, this time to stay, his hand moving from her face to the back of her head. His fingers tighten a little around her hand as his heart is revealed through the kiss he offers with a passion he’s so expertly hidden from others.

The exchange was slow and sweet, every moment savored as a gift life had given.


*As the silence continues around Misty and Kyle, she cant help but be a little thankful for it. So many times words have gotten in the way, so many times the wrong thing has been said at the wrong moment. But not now, the silence rained and it was welcomed. The soft sound of the water crashing on the rocks below, the call of the birds, and even the sound of a boat blowing its whistle in the distince was nice to hear.

Misty's eyes stay locked with Kyle's as his hand reaches up to her face. The soft gentilness, the warmth is offered, it felt good. Misty can feel herself leaning her head into his hand as if giving her silent ok.

Closing her eyes Misty can feel herself being draw into Kyle, moving closer and closer to him. Was this crazy, Misty wasn't sure, but she certinly new she dident hate it.

Opening her eyes once again she is inches from Kyle's face. Being close enough to feel his breath on her face she just looks into his eyes. Searching, not knowing if Kyle wanted this, if he would willing take another kiss Misty dident want to cross the line. So inches away Misty just searchs his eyes, looking for the answer to her question.*


As Misty’s hand reaches his again, Kyle feels a tingle run up his arm. A strange sort of fear wants him to pull his hand away…wants him to retreat. But stronger is his desire to let his fingers intertwine with hers, the gentleness of her grasp something he’s never felt before

Finally raising his gaze again, he’s met with those same deep eyes that like to penetrate his own. Her words make him swallow hard, and he can feel a little bit of heat rising to his cheeks.

As the seconds tick by and Kyle keeps his sight on Misty, a million and one thoughts race through his mind…half of which are things he could say to her. But he can’t. For once, he must remain silent. But as he experiences this silence, it’s not to be feared, but rather embraced. It’s a serene silence, caressed by the sounds around them. Instead of words, their eyes talked, dancing together to a song new to both of their ears. A song new to both of their hearts.

Slowly pulling himself up to sit and lean back against another rock, Kyle’s one hand remains in Misty’s. He quietly searches her face for several moments, unsure of so many things, yet sure of the same amount.

Before he stops himself, his other hand has reached up to the side of Misty’s face, softly cradling her as his thumb runs along her cheek, mapping out the gentle curves. His eyes don’t move.

A new look

*Misty feels the shell in her hand as Kyle's wraps her fingers around it. It was hers to keep, Kyle was giving her something very special. Something she would treasure.

As Kyle's hand runs along Misty's fingers she looks down at it for a moment. Watching his soft touch, it was differnt from what she was use to, but in it there was something she life. Something that felt good and made her feel something differnt than ever before. This person sitting next to her she had become close to and liked spending time with had happend so fast yet it seemed, all played carfuly.

As Kyle quickly moves his hand away Misty looks away herself and down at the shell once again. Infinite in mystery was the beauty of this gift , and so was life, if no chanse was ever taken than how would there be so many wonderful things in the word.

Misty looks out to the water and whispers, but loud enough she can be hurd.*

“In the tomorrow without promises, I swear I’ll definitely return to the place where you’re standing
. Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul, and so we take flight and live for the day."

*Looking up Misty closes her eyes for a moment taking in the smells and the sounds as she trys to clam her racing heart. Than closed her hand lightly around the shell she gently slips it into her pocket where she knows it will be safe. Than reaching out Misty takes Kyle's hand and interlocks her fingers with his. Looking up into his eyes, Misty's hold her own look. Maybe it was a little bit of fear of being rejected, or maybe it was fear of being accepted for the wrong reason but that looks was over weaghed by the look that was like non other. Whispering Misty keeps her eyes on Kyle as her heart races, and her hands only shake a little.*

"It's ok Kyle. I don't mind."


Kyle can’t help his smile at Misty’s reaction to his box of treasures. There was a long story behind this collection, but it was too detailed to try and communicate it all now.

As she takes the shell, he beams even more, watching her reactions…seeing her smile as the breeze played gently with her hair. He nods…yes, he’d found it here.

But when she hands back the shell, he slowly shakes his head. Still propped on one elbow, he takes his hand and he puts it on hers, curling her fingers back over the shell. It was hers to keep.

Catching her eyes, he just lets his own lock with hers. His gentle smile remains. The sunshine felt warm, overtaking any chilliness the breeze brought on, and its light caressed Misty’s face, outlining every curve.

Kyle swallows hard, realizing his hand is still around hers on the shell, but he doesn’t want to let go. Slowly, he lets his thumb move along her hand, feeling the softness of her skin.

But then he stops, checking himself. Several thoughts sink into his mind as unwanted distractions, but worthy ones. His gaze quietly drops, the motion of his hand ceasing as it slowly slips from hers again.