

Scott flinches a little as Katie touches him, but knowing it was just her, he tries not to react. It was just so hard. Color comes to his face, proving that mixed with the fear was embarrassment for his display.

"Not ready, huh?" he mumbles. "Won't let me go alone? Does a lot for the ego, doesn't it."

Jason sets his hands on his hips, letting out a quiet sigh.

All we're doing is making him feel worse. I wish he could just be stronger right about now, at least until we could get through this bad spell. Maybe he needs a different reason to stay.

Ambling over to his friend, Jason squats down in front of him. "Scott, I haven't a doubt in my mind that if you really wanted to go home, that you could do it. It's not like you don't know the way. But you gotta listen to us. Rick aside, you being ready or not aside... If you're not in that infirmary tomorrow..."

Scott looks up quickly, hearing the implication in Jason's voice. "I don't work here anymore, do I?"

"I wouldn't say that," Jason counters evenly. "But at this stage of the game, we need you to stick around here. Otherwise, our efforts are for naught. The longer you stay, the better, because as long as we got Rick's medical advice to back it up, no one can force you out."

Scott drops his gaze. He felt unwanted anyway, just knowing that someone didn't want him here... most likely it was just Austin, by the way everyone else acted. But if Jason and Katie were working on something, and they wanted him to stay... then maybe he should do it for them.

"Alright." Scott shrugs lamely. "Doesn't look like I've got much of a choice."

"You do," Jason corrects. "But I know you want justice as much as we do, and if that's true, then we have to win this battle one way or another. Unfortunately, you're stuck in the middle. But I know you can handle it."

I hope he can... oh, do I hope he can.

Scott is silent for a moment, then finally picks himself up off the floor, refusing help. "Fine..." He scuffs his feet on the floor on his way back to the infirmary. "...But I'm going home... soon.... I'm going home."

Watching Scott go, Jason stands up, giving Katie a hand too.

Well... we won that battle. It was close though. I bet he feels like a trapped animal, and I know he's embarrassed that he can't function, even though he isn't even thinking straight. I just... I feel so bad.

He sighs. "Let's get looking for the cameras."


*Watching Scott Katie's heart goes out to him she new he wanted to go home and he hated being here. She couldnt blame him eather being put in one place for two long always made her antsy.

He can't leave he's not ready...we can't let him go but we can't force him to stay eather.

Leting out a heavy sigh Katie takes a few steps forward.*

"Scott, please stay here with us? We were looking forward to seeing you, and right now its best you stay here so Rick and Misty can keep an eye on you. I am sure tomarrow he will let you go home."

*Katie moves to the side as Scott gets up and heads to the door. She had to think of something they couldnt let Scott leave.

As Jason trys to stop Scott Katie watches only to have her own eyes widen just a little bit. Scott's reaction only proved he was not ready to go. Reaching down and giving Domino a small pat on the head to reasure her everything was ok Katie goes over to Scott.

I know we want to look at those camras but we have to take care of Scott first and make sure he is going to be ok before anything alse.

Bending down next to Scott Katie reachs he hand out and gently lays it on his arm.*

"Scotty, I know you want to go home so bad. But there is good reason Rick is having you stay. We can't stop you from leaving but I am begging you as your friend please don't go yet. Your not ready and in the long run this wont help you at all."

*Removing her hand Katie lets out a sigh her eyes showing sadness, and sorrow for her friend. She hurt for him.*

"I can't make you stay Scott but if you go we plan on following you because your not going alone."

What do we do?

Jason grins and slings his arm around Katie as they walk into TJY. “Yeah, I haven’t quite figured out yet how I can miss you.”

Getting inside, Jason stays on high alert for anyone else in the building. He knew Ty and Hal were probably around, and while cleaning, could pop up out of nowhere, or overhear conversations not meant for other ears.

Arriving at the infirmary, Jason sticks close to Katie, knowing that she had more of a plan in mind than he did. At this point, any plan of his own would involve knocking Austin’s block off, and since that wasn’t a smart option, he chose to simply follow Katie’s lead.

Entering, Jason sees Scott appearing to leave as well, and his own questions surface.

Scott’s head jerks up at the arrival of others, and for just a moment, a look of guilt crosses his face, then disperses. Looking at Jason, then back to Katie, he hesitates. “I… no, I’m not hungry,” he mumbles, then leans down to slip his shoes on and tries to tie them, though his fingers don’t want to work right.

Domino bounds off the bed at seeing Katie, running over to her and sliding on the tiles. Jumping up on Katie’s leg, she wiggles all over, thrilled to see her friend.

Jason quirks an eyebrow, noting that Scott hadn’t answered Katie’s last question.

Is it just me, or is something a little off here?

“Got a date?” he teases lightly.

Scott fumbles to finish tying his shoes, then sits up. His gaze is dim, his slouched shoulders proving that he found no humor in the joke. “I’m going home.”

Jason’s eyes widen. “Home? Rick released you?”

“Not really… but… I want to go anyway.”

Jason takes a step forward.

He’s in no shape to go home yet. What is he thinking?

“Well we’re going to be around here for a little while, Scott… how about you at least stick around with us?”

Scott shakes his head and pulls on his hoodie. “I just want to go home.”

“But Scott…. Listen… Rick didn’t release you for good reasons. If you’re not comfortable here alone, then one of us can stay with you, alright? But there’s no point in you walking home. Besides, it’s getting dark and it’s cold.”

Scott stands, looking up at Jason. “I spent two months in a dark, cold cell,” he replies weakly. “I think I can handle a walk in the weather.” He starts forward, trudging out of the infirmary.

Domino gives a little whine and looks to Katie, then to her master, trying to figure out what she was supposed to do. Finally she drops back on all fours and trots after her master.

Jason looks to Katie quickly.

We can’t let him leave… not like this. I don’t care how much he wants to go home, we can’t let him. The Agency could be looking for him, not to mention his own mental state.

“Scott… hold up.” Jason follows him into the hall. “Just hang on a second.” He reaches out, taking Scott’s arm.

Scott wasn’t paying attention enough to realize Jason was that close, and as the fingers wrap around his arm, an instant panic shoots through his veins.

Whipping around, he yanks his arm from Jason’s grasp, tripping, and stumbling back into the wall. His foot catches Domino, and she lets out a yelp, not understanding why she’d just been kicked, and she goes scampering back to Katie.

“Whoa, whoa, it’s ok,” Jason tries to assure. He holds up his hands. “It’s just me.”

Fear courses through Scott’s eye as he shakes. He felt scared. He felt stupid. He just wanted to get out of here where he didn’t have to keep being scared of things. He just wanted to be left alone so he wouldn’t have to be on edge.

He fights the dreaded tears that wanted to come. “Just leave me alone,” he begs. “I can’t… I just…” Not even able to make any sense of his own jumbled thoughts, he slides to the hallway floor.

Sorrow hits Jason’s heart. Something had to be done. But what?

What do we do, Katie? Stay here? Let him go? Go with him? We gotta find the evidence you want before anybody else shows up, but we can’t just leave Scott like this.


*Watching Jim for a moment Wendy turns her gaze to the driveway once more hoping to hear the sound of Clint's bike. Letting out a sigh Wendy turns closing the door behind her. Just a little while longer thats all. She just wanted to wait a little longer. Going back to the bed she sits down and pulls her feet up resting her head on Clint's pillow the smell from his hair still longering on it brings a tear to her eye.*

"God, I know what we did was wrong, and I know there is no going back but please let things work out. Everything is in your hands and you know what is right and good. Please keep Clint safe as well where ever he is."

*Stairing into the dark Wendy finally closes her eyes. The stress of the day wearing on her and the emotions taking there toll till finally she is asleep.*

* It's madness thats what it is...

Continuing to let her own thought spin Katie also listens to Jason. Some the emotions he felt, Katie had felt too. She new they where there thought she hadnt know how deep they really ran. Trying to controll her own emotions to not cause anymore stress to him. She new he needed to vent, and let his emotions and feeling out.

I guess this whole thing made me kind of stop and wonder if it had been anyone alse other than Scott would he have bothered to come and look for us? And if he did what made us so differnt?

Sitting up from the bed Katie stands and takes a step forward kicking something with her foot. Looking down she see Domino's bone laying on the floor and a suddin wave of sadness comes over her. She missed having the little dog around but was happy she was reunighted with her master. Maybe Katie would have to get a pet of her own. Katie can't help but giggle as she feels Jason's emotions with Trooper. Rubbing her own knee from the wave of pain that went through it. The big dog might be a good guard dog but once you gained his loylty he was a teddy bear.

He just want's to play you know and speeking of which you better get something to eat or I am gonna kick your butt...*

~*~A few hours later~*~

*As Katie see Jason come into view a smile spreads across her face. She always loved seeing him no matter what kind of mood she was in. He could always put that smile on her face and she loved it.

Parking Katie gets out and joins Jason wrapping her arms around him for a hug.*

"You know I can talk to you whenever I want to and I always feel you but I still miss you when your not around. Its funny how that works."

*Giving him a soft smile Katie wraps her fingers around Jason and heads inside. Making there way across the floor it felt strange to Katie to be there but not working it even made her a little upset though trying not to let it show.

Before we take a look at those camras I'd like to check on Scott and make sure he is doing ok.

Heading for the infermary Katie gives a soft knock on the door and than opens it. Seeing Scott awake at first makes her happy. Seeing him sit up was even better. Giving a smile Katie lets go of Jason's hand and enters the room more.*

"Hey there Scotty. J and I thought we would stop by and keep you company for a little bit. Are you hungry or an...."

*Katie's words trail off as she notices Scott's socks were on and shoes close by. A wave of consern rolls over her as she glances to Jason for a moment.*

"Hey...it looks like your getting around pretty good now with you socks on. Where were you heading to?"