
Now what

*Katie gives her head alittle shake.*

"Nope, I dont think you should."

*As Domino jumps in Katie's lap she cant help but giggle peting the small dogs head.*

"I'm happy your happy to Domino. I would hate for you to not approve."

*Katie stands setting Domino back on the ground. Looking to Scott she is still beaming.She still cant contain her excitment. She was so happy.*

"So we have the rest of the day off. Now what do you wanna go do?"


Scott chuckles, and doesn’t care a bit about their public display of affection.

Reese’s eyebrows shoot up before a smile makes it’s way to his face. “Well, congratulations!” He steps forward to shake Scott’s hand, and give Katie’s cheek a fatherly tweak. “Seeing the position you’re in, I take it you said yes.”

For just a moment, Reese is taken back to a time years before as he stared into the deepest eyes he’d ever seen. He’d shook in his boots asking for her hand in marriage, but when she’d said yes, he’d felt as though he could fly.

He looks back to Scott. “I also take it that this means you’re sticking around.”

“Well…” Scott gives Katie a squeeze. “I don’t think I better leave, do you?”

Reese grins. “I have to admit, I’m glad of your choice. I got to thinking…there’s that office down the hall there, that we’ve been using as storage for years now and…it’s got great possibilities for a head tech guy’s office…” He lets his phrase fade away, letting the implication hang in the air. “As far as I’m concerned, you two have the day off.” He waves them away as he leaves the cubicle, getting back to his business-like stance. “But I expect you in tomorrow!”

Scott can’t help but give Katie another kiss, Never had he felt so happy.

A sharp bark comes from down on the floor where Domino is wiggling all over, her ears laid back as she begs for attention. Before Scott can object, she takes a flying leap into Katie’s lap so she’s snuggled right with them, licking Katie’s hand.

Scott laughs. “Well…I guess she approves.” Pausing a moment, he looks back at Katie. “I, um…had a little money saved up for this trip, but seeing as though I’m not going…” He glances down and picks up Katie’s left hand. “I think I have a pretty good idea what it’s going towards now.”


*Katie smiles back at Katie and lets out her own joyous laughter.*

"That's ok Scotty, all I want is you. I don't need anything else. I work too so I can help with whatever. All I can give you is me, and that's all I want from you. You've already made me so happy. What more could I ask for."

*Katie hugs Scott again so tight. This was one of the happyest days of her life. Hearing Reese voice Katie turns around but still sits on Scott's lap her eyes beaming the biggest smile ever on her face.*

"He decided to take a deture to ask the woman of his dreams to marry him."

*Katie giggles as she turns back to Scott and rubs her noise against his and giggles kissing again.*

All I have

At Katie’s words of acceptance, Scott’s smile spreads across his face. It takes him a moment to let it register before he grabs her in a tight hug again. Standing up, he spins her around, his laughter making others’ heads turn.

Setting Katie back down, he takes her face in her hands and kisses her again, drawing back, his eyes sparkling. “I don’t have an awful lot to give,” he apologizes quietly. He quirks a grin. “Especially now that I left that job in Arizona.”

Searching her eyes, he continues. “But I’ll give you all I have.”

"Scott?!" Reese skids to a stop in front of Katie's cubicle. "What on earth are you doing here? Shouldn't you be halfway to Arizona by now?"

Scott can't help it that he's beaming, and he shifts to the side to put his arm around Katie. He starts to answer him, but then stops, looking at Katie, not knowing if she wanted this to be public yet or not.


*Katie leans her head on Scott's her heart racing. Katie coulden't imagen who she would rather be with than Scott. He made her happy, he made her laugh, he's always been there for her.

Scott next to words take Katie by saprise. She wasent exspecting them. Her breath felt like it was stuck in her throt and for a moment she does stop breaking. Quivering she lets her breath out again, she feels like her whole body was shaking. Marry Scott, was she....was she ready for the. Just the sound of that word scaired her. She dident know why but it did.

Looking deep into Scott's eyes Katie searches, searches for the motive behind his words and all she can find is what she needs thats Scott's love did in face run that deep. That Katie had found the one single person that would go to the moon and back for her. A slight smile forms on her lips as her voice takes a tone never hurd before one that words could not even descrips. It was soft, full of love and full of life, it was a voice that was set aside for this moment, and this moment only.*

"Yes, I will."


Carson gives Misty a squeeze, proud of her that though scared, she’d be returning with him. “Thanks, Misty.”

Finally letting her go, he turns to Lockheart. “We’d better get back as soon as possible. I don’t want Nate getting in too much trouble before we get back, and…better to face the music and get it over with rather than dreading it for several days. But…we’ll definitely stay to eat lunch so we don’t die of starvation on the way back.”

Dani stands to the side for a moment, her own mind reeling. “Can I go back with you?”

Carson turns and thinks, then shakes his head. “I don’t want you involved unless absolutely necessary. If you’re there, that will just give someone a foothold to hound on you. The quieter this thing is, the better.”

“But what if I don’t care?” Dani’s voice raises slightly. “You can’t just walk back and let them take you in like that…I can’t let them do that!”

“I don’t want you in the thick of it,” Carson emphasizes.

Tears well up in Dani’s eyes. She never considered herself an emotional person…a sad movie might move her to cry, but otherwise, she was usually very strong. But these last couple days had taken her on such a rollercoaster ride, that now the tears seemed to come too freely. “I don’t want to lose you again.”

Carson gives a little sigh and moves to her, resting his hands on her shoulders. “You won’t, alright? Now that I know where you are, I promise we’ll be in touch.”

“But…please let me come?”

“Dani…I want you to stay here.”

His sternness drives her to look down and swallow hard. She moves away a couple steps, sinking into a kitchen chair where lunch was being prepared.

Carson’s heart feel like it’s being stretched too far, but he doesn’t back down. Instead, he moves to sit as well, having Misty sit beside him.

Lunch is fairly quiet. Talk is kept relatively light, despite the circumstances, and before anyone wants it, it’s time to go.

Standing at the door, Carson gives his sister a big hug, even though it’s not returned with quiet as much enthusiasm as before. Backing off, he promises he’ll see her again soon, then nods to Lockheart. “Okay…take us to Misty’s car… we’ll get back in the middle of the night, but I have a feeling Reese and Brown will be awake.”

Scott lets himself fall into Katie’s embrace and kiss, feeling as though nothing else in the world mattered at all. He holds her close to him, loving the way she felt, the way she smelled, the way she held him. He loved her…and never wanted to leave.

Just letting the moment last, Scott doesn’t care when someone walks by and sees them, or when Domino begs for his attention too by pawing at his leg.

Finally though, he draws away just a little to look into those eyes again…oh, those eyes that sent shivers up and down his spine. His hand combs her hair, loving the softness. His fingers slide down the side of her face, his touch light and gentle.

Scott leans in just a little to rest his forehead against hers, his heart starting to race. He hated words…words messed so many things up. But sometimes they must be spoken. And in this moment…this moment that wasn’t how he had imagined, but so much more in so many different ways…he needed to know.

“Katie…” His voice whispers, his eyes locked with hers. “Marry me?”

Near to you..

*Misty just sits and listens it was hard to believe what she was hearing. Nate was just going to let them go and even cover for them. She new Nate was a good guy, and loyal but this, this even blew her mind.*

"He...just is not going to turn us in like that?"

*Misty just stands at the counter for a long second her mind races. They could start over, they could live life like they were meant to. A clean slate in someplace new, but no matter where they would run the past would be there sooner or later to catch up top them.

As Carson's arms wrap around Misty she leans into them her own arm wrapping around him. As she hears his words she understands what he was saying. Carson was ready to stop running, her was ready to look his past and his mistake in the face, and Misty new she would be right there with him. Pulling away alittle but her arms still wrapped around Carson she looks up at him and gives a small smile.*

"I understand. I'm going back with you. I almost lost you once, I don't want that to happen again. I'm going back with you, we'll face this together."

*Misty continues to keep her arms around Carson though she cant help but shake just alittle. Not much scaired her but going back to TJY, Her Uncle, and Sheriff Brown scaired her. What would happen to them now. What was to be there punishment?*

*Lockheart just watches for a moment and than a smile spreads across her face.*

"Well if you want to hang around for a day or two to spend time with your sister your more than welcome to. If not I can take you back to Misty's car tonight. Its up to you guys. I have no problem eather way."

He and I had something beautiful
But so dysfunctional, it couldn't last
I loved him so but I let him go
'Cause I knew he'd never love me back

*As Katie looks back into Scott's eyes she cant help the smile on her face. She was so happy to see him that words itself couldent describe how she felt. Anything she could possable manage to say just dident seem like enough.*

You and I have something different
And I'm enjoying it cautiously
I'm battle scarred, I am working oh so hard
To get back to who I used to be

*Kaite's eyes beamed so bight with love and joy she could only hope Scott could see though them what she was feeling. Searching his own eyes Katie can see the love, the comfort, the passion and she new no matter what everything would be ok.*

He's disappearing
Fading suddelly
I'm so close to being yours
Won't you stay with me

*Scott had given up so much, so much for her. She had never seen that kind of love before. The lover for Scott she felt ran deeper than anything she had felt before. She just hadent noticed it till now. Katie could only thank God that he gave her another chanse to show it. Katie new when she was with Jason he cared about her, but something about Scott was so much differnt and though she though her heart would never heal it had. She had learned how to love and feel again by someone she had no doubt that did truly love her and would do anything for her.*

Near to you, I am healing
But it's taking so long
'Cause though he's gone
And you are wonderful
It's hard to move on
Yet, I'm better near to you.

*Katie smile breaks into an even bigger smile as she leans down to Scott again still straddling him in the chair. Her voice low and full of the love she felt.*

"And never has Alice been happyer to see the white rabbit..."

I only know that I am
Better where you are
I only know that I am
Better where you are
I only know that I belong
Where you are

"I love you so very much Hottie Scotty!!!"

*Kait's leans her face close to Scott's again her lips meeting his again as they enjoy the sweetness of Scott's kiss. The passion breaking forth once again as Katis hand goes to Scott's face and than the back of his face. Her other arm around him embracing him, drawing them close together. The moment lingers Katie dosen't want it to break. Not yet.*

Never has a white rabbit...

Carson frowns in confusion as he see Nate drive down the street. “What is he…” Before he can finish his statement, his phone rings.

Bewildered, Carson answers it, just to receive Nate’s voice. He opens his mouth, trying to respond, but too late, Nate has hung up.

Carson just stares at his phone. He blinks and tries to respond to Misty, but at first, he can’t even decide what to say. “I…that was…Nate?” He swallows hard and flips his phone shut. “He just…he…” Carson looks down the road one more time, the confused look remaining on his face. “He let us go.”

Finally having enough sense to step inside the apartment, he stares at Misty, then Dani, then back to Misty.

Dani’s eyes widen. “You mean…just like that?”

“Yeah.” Carson can’t help a short laugh. “He just…let us go.”

“Well what…what does that mean?”

Carson shakes his head. “I don’t know.” He looks to Lockheart for a moment, then to Misty. There was an instant of excitement there…of hope. They really could go away. They really could get out of here and head somewhere else…start over. They had a good enough head start, and both knew what they were doing well enough that it could be easy.
But as the seconds tick by, slowly, slowly…Carson closes his eyes, then shakes his head. “If I ever need a good mate, I know where to find one. I think Nate just showed me what friendship is all about.”

Letting out a long sigh, Carson moves to a chair and sits down, resting his elbows on his knees to bury his face in his hands. He thinks for a long while, just trying to sort everything out.

Dani tries to help Lockheart get lunch, despite her puzzlement. Was this true? Nate had truly let them go? Would they? And where did she fit into all of this?

Finally Carson looks up again and stands, going to Misty and wrapping her in his arms. “For the first time in my life,” he whispers. “I can’t run. I’m sorry…but I have to go back.”

Katie’s excitement to see him brings a surge of happiness into Scott’s heart. He catches her as she jumps into his arms, and holds her close, not letting her go.

Before he can answer her, he’s enveloped in her kiss, returning it with as much passion. Never had he felt so good.

Letting the kiss linger, he turns around and backs up slowly, easing down in Katie’s chair, and letting her sit straddling his lap. His hands move up her arms to the sides of her face, caressing her as the moment lasts.

Finally, gently, he pulls away, able to see Katie’s eyes. The smile on his face widens and he reaches to wipe away her tears. “I realized that me leaving was risking us…maybe it would have worked…but there was a chance that it wouldn’t and…my career isn't worth that risk. You're more important than a job.”

He pauses just looking into her eyes, seeing their shine. “Besides, what's a dream when reality is so much better?” Scott shrugs as if it’s that simple. “So I turned around.” He brushes aside a lock of hair from her face, his voice lowering to a whisper. “And never has a white rabbit run so fast.”

Take care of..

*Nate walks up to Lockhearts door with Misty and Carson but keeps his distince behind him. As Lockheart appears Nate gives a nod and a hello to her and than to Dani.

As he watch Carson and Dani, Nate cant help but see a younger verson of himself and his sister. The time he almost thought he lost her. It had been the worst feeling in the word and Nate would never wish on anyone.

Nate turns and makes his way back to the car. Continuing to saprise himself with his actions.*

*Lockheart gives a small smile as she watches Nate. Than looking back at the other three she gestures inside.*

"You guys better come inside and get something to eat. Its going to be a long drive back to Misty's car. Because it looks like you escort just let with out you. Don't worry Her car is still there it hasen't been taken yet Nate made sure of it."

*Lockheart points down the driveway where Nate is pulling out and driving away.*

*Misty follows Lockhearts finger and watches Nate drive off. Turning back to Carson more questions on her face.*

"Whats he doing? Carson?"

*Lockheart turns to go back inside.*

"It looks to me like he is driving back to Nevada.*

*As Nate drives down the road his heart thumps inside his chest. What was he doing? Was he crazy. Pulling out his cell phone he dials Carson's number waiting till he hurd his voice.*

"If you come back to Nevada it should be on you own free will. As far as I am conserned you did some stuff wrong, but you did what you had to do to save someones life and than today I witnissed you spairing anothers. Take Misty, your sister and yourself and get out of town, or get out of the country. Start over new somewhere all three of you deserve it. As for Reese, I'll tell him you story but after that everything is fuzzy. I'm not sure what happend. So if you guys end up leaving good luck and I am sure we will be in touch. If you end up coming back to Nevada I'll see you soon and I will testafi on behalf of you guys if I have to. It was a pleaser knowing and working with you Carson. Take care of Misty and your sister for me."

*Before anything more can be said Nate hangs up the phone and lets out a sigh continuing his route back home.*

*Misty looks at Carson as he can hear someone talking in the phone. Once the conversation is done her looks worringly at Carson steping into Lockhearts apartment.*

"Who was that? Whats going on?"

*Lockheart turns and goes back to the fridge and pull out the left over pizza warming it up for everyone. Than she grabs some cans of soda out foreveryone as well.*

*As the sound of the backpack rings through the cubile Katie gives a jump breaking her out of the transe she had put herself in from work. Hearing Scott's voice her turns around fast in her chair and jumps up giving a happy shreek. Throwing her arms around Scott's neck and jumping into his arms she wraps her legs around him so she dosent fall off.*

"Scotty, what are you doing back? What about your dream? Your oppertunity your throwing it away staying here?"

*Not even giving Scott a chanse to answer Katie cant contain the joy she felt and how her heart rushed. Tears of joy stream from Katie eyes and her lips meet his for one of the most passonite kiss she ever shaired.*

I couldn't

As Nate takes charge of Carson and Misty, Carson’s face reflects his confusion. What was Nate doing?

He asks no questions though, simply feeling as though he no longer had any control over his own future. There was no point in fighting this. There was no point in running.

Pulling over, his confusion grows when Nate takes the cuffs off. He still says nothing, though, and moves to take off Misty’s as well.

As she puts her hand in his, he tightens his grip to let her know it was going to be okay.

Looking at Nate in the mirror, Carson’s eyes show a strange look of gratefulness mixed with some fear of seeing his sister again. He’d giving up seeing Dani again. He’d figured his one afternoon with her would be their last. But Nate was giving him one more chance.

Finally he nods. “Take the next right.”

Pulling up in front of Lockheart’s, Carson hesitates. He looks to Misty to gather up his strength, then gets out of the car. “You two better come with me,” he directs. “In case someone thinks I’m trying to get away.”

Moving to the front door, he knocks and waits.

Dani looks up at the knock and sees Lockheart go to answer the door. As it swings open, she’s hit with a wave of relief and joy. Her brother was back and alive – that could only mean one thing…he’d accomplished the job.

Running to the door, Dani bypasses Lockeart to throw her arms around Carson’s neck. “You came back…” A tear rolls down her cheek. “You really came back.”

Carson wraps his arms around his sister tightly, giving her a hug. “Yeah…I did.”

Dani withdraws, and seeing he and Misty aren’t alone, her face reddens slightly.

Carson follows her gaze. “Dani, this is our friend Nate. You owe him a thanks too, for helping us. He’s, um…he’s taking us back to Nevada now.”

Dani’s disappointment is evident. “You can’t stay, or…anything?”

Carson shakes his head. “We have to get back.”

“What will…what will happen to you?”

“I don’t know.” Carson forces a dry laugh. “Whatever I deserve, I guess.”

Dani’s eyes fill with tears again. “They won’t…put you in jail, will they?”

“I don’t know, Dani.” Carson reaches out to wipe her tears with his hand. “But I got to see you again and that’s all that counts, eh?”

Dani nods, trying to control her emotions. She’d just gotten her brother back, and was losing him again.

“Hey.” Carson gives her a crooked grin. “Quit worrying. They allow visitors, you know.”

Dani can’t help a little laugh, and she swats his arm. “I don’t want to visit you in jail. I want to just visit you.”

Carson is filled with a feeling he’s not all that familiar with. “Really? You’d want to come see me?”

“Well you’re my brother, aren’t you?”

“Even after all that happened? All the things I did?”

Dani puts a hand to the side of Carson’s face. “Blood is thicker than circumstances, Carson.”

Carson sighs before hugging Dani again. “I have to go.” Looking up, he sees Lockheart and gives a nod. “I’m sorry about all this. Thank you for your help.”

Reese paces his office, waiting for the phone to ring. He knew it wouldn’t be until late that night before heard anything more, but that knowledge didn’t help much. He’d gotten the call that said Misty and Carson had been arrested, and that Nate would be bringing them back. Another officer was already on his way with Misty’s car. Everyone would be brought down to the station for everything to be sorted out.

Brown had told him what Carson had explained to the officers about why he was there, and there had been a third arrest. Reese was confused about it all, and just couldn’t imagine how everything was connected or how to sort it all out.

Sighing, he flops down in his chair, again lifting up a prayer.

TJY is quiet for mid-week. A feeling of melancholy had seemed over the main floor. Everyone knew about Carson and Misty now…Nate was gone…Jason was still in the infirmary and miserable after Rick had told him the severity of his knee injury. Scott was gone. It was just an odd day…one where someone might be tempted to leave early and just go home to curl up on the couch, or just go to a loved one for a hug. Things were happening…things were changing. It was a little bit scary.

“Jason, you’ll pull through this.”

“Yeah, I always do, don’t I?” Jason’s tone is sarcastic, the frown on his face proving his displeasure. He’d refused pain killers for the second time today and his knee felt as though it were on fire.

Camryn sighs. “Come on…I don’t want to come visit a grouch, so you’re just going to have to quit it.”


Camryn shakes her head and smirks, moving closer to the bed, and leaning over Jason, putting her hands on the bed so she can look straight down at him. “You’re a difficult person, you know that?”

“Sometimes.” Jason wanted to stay mad…the problem with his knee, if as bad as Rick indicated, could put his future here at TJY in jeopardy. But for some reason, he just couldn’t continue filtering that madness toward Camryn.

Camryn grins and leans in to give his lips a kiss. “I gotta go to work. See you tonight?”

Jason looks at her slyly. “Thought you didn’t want to come see a grouch.”

“Then you better start behaving, huh?” Camryn gives him another kiss before straightening up. “See you later, Hotshot.”

Once she’s gone, Jason takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. Being happy around Camryn came easy. But when alone, it was hard. He wasn’t really angry…just…frustrated. Would he really heal well enough to continue working here? The question was as frightening one.

The only sounds on the main floor are the clicking of keyboards and the occasional ring of the phone and quiet conversations.

Domino chews on her toy in Katie’s cubicle, having settled down after a couple hours of being here. She trots around the small area proudly with her prize, flopping down again in her bed that Katie had brought in for her. Suddenly though, her ears perk up and she goes to the cubicle opening and looks down one way, then the other. Giving a little sigh, she waits, listens. Then seems to think it’s okay to investigate whatever it was she’d heard. Trotting across the floor, she appears as she owns the place, ignoring anyone who walks by.

A few minutes later, someone approaches Katie’s cubicle quietly. Standing for a moment behind her, the sound of a backpack sliding from their shoulders to the floor breaks the silence.

A soft male voice comes…one that should not be there. One that was supposed to be miles away by now.

“I couldn’t do it Katie…I couldn’t get past the state line. I love you too much to leave.”

How do we...

*Nate watches as Misty and Carson get into the backseat of the police car. He runs a hand over his own wery face. What Nate was to do next he dident even understand himself but it felt right. After knowing what had been done and why, and seeing Carson spair a life Nate new they dident deserve to be treated like prisoners. Steping up to the officer Nate nods.*

"Why dont you let them back to with me. I'm heading that way anyways, and I know they wont run. That way you guys dont have to go out of your way. They will arrive in once peace."

*As the officer hands the key to the cuffs to Nate he nods. Helping Carson and Misty into his own car still cuffed. Looking into the rerview to watch the officers as he heads the way back to Nevada. Finally a good distince away Nate stops the car. Geting out her goes around to Carson's side of the car and opens the door.*

"Lean forward."

*As Carson does so Nate uncuffs him and than hands him the keys for Misty. Geting back into the Car it look in the rearview mirror at Carson.*

"How do we get to Lockheart's from here? You can tell your sister its safe yourself."

*Nate pulls out again and drives awaiting Carson's direction.*

*As Misty sits next to Carson she wonders whats going on. What was Nate doing? As her cuffs are removed she rubs her wrists. Taking Carson's hand in her own she cant help but quiver alittle. Was would happen next? What would happen to them? What was Nate doing? Leaning over to Carson she gives alittle smile.*

"No matter what, I proud of you Carson. You could of killed Zane and you dident. You have changed alot."


Carson’s jaw is locked, his mind only on one thing. But as he hears Misty and feels her, he hesitates. His eyes continue to glare at Zane, now the battle within him intensifying.

Nate’s words, added to Misty’s, finally is enough to break his want to kill. Slowly, he lowers his arm, and takes a deep breath. “You’re a lucky man, Zane…a very lucky man.”

Zane is so relieved that he simply falls back to lie on the ground, not even thinking about trying to escape.

Carson folds his knife in again and runs a hand over his face. “Alright…call the cops…”

“…You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you…”

Carson grits his teeth as the handcuffs are tightened around his wrists. It wasn’t fair that he and Misty were being arrested right along with Zane. He’d told his story…but it wasn’t for these officers to decide what to do. They would be driven back to Nevada, most likely to Sheriff Brown for further judgment. Zane would face the courts.

Before being pushed into one of the police cars, Carson glances back at Nate. He was still grateful for the help. “Call Lockheart,” he instructs, “So she knows to tell Dani it’s okay to go home now. And have her tell Dani that I’m sorry I couldn’t see her one more time before I left.”

“Watch your head.”

Carson ducks, being forced to get into the backseat of the police car next to Misty. It was going to be a very long ride home.


*Misty stands silent watching Carson. Her own eyes drawn cold to show no emotion that Zane could feed off of. With each word spoken Misty's own irration grew. What a low down dirty thing for anyone to do and for what? A bit of money?

As Misty watchs Carson and can tell by the flex in his arm he was ready to throw. A wave of fear runs through her. Slowing steping along side Carson ashe runs her hand on his arm trying to catch his eye.*

"Hey, knifs are my specilty..."

*Misty gives alittle smile.*

"..let the law take it from here Carson. Dont turn back into the man you once were."

*Nate watches and dosent say much stay pretty nutrel. Though as Carson goes to throw a bit of consern shoots through him and listing to Misty's words he can only hope Carson will listen to her.*

"Listen to her Carson. You murder this skum and you can bet you bottom dollar you'll go to jail for life. Do you really want to leave that pretty thing standing next to you for good?"


Domino settles down a little bit with Katie’s attention, and soon is happy to carry around her toy. Getting into Katie’s car as if she owns the passenger seat, she looks out the window as they go, growling every time she sees another car. Once at TJY, she follows Katie obediently, her toy in her mouth once again.

Zane freezes as he sees Nate’s gun. Surprise comes over him, and he hesitates. Anger in his eyes, but unable to retaliate, he obeys, standing and walking ahead of Nate off to the side and beyond the thin row of trees. It was apparent that he knew it was smarter to do as he was told than retaliate at this point.

Carson wastes no time in meeting them, and feeling in as safe secluded spot, he grabs Zane by the collar, slamming him up against a tree trunk. “I ought to kill you with my bare hands,” he growls.

Zane’s face has gone pale and he holds out his arms to the sides. “Try, and you’ll….you’ll be shot dead where you stand.”

“Where are they?” Carson demands. “Where are your men?”

“If I told you that, I would have no leverage.”

“Exactly.” Carson keeps Zane pinned with his forearm under the man’s throat, while reaching in his pocket to draw out a knife and exposing the blade. “But you know me, Zane… You know about me, don’t you? I could make a turnip talk if I wanted to bad enough.” He brings the blade up to run it lightly along Zane’s face and under his ear to barely tip his throat. “I’ve only had one person I couldn’t break, and they were protecting someone other than themselves. You don’t have a chance.”

Sweat pours down the sides of Zane’s face and he squirms under Carson’s hold. “You’re gonna die if you keep this up. If I….if I don’t show up in ten minutes, they’ll come. You’ll see…they will.”

“How many?”

“For me to know.”

“How many?!” Carson applies pressure to the knife on Zane’s cheek.

“Alright, alright!” Zane cries out. “I lied!”

Carson glares at him. “What?!”

“I lied!” Zane swallows hard. “It’s just me…just me….I don’t have nobody working with me.”

“Of all the stupid….”

“I wanted it all for myself!” Zane continues to squirm. “If I had help, I’d have to give them a cut. So I’ve been going it alone.”

“You lie!” Carson goes back to the pressure.

“No, please!” Zane begs. “You’ve got to believe me. I’ll do anything…give you anything…just don’t kill me, please!”

Carson searches Zane’s eyes, and is amazed to find he’s telling the truth. “You’re a piece of work, you know that?” Yanking him from the tree, he shoves him down on the ground. Anger surges through his veins. He’d been terrified of his little sister dying. He’d put other people in jeopardy. He’d gotten beat up, broke jail and fled the law. And all for what? One piece of garbage who was no more in control of this than anyone else…one small man who hadn’t had a clue any of this time where Carson and Misty were. And he’d pulled it over on Carson. That in itself was enough to make him mad, let alone everything else. Carson had been taken by the ultimate ruse.

Zane looks up at Carson and crawls backward, the terror in his eyes. “I told you what you wanted!”

“You threatened me, you threatened my sister,” Carson states flatly. He shifts his knife to hold the blade end instead as he walks toward Zane, his cold stare reflecting the want for death. “You messed with the wrong person. And with no one to come after me, you’re free game.” Carson draws his arm back, his muscles tight, ready to throw the knife.

Scott Johnson

*As Scott gives Katie a hug she returns it tightly not wanting to break it. Finally leting go, Katie stands and watches Scott for a long moment. As his car starts to go down the street Katie jumps of the pourch and jogs after the car waving.*


*Finally when the car is out of sight Katie stops running and just stands stairing down the street hoping for a moment that Scott's car would return. After a few moment pass and Scott's car dosent apear Katie turns to head back to the house hearing Domino's howl. Entering again Katie bends down to pick the small dog up and kiss her forhead.*

"Its gonna be ok you...."

*Katie talks trying to being convincing for Domino though really inside she was trying to convince herself.*

"..we are gonna see him again this weekend and than soon you get to go live with him again."

*Seting Domino back down Katie moves around the house gathering Domino belonging and making sure to grab her favorte toy.*

"How about we go into work. I'll even let you come with me today so you dont have to be alone."

*Katie makes sure to shut the door behind her and lock up. Opening her car door she whistles for Domino to jump in and than pulls out of the driveway heading to TJY.*

*Nate sits unmoving on the park bentch watching the kids in the park playing. His eyes slowly scaning the area but making no fast or suddon movies.

As the older man sits down Nate offers a friendly smile the rest of his face showing no emotions. Was this Zane? The one Carson fear? As Nate see the man go for the bag he knows it must be. Standing Nate moves alittle closer till he is almost infront of Zane. In a deep voice be talks softly but strong in his words.*

"Sir, I think its best if you come with me. Stand slowly and dont draw attachen to yourself."

*Nate moves his jacket he had on alittle bit to show he had a gun. Nate eyes show there sterness and that he was not joking around.

As Zane rises Nate walks along side him casuly walks to where Misty and Carson are positioned.

As Misty watches and see Zane her jaw almost drops. Than hearing Carson's words she cant help but laugh alittle bit. Looking at Carson.*


*As Nate leads Zane over Misty demeaner changes and she becomes searouse.*


Scott grins down at Katie. “Chin up. Breakfast sounds good, and Domino and I already had a nice long discussion, where she told me that staying with you sounded a might more pleasing than Wyatt.”

He leans down for a kiss, then stands up, offering Katie a hand. “Come on. That breakfast is already waiting. I’ve been up for a while.”

During a light breakfast in the kitchen Scott keeps the subjects happy ones, avoiding talk of his leaving, until after they’re done and everything is cleaned up. Before he knows it, all his bags are in his car and he’s stepping out of his house, giving Katie keys so she can come and go, or get Domino whenever she wanted.

Shutting the screen door behind them, Scott takes Katie by the shoulders and looks into her eyes, a smile on his face. “I gotta go now…I’ll call you when I get there, alright?”

Leaning in, he gives her lips a tender kiss, his thumb moving to caress her cheek. “My phone is always on – call me any time for any reason.”

Pausing a moment, his eyes search hers. Why did this feel like such a deeper goodbye than what it should be? “I’ll see you in a few days.”

Giving her one last big hug, Scott steps off the porch and walks quickly to his car. Within seconds, he’s pulling away, one arm out the window, waving goodbye.

Domino stands inside the house, staring out the screen door as her master drives away, and suddenly she throws her head back to let out a howl. Seeing it did no good, she starts to whimper and whine, scratching at the door.

And back at TJY, waiting for Katie to come in to work, on her desk sits a white stuffed rabbit with a red ribbon around its neck that says “I love you.

Carson grits his teeth, knowing that Nate was right, even if he didn’t like it. His fingers tighten around Misty’s. “You have my word. When I know Dani’s safe, I’ll come back without a fight.”

That settled, no one has to say that it’s time for action. The drop off point awaited.

A short ways of driving, and less than an hour later, the park is in view. Parking a distance away, Carson directs Misty to stick with him and walks deliberately to the designated bench, leaving the brown paper sack under the one end. Withdrawing, they head away again, but instead of leaving completely, they round a bend behind some trees where they will wait. They can see the bench from there, but no one would notice them.

Carson nods to Nate. “Alright. Go and sit. And when he comes, let him know quietly that he’s got a gun to him, and try to bring him over here without a scene.”

Once Nate is sitting down as directed, all they can do is wait. And they do…but only for fifteen minutes.

A short wiry man strolls casually down the park walk, glancing at children playing, and nodding to those who pass him. Approaching the bench, he gives a sidelong glance to the package, then to Nate before sitting down over the package.

Carson almost drops his binoculars. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” he hisses. “That’s Zane? I could take him down with my hands tied behind my back!”

Zane sits for a short while, then moves to lean down and pick up the package.