

Hearing the sharp whistle from the masheans from down the way Amanda wasts no time moving around the counter and heading quickly to Ryan's room.

Pushing past Leo, Amanda jumps right in thankful for JT's extra hands. It was always nice having another dr around in case there was something she over looked.

After many hours when hope almost seemed lost Amanda stops and whips her forehead. Leting out a long breath she had been holding Amanda looks over Ryan once again before looking back to JT the look on her face was grim.

"For now she is, thank you for the help JT. I need to talk with Leo. If you would like to come along to know whats going on I dont mind."

Turning to head out of the room she had to talk to Leo. It was very important and really it couldn't wait.

"Leo? Its good to see you again I just wish it was under better conditions."

Experiencing her hand to him Amanda gives it a shake and trys to force a smile thought her eyes still held much behind them.

"Ryan is stable for the time being. but its as I had feared her body is rejecting the blood. Slowly and painfuly her body is going to shut down, her organs cant functions right with out blood. Anyone will be able to see her though we will limit the amount of time. Ryan is going to be in and out of contentiousness. We will do all we can to keep her comfortable but it really wont be a pretty sigh."

Amanda takes in a deep breath before letting out. Just the thought of what would happen to Ryan if they didnt find her family made her cringe. She hatted knowing anyone would have to go through that. They would do all they could do for Ryan but it was the inevatable.

"There really is no way of saying how long she had depending on how her body reacts but I am giving her a month. You will be able to tell as the days go on how sick she is getting unless we can find her family. Did you have any luck leo?"


Leo spins around, his heart leaping into his throat. "Ryan? Ryan!" In an instant, he's back in the hall, yelling for help. He didn't know what was wrong, but something was.

JT is just heading down the hall, ready to go home after working a double-shift, when he hears the cry for help. Immediately on alert, he jogs to the room, almost running into Amanda and several nurses. Most likely they had enough help, but he lends a hand anyway, while ordering Leo to stay out of the way.

Working alongside Amanda without much elbow room, JT gives directions to the nurses, but follows Amanda's lead, since it is her patient. Sweat runs down the side of his face as they work to revive Ryan. He never liked losing anyone, no matter the situation.

Finally, finally they get a pulse. JT lets out the breath he's been holding, and steps back, giving Amanda more room. "Is she stabilizing?"

Leo paces the hall, chewing on his thumbnail as he waits.

More problems

Letting out a sigh Ryan watchs Leo. She didnt want him to go but she didnt know how to make him stay. Her stomach churned, and she felt all messed up.

Continuing to watch Leo a sudden pain hits Ryan's stomach making her gasp for air just a little as she can feel her heart start racing. Something wasnt right, it felt terribly wrong. Opening her mouth to say something nothing comes out as the moniter in the room start to beep a little faster. Fear races through Ryan's eyes as she trys to gasp for words. Finally getting a whisper out.

"L....Le..o...get h...he...lp.."

Leaning her head back Ryan's eyes roll back into her head as the monters let out a syron sounds as the flat line, a sound that could strike fear into a heart of stone.

Giving a smile as he his mounts his own horse and ties it up Dan takes in a long deep breath. This air had a little bite to it but it was still nice.

Seeing Mick and BJ Dan throws a small wave just staying quiet and letting Mick and his daughter talk know everything was none of his never mind.

Hearing Mick's question to him Dan smiles and gives a nod walking over to BJ who was struggling to carry the basket alone.

"Sure I can do that."

Bending down in front of the small boy Dan gives a smile.

"Hey there Little man. I see your doing a good job there with you muscles but I feel left out can I help you?"

Smiling up at Dan BJ smiles.

"You can help so you don feel lef out than you can have some apple pie too."

Dan reachs out and ruffles Dan's hair before lifting the basket and helping BJ leading him to the truck.

Apple tree dwellers

Leo bites his lip, now fighting his own emotions. He really did like Ryan... but he didn't know how to get past this.

"Alright, well..." Without knowing what else to do, Leo stands up and aims for the door. "Get well soon. Everybody misses you at the shop."

Jade laughs out loud as she races beside Dan. Daring to turn her head and watch him ride, she knows he isn't pushing his horse, and neither is she. It was more fun not to be a cutthroat.

Gaining speed, it doesn't take long at all until the far bend where they have to slow. Pulling the mare down to a lope, jog and finally a walk, Jade catches her breath, laughing again. "Ohhh I needed that." She throws Dan a grin. "Nothing like spending your energy on a horse. I miss it out here."

Taking a deep breath of the fresh air, she urges her mount forward, confident of where she was. Within minutes, they came upon the small apple tree grove. Jade slows to a stop and dismounts, grabbing a rope and halter to tie her horse to a nearby fence.

Ducking under a couple low branches, she finally spots Mick and BJ in a clearing. "Hey! Quit stealing those ranch apples!"

Mick snaps his head up from looking in the bucket that BJ was "helping" him carry. A look of bewilderment crosses his face, and then a smile of surprise. "Jade?"

Unable to contain her energy, she gives a little squeal and runs to him, to receive a big hug. "Mmmm hi, Dad."

Mick chuckles and swings her around. "Hey, babe. What are you doing here?"

"Glad to see you too," Jade retorts sarcastically, but she can't help a giggle. "I wanted to surprise you."

"Well, you did that." Mick slings his arm over her shoulder, and only then realizes that Dan is there too. "Don't tell me you forgot how to get out here," he teases Jade.

She elbows him. "Of course not. Dan was just being my bodyguard."

Mick raises his eyebrows. "For...?"

"Evil apple tree dwellers. They resemble a cross between a wolf and a crab apple. Ugly critters."

Mick laughs and shakes his head. "Now come on, why are you here?"


"Vacation? What about school?"

Jade bites her lip. "Can we talk about this later."

Mick stops walking and hands off the task of throwing out bad apples to BJ before looking back at his daughter. "Don't tell me. You changed your mind."


"I bet your grandmother is thrilled about that."

"I'd rather face the apple tree dwellers."

Mick tries hard not to laugh, and finally just shakes his head. "Well, I'm not happy you went that far just to turn around, but I can't blame you for not wanting to go to that girl's school." He sighs and gives her ponytail a tug. "We'll talk more later. How long you staying?"

"Um... that's to be determined?"

Mick's eyes narrow. There was a much bigger story here, but it wasn't one to try and go over while under the apple trees. "Alright... like I said, we'll talk later." He glances to Dan. "Hey, you wouldn't mind taking BJ back in the truck would you? I'll take the horse back."

I guess

Ryan felt at a loss for words witch was something that didnt happen with her much. But she was, anything she thought she could say just didnt feel like it would help or even change Leo's mind. She did understand why Leo was upset, she probably would be too.


Ryan choaks on her own words just not knowing what to say some sweat rolling down her face. She wanted to turn back time and ask Leo out on her own, her heart hurt so much. The hot flashes she was experiencing seemed to fit her mood.

"I guess thats...thats best than since I cant do anything else to change your mind. I hope sometime we can try again. I'd...like that."

Closing her eyes for a moment Ryan fights the tears the want to come and turn into a headache. She didnt know what else to say, or do she had never delt with this before.

Trowing Jade a wink at her challenge Dan was ready. He new the path pretty well, and it was a safe one though caution would still be needed.

"I was born ready, I hope you are."

Taking off with Jade a smile flashs across Dan's face as the wind rushs over him. Catching up with Jade her keeps the same pase as her not moving ahead but not falling behind eather. It wasnt about winning to him, but just spending time with someone and having a break from work.

Better to be apart

Leo sighs and slouches in the chair. This conversation was inevitable, but that didn't make it any more enjoyable.

"Sorry - I guess I meant the guys at the shop too. Just thought if you were lonely...." He stops and shakes his head. "Just forget it," he mumbles.

Waiting a moment, he leans forward to steady his elbows on his knees. "You've said enough times you're sorry. I guess I believe it, so you can stop. Saying it more times doesn't help any."

His eyes roam the room as he pauses again. "I don't know if I really believe you fell for me or not. You know I always liked you, but I like a lot of girls. That's why I get razzed so bad. The problem is, you never would have given me a second glance, had there not been a bet involved. Whether you care now or not, isn't the point. It was all based on a bet for money. I can't just forget that happened."

He shrugs lamely. "It's not that easy for me. I don't want to be enemies... I don't like being enemies with anybody. But maybe this just wasn't meant to be, ya know? All my life, I've been looking in from the outside. I'm the clown, the goofoff, the idiot in the crowd that makes people laugh and gives them something to poke fun at. It's always been that way. Then I thought I finally had something that was real. This time it was me with the hot chick under my arm and I could say "hands off, she's mine." And then..."

More emotion came through than intended, and Leo swallows hard. "Then I found out it was built on nothing. You said yes just to prove a point, not because you wanted to."

Shifting his weight, he finds Ryan's eyes again. "I'm not saying never. Just... I think it would be better to be apart for a while. Maybe then if you still care, I'll know it's real."

Finding the right tack with a bit of help from Dan, Jade is glad she'd worn her boots today so she didn't have to go change. Saddling up only took a few minutes, and in no time at all, both riders are headed out of the ranch yard. Jade knew which way to go, and knew it would be easier to go around several of the pastures instead of having to open gates along the way. And the longer route provided more time for a nice run as well.

Once she was confident the mare was warmed up, she glances over to Dan, a challenging glint in her eye. "Alright, hotshot. Let's see what you got."

Leaning forward just a little, she presses her heels into the mare's sides and springs into a run. This path was a smooth one and Jade knew it was a safe route for a nice gallop.

I'm trying

"Why would I want to call a truce and walk away when I like you Leo?"

A tiny bit of hurt was hinted in Ryan's voice as she talked she new what Leo was saying and she new he was hurt but she has said she was sorry what else could she do?

"I'm trying here Leo to make things right, After I really started to fall for you I tryed making it right and thats what I was doing the night I was shot too. Trying to make things right. I said I was sorry I dont know what else to do to make you see I am sorry and I do like you."

Shaking her head Ryan turns her head away from Leo as she looks out the window for a long moment. If one looked close Ryan looked like she was sweating, was she having a hot flash? She didnt know but she felt awfley warm.

"As for my pals they arnt my pals or my friends. The only real people I even considered friends were you and the guys at the shop. So if your not going to stay than dont bother telling anyone to come and see me."

Blushing just a little Jess looks up into Axel's eyes. This point in life is what she had been waiting for and now that she had found it she off\ten wondered how people could go through life without it.

Not saying anything else Jess just looks across the table at Axel the smile staying on her face. No more words needed to be said for Axel could see deeper and new before words said it how much she cared and loved him.

A grin form on Dan's own face knowing Jade new her was around just fine. Shifting his weaght a little he eyes a few of the horses he had left. He needed a break anyways it should hurt to take a short one before work would it?

"I do believe that was a challange, and one I am willing to take."

Walking with Jade to the tak room Dan helps her with the items for the horse she wanted before going back for his own and gettering ready. Once Dan was ready he waited to make sure Jade was as well.

Last one there...

Leo turns back around, his eyes a little dim. Sighing deeply, he comes back over to the bed and sinks down into a chair, just looking at Ryan for a moment. It was obvious she was trying... but what was the point?

"Look, Ryan... I just wanted to come say hi. I... didn't want to get into anything else. If you're lonely, I'll let some of your pals know and have them come up to pay you a visit but... as far as my own visits go... I don't really see the point in trying too hard here. You, um... gave me a good time." He purses his lips, obviously sorry. "But when it's all over... I could have done without the humiliation and embarrassment. So... how about we just call a truce and walk away?"

Axel smiles a little and pulls Jess' hand up to his lips to give it a soft kiss. "I'd like you to go with me... at the very least, I'll have something pretty to look at while I wait."

Jade's eyes lock with Dan's for a long moment, and she bites her lip as a grin forms. "Far field, huh? The east one?"

Folding her arms, she glances around Dan to some of the horse stalls. "I don't feel much like walking, but I do feel like a ride. I'd say after we saddle up, last one there has to help peel all those apples."


Ryan could feel the awkwardness in the air, and new what Leo was saying about the other woman. She had been a pawn to use to make Ryan jealous, and it had worked. Seeing that Leo was walking away again Ryan wanted to say more even if she didnt know how. Letting out a small chuckle she replys.

"Bother me?"

Ryan turns off the tv and throws the remote on the table next to the bed before laying back a little.

"I'm not exactly going anyway, I am stuck here for goodness knows how long."

Lifting her arm up and motioning around the room Ryan gives a small shakes of her head rolling her eyes a little not at Leo but at herself.

"..and its not exactly like I have a line of people waiting to see me eather. You can stay longer if you want, I'd like you to anyways. Kind of lonely here."

Looking up at Axel Jess gives a tine smile and a small sigh. She just wanted to try and help Axel all she could and it really was the only thing she could do for him.

"I know..just hoped I guess that the motion would maybe help some how."

Just holding His hand for a long moment Jess looks at there hands intertwined with each other.

"When you go to see Misty if you...want me to come along I would be more than happy too.'

Looking back at the pretty young face that stared back at him Dan could feel a little heat creep up his neck. Mick had mentioned he had a daughter and a son, but he never said he daughter was very pretty.

Taking his stetson off and holding it in one hand Dan holds out his other to meet Jade's shaking it firmly.

"Names Dan and its very nice to meet you Jade."

Thinking for a long moment Dan put the hat back on top of his head looking down at the ground for a moment and than back up at Jade.

"Last time I checked you Dad was out helping BJ in the far field gather some apples from some fresh apple pie. If you would like I would be more than happy to walk over there with you to get him. I need to ask Mick something anyways."

Dan wore a pleasant smile as an offer of friendship knowing Jade didnt venture to the ranch much and things had changed a little since the last time she was here.


Leo ambles a little closer, his motions a bit awkward. He doesn't say much, letting Ryan lead any conversation. When she mentions the other girl though, his eyes drift to the floor, then back up again. He gives her a lame shrug.

"She's um... not the new girl." All he can do is shrug again. "She... never was. I was just... she..." He clams up, knowing Ryan knew well enough to figure it out on her own. His face gets just a little red.

"I just... wanted to come say hi, I guess. Um... I don't want to bother you." He turns around, debating whether or not to leave. There was way to much going unsaid.

Axel mulls over Jess' suggestion. "Guess it can't hurt to see if Carson can hook me up there. I wouldn't mind another option and I know I can trust the guys over at the Elite."

He takes a sip of his water, continuing to listen and he nods. "Yeah... I know what you mean. Ryan was stupid, but... even so, forgiveness has to come in there somewhere, otherwise everyone will just stay miserable."

Glancing down as Jess takes his hand, he just looks at it for a moment, then reaches over with his other hand to cover hers, stopping the motion. "I can't feel it anymore," he explains quietly. He gives her hand a squeeze. "Thanks, though."

Jade whips around at the strange voice behind her. Looking up at Dan, she lifts her eyebrows, then blinks. "Ma'am? You must be the new guy Dad told me about."

Tucking a stubborn strand of hair behind her ear, she stretches out her hand. "I'm Jade. Mick's my dad, I was just looking for him. He doesn't know I'm here though, so I'm not surprised I can't find him. I... did forget your name though."